
Chapter 92: Delimit the ground as a prison


Seen through by Yang Yi, Zhang Tengyi no longer has any reservations. In his opinion, if the matter of taking refuge in the Lei Ling clan spreads out, not only will Lin Xiaoting and Du Wantu not be able to accommodate the Luo family, they may even provoke Zhan Ruilin. In order to keep the secret, Yang Yi must get rid of the insiders.

Zhang Tengyi is a Renkui warrior, but an extremely powerful Renkui warrior.

Above the tenth-level soldiers, from low to high, they are divided into Renkui warriors, earth soul warriors and heaven warriors, among which the Renkui warriors correspond to the S-class Primal Energy Converter. Because the quality of the original energy converter is good or bad, it is also divided into sacred weapons and ordinary goods, and the combat skills mastered also have a great impact on combat power, so the combat power of Renkui fighters can be divided into high and low points. Take Jackson as an example. He has an S-level primordial power converter, which is also an S-level original body. He has passed the threshold of a Renkui warrior, but because he has not mastered the corresponding combat skills, and he has only a mortal-level primordial power converter. , The combat power barely exceeded the tenth level of soldiers, not as good as other soldiers, and it was not even up to the average level.

Zhang Tengyi attacked Yang Yi in a flash of lightning, the speed was so fast that his figure was blurred.

Seeing this situation, Jackson felt anxious.

Before, Jackson believed that Yang Yi was able to show off his ability and wanted to show his strength in front of others. Don't forget, after coming to Shennong Star, all actions were planned and directed by Jackson, and the leader of Yang Yi became a decoration instead. Leaving aside Lin Feng, No.1 and No.11, the mercenaries who followed Jackson may not take Yang Yi seriously. In order to ensure his position in the team, Yang Yi has to prove himself.

If Zhang Tengyi is defeated, Yang Yi's strength will be recognized.

Even if he lost to Zhang Tengyi, Yang Yi could prove that he had enough courage.

It's just that Jackson doesn't look like that now.

At the beginning, Yang Yi made it very clear. Zhang Tengyi took refuge in the Lei Ling clan and learned to "break the world". Maybe there is also the sacred weapon of the Lei Ling clan, not only a Renkui warrior, but also a fighting power far above Jackson. The man Kui warrior. With Jackson's current combat power, it was not Zhang Tengyi's opponent at all.

So, is Yang Yi the opponent of Zhang Tengyi

Where is his confidence

In a blink of an eye, Zhang Tengyi has already made a hundred moves, the speed is too fast to tell, Yang Yi can only parry, and is very reluctant.

The situation is so critical that I can't afford to think too much.

Jackson didn't want to grab credit, but he didn't want Yang Yi to miss the slightest bit.

Fighting alone is not Zhang Tengyi's opponent, it's not the same when two people work together.

"Jackson, don't mess around."

Hearing Lin Feng's hello, Jackson was taken aback for a while, and his body was closed.

"That's the'blocking ground into a prison' of'War Breaking the World', which is similar to imprisoned space. If you break through forcibly, it will inevitably lead to space chaos, with disastrous consequences."

"What!? What should I do?"

"Be patient and trust him."

Jackson was very puzzled, but Lin Feng was not in a hurry, indicating that Yang Yi was not in serious trouble for the time being. In any case, Lin Feng is the one who cares about Yang Yi the most.

"Zone the ground into a prison" is one of the combat skills of "Breaking the World". It has a deterrent effect and is even more powerful than the "tens of millions of gravity" used by Luo Chen. In the confined space, the manipulator can not only control the strength of gravity, but also prevent outsiders from entering in a way that distorts the space. However, this trick has a weakness, that is, the controller is also in the confinement space, and if the gravity strength is increased, it will also be affected.

In battle, "zoned as a prison" is generally used to deal with weak opponents, especially to prevent opponents from escaping.

Simply put, the only way for Yang Yi to escape from the confinement space of "zoned as a prison" is to defeat Zhang Tengyi.

Only by defeating Zhang Tengyi can the imprisoned space be broken.

At this time, Yang Yi's situation was not as bad as Jackson had imagined.

Although Zhang Tengyi's combat power was strong and his speed was so fast that he could not see clearly, Yang Yi's reaction speed was also very fast, and he was never below the tenth rank. In addition, his unique physique allows Yang Yi to have eyesight far surpassing that of soldiers of the same level. Jackson couldn't see Zhang Tengyi's movements clearly, but Yang Yi could see clearly. If Yang Yi had the strength of a Renkui soldier, even if it was only the strength of a tenth-level soldier, he would be able to deal with it freely at this time. Facing Zhang Tengyi's attack, Yang Yi was able to dodge and parry with his reaction speed. The huge gap in combat power made it difficult for him to seize the opportunity to counterattack. In fact, with Yang Yi's current combat power, even a counterattack could hardly pose a threat to Zhang Tengyi.

"Zhang Tengyi, are you capable of this?" Although he couldn't beat him, Yang Yi didn't admit defeat.

"Boy, you are too proud of yourself. This is the "Zone for a prison" of "War Breaking the World". Unless you defeat me, you don't want to go out."

"So, I have no choice?"

"If you have the ability, continue to hide, I'm going to see how long you can hide!"

That's what Zhang Tengyi said, but he was muttering in his heart. Yang Yi’s combat power is comparable to that of Tier 5 soldiers. Even with the advanced power converters, he can barely reach the level of Tier 8 soldiers at most, but his reaction speed is much higher than that of Tier 8 soldiers. Tenth-level soldiers.

Are those rumors true

Definitely so!

This kid met Princess Sijia of the Hidden Spirit Race on Lava Star, and was favored by Princess Si Jia, and obtained the sacred artifact of the Hidden Spirit Race "The Source of Life". You know, the "source of life" belongs to the imperial family of the Hidden Spirit Race. It is a gem among the sacred artifacts and has inestimable value. In addition, the "source of life" itself has no grade, but is determined by the user's original body, and will grow with the user's original body.

For anyone, the "source of life" is a sacred artifact that is a dream treasure.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tengyi became even more cruel.

Kill Yang Yi and win the "source of life", and you will no longer have to worry about the original energy converter in the future. As long as you increase your original body level, you can increase your combat power. Not to mention breaking through to become an Earth Soul Warrior, it only takes enough time to become a legendary Celestial Warrior in the future.

The last celestial warrior of the Human Federation was Marshal Xiao Wentian, who led a legion to guard the home galaxy thousands of years ago.

Because Marshal Xiao Wentian was martyred in the Beacon Star offensive and defensive battle, the SSS-class primordial energy converter used was completely destroyed, so for thousands of years, the human federation has never produced a heavenly warrior. Later, nine theater commanders such as Zhan Ruilin in the midst of the sky were only Earth Soul fighters with SS-level original energy converters. The Human Federation became the sixth-class civilization after the Fifth Greenwich War. After a thousand years of development, it has never been able to make a breakthrough. This is also related to this. According to the rules for assessing civilization levels, the sixth level and below are low-level civilizations, the third to fifth levels are the primary civilizations, the first and second levels are the advanced civilizations, and the upper ones are the top civilizations. Having a heavenly warrior is the basis for becoming a primary civilization. condition.

Of course, Zhang Tengyi didn't care about the civilization of the human federation, all he wanted was more powerful combat power.

"The Source of Life" can at least increase his combat power by a small level. As long as he masters the corresponding combat skills, he will become an Earth Soul Warrior just around the corner.

In the face of temptation, Zhang Tengyi's attack became even sharper.

In order to confine Yang Yi and make Yang Yi unavoidable, Zhang Tengyi began to compress the confinement space, and also increased the gravity strength in the confinement space.

Affected by this, Zhang Tengyi's attack speed was significantly slower.

"Why, you will also'tens of millions of gravity'?"

"Boy, what do you know?'Ten Thousand Gravity' is just the basic combat technique of'Breaking the World', and it can't be compared with'scratching the ground as a jail.' In the confinement space of'slashing the ground as a jail, I can control it at will. The strength of gravity, I see how long you can hide."

"so it is."

Taking this opportunity, Zhang Tengyi approached Yang Yi and threw his fist towards Yang Yi's chest.

This punch came extremely fast, and Yang Yi was inevitable.

Just as he was about to hit Yang Yi, Zhang Tengyi turned his fist into claws and grabbed Yang Yi's heart.

"Boy, die!"

Facing the attacking claws, Yang Yi was unavoidable, and did not evade, but aimed at Zhang Tengyi's attack line and blasted out with a punch.

After the fight, Yang Yi punched for the first time.

This punch seemed slow, but it was surprisingly fast. More importantly, Zhang Tengyi has already approached Yang Yi and is about to catch Yang Yi's heart. Between square inches, there is no dodge space at all.

Zhang Tengyi didn't have time to change his tricks at all.

Of course, he didn't want to change his tricks either. In his opinion, even if Yang Yi punches with all his strength, he is at the level of an eighth-level soldier, and there is no threat at all.

However, in the instant that the claws were blasting, Zhang Tengyi realized that he was wrong, and it was very wrong.

Yang Yi flew out, and Zhang Tengyi backed away dozens of meters. When he stabilized his figure and reacted suddenly, Yang Yi had already rushed out of the confinement space of "zoned as a prison".

How did he do it!

Zhang Tengyi was very surprised and looked at Yang Yi hundreds of meters away in disbelief.

However, fear immediately replaced surprise.

The confinement space of "dividing the ground as a prison" continues to compress, and the compression speed is more than ten times faster, and the internal gravity strength has also increased dozens of times.

How is this going!

The strength of gravity increased dozens of times, which is equivalent to increasing Zhang Tengyi's weight by dozens of times. Although this added weight is not a big deal for Renkui fighters, it limits Zhang Tengyi's hands and feet. More importantly, the confinement space of "zoned as a prison" is no longer under his control.

"Zhang Tengyi, it's not too late to admit defeat."

"you… "

"What I said at the beginning is still valid, as long as you obediently hand over the original energy converter and tell Luo Zhenyu's conspiracy, I will spare you not to die."

"Boy, there is a kind of fight with me again." Zhang Tengyi panicked.

It's just that the number of surrenders is absolutely impossible, because even if Yang Yi didn't kill him, what he did was enough to be punished as treason.

"It seems that you don't cry without seeing the coffin."

"You... what do you want to do?"

The imprisoned space has shrunk to ten meters square, and Zhang Tengyi clearly sees at this time that Yang Yi is in control of the imprisoned space. If the confinement space continues to compress, Zhang Tengyi will be broken into pieces because of the severe distortion of the space. The only way to survive is to break out of the confinement space.

At the juncture of life and death, how dare Zhang Tengyi hesitate, and immediately mobilized his body's original energy, ready to break through the imprisoned space.