
Chapter 80: Get to the point


Just like when we met last time, Lin Xiaoting still wore the general uniform, and his appearance had not changed at all, but there was obviously a little more worry in his eyes. Lin Liexun did not linger, and after bringing Yang Yi and Lin Feng there, he turned and left. When he went out, he also took the door to the room.

"sit down."

Although Lin Xiaoting was more polite than last time, Yang Yi didn't make any trouble. He waited for Lin Xiaoting to come and sit down before sitting down with Lin Feng.

"Xiaoxun has already told me about your affairs. I really didn't expect that the Kuhn-Barion Fortress was hidden in the chaotic place, and it was the root of the chaotic place. What I didn't expect was that , Not only did you return safely from the space debris, you also found the long-lost "Xiangyu Feilong" and "Splitting Xuanwu"." Lin Xiaoting looked at Yang Yi very carefully. "It's just that this matter is not helpful for the time being. You should see that the current situation is very delicate. I am afraid that the Sixth Greenwich War is about to break out. Although the federal authorities have not issued a war mobilization order, all major war zones have increased their vigilance. Level. If the return of the two legendary fighters goes out, I am afraid it will not be good for us. Of course, I believe you can keep the secret."

"Please rest assured, the Chief of Staff, we will never talk nonsense."

Lin Xiaoting nodded slightly, and then said: "Listening to Xiaoxun, you have mastered the skills to control the Frost and Snow Tiger?"

"Just master it." Yang Yi was very rare and humble.

"Young people, it's a good thing to be humble. But don't worry, as long as you have talent, you will be able to become the driver of the'Ice Tiger' in no time."

Yang Yi smiled reluctantly, while Lin Feng stared at him, seemingly dissatisfied.

"The return of the Frost and Snow Tiger has already caused a lot of trouble. In addition to the security forces and the fleet, even the second theater and the first theater are interested. Before, I could shelve this matter on the grounds that it had not been repaired. Get up. But now, since you are back, you can no longer delay." Lin Xiaoting exclaimed, "Fortunately, what happened on the colonized planet recently attracted everyone's attention."

"Rebellion?" Lin Feng asked immediately.

"It's not clear for the time being. Only one thing is certain. There were accidents on colonial planets within the scope of the Ninth World War Zone. In our jurisdiction, Shennong Star’s security forces sent the last message three days ago, mentioning the sudden encounter. The attack, but did not mention the specific circumstances. Whether it is a rebellion or not, it is still uncertain." Lin Xiaoting sighed with a wry smile, and said, "Luo Zhenyu has proposed to transfer troops from other places to Shennongxing."

"other places?"

"Although it is the garrison force that can be deployed, only the Greenwich Line of defense can be deployed."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and didn't quite understand what Lin Xiaoting meant.

"It is a time of peace, and peace has been maintained for a thousand years. Although the theater has autonomy, the size of the standing force is strictly limited. The theater command is just an empty shelf, and the guards are only enough to defend the command. The fleet is nominally. Under the command of the theater headquarters, in fact, they mainly follow the unified deployment of the military. The main force of the garrison troops are all deployed on the Greenwich defense line. If the troops are deployed, the defense line will be weakened."

"There are no other troops?"

"Yes, but it is not under the jurisdiction of the theater."

Yang Yi gritted his teeth and said: "Chief of Staff, if this is the precursor to the war launched by the Silicon Charm Alliance, the consequences will be unimaginable if the troops on the line of defense are now deployed."

"Everyone understands this. The problem is that no other troops can be adjusted."

"Special Investigation Team." Lin Feng said.

Lin Xiaoting did not immediately express his position, but looked towards Lin Feng.

"If it's just a rebellion, just dispatch a special reconnaissance team. If it's not a rebellion, but the enemy invades, you can send a special reconnaissance team first to find out the situation."

Lin Xiaoting nodded slightly, but still did not say anything.

"Is the chief of staff worried?" Yang Yi suddenly understood. "The guards stationed on Shennong Star are the security forces, and it is Luo Zhenyu who proposed to dispatch troops to counter the rebellion. If there is no such thing, then what happened on Shennong Star is the trap set by Luo family."

"You think so?"

Yang Yi nodded, and said, "In Faust, the Luo family has already set a trap. If the Heavenly Sage Emperor hadn't come forward, Xiaofeng and I would have died in Luo Chen's hands. Although the Luo family did not know the truth, But Luo Chen's death, Luo Zhenyu must know that it is related to us and that we are still alive. Knowing that it will weaken the defense line, Luo Zhenyu still proposes to draw troops from the defense line to counter the rebellion, apparently deliberately to let the staff. The chief has no choice. In order to ensure a solid line of defense, the chief of staff can only dispatch the special reconnaissance team. Even if Xiaofeng and I did not go to Shennongxing, the Luo family can take this opportunity to attack the special reconnaissance team, thereby weakening the chief of staff's position in the theater. "

Lin Xiaoting's brows jumped a few times, and his gaze toward Yang Yi also changed.

"If this is the case, the special investigation team cannot be dispatched." Lin Feng said.

"No." Yang Yi shook his head and said, "Even if this is a trap set by the Luo family, for us, it is also an opportunity to be brought forward."


Lin Xiaoting suppressed his head, stopped Lin Feng's words, and let Yang Yi continue.

"Why did the Luo family set up this trap on Shennong Star?" Yang Yi glanced at Lin Feng and said, "Don't forget, Shennong Star is the most important food base within the jurisdiction of the Third Theater, and it provides what the war zone needs. 50% of the grain, and the largest grain warehouse in the war zone. Whether in peacetime or in wartime, the value of Shennong Star is irreplaceable. The Luo family has set a trap in the name of Shennong Star's rebellion, and has already done both. Prepare."

"Which two hands are you going to prepare?" Lin Xiaoting asked.

"Save or not." Yang Yi paused for a while and said, "If the chief of staff vetoed Luo Zhenyu's proposal and did not dispatch a special reconnaissance team, the Luo family would take over the Shennong Star and no longer provide food to other troops. Nothing. With regard to food supply, even if the Sixth Greenwich War did not break out, the Chief of Staff’s prestige in the theater would plummet. If the Sixth Greenwich War breaks out, the third theater will be in chaos without fighting. At that time, Luo Zhenyu will come forward to quell Shennong Star. The rebellion of China provided food for all troops, and the Chief of Staff had no place to stand. Even if Marshal Zhan Ruilin returned and presided over the overall situation personally, it might not be able to shake Luo Zhenyu’s position in the war zone."

Lin Xiaoting's brows jumped a few times, and Yang Yi continued.

"If you save, deploying troops on the defensive line will only increase the Luo family's control over Shennong Star. Don't forget, Luo Zhenyu will decide which troops will be transferred, and he will decide when to quell the rebellion. This way. As a result, it will also lose control of Shennong Star."

Lin Xiaoting let out a sigh of relief, and couldn't help smiling bitterly.

Yang Yi didn't say it. In fact, he had already guessed that this was the root cause of Lin Xiaoting's hesitation and never made a decision.

"In this way, the only option is to dispatch a special investigation team. Luo Zhenyu had thought of this a long time ago, so he set a trap with this."

"In that case..."

"It's just that there is one thing he didn't think of."

"What?" Lin Feng frowned and looked at Yang Yi not quite understandably.

"It was not the special investigation team that was dispatched, but the two of us and the newly formed Jackson team."

"What!?" Lin Feng almost jumped up.

"Don't worry, listen to me." Yang Yi smiled faintly and said, "Luo Zhenyu is determined to win, and he feels that he will eat us to death, even after seeing through his conspiracy, he has no choice. For this, he must have done it. Fully prepare. If I guess right, not only did Shennongxing have no rebellion, but there is also a large-scale army waiting for us. Even if the special reconnaissance team comes out, it may not be able to win the battle. Besides, even if it is defeated. The private army of the Luo family will not benefit us at all. Large-scale wars will cause severe damage to Shennong Star and cause us to lose the largest food production area. Luo Zhenyu has determined this, and therefore became confident."

"But… "

"In addition, the dispatch of the special investigative team will certainly not be kept secret. If only a few of us are there, the Luo family will be caught off guard."

Lin Xiaoting nodded thoughtfully, and said, "The question is, what can you guys do?"

"Catch the thief first, catch the king."

"You mean..."

"Even if Luo Zhenyu is not in command, he will definitely let a cronie go to Shennongxing to preside over the overall situation. Although we have limited combat power, we are by no means an opponent of a legion, but as long as we find out the situation, the chief of staff will be able to control the situation. The truth is revealed to the world. Unless Luo Zhenyu has the courage to be an enemy of the entire war zone, he can only be silent. In the worst case, we can also destroy Luo Zhenyu's conspiracy. If everything goes well, we can also take this opportunity to control Shennong Star. In any case, in the upcoming Sixth Greenwich War, with the expansion of the army, whoever controls the Shennong Star will control the logistics support of tens of millions of soldiers."

"According to you, this is the best way."

"Luo Zhenyu brought the opportunity to us. It would be a shame if he doesn't catch it."

Lin Xiaoting was taken aback for a moment, then laughed.

"Grandpa..." Lin Feng was anxious. She was not afraid, but didn't want Yang Yi to take risks.

"It's good to be young, bold and aggressive." Lin Xiaoting exhaled and said to Yang Yi, "You are right, Luo Zhenyu worked hard, but in the end he shot himself in the foot with a rock. Your combat power It has been greatly improved. It should have reached the level of a fifth-level combat soldier. I will now be promoted to a major, and the action to Shennongxing will be under your full authority. If you need it, you can raise it now."

"Thank you for the promotion to the Chief of Staff, only one point."


"After we set off, we delayed the announcement for a few days and announced that we would send a special investigation team to counter the insurgency. Of course, we have to send people to the special investigation team to preside over the overall situation and make a counter-insurgency. Simply put, let Luo Zhenyu believes that you have fallen into his trap."

Lin Xiaoting smiled, nodded and agreed. This is a trivial matter.