
Chapter 8: Ancestral heritage


The garbage disposal site is actually a small island with a radius of about 100 kilometers. The living area is on the high ground in the center of the island. To be precise, it is an underground cavern about 500 meters above the ground. The four garbage sorting and processing stations are located around the island, very close to the beach, so that the garbage can be thrown into the magma sea in time.

The object fell on the beach.

Because it is almost dusk, the magma sea is ebbing under the influence of the gravitational force of the stars, and the sea surface is receding, exposing the beach that has been burnt red.

The beach was full of smoke.

It is not water mist, but tiny particles formed by the vaporization of rubber, leather and other objects after cooling, which can be killed by inhaling it.

When getting off the air-cushion bike, Yang Yi picked up the laser knife and the hammer gun.

These two things are not weapons, but tools used to dispose of garbage, mainly used to cut and smash the garbage that is fixed on the ground.

The smoke enveloped an oval object.

What a meteorite!

Yang Yi was a little disappointed. If it was really a meteorite, this trip would be a waste of time.

Under the sea breeze, the smoke is gradually dispersing. Yang Yi turned on the visual enhancement function of the helmet to make it look a little clearer.

The retina screen shook for a while, and then an image appeared.

Seeing this image clearly, Yang Yi immediately stopped.

It was an elliptical object, still blue, exactly the same color as the light beam seen before, but brighter.

At the same time, Yang Yi noticed that both the air temperature near the object and the surface temperature were only a few hundred degrees Celsius, and they were decreasing at an extremely rapid rate.

This is not a meteorite, because meteorites release heat instead of absorbing heat.

The eggs of the silicon beast!

When serving in post 7777, Yang Yi heard Lin Jia and Zhong Lili mentioned that when the eggs of the silicon beast fell on a certain celestial body, they would draw heat from the environment to speed up the incubation. The first hatch is the guard of the den, which is the "giant earthworm" that attacked the "Faji". As long as the environment is ideal, this silicon beast can grow at an extremely fast speed, and its volume will expand tens of thousands of times within a few hours.

Obviously, the environment of the lava star is extremely suitable for the development and growth of silicon beasts.

Also, when the object fell, the ground did not vibrate. It did not fall on the lava star, but on the lava star.

Falling at high speed will destroy the eggs, but not landing.

Yang Yi squeezed the hammer gun in his hand and opened the insurance. The air hammer gun can smash the hardest alloys, and it is natural to break the eggs.

The ground vibrated slightly, and there was a weird sound, as if something had broken open.

The eggs began to hatch!

Yang Yi felt trembling in his hands and feet, he did not flinch, and now he cannot flinch. If it is an worm egg, it must be destroyed immediately, otherwise the lava star will become a den. At that time, everyone including Yang Yi will die without a place to be buried.

Stepping out a few steps, Yang Yi raised the air hammer gun.

This thing is very powerful, but it has a fatal flaw, that is, the range is very short, and to be precise, it has no range, and it has to be posted to smash the object.

No matter, it's a big deal to die sooner! Yang Yi gritted his teeth and continued to walk forward.

At this moment, a dazzling blue light shone on Yang Yi's face.

Although wearing a helmet, and the helmet's goggles are coated with a metal film that reflects strong light, which plays a protective role, the light still shines through the goggles and directly shines on Yang Yi's face, stabbing Yang Yili After closing his eyes, the helmet's goggles did not work at all.

Damn it!

Yang Yi raised his hand, trying to block the glare, but found that it was useless at all. The light passed through his body and still shone on his face.

Although his eyes were closed, Yang Yi was surprised to find that he could see everything around him.

The blue light came from that object, and it had become wider and thicker, covering him. There are some small white rays in the blue beam of light, and these rays are walking around him, a bit like the situation during a light penetrating examination in a hospital.

Full body scan!

As soon as this thought occurred, Yang Yi's feet left the ground and floated into the air.

The light was no longer dazzling, Yang Yi opened his eyes and looked around, almost urinating in fright.

The protective suit was gone, and the helmet was gone. He was floating naked in the air. Below was the beach with white smoke due to the rapid cooling.

However, he is still alive, and the air of thousands of degrees Celsius seems to have no effect on him.

That beam

The beam of light still enveloped Yang Yi and isolated the high-temperature air.

Obviously, that object is not a worm egg.

What exactly is going on!

"Huaxia ethnicity meets the conditions."

"Male, eligible."

"Eighteen years old, eligible."

"The Y gene is 100% consistent. Yang Feng is a direct descendant. It meets the conditions and is the best choice."

"The degree of optimization is 100%, and the renovation conditions are met, and the renovation program is initiated.

Transformation, what a transformation!

The voice that suddenly appeared in his mind frightened Yang Yi, especially after hearing "reform", he began to struggle.

It's a pity that under the restraint of the beam, it is useless to fight back.

Brother is a human, not a guinea pig, help! Yang Yi started shouting, only to find that this was just a thought in his mind.

His body is no longer under his control.

what is that!

Under the drag of the beam, Yang Yi approached the object and saw clearly that it was a spaceship, the size and shape of an escape capsule, but it was still very old.

What Yang Yi noticed was not the spacecraft itself, but the two hieroglyphs on the hull.

Those were the characters of the ancient Huaxia tribe, which had been lost in the second era, but Yang Yi knew those two characters, and only those two characters.


Suddenly, Yang Yi thought of the story that he no longer believed after he was eight years old.

Because his parents were not around, Yang Yi lived with his grandfather since childhood. After he remembered things, his grandfather would tell him the same story every night. One of the protagonists was the story of Yang Feng, the ancestor of the Yang family. When he was young, he believed in that story. It wasn't until he entered junior college at the age of eight that he realized that it was a nonsense that his grandfather had annoyed him and made up to coax him to sleep without any credibility.

In that story, Yang Feng, the ancestor of the Yang family, was one of the greatest and most gifted scientists in the intersecting period of the first and second eras of human civilization. It was he who discovered the original energy and created the first original energy. Translator, human beings stepped out of the solar system and discovered intelligent civilizations in other star systems, thus opening the greatest and most glorious second era in the history of human civilization. However, in the dark age more than 10,000 years ago, Yang Feng believed that the original energy technology could push human civilization to the top and destroy it. To this end, he exhausted his wealth to create a spacecraft called "Hope", which carried the technological crystallization of human civilization to a distant galaxy. He believes that if human civilization suffers an extinction in the future, as long as the survivors find the "Hope", they can use the above technology to rebuild their glory, and at least allow human civilization to continue without being completely extinct.

The destination of the "Hope", which is the distant galaxy that it flew to, is the Alpha galaxy.

It's just that the technology of 10,000 years ago can make mankind rebuild its glory

In today's fast-changing technology, even if it is only a hundred years, the changes are earth-shaking, let alone the technology of 10,000 years ago.

After entering school, Yang Yi no longer listens to his grandfather's bedtime story, and forgets the story.

In fact, he knew the two ancient Chinese characters of "Hope" also related to this story. Before going to school, his grandfather asked him to write a hundred times a day.

The home planet of mankind is almost 10,000 light-years away from the Alpha Galaxy. The "Hope" flies at the speed of light, and it takes 10,000 years to reach the Alpha Galaxy.

The Second Age is more than 5,000 years old, and the Third Age is almost 5,000 years old, which adds up to 10,000 years.

Could it be that the story is true!

This spaceship is the legacy of ancestor Yang Feng!

When Yang Yi was in doubt, he had already floated over the spacecraft, and the light beam was shrinking, dragging him into the spacecraft.

No, I am not a guinea pig!

Struggling hard, to be precise, after struggling in his mind, Yang Yi gave up the effort, because all he can control now is his own consciousness.

As Yang Yi approached, the top of the spaceship bloomed like a flower bud.

Inside is a huge cabin with a sphere suspended in the center, and the blue light comes from this sphere.

After sucking in Yang Yi, the top of the spacecraft slowly closed.

"The physical signs of the modified body are normal and meet the requirements of the modification. The modification program is started, and the preparation for Class A modification is made."

"The data is damaged, and the A-type transformation is discontinued."

"The self-inspection failed, the A-type transformation cannot be carried out, the emergency procedure is started, and the B-type transformation is prepared."

"The equipment is damaged, and the B-type transformation is suspended."

"Start the ultimate program, prepare for C-type transformation."

What the hell is this! ? Although very scared, Yang Yi felt dumbfounded. Things from ten thousand years ago were really unreliable.

"The start-up was successful, and the C-type transformation began."

"The self-destruction program starts and will be executed within fifteen seconds after the completion of the C-type transformation. Please prepare for the transformation."

What, self-destruct! ? Good deed, ancestor Yang Feng, this is the rhythm of playing the dead brother, you are wise and martial, can't you think about it? How can 15 seconds be enough? It takes at least five minutes to put on protective clothing. Why does our Yang family have such an unreliable ancestor like you!

Yang Yi complained of bitterness, but he had no choice but to at the mercy of this equipment made by his ancestors more than 10,000 years ago.

At this time, the surface below the "Hope" began to melt, and the "Hope" began to sink slowly. Not long after, the "Hope" disappeared from the beach.

In the distance, a motorcycle is approaching at high speed. In the car is a beautiful woman with wheaten skin in protective clothing.

In the crimson night sky, a dim green light flashed and disappeared into the depths of the magma sea. On the other side of the island, a huge, translucent object is flying towards this side at a very fast speed. In the depths of the magma sea, a huge hot storm air mass is forming.

A super storm is coming.