
Chapter 86: Resistance personnel



Amid the explosion of the sky and the earth, the heavy tank that rushed in front flew up like a ball, and fell heavily to the ground 100 meters away. The infantry trailing behind the heavy tank was either killed or wounded, and several slow-reacting infantry were smashed into patties.

The power of this gun is too amazing!

It is not the bullet fired by the electromagnetic gun that possesses such power, but the original energy attached to the bullet.

In the hands of ordinary soldiers, the electromagnetic gun is only an electromagnetic gun, but in the hands of soldiers, the electromagnetic gun has become a powerful killer. A large amount of original energy is attached to the bullet that Jackson fired with the electromagnetic gun. After losing control, the original energy becomes very unstable. Because the speed of the bullet is very fast, it will hit the tank after a few tenths of a second, so the original energy attached to the bullet did not lose stability during the flight. It was not stabilized until the bullet hits the tank, and then a violent explosion occurred. Heavy tanks can block the bullets fired by electromagnetic guns, but cannot cope with the huge energy released by the primordial explosion. It is a matter of course to be bombed into the sky.


After Jackson opened fire, Yang Yi immediately pulled the trigger.

The method of shooting tanks with electromagnetic guns came from Jackson, and it has proved to be effective. Yang Yi just took pictures of the gourd and attached a large amount of original energy to the bullets.


The results were generally the same. The heavy tank on the left side of the queue flew into the sky in a violent explosion, and when it fell, it had been scattered into parts. Because it was the first time to use this method, Yang Yi didn't have a good sense of measure. The original energy attached to the bullet was obviously too much.

Two shots and two heavy tanks were destroyed, and the enemy suddenly became confused.

The two heavy tanks on the right side of the queue immediately began to reverse. The tanker just wanted to survive, so he could take care of the infantry trailing behind the tank. The panicked infantry all stared in the direction from which the gunshots came, and did not notice that the tank was starting to reverse. As a result, ten infantrymen were unable to dodge and were crushed into meat sauce by tanks.


The gunfire came from the west, and it was Number One who fired.


It was the tank on the far right that was hit. The explosion was also very violent, but the tank was not blown up, but stopped in place.

Obviously, the number one is well grasped.

Don't forget, the One has fought the enemies of the Silicon Magic Alliance in the "Kuhn-Barion Fortress" for 800 years, and the actual combat experience is definitely not under Jackson. More importantly, before leaving the space debris, No. 1 was an ordinary soldier and had never used a power converter. In the battle with the Silicon Charm Alliance, he used ordinary weapons such as electromagnetic guns, and he understood the performance characteristics of these weapons better.

Three heavy tanks were destroyed and the enemy began to retreat.

The four armored vehicles retreated first because they were not attacked.

"Da da da… "

"Da da da… "

Intensive gunfire came. Jackson and Justin guarding the south, as well as No. 1 and No. 11 guarding the west, fired at the enemy's infantry at the same time.

Without the cover of tanks and armored vehicles, the infantry exposed on the open ground became the ideal target.

"Da da da… "

"Da da da… "

Yang Yi and Lin Feng did not delay either, and immediately got up and fired at the enemy.

Six electromagnetic guns fired at a rate of 1,200 rounds per minute, and the dense bullets became life harvesters, madly killing desperate enemies.

At this time, some enemies began to fight back.

Before, because Yang Yi and the others were not seen, the enemy was just firing indiscriminately. After discovering Yang Yi and the others, the enemy finally found a counterattack target.

Unfortunately, there is no difference between fighting back and not fighting back.

Yang Yi squatted on the hillside and called the exposed enemy at a very fast speed, turning the shot into a burst. Although bullets flew from time to time, Yang Yi did not evade, nor did he need to evade. He wears a Class B protective suit, which can block the armor-piercing projectile fired by the electromagnetic gun. In addition, there is an energy barrier under the protective clothing, so even if it is hit by a shell fired by an armored vehicle's machine gun, there will be no damage.

Compared with ordinary soldiers, war soldiers are like gods.

The only thing that can pose a threat to Yang Yi and them is the heavy tank, which is precisely the large-caliber tank gun equipped with the heavy tank.

If hit by armor-piercing shells fired by tank guns, even rank ten soldiers may not be spared.

At this time, the only remaining tank rushed out of the encirclement and hid behind a hill to the north.

"cover me!"

Hearing Jackson's call, Yang Yi reacted violently. In order to prevent the enemy from escaping, he had been staring at the retreating infantry, not paying attention to the tank.


With a weird whistling sound, the shell fell in the air and exploded less than ten meters away from Jackson.

Although protected by protective clothing, Jackson was not injured by the bombing, but he had rushed out of the depression where he was hiding and was thrown into the air by the shock wave generated by the explosion.


"I'm fine, kill that tank, or we will all be finished!"

"cover me."

Before Yang Yi got up, Lin Feng rushed out, as fast as lightning.

The main battle weapon of the heavy tank is a large-caliber electromagnetic gun, which can act as an anti-armor direct fire, or can use grenades for curved firing suppression. As long as that heavy tank hid behind the hill and fired, it could blow Yang Yi and the others to pieces with hundreds of shells.

Lin Feng stepped forward, and Yang Yi immediately followed.

At this time, it is no longer a question of whether or not the enemy can be wiped out, but whether he can retreat completely. If the tank cannot be destroyed in time, not only will it be impossible to wipe out the enemy, it may even be bitten by the enemy. At that time, even if they can be removed, their identity will be exposed.

As the tank opened fire, the remaining enemies also mustered courage.

It must be admitted that although these guys have very poor combat effectiveness, they are not lacking in courage.

Bullets kept coming, and neither Yang Yi nor Lin Feng avoided it.

Jackson had gotten up, and Justin charged left and right towards the enemy. To the west, No. 1 and No. 11 also rushed down from the hidden hillside. Buck and others, who were divided into two outflanks, have also gone into battle, covering each other's charge towards the enemy, covering Yang Yi and Lin Feng.

"Boom, boom, boom—"

The shells fell one after another, and in the state of curved fire, the main gun of the heavy tank could fire continuously at a rate of twelve rounds per minute.

Fortunately, both Yang Yi and Lin Feng were prepared, and their reaction speed was extremely fast.

Don't forget that, compared with ordinary soldiers, combat soldiers can not only control the original energy converter to obtain powerful combat effectiveness, but also have a much faster reaction speed. In fact, it is the reaction speed that determines the combat strength of the soldiers. In a high-intensity battle, if the reaction speed cannot keep up, it is impossible to bring out all the combat effectiveness. Among the many standards for assessing combat power levels, reaction speed is the most important indicator.

In a blink of an eye, Lin Feng and Yang Yi had already rushed hundreds of meters.

Although they were constantly hit by bullets, the speed of the two of them did not slow down at all.

Finding that the electromagnetic gun did not threaten Yang Yi and Lin Feng at all, the enemy also reacted suddenly, realizing that the opponent was not a resister.

Among other things, the resistance organization has no B-level protective clothing at all, and only the regular army has this high-level protective clothing.

The enemy accelerated the retreat and began to concentrate firepower to greet Yang Yi and Lin Feng.

When he rushed to the hill where the tank was, Yang Yi suddenly discovered that the tank had not stopped behind the hill and had retreated hundreds of meters to the north.

Catch up

Lin Feng hesitated a bit, but Yang Yi did not stop.

In order to destroy the tank, the two began to run at full speed. Even if the enemy did not find that they were soldiers, they must know that they were not members of the resistance organization. The enemy must not be allowed to escape and must be wiped out. If the identity is revealed, it will definitely get in more trouble.


The explosion came very suddenly. Just as Yang Yi rushed down the hill, the tank that had retreated hundreds of meters away was blown into the sky.

"Da da da… "

"Da da da… "

Gunshots sounded immediately, and a dense rain of bullets enveloped more than a dozen infantrymen accompanying the retreat of the tanks. Before the enemy could react, they were shot and fell down one after another.

what happened!

Yang Yi stopped quickly and rolled behind a rock.

"It's me, don't fire!"

A group of people emerged from the underground. It was Charlie who took the lead. The others were dressed in different clothes, none of them resembled active soldiers.

Resistance group!

Yang Yi got up and waved to Charlie.

There were about twenty people who followed Charlie, who were indeed members of the resistance organization. Only one person who looked like the boss walked towards Yang Yi with Charlie, and the others consciously began to clean up the battlefield, mainly collecting weapons and ammunition to kill the enemies who hadn't died yet.

Not long after, Jackson rushed over. "Brother, good job. This one is..."

"Paul." The leader of the resistance group introduced himself. "Charlie told me about you, and I'll talk about it on the other roads. The occupying forces have sent two patrol planes from nearby bases. They are coming here. They may arrive at any time. We have to leave here as soon as possible."

Jackson nodded and cast a look at Yang Yi.

Paul was not too wordy, and whistled at the nearby men, making a retreat gesture.

Although the remaining dozen or so enemies disarmed and surrendered in hope of breaking through the siege, the personnel of the resistance organization did not give them a chance to survive, nor did they collect prisoners of war.

When Yang Yi and the others followed Paul to leave, gunshots came from behind them.

Paul did not explain why the surrendered enemies were executed. Yang Yi clearly felt that these resistance personnel hated the enemies deeply. It is also understandable that the enemy occupied their homes and displaced them. In terms of nature, these Luo family private soldiers and the invading army of the Silicon Magic Alliance are even more hateful. In addition, these resistance personnel are also guarding against them, and did not trust them because of previous battles. Perhaps in the eyes of the resistance, Yang Yi and the group are also outsiders, no different from the enemy occupying their homeland.