
Chapter 99: Attack it and save it


In a twinkling of an eye, the "Fire Phoenix" passed the "Ice Snow Tiger".

Although it started later, Lin Feng's ability to control the fighter was far superior to Yang Yi. After mastering the skills of driving the "Hard Ice Snow Tiger", Yang Yi has hardly practiced and has no time to practice. Even if he had a unique physique, his match with the "Hanbingxuehu" was very high. Without repeated practice, Yang Yi would not be able to control the "Hanbingxuehu" like Lin Feng's finger.

A crimson light beam more than ten meters thick was emitted from the "Fire Phoenix" and directed toward the artificial light source.

Although the core of the artificial light source is a primitive energy converter, it will definitely explode when attacked, but Lin Feng can't take care of that much in order to escape for his life.

The woman who appeared suddenly must be Luo Changying. She could so easily dissolve the primal energy sphere thrown by Yang Yi without even taking a shot. The combat power must be far more than Yang Yi, and the ability to control the original energy is also higher than Yang Yi. Not to mention relying on the strength of the soldiers, even if sitting in the cockpit of the "Agni Phoenix", Lin Feng did not have the confidence to defeat her. In the face of such a terrifying opponent, all he can do is escape.

Seeing this situation, Yang Yi also desperately urged the "Hanbingxuehu" to keep up with the speed of the "Fire Phoenix".

The speed of the Crimson Light Beam was not very fast, but it was slightly faster than the "Fire Phoenix". That is not a beam of light, but a beam of energy composed of plasma, which is a fire dragon with a height of tens of millions of degrees Celsius. As long as it is a matter, it will vaporize immediately when it hits it.

This is exactly one of the skills Gong Baixu taught Lin Feng to control the "Fire Phoenix".

This set of combat skills comes from the Hidden Spirit Race and is specially tailored for the "Fire Phoenix". According to Gong Baixu, after building these legendary fighters for the human federation, the Heavenly Sage Emperor discovered that even with natural combat bodies, it is difficult for humans to fully utilize the combat power of these fighters due to inherent physical limitations. Can't expect to use these legendary fighters to defeat the enemies of the Silicon Charm Alliance. For this reason, the Heavenly Sage Emperor deduced the combat skills specially used to control the legendary fighter aircraft based on the unique attributes of the fighter aircraft and the driver’s combat body attributes, and passed them on to the first generation of pilots. The combat skills to control the "Fire Phoenix" are called "Fengwu Nine Heavens".

A very beautiful name, just like Ouyang Qian, the first driver of the "Fire Phoenix".

However, this set of combat skills is not beautiful at all, but rather domineering.

What's interesting is that the combat skills of the "Frost and Snow Tiger" are mainly feminine. Yang Yi finds it very strange, after all, toughness is often related to men, while femininity is the characteristic of women. Gong Baixu didn't give much explanation on this issue, only mentioned that combat skills are determined by the characteristics of the natural combat body and have no direct relationship with the driver's gender. It was just a coincidence that the pilots of the four legendary fighters were two men and two women.

Lin Feng's current trick is called "Fire Phoenix Burning Sun", which completely relies on high temperature to produce damage, and its power is unmatched. Thousands of years ago, Ouyang Qian used this trick to penetrate an asteroid in one fell swoop. Although Lin Feng's combat power was far inferior to Ouyang Qian, it was obviously not difficult to burn through the rock formations hundreds of meters later.

This is Lin Feng's purpose.

The feedlot is underground, and the top of the head is a rock formation hundreds of meters away, and there is an ice sheet that has not melted for a thousand years. If you want to get out quickly, you have to make a channel through the rock formation and the ice sheet.

The "Agni Phoenix" flew at the fastest speed, and Lin Feng's control of the plasma energy beam was also in place.

In fact, when Lin Feng used this trick, Yang Yi guessed her intention.

Under attack, the original energy converter inside the artificial light source will definitely explode due to loss of control, but there is an interval, that is, the chain reaction of the original energy out of control will not have a chain reaction until it accumulates to a certain amount. This process is very short, probably only tens of milliseconds. However, it was enough for the "Fire Phoenix" and "Hanbingxuehu", that is, to be able to rush out within this time, at least to leave the central area of the explosion. As long as it can explode in the rear, the impact and damage caused can be withstood. If you seize the opportunity, the shock wave that could have been generated by the explosion can also propel the "Ice Snow Tiger" and the "Agni Phoenix".

Just like this, Lin Feng controlled the speed of the plasma energy beam.

After understanding Lin Feng's intention, Yang Yi not only controlled the "Hanbingxuehu" to keep up at full speed, but also focused on the woman who suddenly appeared.

Although running away is a very disgraceful thing, you can't wait to die for the sake of face.

In addition, Yang Yi is also ready to deal with the original energy explosion.

Relatively speaking, of the two legendary fighters, the "Fire Phoenix" focuses on attack, while the "Ice Snow Tiger" has a stronger defense. Take control of combat skills as an example, most of the tricks in the "Frozen World" specifically aimed at the "Frozen Snow Tiger" are also to enhance defense. It is one offense and one defense, so the "Hard Ice Snow Tiger" and the "Fire Phoenix" can fight together, and the combat power can be increased by dozens or even hundreds of times.

"Since it's here, don't even think about leaving."


Hearing Yang Yi's reminder, Lin Feng quickly braked.

The energy barrier that suddenly appeared under the artificial light source blocked the plasma energy beam. Fortunately, Yang Yi reminded in time that Lin Feng also braked quickly, and the "Agni Phoenix" did not hit the energy barrier. Although the energy barrier that appeared suddenly was invisible, it was able to block tens of millions of degrees of plasma energy beams, and the intensity must be amazing. If the "Fire Phoenix" ran into it, even if Lin Feng was not injured, the number 1 and number 11 outside would definitely be unlucky.

At this time, the woman had already approached from behind.

The energy barrier created in the air offsets the strongest offensive "Fire Phoenix Burning Sun" in the "Fengwu Nine Heavens" combat technique, and a woman's combat power is absolutely extraordinary.

Even if he hadn't reached the level of an Earth Soul Warrior, he would definitely be the strongest Warrior.

In addition, it is very likely that a woman possesses a sacred tool, because only the sacred tool can make the Kui warriors display such a powerful combat power.

The escape route has been blocked, what should I do

Hard work is definitely not going to work. The woman blocked Yang Yi and the others' retreat without even moving her fingers. Even if there were the "Ice Snow Tiger" and the "Fire Phoenix", they might not be her opponents. Besides, there are also Jackson, Justin, No. 1 and No. 11, Yang Yi and Lin Feng must be a rat avoidance device, in the case of not daring to let go, the odds of winning are even more slim, and it is impossible to win.

What if you don't spell it

Looking back, and noticing the corrals below, Yang Yi had an idea.

"If you want to keep us, it depends on whether you have that ability!"

Seeing the "Hanbingxuehu" turn around, and Yang Yi uttered these words aloud, the woman was visibly taken aback, with a sardonic smile on her mouth.

"Life or death"!

Yang Yi shot, and very suddenly.

"Life, death and seizure" is the second layer of "immortality and immortality", and it is also the one that Yang Yi is most familiar with. In the battle to break through the lava star, Yang Yi used it many times. Although "Indestructible Immortality" is not the combat technique of controlling the "Ice Tiger", according to Gong Baixu, the combat technique of controlling the legendary fighter originally comes from "Indestructible Immortality." In addition, Amy also said that by relying on fighter aircraft and other substrates, the power of "immortality" can be increased several times. From this, Yang Yi thought that the trick of "immortality and immortality" when driving the "Frost and Snow Tiger" would be more destructive. That's why Yang Yi didn't practice the combat skills that Gong Bai Xu taught him to control the "Ice Tiger".

"This is the trick of'immortality and immortality'!?"

"Why, scared?"

"Small bugs!"

Facing the sharp rays of light from the stabbing, the woman instead of evading, she faced her head up, just raised her hand and condensed an energy shield on her arm.

She is too big!

You know, Yang Yi is no longer the original Wu Xia Amon. With the increase in the level of the battle body and the increase in the ability to control the original energy, the destructive power of the "life, death and seizure" used by Yang Yi at this time was originally outside the atmosphere of the lava star, when he was fighting with the Silicon Charm Alliance war generals. hundred times.

What's more, life and death are a matter of life and death, and Yang Yi made an all-out effort without any reservations.

The light pierced the energy shield, and the woman only shook it a few times. Instead, the "Frost and Snow Tiger" was shaken by dozens of meters under the strong reaction force.

"If you only have this ability..."

The woman had just spoken, when the lightsaber blocked by the energy shield suddenly reopened, and the dots of light scattered like a celestial flower.

The sudden change shocked the woman.

"The Creation of All Souls"!

Yes, this is the "creation of all souls" on the first level of "Immortal Eternal Life", but it is not the same as Amy's performance when he used it to deal with the Silicon Magic Alliance warriors.

In fact, this is Yang Yi's ultimate move.

Unable to defeat the opponent, the only way to escape from the opponent is to attack them and save them.

When Yang Yi was about to destroy the feedlot, the woman came forward and stated that Yang Yi would not be allowed to get rid of the beasts here. Although Yang Yi could not control all the primordial energies that were scattered, it was because of the large number. Even if it fell disorderly, he would definitely be able to hit many beasts. Each spot of light is a small primitive bomb, even if it can't kill the beast, it can also severely injure the beast, causing a woman's efforts to waste.

At this time, Lin Feng also suddenly understood.

Without waiting for Yang Yi's instructions, she launched the "Fire Phoenix" and once again used the "Fire Phoenix Burning Sun" to rush towards the artificial light source above her head.

When Yang Yi resorted to "life and death", Lin Feng also thought that Yang Yi was going to fight the woman desperately.

Of course, Yang Yi did not stay. The "Hanbingxuehu" was retreated by the woman, and Yang Yi took this opportunity to speed up and catch up with the "Fire Phoenix".

After the sound, there was a deafening explosion.

"Yang Yi, you damn bastard, I want you to die, to break your bones!"

The woman is angry, it can be said to be furious.

Don't leave at this time, when will you stay!

Not to mention that the woman is already cruel, even if not, Yang Yi is unwilling to continue pestering a mad woman who was abandoned by Lin Liexun.