
Chapter 90: Catch it with one's hands


The city hall is empty, and there are still traces of the original fighting left on the walls. The only change is the installation of several surveillance cameras. The patrol did not follow up, but left a few guards at the door. In their eyes, these people are desperate refugees who were forced to return to the city of Dwynk because of hunger, disease, and pain. Even if you still hold a grudge, you can't cause trouble.

Yang Yi and others are still mixed in the crowd, and it is not time to start.

"Hello sir!"

Outside the door came the sound of the guard standing at attention and saluting, the door was pushed open immediately, and a soldier wearing only a pistol walked in.

The three bronze stars on the epaulettes indicate that this person is a captain officer.

Although the occupying forces are privately owned by the Luo family, under the banner of the garrison, they have adopted the regular army, and even the uniforms are exactly the same.

"Who is the person in charge of the team?"

The officer was extremely arrogant, his gaze swept over everyone, completely defiant.

Paul didn't react at all, and was about to get up when he was caught by Charlie next to him. Then Jackson, who was squatting across the hall, stood up.

Yang Yi should have come forward, but Yang Yi is a Chinese clan, so Jackson was allowed to come forward.


"Sir..." Jackson looked conscientious, with sweat on his forehead, looking like a timid coward.

"I need a detailed list of personnel. According to the rules, after completing the identity screening, everyone must be isolated separately."

"clear… "

"No matter what you did before, as long as you submit, you will be treated fairly. Wait, I will arrange for medical staff to come and treat the wounded and sick."

"Thank you sir."

"Today is late, you will stay overnight here. After half an hour, someone will bring dinner over. You have to make arrangements in advance and do the identity screening tomorrow morning. Besides, no matter what special circumstances, you can only get permission from the guards. Leaving here. Unauthorized going out is tantamount to provocative behavior. This is a special time and everything is handled strictly. Simply put, the patrol can shoot and kill unknown people without warning."

"Understood, sir."

"The bathroom is in the back. Someone will bring you clean clothes later. I hope that when I see you tomorrow, it won't be the sloppy look it is now."

"Yes, sir."

When these words were said, Jackson had already walked a few steps towards the officer.

The officer looked at Jackson up and down, rubbed his nose vigorously, as if he couldn't bear the disgusting smell on Jackson's body.

It's no wonder that Jackson hasn't bathed in three days, and there is no place to bathe in the desert.

Since you are a refugee, you have to look like a refugee.

The officer didn't say more, turned around and prepared to leave.


Jackson took the opportunity to rush up and pinched the officer's waist. Because the officer had already turned around, the guard at the door did not see the little movement of Jackson's hand.

"you… "

"Sir, I have important information to report, but it's not very convenient here."

The officer stared at Jackson with wide eyes, his eyes full of shock, because he had lost the ability to move, and he couldn't even move his fingers.

"Sir, this piece of information is very important."

The officer shivered involuntarily, seeming to be shocked.

Of course, this is not the case at all.

A wave that could have jumped into the officer's body from Jackson's hand, cut off the officer's central nervous system, and made the officer unable to control his body. As long as Jackson is willing, the officer can explode to death at any time. As long as the officer is not a complete idiot, you can think of Jackson as a much better soldier than him.

"Thank you sir."

Jackson turned his head and cast a look at Yang Yi and the others.

Soon, Yang Yi and others surrounded him.

"If you want to survive, be honest and take us out of here. When you go out, tell the guards outside that no one can enter the city hall without your permission."

These words were spoken by Yang Yi, and they were passed to the officer's ears by gathering the original energy.

The officer nodded quickly, showing that he understood what Yang Yi meant.

Not to mention two soldiers, even just one soldier can kill him, by the way, kill the guards outside, and even all the officers and soldiers in the city of Dwink.

Yang Yi nodded towards Jackson, not embarrassing the officer any more.

It must be admitted that this officer is not bad, at least not heinous. Among other things, at least I thought of sending medical staff to treat the wounded and preparing dinner for the refugees. He is just a soldier who obeys orders from superiors, performs tasks in accordance with military regulations, and performs duties.

Of course, he is also a fairly smart coward.

Even if he had the courage to resist, after Yang Yi and Jackson showed the strength of the soldiers, they made the right choice very wisely.

The officer was in front, Jackson followed closely, and Yang Yi and others followed.

"Hello sir!"

"These people have important information to report to me, and the refugees inside enjoy the highest treatment. They are all watched for me. Without my instructions, no one can go in and harass."

"Yes, sir."

The officer didn't say much, and asked the guards to prepare an air-cushion vehicle.

Soon, everyone left the city hall.

"This... Where are we going now?"

"Occupy Army Headquarters."

The officer was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Yang Yi in disbelief.

"Don't tell me, you are the highest-ranked officer here."

"No, I am not. The commander here is Major Zhang Tengyi, but he is not here now. He went to the legion headquarters in the afternoon to report the situation and will not be back until tomorrow morning.

"Legion headquarters?"

"At the Aled Harbour."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, then glanced at Jackson.

"Go to the occupying army headquarters first."

The officer did not dare to ask more, and set the driving route for the air-cushion vehicle.

Like the information provided by Paul, the occupying army in Derwink had only more than one hundred men. The guards and patrols scattered everywhere were removed, and fewer than ten soldiers remained in the headquarters. It was already night, so except for the two guards, all the other officers and soldiers returned to camp to rest.

In accordance with Jackson's instructions, the officer sent away a number of guards.

The headquarters of the occupying forces is the central church in the city of Derwink. All the tables and chairs inside have been removed. A huge three-dimensional projection screen is placed in the middle of the hall, surrounded by small rooms separated by wooden boards. Relatively simple, but in line with the actual situation, after all, the occupying forces are only responsible for daily security.

When he came to the officer's office, Jackson pushed him onto the chair.

"Don't kill me, I am innocent, I have a wife and children, I..."

"Who said to kill you?" Yang Yi dragged a chair over and sat down opposite the officer. "If we wanted to kill you, we would have done it a long time ago."

The officer was taken aback for a moment, glanced at Jackson who was standing next to him, and then looked at Yang Yi.

Although a little surprised, the officer realized that the young man sitting in front of him who seemed less than twenty years old was the one in charge.

"Do you know who we are?"

The officer shook his head, looking terrified.

"Really don't know?" Yang Yi sneered.

"You... You are soldiers, and you are very powerful soldiers."

"Nonsense! Don't tell me, your superior didn't explain the purpose of coming here. Don't tell me, you don't have a picture of me in your hands." Yang Yi said as he stretched out his hand to wipe the dust off his face. In order to pretend to be refugees, Yang Yi and others made clever disguise.

"You... You are..."

"know me?"

The officer hesitated, then nodded.

"Very well, we can save a lot of useless nonsense." Yang Yi smiled faintly, and said, "Just be straight, if you want to go back to see your wife and children, then obediently cooperate with us and tell everything you know. Of course, if you think that the commission from the Luo family is enough to buy your life, you can say nothing. I am patient, and some of my brothers can pry your mouth open."

With that, Yang Yi pointed to Jackson.

"I... I don't know anything..."

Before the officer could finish speaking, Jackson grabbed his hair and raised his head.

"I really don't know, all the things you want are stored in the light brain. My authority is not enough, only Major Zhang Tengyi can access it."

Yang Yi nodded to Jackson and asked Jackson to let go of the officer.

"I believe what you are saying, but I believe even more that you have a way to get the information out. It may be a bit complicated, but you can do it, right?"

The officer gritted his teeth and nodded slightly.

Without waiting for Yang Yi's instructions, Jackson picked up the officer and threw it on the chair behind the desk.

"Don't play tricks with us, don't say you are alone, even if all the officers and soldiers here are not our opponents." Jackson said fiercely.

The officer nodded quickly. He knew Yang Yi and naturally knew the methods of the special investigation team.

Calling Buck in and letting him stare at the officer, Jackson and Yang Yi left the officer's office.

"Let Charlie go to Paul and kill the city hall guards if necessary. Before dawn, make sure everyone hides in a safe place." Yang Yi exhaled and said, "The situation is more complicated than we expected, even if that guy is willing to follow We cooperate, and the consequences are unpredictable."

"I know Zhang Tengyi."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a while, Jackson was really calm, and only now said it.

"He is the head of the'Red Dragon' mercenary group. As expected, the occupying forces here are all his subordinates. This guy is cruel and has a bad reputation." Jackson gritted his teeth. "He is a tenth-level soldier with a strong combat power. Before, I always thought that he was confident because of his strong combat power, but now it seems that the Luo family is supporting him. Obviously, he has already taken refuge in the Luo family and has been supporting him. Family is working hard."

"That said, we have to wait for him to come back."

"Don't wait, go to meet on the road."

After pondering for a while, Yang Yi nodded and agreed.

Zhang Tengyi is definitely not easy to deal with. If he fights with him in the city of Derwink, it will inevitably hurt the innocent, and will leak news and cause the situation to get out of control.