
Chapter 88: Go to war


As night fell, a blazing bonfire was lit in the camp.

Although the military rations brought by Yang Yi and the others are not delicious, it is definitely a delicacy for the refugees who have not eaten enough for a long time, especially the children. The key is that the quantity is large, everyone can eat, and there is no need to compete with each other because of insufficient food.

Wait patiently, and there will be a good return.

Before dark, Maria gave a reply, willing to assist Yang Yi and others in fighting the occupying forces, only to ensure the safety of civilians.

This request was reasonable and reasonable, and Yang Yi immediately agreed.

Considering that the occupying forces will retaliate wildly after the advance base is destroyed, Maria decided to leave here the next day and set up camp elsewhere. Because he has to travel long distances in the desert, Yang Yi proposed to let everyone relax, especially those children who have been hungry for a long time. The food was brought by Yang Yi and others, and Maria did not object, and without sufficient physical strength, the refugees could not go far.

Through Maria, Yang Yi knew that Paul was the main fighter.

If it weren’t for the fact that the occupying forces were very powerful and their own manpower was insufficient, and there were still many elderly, children, and women who were incompetent and needed protection, Paul would have already attacked the occupying forces with a team. In addition, the militiamen who followed Paul wanted to have a good fight with the occupying forces.

It didn't take much effort that Yang Yi and Jackson got into a team with Paul and began to call themselves brothers and sisters.

Paul is only two years older than Yang Yi, but has served in the militia for four years. Although there is not much actual combat experience, the militia forces conduct two month-long training sessions each year and occasionally conduct actual combat exercises. Therefore, the basic qualities of Paul and other militias are not bad.

After getting acquainted with Paul, Yang Yi learned more about what happened on Shennong.

Paul and the others are inevitable residents of the city of Dwink, and Maria is the mayor's wife. Although Shennong Star was within the jurisdiction of the Third War Zone, at the end of the Fifth Greenwich War, the federal authorities did not clearly divide the jurisdiction of the Nine War Zone. Like other similar colonized planets, Shennong had aboriginal people before it was placed under the jurisdiction of the third theater, and many of them were Saxons. For ease of management, after Shennong Star was under the jurisdiction of the Third War Zone, the Saxons were concentrated on the Wild Grass Continent. It is also true that the inhabitants of the Wild Grass Continent are dominated by Saxons, and the Chinese people who dominate on Shennong are a minority.

Like other towns on the Wildgrass Continent, Derwink is a small town with less than five thousand permanent residents.

When Shennong was blocked, Mayor Alex summoned the militia and asked Maria to take the elderly, children, and women to take shelter on the outskirts of the farm. After the occupying forces came to the city of Dwink, they first claimed to be the garrison of the third theater, asking Alex to hand over the key to the granary, and to gather the citizens to obey the command of the occupying forces. Alex did not agree, but asked the occupying forces to show the approval of the theater command and the federal authorities. As a result, the situation got out of control, and the occupying forces arrested Alex and declared martial law throughout the city, prohibiting citizens from going out. In order to prevent the news from spreading, the occupying forces also controlled the communication center, cut off the communication line, and conducted full-frequency electromagnetic interference.

Because he escorted Maria and others to the farm in the suburbs, Paul was not in the city when the incident happened.

Back in Dwink city, he found that the mayor was arrested by the occupying forces. Paul immediately contacted the other militiamen, and then sneaked into the city hall through the sewer. The occupying forces were heavily guarded, and Paul and others were found when they escaped from the city hall with the mayor. During the battle, the mayor was hit by a stray bullet.

Although Paul and other militiamen escaped by chance, only a few militiamen could not drive off the occupying forces.

Upon learning of her husband's tragic death, Maria activated the granary's self-destruction system in a rage and burned hundreds of thousands of tons of grain, leaving no one behind.

Fearing reprisals from the occupying forces, Maria left the farm with the escaped citizens.

The coastal areas have been controlled by the occupying forces, and refugee teams can only escape in the inland deserts. Although only half a month has passed, more than half of the refugees died of hunger, disease, or sudden attack by the occupying forces. Those who were lucky enough to survive survived like years.

Except for the city of Derwink, similar tragedies have occurred in other cities and towns on the Cangcao Continent.

According to Paul, only a few towns succumbed to the occupying forces, but the residents of those towns had a very difficult life. The occupying forces not only strictly forbid residents to go outside, but also implement extremely strict controls, and even daily necessities are rationed according to the population.

For the rebels, the occupying forces never show mercy.

At the beginning, Paul’s team had more than fifty militiamen. After a few battles, there are now only twenty-three left.

In order to prohibit the locals from secretly supporting the resistance organizations, the occupying forces not only prohibit free trade, but also severely punish civilians who sympathize with the resistance organizations. As a result, it is difficult for the refugees leaving the town to obtain living supplies through normal channels, and sooner or later they will succumb to the occupying forces under the pressure of hunger and disease. As far as Paul knew, many refugee teams had returned to their original towns and were forced to surrender to the occupying forces.

If Yang Yi and the others do not arrive, Maria's team will probably succumb a few days later.

In the desert, let alone food, there is very little fresh water. What is more serious is the injury. Many wounded died because of lack of medicine.

Prior to this, Paul and others had always believed that the federal authorities and the theater command would not sit idly by.

Although Yang Yi and others arrived, they gave Paul hope, but Paul did not know that the theater command had no plans to send troops. As for the federal authorities, because Shennongxing is the food production area of the third theater, it has always been under the jurisdiction of the third theater, and it will not send troops. Besides, the federal authorities have no soldiers to send. If it weren't for the Ninth War Zone, especially the first, second and third theaters, a three-legged situation has formed. No one can hold the power alone. A central agency is needed to coordinate relations. There is no need for federal authorities to exist. The only thing the federal authorities can mobilize is the police force that maintains law and order in the homeland galaxy, and has no ability to come to Shennong to quell the chaos.

Yang Yi didn't want to hit Paul, so he didn't say these things.

Although Paul did not mention the situation on the other three continents, after the arrival of the occupying forces, the residents of the grassland continent could not go to other continents, but it is certain that the situation on other continents is no different. Even if some residents refuse to bow their heads to the occupying forces, it is difficult to throw a big storm because of the huge disparity in strength. The occupying forces only controlled the main towns and did not sweep away the resistance organizations, indicating that they did not put the resistance organizations in their eyes at all, and did not intend to occupy them for a long time. The control of the important towns was only to stabilize the situation.

After the bonfire party, Yang Yi called Jackson aside.

"Brother, what do you think?"

"The Luo family is confident." Jackson exhaled and said, "However, it's not all bad news, and the situation is not terrible."

Yang Yi didn't say a word, waiting for Jackson to continue.

"According to Paul, the occupying forces will not have too many troops. The city of Dwink has only a few hundred people at most. There are only tens of thousands of officers and soldiers on the entire grassland continent, which is equivalent to a full army. If the situation on other continents is the same, Then the total strength of the occupying forces will not exceed 200,000."

Yang Yi nodded slightly. "Even so, it is still a force that cannot be underestimated."

"That depends on how you look at it. There are two hundred militiamen in the city of Derwink. If the militia in other towns is similar in size, there will be at least one hundred thousand militiamen on the Wild Grass Continent, and about 400,000 militiamen on the entire Shennong Star. Even if only half of the militiamen are still resisting. , There are also two hundred thousand." Jackson paused for a while. "Of course, we cannot count on these militiamen. Even if they have the morale to fight the enemy, they do not have sufficient capabilities, and they lack heavy equipment. Fighting an occupation army armed to the teeth is tantamount to death. Besides, in a short time, we It is impossible to gather all the militiamen, let alone make all the militiamen obey our command."

"so what should I do now?"


Yang Yi was stunned for a moment and looked at Jackson in disbelief.

"Paul made it very clear that as long as they surrender, the occupying forces will open their doors, and many refugees have already surrendered to the occupying forces."


"Only in this way can we return to the city of Derwink, and have the opportunity to catch the officers of the occupying forces and figure out the situation of the occupying forces."

Yang Yi's brows jumped a few times, and Jackson asked to continue.

"More importantly, we have to figure out the purpose of Luo Zhenyu sending troops to occupy Shennong Star. If it is just to deal with us, there is no need for such a big fight and blockade Shennong Star. No matter how powerful the Luo family is, use 200,000 troops to occupy one. The colonization of the planet is also a loss-making business. Besides, if the matter becomes serious, for example, Lin Xiaoting is forced to ask Du Wantu for help and let the Third Fleet come to quell the rebellion, Luo Zhenyu will lose his money.

"You mean, Luo Zhenyu's real purpose is not to deal with us?"

Jackson nodded slightly and said, "Although this is just my guess, it is very likely. The point is that we still don't know what Luo Zhenyu's true purpose is. You have a saying, it's better to win the tiger's nest. To find out the true purpose of Luo Zhenyu, the best way is to go to the city of Derwink and catch an officer to ask for clarity. Maybe, there is still a chance to sneak into the occupying army."

After pondering for a while, Yang Yi said: "Okay, let's talk to Maria."

Although he felt that surrender was not feasible, Yang Yi did not deny Jackson's judgment. The Luo family's fight is definitely not just to deal with Yang Yi and Lin Feng. Besides, Luo Zhenyu may not take Yang Yi and Lin Feng in his eyes, even if he takes revenge for Luo Zhankong, it is just a gimmick. If the Luo family's purpose is not even clear, no matter what to do next, it will get twice the result with half the effort, and there will be no good results.