
Chapter 95: It's obvious


Before dawn, Yang Yi, Lin Feng, Jackson, Justin, No. 1 and No. 11 left Devink City.

Worried about being attacked and protected by the enemy, Jackson asked Baker and others to stay and assisted Paul and other militiamen to transfer the residents of Dwynk City to the suburban farm.

Port Aled is in the south of Derwink, facing the narrow sea. It is also a small town with less than 10,000 residents.

Opposite the Narrow Sea is the Sunshine Continent and the Sunset Continent. From the longitudinal sea between the two continents to the south, across the stormy ocean covering the entire southern hemisphere of Shennong, you reach the southern continent. Because it is covered by ice and snow, the natural environment is extremely harsh, and there are half-year-old nights, so the southern mainland has no permanent residents, no towns, only a few scientific research weather stations, and a few left-behind scientific researchers.

It was early evening when the group arrived at Port Aled.

Although the occupying forces could disguise themselves as the "Red Dragon Legion" into the city, to be on the safe side, Yang Yi and the others waited outside the city until dark. Zhang Tengyi is dead, and the occupying forces in Derwink have surrendered. The news will soon be leaked, and the occupying forces in other places will definitely strengthen their defenses.

Entering Port Aled under the cover of night is not challenging for Yang Yi and the others.

After avoiding the patrol, everyone sneaked into the port without any surprises.

Although Port Aled has less than 10,000 inhabitants, it has the best natural harbor on the Wild Grass Continent and is also the largest sea port on the Wild Grass Continent.

Dozens of large ground-effect freighters are neatly berthed in the vast harbor.

To be precise, these freighters are all aircraft, not ships sailing in the water.

During normal navigation, these freighters can leave the sea under the action of the ground effect and fly quickly at an altitude within 20 meters from the sea. Compared with ships, the biggest advantage is speed. Although it needs to consume more energy, it can save a lot of time.

"There are 87 ships, all of which are large freighters, with a total deadweight of more than five million tons."

Yang Yi didn't say much. If these freighters were dispatched together, they would be able to empty the granaries in ten cities and towns at a time. With the transportation efficiency of the ground-efficiency freighter, all the grains on the grassland can be transported in at most three months. The question is, why do the occupying forces want so much food

Besides, the ground-effect freighter can only sail on the ocean of Shennong Star, and the occupying forces cannot use this to send the grain on Shennong Star to other planets.

If all the food is shipped to the southern mainland, what is the Luo family doing there

"What should we do now?"


Jackson looked in the direction of Yang Yi's fingers, only to find that a ground-effect freighter was loading cargo on the dock not far away.

"Pay attention to the freighters nearby."

Jackson took a closer look and said, "It's all fully loaded, and it looks like it's about to set sail."

When berthed, the ground-effect freighter is no different from ordinary ships. The hull is immersed in water. From the draught, it can be judged whether the ship is full.

"Also, have you noticed that these freighters are all the same model."

"It belongs to the Luo family." Justin said at this time, "I asked Paul. Shennongxing's shipping is not well developed. There are less than 100 ground effect freighters, and they are all very old models. These freighters are The new model must have been built uniformly in the near future."

"You mean, this is the freighter from the Luo family?"

Justin nodded, saying that's what it meant. Shennong Star was blocked by the Luo family's fleet, and only Luo Family could send so many freighters to Shennong Star.

This battle is also too big. Yang Yi was suspicious.

"Slide up?" Lin Feng asked.

Yang Yi nodded slightly, and said, "Since I'm here, I can't take a look and leave. Luo Changying let the occupying forces plunder food everywhere. There must be an ulterior secret. If all the food is shipped to one place, it must be with you. Luo Zhenyu’s conspiracy is related."

"In this case, it's even more clear."

"We swam over and boarded the freighter quietly. When the freighter leaves the port, we will occupy the freighter." Jackson said.

No one objected. Although everyone was very powerful, it was not a problem to deal with the occupying forces in Port Arad, but now it is not helpful to alarm the enemy.

Half an hour later, the six men approached the cargo ship that was loading from underwater.

Because there are still several freighters loading cargo, the fleet will not leave the port temporarily, so Jackson and Justin took the opportunity to slip on the freighter to investigate.

Although it is a large freighter with a displacement of close to 100,000 tons, it is highly automated. Each freighter has only six crew members, and only two crew members are required to control it. Because Port Aled is far away from the desert in the hinterland of the grassland, and the nearby towns are controlled by the occupying forces, the crew on the freighter is very relaxed and not at all vigilant. In fact, the entire Port of Arad is the same, and the defensive deployment of the occupying forces is virtually useless.

A few hours later, when the sky was light, the freighter was anchored.

Port Aled is a natural harbour, that is, a huge water bay. The navigation channel is in the southwest direction and there is only one main waterway. Twenty freighters lined up in a row and passed through the waterway one by one. After arriving in the open sea outside the harbor, the fleet began to accelerate.

At this time, Yang Yi and six others were already waiting for the freighter.

The situation is not much the same as previously expected. In addition to twenty freighters, there are also four D-class warships escorting.

Although these warships are not large and cannot serve as the main force on the space battlefield, they have irreplaceable value thanks to their smaller tonnage and the ability to fly in the atmosphere. In past wars, such small warships often acted as a forward support platform for landing operations, providing artillery cover for landing troops, destroying enemy fortifications, and sometimes even attacking enemy fortresses.

Of course, escort missions are often performed.

The four D-class battleships are not to be underestimated. Even if the "Fire Phoenix" and the "Ice Tiger" can easily destroy these four battleships, they will also alarm the enemy.

With four warships there, it won't work to occupy the freighter.

Because the freighter has risen out of the water and is flying over the sea, Yang Yi and others cannot continue to hide at the bottom of the freighter. They can only climb onto the freighter and hide in the cargo hold.

The cargo hold is full of standard containers filled with grain.

Fortunately, the cruising speed of the ground-effect freighter is as high as 600 kilometers per hour. Even if the destination is the southern continent across the stormy ocean, it only takes more than ten hours to reach it. Limited by the port's throughput capacity, it takes a whole day for the fleet to load cargo in the Port of Aledide.

Jackson and Justin were very conscious, and No. 1 and No. 11 were not lazy.

The four people were divided into two shifts and stood guard outside the cargo door in turn, without bothering Yang Yi and Lin Feng.

Yang Yi intends to take this opportunity to get a good night's sleep. After coming to Shennong Star, he hasn't rested yet. It's just that Lin Feng couldn't sleep, so he didn't let Yang Yi live.

"You said, what the hell is the Luo family doing on the southern continent?"

"Auntie, if I want to know, do I need to make a special trip?"

"What do you mean?"

Yang Yi was speechless, but did not dare to offend Lin Feng. With more contact with Jackson, Yang Yi has long known that it is best not to offend women who are closely related to him, because such women dare to mess around and will not take into account each other's feelings when they are messing around.

"Don't you think that what happened on Shennong Star is so strange that there are many things that simply don't make sense."

Yang Yi sighed secretly, neither turning his head away nor responding.

"Shennongxing is the granary of the third theater. Even if the chief of staff does not come forward, a large part of the daily supplies of the third fleet comes from Shennongxing. Du Wantu will also intervene. At that time, even if Luo Zhenyu is the commander of the garrison, it will happen. I can't hide things here. With Luo Zhenyu's shrewdness, without full assurance, he will never go to war with Du Wantu, let alone give others a handle."

"What if you can be sure of it?"

"What can he be sure of? Although the garrison is a regular army, its combat effectiveness is very limited, and it is not an opponent of the Third Fleet. Besides, Du Wantu has the support of the Military Ministry. Even if the Third Fleet is defeated, Luo Zhenyu will not be able to compete with the Military Ministry. Strength. Unless... ”

Lin Feng seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly stopped.

"Unless what?"

"Unless he has a bigger backing."

"Leiling clan?"

Lin Feng shook his head slightly, and said: "The Human Federation has been making good relations with the hidden spirit clan for a long time, and the relationship between Lin Shuai and the hidden spirit clan imperial family is unusual. There is hidden spirit clan, unless Lei Sha intends to turn his face with the heavenly holy emperor. Otherwise, there is no reason to use Luo Zhenyu to seize the power of the third theater. Luo Zhenyu is so shrewd, it is impossible not to know. If the two top civilizations clash, let alone him, even the human federation will suffer a disaster."

"In addition to the Lei Ling clan, is there a bigger backer?"

Lin Feng shook his head again, but said nothing this time.

"Perhaps Luo Zhenyu's move is desperate."

"What do you mean?" Lin Feng frowned, looking at Yang Yi not quite clearly.

"After the outbreak of the Sixth Greenwich War, Lin Shuai will definitely come back, and the status of the theater command will be greatly improved. Fortunately, Du Wantu said that he is backed by the military, and the fleet is uniformly deployed by the military during the war. Too much, Lin Shuai wouldn’t take him. Luo Zhenyu is different. The garrison is organized under the theater and has nothing to do with the military. During the war, he must unconditionally obey the dispatch of the theater headquarters. Relatively speaking, Lin Shuai More trust in the chief of staff of the theater of staff, and the chief of staff’s top responsibility in wartime is to assist the commander of the theater of war to direct, plan, and deploy combat operations. Obviously, as long as a war breaks out, the chief of staff will become under one person in the theater and above ten thousand people. Exist. The commander of the garrison forces will fall to the point of obedient and lose all privileges."

"You mean..."

"Even if the chief of staff is magnanimous, starting from the overall situation, what would happen if you don't take the commander of the garrison force, but from Luo Zhenyu's standpoint, he would think so?"

"The question is, what else can he do?"

"Seize power."

Lin Fengmeng was shocked. She hadn't thought of such a simple question, and it wasn't until Yang Yi said it directly that she suddenly understood it.

"Auntie, are you finished? There are no other questions, so I went to bed."

"you… "

Before Lin Feng could speak, Yang Yi closed his eyes and snored loudly.