
Chapter 73: Marionette


After Padoso murmured, Yang Yi and others had a general understanding of this mysterious reclusive man and the war a thousand years ago.

He is an adult recluse who infiltrated the Northern Alpha galaxy before the outbreak of the Fifth Greenwich War. Like most hidden spirits engaged in intelligence work, he lurks inside the Silicon Magic Alliance, collecting intelligence on the enemy. Before the outbreak of the Fifth Greenwich War, he issued a warning. It's a pity, let alone other top civilizations such as the Lei Ling clan, even the hidden spirit clan did not take his warning seriously.

After the war broke out, he was still lurking in the Silicon Magic Alliance.

In the next two hundred years, he provided a lot of information for the Galactic Alliance, and made great contributions to the Galactic Alliance to turn the tide of war.

This situation has been maintained until the outbreak of the "Peace Dawn" campaign.

The war potential erupted by the Federation of Mankind had a huge impact on the Fifth Greenwich War. It is not an exaggeration to say that it changed the course of the war.

However, this is not a good thing.

The human legion starting from the homeland galaxy can quickly capture the Greenwich meteorite belt and march into the northern Alpha galaxy. It is not that the human legion is powerful, but the main force of the Silicon Charm Alliance is signed elsewhere. The defenders who remain in the Greenwich meteorite belt are not. many. Although the Human Legion sings forward with great pressure on the Silicon Charm Alliance, because the logistics supply line may be cut off by the Human Legion at any time, the Silicon Charm Alliance has to withdraw its troops. However, when the Human Legion invaded the Northern Alpha Galaxy, the Silicon Charm Alliance was still very powerful. . On the contrary, because the speed of the Human Legion is too fast, the Yinghe Alliance is not prepared for a full counterattack. Therefore, before the "Peace Dawn" campaign started, the Galactic Alliance was not prepared for the invasion of the Northern Alpha Galaxy. Based on the situation at the time, even if the Human Army captured the "Kun-Barion Fortress" and gained a springboard to march into the Northern Alpha Galaxy, the outcome would not be much better.

At that time, Padoso obtained a piece of critical information, that is, the Silicon Magic Alliance has mobilized the reserve team and is preparing to fight a blockade at the "Kuhn-Barion Fortress". First, they besieged the human legion and forced the Galactic Alliance to send troops to help. Then they will encircle and wipe out the main force of the Galaxy Alliance. If the battle for the Silicon Charm Alliance is completed, the Galactic Alliance is likely to suffer the most tragic defeat since the war.

In order to obtain more accurate information, Padoso went to the "Kuhn-Barion Fortress".

What happened next was almost as he expected. After receiving the information, the Heavenly Sage Emperor joined forces with the superpowers of the Galactic Alliance such as the Wanluo Warlord to enter the nest of the Silicon Charm Alliance and fight the five warlords. At the same time, an army of hidden spirits went to the place where the Silicon Charm Alliance reinforcements must pass, fought a beautiful ambush, shattered the encirclement of the Silicon Charm Alliance, and ensured that the human army was not under siege.

Because the reinforcements did not arrive in time, the warlord who was trapped in the Kuhn-Barion Fortress blew himself up at the final moment.

At that time, Padoso disguised as a warrior.

Although Padoso’s camouflage combat power is not strong, as an adult hermit, his combat power is not under the warlord, and he has been lurking behind the enemy for a long time. He has a vital piece of equipment, that is, Yuyin. A space cutting device developed by the Spirit Clan to save lives in times of crisis.

The warlord of the fortress blew himself up collectively. Padzo did not want to bury the enemy, so he used this device at the last minute.

Just like this, the "Kuhn-Barion Fortress" was not blown up in the King of War's self-destruction, but fell into space debris.

Although all warlords were killed in the self-destruction, some warlords and fighters survived. In order to consolidate his dominance, Padoso disguised as a severely wounded war king.

Later, Padoso found the "Xiangyu Feilong" and "Split Xuanwu" in the fortress.

The air-breaking artillery that attacked the two fighters was developed by the Silicon Magic Alliance, which can artificially control the generated space debris, so the two fighters appeared inside the fortress.

Unfortunately, when Padoso found two fighters, Yan Zhanlong and Gong Baixu were already dead.

Because the energy released by the King of War’s explosion was too great, resulting in extremely distorted space, the space debris created by Padozo did not remain in the Northern Alpha Galaxy, but appeared in the Greenwich Meteorite Belt. Even worse, the space cutting device was severely damaged in the big explosion.

This means that Padoso can't gather this space debris, and can't escape from it.

Because the resources in the space debris are extremely limited, if they thrive without restriction, they will soon be exhausted, so we must try to control the size of the population. For this, Padoso cloned Yan Zhanlong and Gong Baixu, let them escape from the rock fort, and went to the other end of the fort to build a contract to form a battle between the clone army and the silicon-based life of the rock fort. The war that lasted for a thousand years has effectively controlled the population size of both sides.

"Just for the size of the population, did you let the two camps fight each other for a thousand years?" Lin Feng was very angry, simply furious.

Padoso didn't say a word, nor was he irritated by Lin Feng's attitude.

"All the warlords are dead, and you are the strongest person here. With your combat power, it is not a problem to kill all the enemies in the rock fort." Yang Yi stepped forward and said, "I really can't think of it. What reason do you have to keep these enemies and let them fight with your own people."

"Own?" Padoso looked at Yang Yi and said, "They are just clones."

"They are human too!"

"Do you think they are qualified to be called'people'?"

Yang Yi is also very popular. Padozo doesn't take life seriously. It seems that everything here belongs to him and can be manipulated at will.

Jackson's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he tugged Yang Yi, but he didn't let him rush to fight Padozo.

"You're right, killing all the silicon-based life in the rock castle is as easy as turning a palm." Padozo's expression is still very calm, it seems that no matter how angry Yang Yi is, he won't make him angry. "Adult hidden spirits have an almost infinite lifespan, which means that the longer they live, the stronger the combat power of adult hidden spirits, and the latecomers can hardly surpass it. But this also means that the greatest enemy of adult hidden spirits is time. "

"you… "

"If I am the only one left, do you think that a thousand years is a short period of time? Of course, there are also humans. I can clone humans with the cells of Yan Zhanlong and Gong Baixu. The problem is that all life has progeny. Impulsively, if there are no external conditions, within a hundred years, this place will be filled with the offspring of clones. Is it necessary for me to take action to eradicate the extra people?"

"You are sophistry!"

Jackson tugged Yang Yi again, took a step forward, and said to Padozzo: "According to you, no one can leave here?"

"If I could leave, I would have left."

Jackson sighed secretly, his expression dimmed.

At this time, Yang Yi calmed down. Their purpose here is not to argue with Padoso about the right or wrong of making war, but to find a way to get out of here.

Obviously, Padozzo's answer disappointed everyone.

"In that case, why let us stay? Instead of destroying us completely like the people who came here before?" Justin asked.

"This is also the reason why I asked you to come here and meet you face to face." Padoso paused for a while before saying, "You are not the first group to come here, and certainly not the last. That's right. , In the past thousand years, many people have come here, and their fate is very miserable. Some of them, like you, know my existence and cannot understand my approach. There are also some careerists who want to replace me , To become the new master. I don’t know what kind of person you are, but there is a significant difference between you and the person who came forward. That intelligent program selected you and explained the funeral, so you have to replace it."


"The Clone Corps needs a commander in command, and the current equilibrium situation must be maintained."

"you… "

"Although I have no way to leave here, it does not mean that we will die here."

When Padoso said so, Yang Yi and others suppressed their anger.

"Because the space cutter is damaged, I can't collect this space fragment from inside, but I can open this space fragment from the outside, otherwise you won't be able to come here." Padoso glanced at the four people and said, "Just If you master the relevant technology, you can open a channel from the outside to let us get out of here. Of course, someone needs to know the existence here and master the relevant technology."

Endless waiting? Yang Yi was completely speechless.

"Hope is better than no hope." Padoso saw through Yang Yi's mind. "A thousand years have passed, and the Sixth Greenwich War will soon break out. At that time, the Greenwich Meteorite Belt will definitely be a battleground for both sides, and someone must come here."

"Enough!" Yang Yi finally couldn't help it. "After talking for a long time, do you want us to replace Gong Baixu, lead the human army, and continue to play war games with you?"

"If you can accept it, you can say so."

"What if I don't accept it?"

"Although facts have proved that it is not the best choice for human clones to command human clones, and artificial intelligence also has very obvious flaws, but whether it is to create human clones, or to get another artificial function, or even to eradicate human clones, everything is done from scratch At first, it was just a little troublesome."

Padoso's attitude is still very cold, and these words show that he does not take Yang Yi and the others seriously.

"I know what you are thinking, but I advise you to think more about the people around you. If necessary, you can discuss it first." After speaking, Padoso took a few steps back.

Yang Yi looked at Lin Feng, and Lin Feng nodded slightly, motioning for Yang Yi to make up his mind.

Jackson and Justin took this opportunity to get close to Yang Yi, but they didn't say much, and they also obeyed Yang Yi's decision.

The situation is very clear. Unless you bow your head to Padoso and act as his puppet, you will have to kill Padoso or be killed by Padoso.