Start With Contracting Sprites

Chapter 28: A silkworm baby who wants to make money



With nimble fingers, Su Hao tapped on his newly bought laptop.

Silkworm Baby stared at the dead fish, lying on the table, watching him quietly.

It's the computer!

Su Hao searched on Qianwang for issues related to multiple compressions of spiritual power.

A lot of relevant results.

What was the last look

"There is actually so little content about multiple compressions of spiritual power, and several of the results are still novel content?"

Su Hao has a black question mark face.

Finally saw a more valuable content.

is a thesis.

Conjecture about multiple compressions of spiritual power.

Just conjecture!

"Could it be that this world doesn't have a systematic way to allow elves to compress their spiritual power multiple times

"Or, the higher-ups have already grasped it, but they haven't made it public?"

Su Hao had no way of knowing.

But no matter what, just by compressing spiritual power, the unlocking value of spiritual power strengthening cultivation is greater than imagined.

I have to say something about the panel cow beer.

So it's still my own beer.

Silkworm Baby's spiritual power at this time is only in his early seventies, which is still a long way from one hundred.

On October 1st, its spiritual power was only sixty.

It can be quickly raised to seventy-two in just ten days, thanks to the combination of intermediate jade powder and other nutrients.

Training methods are also key.

Nutrients are perfectly absorbed and nothing is wasted.

"However, it was only the first few days of using the intermediate jade powder, the spiritual power increased faster, and then it will slow down, only 30% faster than the stage of eating the primary jade powder."

It is only a little over two months before the end of the term and the five-school joint actual combat exercise.

With Silkworm Baby's current progress, it is impossible to break through the entry level, but if the spiritual power breaks through 120 and completes a "small compression", you can look forward to it.

"Big compression is what breaks through the entry level, and the spiritual power compression before the entry level is collectively referred to as small compression, but the improvement of the elf's strength is also very obvious.

"Silkworm Baby must start preparing now, so that the limit of spiritual power will not be stuck in the early 100s."

According to Su Hao's understanding, this thing is equivalent to the extended meridians in martial arts novels.

The elf's body is equivalent to a bucket, and its spiritual power is water.

When the bucket is full of water, the spiritual power contained in the elf can no longer increase.

At this moment,

It is necessary to expand the capacity of the bucket.

Several methods were provided to him in the message.

Su Hao read it carefully and fell into deep thought.

"The easiest and most efficient way is to ask a high-level elf to help."

Elves above the elite level have this ability.

The best of its kind.

But he can't.

"There may be similar services in the market, but they will definitely be expensive."

Su Hao turned around and found that he had only one choice left.

- External stimulus method.

Drugs, supplemented by special acupuncture techniques, expand the spirit capacity of the elves.

Still want money!

"Silkworm, you are blessed again, whether you are happy or not."

Silkworm Baby still stared, watching him quietly as he spoke.

"I'm going to buy some things you use, will you go?"

"Really not going? If not, then I will go."

Su Hao left.

Silkworm Baby immediately jumped up.

It crawled to the door, looked around furiously, then came to the computer again, and moved the mouse.

Its short legs are too short to be useful, and it can only move with its mouth biting the mouse.

Awkwardly, he clicked on a certain software.

It moved the position of the computer, adjusted the angle, and turned on the camera.

Quickly took a short video of ten seconds.

in the video,

A silkworm baby is performing acrobatics.

It stands upright, emitting a light cluster of spiritual power slightly smaller than a bird's egg.

The light clusters were thrown high and then fell, Silkworm Baby quickly caught the spiritual light clusters and swallowed them again.

After shooting the video, it will not edit it, and will directly publish it with the account registered a few days ago.

Under the account name, there are two other small videos.

Silkworm Baby pushed the mouse, clicked on the other two videos, saw the few clicks, the few comments, and the empty rewards, and looked at the creation subsidy rules.

Its eyes became frustrated with difficult calculations with the mathematics it had learned so recently.

When will I be able to earn a small amount of money? Goo (︿).

Silkworm Baby pondered.

It closes the video software and opens the web page.

A thin stream of spiritual power spewed out from the mouth, and the light particles of spiritual power were condensed and barely dispersed.

It has been busy for a long time, and finally wrote the word "make money" on the tablet.

on the screen,

Qianwang's search results are overwhelming.

Silkworm Baby recognized them one by one with its limited level of characters, and soon fell into a circle of confusion.


It's too hard for me.

When Su Hao came back with a big bag of things, he saw a well-behaved, serious silkworm baby who was practicing the use of spiritual power.

He expressed his satisfaction.

"Silkworm, look what I brought back for you."


Silkworm Baby was not interested.

"Are you not interested in things worth tens of thousands of dollars? What a loser."


Silkworm Baby jumped up all of a sudden, "Gu Nuo Gu Nuo!"

"What? You need money if you don't want these? That won't work. There is only one thing you have to do as a growing elf at this time, and that is training."


"Didn't I buy you a computer before?"

"What robbery? What about the imperial envoy, can that be called robbery!"

"You don't look like you are suitable for playing computer."

Silkworm Baby was hit critically, and Silkworm Baby became depressed.

At this time, Su Hao said again, "But as long as you evolve, you can have tentacles and use computers and mobile phones easily, aren't you looking forward to it

"So, the current efforts are all for better play in the future."

Silkworm Baby thought about it.

It seems that it is not a fool.

It really makes sense.

Su Hao took out a beautifully packaged box, and carefully took out a crystal ball from the box:

"This is a spiritual power ball, a prop specially used for training spiritual power, try it."

Produced by Green Shade Group, it is very suitable for elves who have not yet started.

With the help of the spiritual power ball, it is easy to improve the elves' control over spiritual power.

Su Hao has long wanted to buy it.

Just couldn't afford it before.

5800 is this ball.

Silkworm Baby curiously approached the spirit power ball, and glanced at the manual next to it.

Input... spiritual power...

It sticks to the crystal ball and slowly injects spiritual power into it.


The whole crystal ball lights up. If you observe carefully, you can see that there is a bright green dot inside the crystal ball, and there is a faint translucent line around the dot.

"Control your spiritual power and let the green dot move along the route."

Silkworm Baby immediately controlled its spiritual power and moved cautiously.

After all, it is a practiced elf with a foundation, and it only took three minutes to complete a lap of the route.

And the bonding rate is high.

There is also a base under the crystal ball, which displays the score in real time, and does not need to be charged-the spiritual power injected during the elf training is the energy source.

The pedestal scored 73 points.

The silkworm baby took a look, but it was too low!

Su Hao can score 90 points in the exam!

It was very unhappy, and continued to practice with a stubborn breath.

Su Hao took a look.

Why is this spiritual training crystal ball so popular

Because it can make elves "addicted".

(end of this chapter)