
Chapter 87: War refugees


Are the residents of Shennongxing very exclusive

Yang Yi finds it a little strange. Although there is an xenophobic atmosphere in some colonial planets, in his understanding, only those colonial planets with harsh environments are like this. Although the environment of Shennong Star is not superior, it is not terrible, at least the people here will not worry about survival. Even if the residents of Shennong Star do not welcome strange outsiders, they should not be hostile and repelling all outsiders without reason.

After arriving at the camp of the resistance organization, Yang Yi understood why these people were so xenophobic.

The camp was in the middle of the desert, almost 150 kilometers away from the barracks that Yang Yi and the others attacked. They did not arrive until noon the next day. The camp is not very big. There are many caves where only a few people can shelter from the hot sun. However, there are many people in the camp. There are not only young adults who carry weapons, but also many elderly and children. Like Paul and others, these personnel are also hostile to Yang Yi and others.

As he walked through the camp, Yang Yi noticed that the conditions here were extremely harsh.

There were several wounded in a cave. The bandage covering the wound was stained with blood. The wound was not treated effectively. One wounded was still feverish. Because of the lack of drugs to treat wounds and infections, the women in charge can only use wet towels to cool the wounded.

In addition to lack of medicines, there is also a severe lack of food and fresh water.

There are many children in the camp, their skin is tanned, and all of them are skinny. They look like they haven't had a full meal in a long time. Several old people curled up in the cave were even more motionless, seeming to be too hungry to have extra energy. The women who take care of children and the elderly also look sick.

Under Paul's leadership, Yang Yi and the others came to a cave.

"You guys rest here for a while. Don't go out, just come when I go."

The cave is not very big, about ten square meters, and a dozen people get in at once, which seems a bit crowded.

"Brother, have you noticed?"

Jackson nodded and said, "This is a refugee camp. It seems that these people have escaped from the town or the farm."

"We have… "

"No hurry, Paul is just a resistance person, at most a squad leader. Wait, I see the person in charge here, and then decide whether to help them."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment. Although he thought Jackson was a bit cold, he didn't object.

Trust is mutual, and there is nothing wrong with being cautious. Yang Yi had already noticed that after Paul left, the two resistance personnel who followed him remained outside the cave. It seemed that the two were protecting Yang Yi and the others, preventing others from approaching the cave, but they were actually guarding Yang Yi and the others.

More than ten minutes later, Paul returned with three women.

"My name is Maria, the person in charge here."

When the woman following Paul introduced herself, the other two women brought tea to Yang Yi and others.

"You must be thirsty after a day's journey. The conditions in the camp are difficult, please forgive me."

The tea is a bit bitter, but not bad.

"You are… "

"No, this is our team leader." Jackson was very interested and took the initiative to retreat behind Yang Yi.

Maria looked at Yang Yi and looked a little surprised. She definitely didn't expect that this young man who looked less than twenty years old turned out to be the team leader.

Yang Yi is also looking at Maria.

She can't be said to be pretty, at least for now. Maybe she was pretty before, but the hard life left unconcealable marks on her face. From her appearance, it can only be seen that she is middle-aged, perhaps a mother, or a grandmother. But it can be seen that her status is very high. Before this disaster, she must be a big figure with identity, status and respect.


"My last name is Yang, Yang Yi, just call me Xiao Yang."

Maria nodded slightly, her expression relaxed. "Please sit down."

Yang Yi froze for a moment, then sat cross-legged on the ground. Maria didn't pretend, she sat down opposite Yang Yi generously.

"Paul said, it was your people who found them, and you attacked the advance base of the occupying forces."

Yang Yi nodded without explaining more.

"For this, I am very grateful, on behalf of everyone here, and the soldiers who died, thank you." Maria's expression was a little excited. "You don’t know that this is our fifth camp. The previous four camps were destroyed by the occupying forces stationed at the forward base. We sacrificed a lot of people. In the battle five days ago, we lost ten. Two brave fighters, and several others were seriously injured. We wanted to destroy the advance base of the occupying forces, but did not have the ability. You did it. Not only did you destroy the advance base, you also eliminated hundreds of enemies. Thank you again, thank you for taking revenge for the soldiers who died."

"Ms. Maria..."

Maria pressed her hand and said, "You can stay here for three days, and we will provide food and drinking water. After three days, we will leave here."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and didn't quite understand what Maria meant.

"It's undeniable that you destroyed the occupying army's forward base and attacked the arrogance of the occupying army, but you also got into trouble. The occupying army will never let go. Maybe they have sent a large force and will find this camp sooner or later. We can stay for up to three days. Although we hate the occupying forces very much, I have to think about everyone here, including the elderly and children. Paul and the others are fighters. I will give them the opportunity to choose and let them decide whether to follow you or not. Fight against the brutal occupation forces. But most of the people here, including me, are not fighters. We just want to live so that our next generation can grow up safely."

When Maria said so, Yang Yi understood.

"I'm sorry, I hope you can understand."

Yang Yi exhaled and said, "I can understand, and I don't want to cause you trouble, we will leave tomorrow."

"No, although..."

"In addition, we brought some food, as well as medicines to treat trauma." Yang Yi took out a few gene medicines from the space storage and placed them in front of Maria. "These are military drugs, and they work very well. After taking them, the wound will heal completely within a few hours. Please forgive me. Before that, we didn't know that attacking the forward base of the occupying forces would cause you trouble. It's such a big trouble."

Yang Yi's words were polite and thoughtful, but it made Maria feel a little embarrassed.

Of course, Maria knew the value of those genetic medicines. This kind of genetic medicine developed by the military has a very miraculous effect. No matter how badly the injury is, as long as you have a breath, you can save your life if you take one. If it is an ordinary trauma, it will heal in a few hours. Because it is a military material, it cannot be bought with money. On the black market of colonizing the planet, a gene medicine of this kind can be exchanged for a farm.

At this time, Lin Feng also took out the materials looted in the base from the space storage, mainly food.

Seeing Lin Feng taking out all kinds of military rations one by one, a lot of them were quickly built up, and Maria was even more surprised. The one who can hold so many materials is definitely the advanced space storage, and those who have the advanced space storage definitely have a lot of background. You know, in the human federation, spatial storage is rarer than the original energy converter. For example, Jackson has an S-class primary energy converter, but no space storage.

"These are all we brought from the occupying forces. If they are not enough, I still have them here."

"No, it's enough, it's enough." Maria regained her senses and said, "These foods are too expensive. I really don't know how to thank you."

"No thanks, it's a gift for the children."

"But… "

"Ms. Maria, what we need is mutual trust." Yang Yi smiled faintly and said, "The occupying forces are our common enemy. Although we are not residents of Shennong Star, I am here for the first time, but please believe me. , I want to destroy all occupying forces just like you."

Maria nodded slightly, not knowing what to say for a while.

"There is a word, I don't know if I should say it."

"Mr. Yang..."

"Just call me Xiao Yang, I'm only eighteen years old."

"I know, I misunderstood you before. But please believe that I have changed my opinion. You are trustworthy friends, true friends."

Yang Yi nodded, and then said: "Dodge is not a way. If you want to regain your own home, you have to fight the enemy."

"But… "

"Of course, here are mainly the elderly, children and women. Only a few people such as Paul are fighters. However, there are many ways to fight the enemy, and escape is not one of them. We came here to drive away the occupying forces and defend the Shennong Star Stability and prosperity." Yang Yi paused for a while before he said, "We are all soldiers from the third theater and belong to the special investigation team. This time, we came to Shennongxing to quell the rebellion by the order of the chief of staff of the theater."


"There was an error in the intelligence. We only discovered that this was not the case after we came to Shennong Star."

Maria looked at Yang Yi carefully, and she didn't seem to believe that Yang Yi was a professional soldier.

Before Yang Yi could explain, Lin Feng showed his hand, condensing a group of original energy in his palm, showing that he is a soldier with an original energy converter.

Anyone who has heard of the special reconnaissance brigade knows that the officers and soldiers of the special reconnaissance brigade are soldiers.

After Yang Yi and others showed their identities, everything became simple. After Yang Yi briefly explained the mission of coming to Shennong Star, Maria offered to make a decision after discussing with Paul and others, and then got up and left. Yang Yi did not urge, but just asked Maria to send someone to take the food away.

Yang Yi is not in a hurry. He has expressed his sincerity and provided assistance to these refugees within his capacity. Now he only needs some patience. Yang Yi believes that after recognizing the situation, Maria will make the right decision. Anyone who is bloody will not tolerate the occupation of his home by the enemy.

The most indispensable thing for the aborigines who colonized the planet is blood.