
Chapter 75: break the limit


Strength, more powerful strength!

In the confinement field created by Padoso, unable to move, even unable to struggle, Yang Yi had only one thought in his mind to strengthen his combat power and become stronger.

Although it is just a thought, the body moves with the heart and the heart moves with the thought. Driven by this thought, Yang Yi's cells frantically absorbed the original energy and turned it into his own. At this moment, Yang Yi is like a dry sponge, no matter how much original energy Padozo releases, it will be absorbed by him.

Yang Yi didn't know what he was doing, and Padozo didn't know Yang Yi's situation, but his feelings were very direct, that is, Yang Yi was like a bottomless pit that could not be filled no matter how much he released. Because he relies on the original energy to create the confinement field, Padoso only continuously releases the original energy to strengthen the confinement field weakened by Yang Yi's absorption, and avoid the collapse of the confinement field due to the consumption of the original energy.

But when is the end

Intuition tells Padoso that no matter how powerful Yang Yi is, there is always a limit. He had long seen that Yang Yi was just an H-class Prototype. Although the "source of life" is the sacred artifact of the Hidden Spirit clan's royal family, it is also an H-class primary energy converter in the hands of an H-class primitive. Even if Yang Yi is extremely talented and can bring out the value of "The Source of Life", he is definitely not an opponent of an adult hermit who has an SS-level primal energy converter.

You know, Padoso not only has the SS-class primal energy converter, but also the corresponding protozoa. In terms of combat power, it is definitely not under the king of war. Otherwise, in the big explosion a thousand years ago, Padoso would not be able to activate the space cutting device, and survived the King of War blew.

Although he was far inferior to the Heavenly Sage Emperor, and even compared to other adult hidden spirits, he was only average, but he was much better than Yang Yi and the others.

Yang Yi continued to absorb the original energy, and Padozo continued to release the original energy.

Both of them worked hard to see who was crushed first.

Yang Yi didn't know how long this state lasted. Although he was still conscious at first, as more and more of the original energy gathered in his body, Yang Yi had to put his energy inside the body, that is, control the body to absorb the original energy, and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

During this period, Yang Yi's body undergoes slow and subtle changes.

In the beginning, the original energy just gathered in his body, dispersed in every cell, and after being absorbed by the cell, it was transformed into a part of the cell. Because every cell in Yang Yi’s body is a miniature primordial energy converter, which can not only convert primordial energy, but also store primordial energy. Therefore, when Padozo’s primordial energy is not too much, Yang Yineng can all Stored in your own body.

However, as Padoso released more original energy, Yang Yi was a little struggling.

Although on the lava star, Yang Yi entered the "Hope" and was transformed by the equipment made by his ancestor Yang Feng, and then had his current body, but he has been wandering in the universe for tens of thousands of years. Many equipment of the "Hope" All have been damaged, including vital scientific and technological information. As a result, Yang Yi didn't know what the transformation was, let alone how to effectively use this peculiar body.

Simply put, Yang Feng did not leave the instructions for use after the transformation. Even if it did, it would have been damaged long ago.

If he knew how to use this peculiar body, Yang Yi would not be what he is now, and he would not let Padoso kill him.

The original energy was still pouring in continuously, and Yang Yi felt that his body was about to explode.

If this continues, it won't be long before he will be blown up by the original energy.

what to do

Yang Yi can't concentrate on thinking at all. There are too many original energies that need to be controlled. As long as he is distracted, there will be original energies out of control and chaos in the body, causing more original energies to lose control.

Why don't you care about so much? It's a big deal, I'm fighting!

In the confusion, Yang Yi began to compress the original energy absorbed by the cells.

Although the compression range is limited, it can always hold up for a while. As for the results of staying longer, Yang Yi didn't think about it, and couldn't think about it.

However, it didn't take long for the compressed original energy to fill all the cells in the body.

This is over!

Yang Yi knows very well that he has reached the limit, and continuing to persist will only lead to a complete loss of control of his original ability, and the result will inevitably be an explosion.

Give up now

Yang Yi did not give up, because giving up meant death, which meant that Lin Feng, Jackson and Justin would all die tragically at Padozo's hands.

Breaking the limit is just a matter of moments.

After the first original energy got out of control, it immediately triggered a chain reaction. This primordial energy ran wildly in Yang Yi's body, resulting in more primordial energy not being controlled by Yang Yi.

It seems that the ancestor of the madman is not omnipotent! Yang Yi smiled bitterly, but it was just a thought.

However, Yang Yi couldn't laugh anymore soon.

That out-of-control original energy did not destroy Yang Yi's body, nor was it converted into other forms of energy, but quickly wandered through Yang Yi's body, absorbing those original energies that were not under Yang Yi's control. At the same time, this original energy is also becoming stronger, creating a stronger attraction.

what happened

Yang Yi was very surprised, and immediately thought that this original energy came out of his chest, where the "source of life" was located.

Is this the self-protection mechanism of the "source of life"

Surprised to surprise, Yang Yi discovered that this original energy wandered around in his body, absorbed all the original energy not controlled by him, and then returned to the chest area.

As a result, all the original energy that was out of control has been cleaned up.

There is no doubt that the energy originally came from the "source of life", and it was the "source of life" that felt the danger and activated the self-protection mechanism.

After thinking for a moment, Yang Yi lowered his control over the original energy, deliberately letting a few original energy out of control. However, the original energy did not appear again.

Could it be said that only after reaching the limit, the protection mechanism of the "source of life" will be activated

Soon, Yang Yi's guess was confirmed.

When the original energy pouring into the body was so much that Yang Yi couldn't fully control it again, that original energy reappeared, helping Yang Yi clean up the out-of-control original energy.

After repeating this several times, Yang Yi made an even more amazing discovery.

Most of the primal energies that were cleared out of Yang Yi’s control are more complicated, and the rest are pure primal energies, and whenever Yang Yi feels that he has reached the limit and cannot control more primal energies, he comes from The original energy of the "source of life" will not appear immediately, and will be delayed for a while. As a result, Yang Yi had to increase his control, that is, to make a breakthrough on the original basis. Although the progress made after each breakthrough is very limited, but after repeated several times, Yang Yi's ability to control the original energy has been significantly enhanced. What surprised Yang Yi was that under his control, the original energy stored in the cells became denser.

This is the way to improve your strength!

Unknowingly, Yang Yi's original body level has been upgraded to G-level, and his ability to control and utilize original energy has been more than ten times higher than before.

Yang Yi's body has also undergone very subtle changes, that is, the ability of cells to store and transform their original energy has been enhanced.

Although breaking the limit will cause intense pain and great mental pressure, as long as it continues, Yang Yi will surely make a breakthrough again. If you reach the F-level original body, with Yang Yi's talent, especially the transformed body, the combat power will never be lower than the tenth-level soldier.

Padoso didn't know what happened to Yang Yi, but he felt unprecedented pressure.

No matter how much raw energy he releases, it will be absorbed and converted by Yang Yi, and Yang Yi's ability to control the original energy is slowly improving.

He is a monster!

Padoso was surprised, but at this time there was nothing to do. If the original energy is removed, Yang Yi will be free. Even with Yang Yi's combat power, he is not Padoso's opponent, but it is certainly no problem to escape. Padoso wanted to obtain the "source of life" and the "immortal eternal life" combat skills, so Yang Yi must not be allowed to escape.

This situation lasted a full day and night.

Although Lin Feng, Jackson, and Justin are also fighting back, especially Lin Feng and Jackson, they used the original energy converter to absorb the original energy released by Padozo in order to relieve Yang Yi’s pressure, but the contribution was not large. After all, their strength is too weak in front of Padoso.

The original ability to fight for a whole day made Padzo realize that if he continues to fight, he has no chance of winning.

"Yang Yi, I'll give you one last chance. Now surrender, I will let them go, otherwise I will let them be buried." Padoso was also anxious. Although he is not clear about the changes in Yang Yi, he can see clearly that Yang Yi's strength and combat body are rapidly improving, and he is now an F-level combat body, and it will not be long before he can break through to E-level. If this continues, Yang Yi will definitely become stronger.

"A Yi, leave us alone!" Lin Feng shouted.

After struggling for a day, Lin Feng clearly felt that the original field of abilities that imprisoned her had weakened a lot, indicating that Padozzo used more original energy to deal with Yang Yi. Although he is not clear about Yang Yi's situation, only when Yang Yi's strength becomes stronger, Padoso will take extra care of him.

Now, Padoso is actually anxious, which even more shows that Yang Yi poses a threat to him.

If Yang Yi can break through and defeat Padoso, then he cannot be distracted at this time, let alone surrender to Padoso because of others.

It's just that Lin Feng doesn't make a shout. After she shouted this out, how could Yang Yi ignore them

"You... what are you going to do?" Padzo was startled by the sudden change.

The original energy surrounding Yang Yi suddenly disappeared, and Yang Yi seemed to have become a black hole of original energy, including the original energy that had imprisoned Lin Feng, Jackson and Justin all rushing towards him.

What does Yang Yi want to do

It was not just Padzo who was shocked, but also Lin Feng, Jackson and Justin, especially Lin Feng.

Lin Feng knew that Yang Yi was able to contend with Padozuo, relying on a special body, and he was only an H-class original body. Absorbing the original energy like this, the final result was only one, exploded and died. No matter how special Yang Yi's body is, it is impossible to control the original energy far beyond his own ability.

Anxiously, Lin Feng couldn't stop Yang Yi.