
Chapter 69: Dive into the rock fort


After half a day, the group came to the outskirts of the rock fort.

"The rock fort is in front. I will stay outside to meet on the 11th. I will take you in." After getting off the airbike, the 1st said again, "Although I follow your instructions, before I reach the cell where the hostages are held, I hope you can do what I said."

Yang Yi nodded first to agree, Lin Feng and Jackson had no objection.

"Let's go, we have to lean on two legs next."

Number One led the way, Yang Yi and Lin Feng followed closely behind, and Jackson stayed at the end very interestingly.

Although it has reached the outskirts of the rock castle, it is still far away from the center of the rock castle. In order to avoid the enemies who are hunting down, the No. 1 selection is all very hidden underground pipes, and some places are very narrow. You can climb over with both hands and feet. . Fortunately, there are no enemy guards on this route.

A few hours later, Number One stopped for the first time.

Among the four, only one had no original energy converter, and was not a soldier, so he was the most exhausted.

"We are already under the rock fort. The temperature inside is over one thousand degrees Celsius, even as high as two thousand degrees Celsius in places where enemies gather. We need to wear protective clothing."

"We can make an energy barrier." Jackson said.

Number One shook his head and said: "Although most enemies are stupid, some silicon beasts raised by the enemy are extremely sensitive to the original energy. If there is a fluctuation in the original energy, they will be detected by these silicon beasts and be discovered by the enemy. Don’t use the energy barrier as a last resort."

Jackson nodded, saying nothing more.

"Wait, hurry up, don't fall behind. The passage in front is very narrow, I can't take care of everyone."

After being urged, on the 1st, he took out the protective clothing he had brought. Yang Yi and others did the same, putting on protective clothing, and then following No. 1 into the passage ahead.

The four people use all A-level protective clothing, which can withstand high temperatures of 3,000 degrees Celsius and has strong anti-ballistic properties.

The passage was dark and extremely narrow.

One did not use the lighting installed on the helmet, but activated the night vision function of the helmet. His forward speed is not very fast, he is obviously taking care of Yang Yi and others behind him.

After several hundred meters, the four of them had to climb down and crawl on all fours.

Soon, Yang Yi understood why Gong Baixu had to doubt the motives of those warlords.

The temperature in the passage has risen to nearly a thousand degrees Celsius, and a thousand years ago, Yan Zhanlong and Gong Baixu definitely did not have protective clothing when they escaped from the rock fort, they could only use energy barriers to isolate the high temperature outside. If there are silicon beasts in the rock fort that are extremely sensitive to the original energy, it is not a problem to find Yan Zhanlong and Gong Baixu, and it is obviously not difficult to kill the two humans crawling in the underground passage.

Yan Zhanlong and Gong Baixu were able to escape from the rock fort, and it was obvious that the King of War had deliberately let them go.

Fortunately, the crawling distance is not too long.

About half an hour later, Number One stopped and beckoned Yang Yi and the others to climb over.

In front is the exit of the passage. Outside is a ridiculously big cavern, and it is red. Even the walls of the cavern are burning red, indicating that the temperature inside must be above 1,000 degrees Celsius, perhaps close to 2,000 degrees Celsius. Because of the high pressure, the rock did not melt.

"Where is this place?" Jackson asked in a low voice.


Jackson was taken aback for a moment, and Yang Yi and Lin Feng also showed surprise expressions.

After a closer look, the three of them understood. There are hundreds of long stone tables and many stone benches in the cave, and they are neatly arranged.

"According to our investigation, there are at least 100,000 enemies in the rock fort, and about 10,000 silicon beasts. Silicon-based life also needs to eat. This is the enemy's soldier canteen." No. 1 cave room facing three o'clock. Pointed at the bottom. "Do you see that hole? Going down from there is the food warehouse. Although the diet structure of silicon-based life is different from ours, it can only store food for a long time in a low temperature environment."

"You mean..."

"At the bottom of the food warehouse, the temperature is around 50 degrees Celsius. According to the information collected by the detector, the seven people captured by the enemy are locked there."

"Go, let's go down." Jackson became anxious at once.

"Don't panic, wait a minute."

Although he was very anxious, Jackson knew the rules and lay down honestly.

"It's evening now, and in a while, the enemy soldiers will come for dinner."

When Number One said this, a group of soldiers walked out of the passage below, some of them still roaring loudly. Although they didn't understand what they were saying, they could tell that these soldiers were starving, and their tempers were not very good. They looked like they were going to devour their lives.

"How long will you have to wait?" Yang Yi asked Jackson for help.

"One hour, at most one and a half hours. If you hide it, try to keep silent."

As the soldiers sat down, a group of silicon-based beings who looked like cooking soldiers appeared one after another, placing a large pot full of food on the table.

At this time, more soldiers arrived.

Taking this opportunity, Yang Yi took a closer look.

Enemies are mainly divided into three categories. One is the "iron armored war" with a height of more than five meters and a weight of about 20 tons. The strength is astonishing and the defense is equally strong; the second is the height of about four meters and the weight is close to five tons. The "rock spear and stone gun" that looks like a stone pillar with arms and legs; the third is a "humanoid rock demon" who is less than three meters tall and weighs less than one ton, and has a body structure similar to humans. He is known for his dexterity and agility. .

These three arms are the most common in the Silicon Magic Alliance.

"Iron Armor Crazy War" is known for its strength, coupled with amazing defense, it is often the main force in the fortified and defensive battles. The skin formed by the solidification of magma contains some trace elements, and the protective effect is no less than that of special alloys. An adult armored body can block large-caliber armor-piercing projectiles, and a line of defense composed of a team of iron armors is enough to block the impact of heavy tanks. In the past few Greenwich Wars, there have been many cases of iron-clad warfare against heavy tanks. With the cooperation of other arms, the defense line of the Iron Armored War is almost indestructible. In addition, in the fortified battle, the armored mad warfare is also extremely difficult to deal with, it is simply a giant catapult that can move at will.

The "Rock Spear and Stone Gun" is a throwing type of arms, mainly relying on shooting stone guns to kill the enemy, and the destructive power is extremely amazing. Not to mention ordinary soldiers, even heavy tanks may not be able to block the stone guns fired by them. If you encounter a large group of rock spears and stone guns, the only option is to escape. In the Beacon Star offensive and defensive battle thousands of years ago, there was a case where officers and soldiers of a corps were stroking by the whole army under the intensive attack of rock spears and stone guns.

The combat effectiveness of "humanoid rock monsters" is not very strong. Even if they are known for their flexibility, they are not as good as human fighters. Their only advantage is their large numbers, just like locusts and man-eating ants. On the battlefield, humanoid rock demons are often dispatched in units of legions. In some large-scale battles, it is common for the Silicon Charm Alliance to dispatch 100,000 or even millions of humanoid rock demons at a time. Relying on the number advantage, the humanoid rock demon has a devastating destructive power.

The people who came here were all soldiers, no generals or kings.

The Silicon Magic Alliance has a large population, and the arms are divided according to the population. Although various arms have advantages and disadvantages, they are not divided into groups. Simply put, as long as the combat power is strong enough, even the humanoid Rock Demon can become a general. Without strong combat power, even if the iron armor madly fights, it is only a soldier.

Of course, due to the population's own abilities, the probability of becoming a warrior in an armored war is much higher than that of a humanoid rock demon.

"What are they eating?"


Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and there was indeed some hot liquid food in those big pots.

"It's not ordinary magma. It has been processed to get rid of impurities, some necessary trace elements, and some condiments are added."

"Silicon-based life has a sense of taste?"

Number One nodded and whispered: "Not only does it have a sense of taste, but the necessary trace elements are similar to ours."

Yang Yi was taken aback again, but didn't say much.

Although he had never witnessed it with his own eyes, Yang Yi had long heard that the enemies of the Silicon-based Alliance would eat prisoners of war as snacks, especially human prisoners of war. When he was young, Yang Yi felt that this was used to scare children. It now appears that the rumors are not fake, because the human body contains trace elements necessary for silicon-based life.

There are more and more enemies in the canteen, but they are all ordinary soldiers.

Obviously, the army of the Silicon-based Alliance is equally hierarchical. Soldiers can only dine in the soldier canteen, while generals and other officers must dine in the officers’ restaurant.

After a while, the first group of soldiers finished their dinner.

At this time, Yang Yi noticed that no matter how the soldiers yelled, the cooking soldiers who were in charge of distributing food did not feed them.


Yang Yi didn't ask No.1, and felt that this judgment could not be wrong.

Because resources are limited, consumption can only be reduced by rationing. Even the enemy cannot get enough food.

Although many soldiers did not have enough to eat, especially the burly armored fighting violently, apart from yelling and complaining, no soldier dared to stand up and make trouble.

As the soldiers who had finished their supper left one after another, the cafeteria gradually became quiet.

"Are you ready?" Number One reminded the three in a low voice. "Protective clothing has a camouflage function and slides down against the wall. Silicon-based life's vision is different from ours. It can only see light in the infrared band. But the hearing is very sensitive, so try not to make any noise."

After the three people activated the infrared stealth function of the protective suit, No. 1 got up first.

In the canteen, the cooking soldiers who were in charge of distributing food gathered in several waves, and now it was their meal time. Yang Yi noticed that the cooking soldiers received much more things than the ones that were distributed to other soldiers before, not only the weight, but at least they looked more delicious.

It seems that silicon-based life also has selfish motives.

"Be careful, don't be distracted!"

After being reminded by Number One, Yang Yi did not look around. Although hundreds of cooking soldiers are enjoying the food, they have not become deaf.

The speed of No.1 is not fast, and there is no need to hurry.

More than ten minutes later, a group of people climbed to the vicinity of the passage leading to the food warehouse. One stopped, and only after confirming that Yang Yi and the others had followed, did they get into the passage.

Jackson was very anxious and hurried in in front of Yang Yi.

Yang Yi was speechless, but he didn't say much, after all, it was Jackson's man who was behind, and Justin was still Jackson's woman.