
Chapter 78: Be the first to win


The crack opened in the chaotic place, very close to the exit. Because he was worried about losing his way again, Yang Yi didn't dare to delay, and immediately flew toward the exit.

"We are out."

"Yeah, we finally came out."

Jackson's men were inexplicably excited. After falling into the hands of the enemy, they never dreamed of leaving the "Kon-Barion Fortress" alive. Although it was only a short month, it seemed like a lifetime to them. Even the interstellar mercenaries who are not afraid of death want to live well.

It's just that they are too happy too early.

Coming out of the chaotic place, Yang Yi stopped immediately.

Not far away, dozens of warships divided into two camps are facing each other, but both sides are warships of the Human Federation. The flagship on one side is the "Steel Ambition" of the third theater, and the flagship on the other side is even larger, a SSS Class battleship, there is a huge "2" on the bow.

"Iron Ambition" has only a dozen warships in its fleet, and apart from "Iron Ambition", the others are all smaller Class A warships. The other side has about 30 warships, the flagship is the SSS class, and there are five S class warships, which are significantly more powerful.

Because the "Shadow" was parked outside the chaotic place, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Yang Yi and Lin Feng put away the "Ice Snow Tiger" and the "Fire Phoenix" before leaving the chaotic place. , Once again dressed as male and female robbers, the two felt that it was safer to act in a low-key manner.

Following Jackson and Justin, the two are no different from other mercenaries.

Under Jackson's greeting, other mercenaries leaned in.

"That is the Zeus, the flagship of the Second Fleet." Lin Feng reminded Yang Yi in a low voice. "Obviously, Stevenson and Krall are from the second theater."

Yang Yi nodded slightly without saying much.

"Zeus" and "Blood War" are sister ships, one of the nine SSS-class warships of the Human Federation, and their combat power is comparable to that of "Blood War". Although the "Iron Ambition" was designed in accordance with the standards of the SSS-class warship, it was reduced to the SS-class warship during construction. If the fleet is of the same size, there is still a fighting strength. The fleet size is only one-third of the opponent's, and there is no chance to fight desperately.

"What should I do now?" Jackson asked.

"Watch the changes and take care of your people."

"Understood." Jackson didn't ask any more, and asked Justin to stare at some of his men.

At this time, Yang Yi and Lin Feng received a message from Allen that the "Shadow" was behind the "Iron Ambition" and looked very small.

"Captain, second lieutenant, are you all right?"

"We're all right. Allen, what's the matter?" Lin Feng asked.

"After you entered the land of chaos, because you have not been able to get in touch with you for a long time, I was worried about your accident, so I notified the theater command. Colonel Lin Liexun personally led the fleet to come, he is now on the'Steel Ambition', Do you need to contact him?"

"What's the matter with the Second Fleet?"

"I don't know. After the arrival of the fleet led by Colonel Lin Liexun, the second fleet rushed over."

Lin Feng sighed secretly and looked at Yang Yi.

"Contact Colonel Lin Liexun and tell him that we are here." Yang Yi quickly made a decision. The Second Fleet must have come prepared. Yang Yi and Lin Feng couldn't cope with this situation, so Lin Liexun had to come forward. Besides, Allen has reported the situation to Lin Liexun, and they have no place to hide.

Not long after, the "Shadow" flew over, accompanied by an A-class battleship.

At the same time, there was also a warship flying towards this side from the Second Fleet.

When Lin Liexun came out of the battleship, Yang Yi asked Jackson and other mercenaries to stay and greeted Lin Feng.

"Uncle Seven."

"You're so courageous, if it wasn't for Allen to report in time, I would still be kept in the dark."

"Uncle Seven, we found the Kuhn-Barion Fortress, and..."

"There are still some very important things, and the'Frosty Snow Tiger' has been repaired." Yang Yi quickly took the words without letting Lin Feng continue.

Lin Liexun was taken aback for a moment, knowing that Yang Yi and the others had made a very important discovery.

"Uncle Qi, I'm causing you trouble." Yang Yi smiled and said again.

Lin Liexun sighed with a wry smile, and said, "It's a good thing to have trouble. Without such trouble, I haven't had a chance to leave the theater headquarters."

"Uncle Seven..."

"I'll take care of it later, you can just watch the excitement."

That's what Yang Yi meant. Now that Lin Liexun understood it, he didn't say much.

Soon, the Class A warship of the Second Fleet arrived, and a colonel officer also arrived.

"Colonel Baldwin, it's been a long time." Lin Liexun took the initiative to greet him, actually blocking Yang Yi and Lin Feng from letting each other approach. "Old friend, during the Battle of Quetta Star, we haven't seen each other for 30 years? I think we were two battlefield duo who frightened the enemy at the beginning."

"Colonel Lin, you are polite." The colonel officer of the Second Fleet greeted Lin Liexun, and at the same time looked at Yang Yi and Lin Feng.

The two wore protective suits, no different from the mercenaries such as Jackson behind.

"Old friend, I don't know if there are any important things that bother you to take a trip yourself?" Lin Liexun asked knowingly, but by the way, he sealed the other's mouth. If Baldwin stated his intention directly, he would have to explain a question, namely, where did he learn about what happened here.

The Land of Chaos is in the northern area of the Greenwich Meteorite Belt. It is theoretically the territory of the Silicon Charm Alliance and belongs to the Three Regret area.

"Colon Lin, why are you here again?"

"Me?" Lin Liexun smiled, looked back at Yang Yi, and said, "My nephew is too stubborn and ran away from home for a small matter. I learned that he had joined the mercenary group and followed the mercenaries to explore here. I rushed over. Anyway, blood is thicker than water."

When did I become Lin Liexun's nephew? Yang Yi was stunned for a moment, but he lowered his head honestly, as if he had done something wrong.

Baldwin looked at Yang Yi again, and didn't know what to say for a while.

The Lin family is one of the three major families in the Third War Zone. Although it is not as good as the Luo family and the Du family, it is luxuriant, and the ghost knows that Lin Liexun has several nephews. Although I know that Lin Liexun is talking nonsense, especially the appearance of the "Shadow", which has already identified Lin Feng and Yang Yi, Baldwin can't say anything about it, let alone be reluctant, or Lin Liexun can use this to suspect Baldwin. Undermining the relationship between the two major war zones. To make matters worse, the second theater of warship sending a fleet into the northern part of the Greenwich meteorite belt is certainly not justified, and the third theater of dispatching a fleet to come over has a good reason. Besides, Baldwin is just an ordinary colonel, and Lin Liexun is Lin Xiaoting's son.

Lin Liexun saved enough face, and Baldwin knew how to retreat when he heard the difficulties.

"Old friend, nothing else, I'll take one step ahead." Lin Liexun beckoned to Yang Yi, and then said to Baldwin, "Please keep the old friend a secret about this matter, and don't tell anyone else. The ugliness of the family should not be publicized. Now, it’s a weird thing for this kid not to be interrupted."

Baldwin has nothing to say, and has no right to prevent Lin Liexun from leaving.

How dare Yang Yi stay, and immediately called Lin Feng, Jackson and others to board the "Shadow".

Lin Liexun did not return to the battleship, but also boarded the "Shadow".

After Lin Liexun gave the order, the fleet in the third theater took the lead to retreat. As for when Baldwin retreated, Lin Liexun didn't care.

The relationship between the third theater and the second theater was not very good. It was only because of face that the two sides exercised restraint. If they knew that Yang Yi and the others had found the "Kon-Barion Fortress" in the chaotic place, and also found the long-lost "Xiangyu Feilong" and "Splitting Xuanwu", Baldwin would certainly not give up easily. In order to win the legendary fighter, Baldwin would even take risks and kill the fleet brought by Lin Liexun.

When it comes to fighting, the fleet in the third theater will certainly not take advantage.

Don't forget, this is a three-regardless area. Even if the information is leaked, the second theater can claim that it is not clear about the identity of the opponent, claiming that it was a mistake.

That's why Yang Yi stopped Lin Feng's words and didn't let Lin Feng tell Lin Liexun the truth.

Lin Liexun knows the relationship more clearly. Baldwin is just a pawn. The arrival of the flagship of the Second Fleet means that the commander of the Second Fleet is on the "Thursday". If there is a conflict, not only the fleet will not be able to fight, but the personal combat power will be the same, and it will inevitably be wiped out by the opponent. For this reason, Lin Liexun hinted that Baldwin was here because of Lin Xiaoting's arrangement, and the Third Theater Command had already prepared.

Coping with Baldwin, Lin Liexun naturally did not dare to delay.

As the fleet entered the jumping channel, Lin Liexun secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Baldwin is not too stupid, he will soon think that Yang Yi and the others have made a major discovery in the chaotic land. Only when he reacted, everything was late.

Lin Liexun felt very happy to think of Baldwin and the second Fleet Commander General Mueller's remorse.

The third theater of war has always been at odds with the second theater of war, so that the commander of the second fleet can eat turtles, and it will definitely be a matter of face to speak out in the future.

Of course, Lin Xiaoting was not overjoyed.

Although Yang Yi and Lin Feng returned safely, the things the two experienced in the chaotic place, the mercenaries of unknown origin, and the fighting in the Second War Zone, without exception, indicate that something bad must have happened before. Matter, and it matters a lot.

You know, for thousands of years, Yang Yi and the others are the first people to come out of the chaotic land.

Before that, many people entered the chaotic land, all of them disappeared, and none of them came out alive. Therefore, no one knew what it was like in the chaotic land, and some were just unreliable rumors. Even if Yang Yi and the others found nothing, the experience in the chaotic land is priceless.

After making arrangements for the fleet, Lin Liexun went to Lin Feng's cabin and decided to talk to Yang Yi and Lin Feng.

Before returning to the theater headquarters, clarify the matter, make arrangements, and give Lin Xiaoting a reasonable explanation, so that Lin Feng will not be reprimanded at that time.