
Chapter 85: Lead the snake out of the hole


The gunfire sounded, and the base suddenly felt like a pot was fried. The enemy's reaction was very fast. In less than five minutes, a patrol launched a counterattack. Immediately afterwards, more officers and soldiers were dispatched to fight in the south of the base. Yang Yi couldn't help but worry a little. Buck and the others were just five people, and they might not be able to stop the enemy. Although these guys are private soldiers of the Luo family, they all use the standard equipment of the garrison.

Gunshots continued, and there were violent explosions from time to time. The enemy not only dispatched patrols, but also used armored vehicles.

"Don't worry, Buck and the others will be fine. Even if they can't fight, they can escape."

Yang Yi nodded slightly. The five Bucks were all soldiers, and they also had jet propellers. If you can't stand it, you can run away.

"Let's go, it's time for us."

Jackson took the lead, followed by Justin. The movements of No. 1 and No. 11 were not slow, but Yang Yi and Lin Feng pulled behind.

There is a semi-buried permanent fortification to the north of the base, as well as several machine gun fortresses.

The battle to the south attracted the attention of the enemy. When Jackson and Justin arrived, the sentries in the fortress were all watching the battle to the south. Without much effort, Jackson and Justin cleared out a few enemies in the fortress. When Yang Yi and Lin Feng followed, the two had already captured the Yongbei Fortification. To deal with the enemy, Jackson and Justin have no softness. These guys are mercenaries in nature, and there is no need to be soft.

"Wait, we split up." Jackson took out the time bomb and handed it to Justin. "You two follow me to the ammunition depot, and the 1st and 11th follow Justin to the hangar. Use the time bomb and set the explosion time to 15 minutes later. After the incident, come here to meet.

When Justin set up the time bomb, the six separated and left.

The battle on the south side of the base is still going on. Jackson’s task for Buck and the others is to hold the enemy for 15 minutes. Only as a last resort can they retreat in advance. The enemies in the base are gathering to the south, and few remain in the north. In order to avoid being stunned, Jackson took Yang Yi and Lin Feng to avoid several enemies he encountered. Five minutes later, the three came to the ammunition depot near the northwest corner of the base.

This is just a temporary base, and the ammunition depot is on the ground, which looks like a barracks.

It was useless for Yang Yi and Lin Feng to take action, and Jackson silently killed the two guards.

The ammunition warehouse is very large. It is a material warehouse to be precise. In addition to storing a large amount of weapons and ammunition, there are hundreds of tons of various supplies.

Obviously, these guys are going to stay here for a long time.

"Take a little bit of everything, especially supplies, move faster. We only have five minutes."

Yang Yi and Lin Feng were not wordy, and immediately put the materials into the space storage. Jackson was not idle either. After installing the time bomb, he went outside to set up the scene. Yang Yi and Lin Feng each have an E-level space storage, which can hold a lot of materials, so they have to look like a group of people came here to looting.

Five minutes later, Yang Yi and Lin Feng completed the work.

According to Jackson's instructions, the two took some of each material, but mainly food, medicine, water purification pills and other supplies.

At this time, the battle south of the base had ended, and Buck and others began to retreat.

Enemies in the base are still gathering. At least one hundred officers and soldiers are gathering in the central square, as well as four heavy tanks and four armored vehicles. Obviously, Buck caused serious casualties to the enemy and angered the enemy, otherwise the enemy would not have assembled so many officers and soldiers.

When Yang Yi and the others returned to the Yongbei fortifications, Justin and others were already waiting here.

"The enemy's large forces are dispatched, and the bomb is about to explode. Let's leave here quickly." Jackson glanced at everyone. "First meet with Buck and the others. If the enemy doesn't let it go, we will fight an ambush in the south to make the enemy bleed more. If the enemy retreats, we will accept it."

No one objected, Yang Yi was also a little itchy. The battle has been fought for more than ten minutes, but he did not fire a shot.

Because the enemies in the fort have been dealt with, the retreat is smoother. As soon as the group left the base, the time bombs placed in the hangars, ammunition depots and permanent fortifications exploded. The scene was extremely spectacular, Yang Yi stopped, and when he looked back, the ammunition depot was already covered by gunpowder smoke. A dazzling mushroom cloud illuminated the night sky, and nearly one-third of the area north of the base was completely erased.

The ground is still shaking violently, like a magnitude 12 earthquake.

This power is too amazing.

Time bombs don't have such power. They must have exploded in the ammunition warehouse. Maybe some primitive weapons and ammunition were hidden.

The violent explosion disrupted the enemy's deployment.

It's just that the enemy didn't stop there, on the contrary, it became even crazier. The large force chasing Buck and the others had already set off, but did not return to the base.

Yang Yi and others did not dare to delay, speeding up and rushing to the scheduled meeting place.

Jackson had already made arrangements. If they got rid of the pursuit, Buck and the others would go directly to the meeting place. If you can't get rid of the chasers, take the enemy in circles in the desert for at least fifteen minutes, and then go to the meeting point to bring the enemy into the ambush circle.

Yang Yi and the others rushed to the meeting place, only ten minutes.

There is no enemy chasing, and the six can advance at full speed without worrying about being seen through by the enemy.

"According to the plan, you two are in charge of the east, and No.1 and No.11 guard the west. After the enemy comes in, don't worry, wait for me to fire the first shot. All are hidden, don't be discovered by the enemy. After the battle begins, first Kill the enemy's tanks and armored vehicles, and then the infantry."

Although Jackson was a mercenary, he was a professional soldier before that.

When it comes to actual combat experience, let alone Yang Yi, even Lin Feng can't compare to Jackson, especially in this kind of conventional combat, Lin Feng's experience is almost zero. Don't forget, Lin Feng is the captain of the special investigation team. In the past, fighting with the enemy was either a soldier or sitting in the "Fire Phoenix". Besides, Lin Feng is only eighteen years old, and he has not participated in a few battles. I am afraid that he has never used an electromagnetic gun.

I have to say that with Jackson, Yang Yi saved a lot of trouble.

After the ambush, Yang Yi took out the EM20 electromagnetic gun.

This is the standard weapon of the human federation, and it is also the most basic weapon. Any soldier must master the use of electromagnetic guns during recruit training. The EM20 is driven by a small primary energy battery, which can fire a thousand rounds continuously when fully charged. There are three commonly used ammunition, namely, normal bullets, armor-piercing bullets and blast bombs. The former two are the main ones. The blast bombs are only used to deal with the enemies of the Silicon Magic Alliance. The bullet is accelerated through the rails, and the initial velocity of the ordinary bullet is 1,500 meters per second, which can easily kill unprotected enemies. The initial velocity of the armor-piercing projectile is 2,000 meters per second, and it can penetrate F-class protective clothing at a distance of 400 meters and ordinary armored vehicles at a distance of 100 meters.

After checking the electromagnetic gun, Yang Yi loaded an armor-piercing bullet magazine.

There are two hundred rounds of ammunition inside, which can be fired fully automatically and can be lighted in ten seconds. In order to save ammunition, semi-automatic burst firing is the main method in battle.

Lin Feng also took out the electromagnetic gun, but was clumsy and didn't load the magazine several times.

"Not used?"

Lin Feng narrowed her mouth, she had never used an electromagnetic gun.

After receiving the electromagnetic gun from Lin Feng, Yang Yi loaded the magazine. "It seems that our captain also has a lot to learn."

"Do you think I need to fight with this weapon?"

"Of course not, but it doesn't hurt to learn to use it."

Lin Feng was a bit speechless, but did not argue with Yang Yi because the enemy had already appeared.

Like Jackson’s deployment, Buck and the other five had been hanging the enemy, and after more than ten minutes of dealing with them, they brought the enemy to this side.

Yang Yi glanced towards the south, Jackson and Justin were very well concealed.

Pulling Lin Feng, Yang Yi shrank down.

Probably to catch up with Buck and others, the enemy's advancing speed is very fast. If Buck hadn't had jet thrusters, they would have been overtaken by the enemy.

Relying on the jet thruster, Buck and the others travel very fast.

A few minutes later, Buck and five others entered the ambush circle. According to Jackson's orders, they did not stop, but ran towards the hills to the south.

The ambush battlefield was chosen by Jackson. Buck and the others went to the back of the hill, and they would split into two teams, detouring to the enemy's rear from the east and the west respectively. In this way, once the enemy enters the ambush circle, they don't want to retreat. According to Jackson's ambush plan, this is a battle of annihilation, destroying as many enemies as they come. In Jackson's words, only by beating the enemy can we gain the trust of the resistance organization.

The enemy's large forces did not stop, or even sent scouts to explore the way ahead.

Do these guys have problems with their brains

Although Yang Yi had not participated in similar battles and was sent to the surveillance post after the recruit training was over, any soldier knew that before entering an unknown area, he had to send out scouts to find out the battlefield situation so as not to enter the enemy’s premises. Under the ambush.

Of course, this is a good thing.

Obviously, the enemy did not realize that it was not the resistance group that attacked the base. Perhaps in the eyes of the enemy, the resistance organization is not worth mentioning.

Besides, the enemy has four heavy tanks and four armored vehicles. The resistance group is a militia of the Shennong Star and has no anti-armor weapons at all. In the face of heavy tanks that cannot be destroyed with light weapons such as electromagnetic guns, the infantry is simply vulnerable, and the enemy has no worries.

Four heavy tanks were in front, four armored vehicles were scattered on the wings, and the infantry was hiding behind the tanks and armored vehicles.

The standard offensive formation is also the most commonly used offensive tactic. In the previous Greenwich Wars, the armored forces of the Human Legion were the main force on the battlefield. A powerful armored corps can defeat enemies several times, or even ten times, in ground combat.

However, this enemy's combat effectiveness is not strong.

After loading the electromagnetic gun, Yang Yi aimed at the tank on the left.


The gunfire sounded, and it was Jackson who fired the gun, which was also the signal for the beginning of the battle.