
Chapter 84: Get it on


The six mercenaries who followed Jackson were named Barker, Charlie, David, Evan, Frey, and Goben. Although they all used pseudonyms, the six had a fateful relationship with Jackson. It can be said that their lives are all What Jackson rescued was also Jackson's diehard.

In fact, most mercenaries use pseudonyms.

Charlie was found in Jackson, and the two of them asked about it, and they knew it in their hearts.

As Jackson said, although Shennong's natural environment is fairly good and rich in products, the inhabitants of Shennong are no different from the inhabitants of other colonial planets. Yang Yi is also very clear about the values of the inhabitants of the colonized planet. Don't forget, Yang Yi also comes from a colonial planet.

In the Human Federation, there are two distinct classes, namely citizens and residents. In addition, there are differences among residents.

Relatively speaking, the inhabitants of the home galaxy are superior to others. For most of the inhabitants of colonizing planets, being able to accumulate enough social contribution points to settle in their home galaxies in their lifetime is the biggest dream of life. Without power, even with the efforts of several generations, it may not be possible to obtain citizenship and become a privileged citizen. Simply put, the inhabitants of the colonized planet are at the bottom of the human federation social pyramid. To put it more vividly, if the human federation is like a group of ants, the inhabitants of the colonizing planet are worker ants. Most of the inhabitants of colonizing planets cannot leave their native planets in their lifetimes, let alone settle in their home galaxies.

Although it is very unfair, this social system has its own value.

For the inhabitants of a colonized planet, the most ideal way to obtain a higher social status and enjoy better treatment is to join the army and serve. That's why every year thousands of young people from colonial planets like Yang Yi put on military uniforms and garrison in dangerous frontier areas. It is precisely this way that the Human Federation can mobilize enough troops in the previous five Greenwich Wars to create the largest army of the Galactic Alliance. Also affected by this, the Human Federation did not relax its vigilance in the peaceful and prosperous age of maintaining the millennium. If the Greenwich War breaks out again, the Human Federation will also be able to mobilize enough soldiers in a very short period of time.

For thousands of years, after several brutal all-out wars, the spirit of martial arts has long penetrated into the bones of human civilization.

This is particularly obvious on colonized planets.

Not to mention those colonized planets with harsh conditions, even on Shennong Star, the martial arts style is very prosperous. To put it simply, the residents of Shennongxing have a very strong sense of crisis, and their folk customs are extremely strong. They will meet the enemy in order to defend their homes and the fruits of their labor.

In addition, the powerful folk customs of colonizing planets have a lot to do with the relevant policies of the federal authorities.

That is, on a colonized planet, residents can spontaneously form militia-like armed forces within the scope permitted by the federal authorities. In addition to regular regular training, after obtaining permission from the federal authorities, they can also undertake local security work within the scope of their powers.

In other words, every colonial planet has a militia force, and Shennong Star is no exception.

This policy came from thousands of years ago, when the human federation was not strong enough, and there were not enough regular troops to protect the numerous colonial planets. Only the inhabitants of the colonized planets could form militias to fight against the invasion and harassment of other civilizations and act as wartime. Reserve strength. Although this is not what it used to be, after the Fifth Greenwich War, the Human Federation was promoted to a sixth-class civilization, and its standing forces increased tenfold. There were enough troops to protect the colonized planets and also sent guards to the colonized planets, but it has continued. The tradition has not changed for thousands of years, and it is not an easy task to ban the self-defense rights of the inhabitants of colonial planets, and the militias have thus been retained.

"According to what you said, some local residents did not compromise with the enemy?"

"That's not true." Charlie narrowed his mouth and said, "The key is whether the occupation forces are dispatched by the federal authorities. If they are not, the militia will definitely rise up."

Yang Yi nodded slightly, and said, "It is not the security forces that blockade and occupy Shennong Star, but the private army of the Luo family. Even if Luo Zhenyu is the commander of the security forces, he will not issue a formal order for this. Even if most residents accept it. In reality, there must be a small number of residents who are unwilling to bow to power."

"In this case, there must be a resistance organization secretly sabotaging." Jackson said.

Charlie nodded, expressing agreement with Jackson.

"I have an idea." Yang Yi paused for a while before saying, "Find the resistance organization, and then decide the next step based on the actual situation."

Jackson said nothing, but looked at Charlie.

"This is the Cangcao Continent. I have no relatives or friends here." Charlie said directly, because his mother was a resident of the deserted continent to the west.

"You really have to find a resistance organization. The question is, how can we gain the trust of the resistance organization?" Jackson said the key question. "Obviously, the Luo family's private army occupied and blocked the Shennong Star under the banner of the security force. Even if it can gain the trust and support of the aborigines in a short period of time, it will be seen through by the aborigines as long as the lockdown period is long. Doubt, the aborigines will not believe us."

Charlie sighed, which was what he meant.

"Brother, what do you mean..."

"It's useless to say that you have to bring out something practical." Jackson pointed to the east and said, "The patrol plane is heading in that direction, and the base must be there. If we can get one, then Let Charlie go to the resistance organization to gain the trust of the resistance organization."


"Blow up the base and make some movement."

Yang Yi pondered for a while and said, "Okay, just do it. After dark, we headed east. Send a few people to the front to find the way. If the base is not far away, we will do it tonight. Even if Charlie doesn't Finding a resistance organization and starting a battle will attract the resistance to stop it."

"In this case, we have to plan it out."

The three of them were not too wordy, and began to discuss the battle plan.

Obviously, the "Ice Snow Tiger" and the "Fire Phoenix" cannot be used, nor can they display too strong combat power. After all, the resistance organizations are ordinary people. Fortunately, Lin Liexun provided a lot of weapons and equipment, and each brought a set, enough for a good fight.

After discussing it, Jackson asked Charlie to go ahead and find a nearby resistance organization.

Yang Yi found Lin Feng and briefly talked about the negotiated plan. Lin Feng did not object, and dealing with the enemy stationed at the base was not a big deal.

After a few hours, the sky darkened.

It was Jackson still leading the way. Buck and other five mercenaries were scattered around. Yang Yi, Lin Feng, No.1 and No.11 followed Jackson, and Justin was behind.

During the day, the temperature in the desert is as high as 50 degrees Celsius, and at night it drops below freezing.

Fortunately, Shennong Star has been thoroughly developed, and during its occupation by the Silicon Magic Alliance, the environment has been destroyed and all the protists have become extinct. Along the way, in addition to beware of being discovered by the enemy, there is no need to worry about being attacked by wild animals. There are no large beasts in the desert.

In the wee hours of the morning, Jackson stopped.

Soon, Buck, who had opened the road ahead, rushed back.

"The base is about ten kilometers ahead." Buck squatted down and drew a schematic diagram on the ground. "It is a temporary field base. The five barracks are located on the south side of the camp, and on the north side are the hangars and take-off and landing sites. The defense is very lax, and there is a permanent fortress and some outposts around each. The number of guards is around two hundred, and there are fewer officers and soldiers patrolling at night."

"Still much more than us." Lin Feng said.

"Strong attack is definitely not possible. Unless we use real combat power, it is definitely not an opponent of so many enemies." Jackson glanced at Yang Yi and said, "Obviously, the enemy has fought with the resistance organization and knows the strength of the resistance organization. It will be so slack."

Yang Yi nodded slightly, indicating that he understood what Jackson meant.

"However, this is a good thing." Jackson smiled and said, "Let's make a noise and try to get in and blow up the hangar and arsenal."

"Sounding?" Lin Feng frowned.

"Buck, the five of you go to the south to shoot cold shots, specifically to deal with the outcropping enemy. Do it decently and make the enemy believe that you are members of the resistance organization."

"Understood." Buck nodded and agreed.

"Unsurprisingly, after the gun is fired, the enemy will send out a patrol, so you should close it as soon as you see it. Don't throw it away. Take the enemy's patrol into the desert. Don't run too fast and keep the enemy's appetite. Of course, make the movement bigger and try to kill the enemy as much as possible."

Buck nodded again, showing that he understood what Jackson meant.

"When the enemy's large forces are dispatched, we will get in from the north." Jackson stroked the ground. "With the abilities of a few of us, it's not difficult to get in quietly. In order to be decent, we have to touch the enemy's sentry, place a time bomb at the outpost, and detonate it when we retreat. In this way, even if we blow up the hangar and The arsenal, the enemy will also think that it is the work of the resistance organization."

"If possible, take away some supplies." Yang Yi added.

"Yes." Jackson laughed. "Shennong Star was occupied, and the resistance organization retreated into the inland desert. Life must be very difficult and there is a serious shortage of supplies. The purpose of attacking the base is not to kill the enemy, but to seize supplies, so we have to do something easy."

"Brother, having you here is just to worry."

"Brother, you are not bad, you know how to draw inferences so quickly."

"That's what the old man taught well."

"Where, brothers are talented and learn fast."

The two touted each other, Lin Feng couldn't help rolling his eyes, and felt that Jackson had broken Yang Yi, but he never thought that Yang Yi was not a fuel-efficient lamp.