
Chapter 97: Hybrid beast


The warehouse is not only a storage and transfer center, but also a fully automated production workshop. The ground part is a warehouse for storing grain, and the production workshop for processing grain is underground. They are all military equipment, which not only runs fully automatically, but also processes all kinds of food materials into military rations that can be stored for a long time. An automated production line can process thousands of tons of grain a day, and there are hundreds of them here.

Because it is an automated assembly line, there are no workers in the workshop.

There is no doubt that the Luo family is expanding its armaments, otherwise there is no need to produce so many military rations.

After the six people dispersed, they made a circle around the workshop.

"Have you noticed?"

"Find what?"

Yang Yi glanced at the others before saying: "Even if these production lines are running at full speed, they cannot process all the food that comes in."

"It is true, the daily processing capacity is only about 100,000 tons, and the daily delivery of grain is as many as hundreds of thousands of tons."

"What about the extra food?"

Jackson shook his head slightly, but he couldn't figure it out.

"Look carefully again." Lin Fengchang exasperated and said, "All the grain is here. If it is not processed into rations, it must be sent to other places through other channels."

The crowd was not too wordy, and they scattered and searched.

This time, everyone is more careful, and pay special attention to the raw material entrance of the production line.

Soon, Justin found out there.

The grains in the containers are all prepared according to the proportion of processed rations, and then sent to the production line. However, all production lines consume much more raw materials than the rations produced. Although there is some loss in processing and production, it will not be too big, and it is impossible to increase it several times.

The raw material entrance is actually a huge funnel. The prepared ingredients are put in order according to the setting of the program, and when they come out of the production line, they become military rations. Because the food needs to be cleaned before processing to remove impurities and defective products, there is a special channel for waste discharge under the funnel. On a standard production line, this channel is connected to a set of waste disposal equipment. Food materials that cannot be processed into military rations are not wasted, but are produced into feed and fertilizer. It's just that all the production lines here have waste discharge channels connected to the ground. In other words, the waste is not processed into feed and fertilizer, but stored somewhere underground.

The secret lies in the underground of the production workshop.

After trying to shut down a production line, Yang Yi took the lead in getting in.

The diameter of the raw material entrance is more than fifteen meters, allowing a container to pass through, let alone a few people. Even the waste channel is several meters thick, which is equivalent to the sewer in a big city. The passage stretched downwards, and after drilling for more than ten minutes, Yang Yi stopped.

In front is a gate, controlled by a pressure sensor.

Only after enough waste has been accumulated, the gate will open and the waste will be discharged.

However, this gate is very unique. It is made of high-temperature resistant alloy and has a thickness of at least one meter, which is as strong as a heavy tank.

Could it be said that because no feed and fertilizer are needed, all waste is incinerated

If so, under the gate is a huge incinerator.

Yang Yi was very surprised and looked back at Lin Feng and others.

Although the material is extremely rich, the waste is also very serious, accompanied by massive amounts of garbage, but the incineration of garbage will seriously damage the environment, not to mention the home galaxy, even in the colonial planet, it is rarely burned. Most of the garbage is recycled and treated in a pollution-free manner. For example, food waste mainly composed of organic matter is processed into fertilizer, and waste mainly composed of inorganic matter is buried in landfills.

As early as thousands of years ago, the Human Federation stopped burning garbage.

"Go down and take a look." Lin Feng said.

"All get ready."

Yang Yi is not too wordy, and drives the "source of life" to create an energy barrier. Although the protective clothing can withstand the high temperature of 3,000 degrees Celsius, the temperature in the incinerator is likely to be above 3,000 degrees Celsius. Yang Yi does not want to be the garbage to be incinerated.

Waiting for the others to get ready, Yang Yi leaned on the gate and started pushing the gate.

With Yang Yi's force, the gate opened with a slam. A heat wave hit on the face, Yang Yi was shocked, but immediately found that the temperature of the heat wave was not as high as expected, only a few hundred degrees Celsius. Afterwards, it became clear that under the gate was not a burning road, but a huge cave.

"Everyone, be careful."

Yang Yi quickly reacted and stopped the downward momentum, and at the same time grabbed Number One. Behind him, Lin Feng grabbed the eleventh.

Among the six people, No. 1 and No. 11 are the weakest. Although after coming out of the "Kuhn-Barion Fortress", Yang Yi selected two of the original energy converters presented by Gong Baixu and gave them to No. 1 and No. 11, so that they could become soldiers and obtained the special bonus. The qualifications of the reconnaissance brigade, but limited by the original body level, the one only reached the level of the fourth-level combat soldier, and the 11th's combat power was only equivalent to the third-level combat soldier.

In addition, neither of the two have a good understanding and mastery of the original energy.

"What is this place?"

"look down."

Yang Yi reminded Lin Feng to look down.

The cave is hemispherical and extremely huge. At the top is a huge artificial light source, and the exit of the passage where Yang Yi and the others enter is on the half waist of the cave. Below everyone is a huge feedlot, with hundreds of thousands of fences suspended in the air.

It's just that, instead of raising livestock, it's a beast with a red body.

Silicon beast!

Not only Yang Yi was shocked, but Lin Feng and others were no exception.

Although in the Human Federation and even in the entire Galaxy Alliance, there are many wealthy people who raise small silicon beasts as pets, and some underground organizations use large silicon beasts to fight, but the corrals below are not small silicon beasts. They are all huge and large. Very aggressive beast!

At this time, a small robot flew over, flew around Yang Yi and the others, and then flew away.


After receiving Jackson's reminder, Yang Yi looked at the front left.

A gate opened, and some huge balls rolled out of the passage. When the ball was falling, a group of small robots flew over and used high-energy lasers to cut the ball into small pieces, and then each small robot took several small pieces to fly to the corral below.

The ball is feed!

Yes, it is indeed feed, and it is processed feed.

Feed the silicon beasts with the feed only needed by carbon-based life!

You know, because the structure of life is different, the food structure of carbon-based life is completely different from that of silicon-based life. The only thing in common is trace elements. If those feeds are trace elements necessary for the growth of silicon beasts, there are too many, and it is simply a waste.

"The temperature is less than 500 degrees Celsius." Justin said, also reminding Yang Yi and others.

"Go, go down and take a look."

What Justin said made Yang Yi suddenly think that the wild beasts in captivity may not be silicon beasts, at least not pure-blooded silicon beasts. Quite simply, the temperature of the environment suitable for the survival of silicon beasts must be above 1,000 degrees Celsius, and some large-scale silicon beasts can only become vigorous in an environment above 1,500 degrees Celsius. Even small silicon beasts can grow normally only in an environment where the temperature is high enough.

Five hundred degrees Celsius is obviously too cold for Silicon Beasts.

After approaching, Yang Yi found that the fences for keeping wild beasts were made of primordial energy, which was not only very strong, but also subject to electric shocks when directly contacted.

The entire cave is a feedlot, but there is no keeper, and all beasts are taken care of by robots.

"Brother, these are not silicon beasts."

Yang Yi nodded, and he also saw that the beast in captivity was not a silicon beast. To be precise, it was not a pure-bred silicon beast, but a life form between carbon-based life and silicon-based life.

Who did it

Yang Yichang exhaled and nodded to Jackson.

Jackson didn't ask much, rushed into a corral, and killed the beast inside.

This is a beast with a height of more than ten meters and a weight of more than 20 tons. It looks like an enlarged version of a brown bear, and its body is covered with rocky scales.

After Jackson opened the beast's body, Yang Yi's guess was proved.

The skin of the beast is a rock in a semi-molten state, with a large number of blood vessels distributed underneath, and liquid magma inside, which provides heat. Further down, there is a layer of supercavitating tissue that is tens of centimeters thick and looks like foam, which has a cushioning effect and can also isolate high temperatures. Underneath this layer of tissue are muscles, blood vessels, bones and internal organs, and are typical physiological structures of carbon-based life. The only difference is that this beast has two hearts and two blood circulatory systems. One heart transports high-temperature blood to the epidermal tissue, and the other transports low-temperature blood to muscles, internal organs and other organs. The two blood circulatory systems are very distinct.

"Brother, look at this." Jackson opened the beast's mouth, revealing the beast's teeth.

Yang Yi took a closer look and frowned.

The teeth of the beast are made of high-strength alloys, and they don't look like they grew naturally. In addition, the bones and claws of beasts are also high-strength alloys.

In other words, this is not only a hybrid beast, it has also been transformed.

"Why does the Luo family cultivate such a hybrid beast?"

"It's not a beast." Yang Yi shook his head slightly and said to Lin Feng, "It's a domesticated beast, or a machine used to kill."

"You mean..."

"The use of domesticated wild silicon beasts in warfare is the tradition of the Silicon Charm Alliance, and its combat effectiveness is very powerful. The Luo family has cultivated so many hybrid silicon beasts, and it must be imitating the Silicon Charm Alliance and preparing to use these beasts for war." Yang Yichang Out of breath. "I'm afraid this is the purpose of the Luo family's occupation of Shennong Star."

"Only Shennong has enough food to raise so many hybrid beasts."

Yang Yi nodded, indicating that it was what he meant.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple." Lin Feng said at this time, "The Luo family hasn't been here for less than a month, and it's impossible to cultivate so many hybrid silicon beasts."

Yang Yi nodded again, and he also thought of this question.

At this time, trouble came.