Start With Contracting Sprites

Chapter 31: written examination


In Su Hao's hands, he was holding a thick "Pre-examination Guidance Book for Spirit Educator", and was previewing.


"so hard!"

"Why doesn't the intelligence value increase at all!"

"This tutorial is terrible!"

not far away,

Silkworm Baby is training alone.

"First, release your spiritual power and keep it for a while."

Silkworm babies understand at this stage.

"The second step is to shape the released spiritual power."

Silkworm Baby spat out an arm-long particle of spiritual power.

The light particles gather together, like a transparent glass tube, trapping mischievous particles inside.

It wants to compress further, turning loose particles into a solid state.


The over-compressed spiritual power particles exploded with a puff, blowing up fallen leaves all over the ground, and smearing Silkworm Baby's face.

It has a dull face, with a few leaves in its slightly opened mouth.

The breeze blows, and a fallen leaf flies up, covering its eyes.

Su Hao burst out laughing, and quickly held back.

The result is still unbearable.

"Pfft ha ha ha—"

He usually doesn't laugh, but Silkworm Baby still pretends to be thinking and analyzing seriously with a bunch of fallen leaves on his face.

It surpassed Su Hao's training level.



five minutes later,

Su Hao had no choice but to put down the book in his hand, rolled up his sleeves... and personally went to the stage to teach silkworms to train.

"The rice grain machine gun is the easiest to learn, and you should start with the easiest one."


Silkworm Hitting the Wall Baby reluctantly agreed.

This move is somewhat similar to spewing spiritual power.

Silkworm Baby has already practiced a lot, so he started directly.

Only three hours later,


Its mouth opens in a circle.

Light particles the size of rice grains spewed out, gathered into a stream of green light, and bombarded a big tree not far away.

Countless rice grains crackled like a gust of wind and rain, destroying this poor tree.

The bark was snapped off, riddled with holes, and two seconds later the whole tree broke and fell down with a bang.

"Cough, cough, cough."

The smoke and dust filled the air, Su Hao held his mouth and nose.

"It seems a bit over the top."

Since the training of silkworm babies, the trees on the back mountain of Donghu Mountain have been devastated.

It was fine before, the Silkworm Baby's lethality was limited.

Now, one move, one tree, won't this place be bald after a while.

sin, sin.

"Silkworm, it looks like we can't use trees as targets anymore, um... let's use that big rock over there, and use it as a target to practice rice machine guns."

(Dashi: ???)

Silkworm Baby, who has just learned a new trick, is very excited.

In the future, you will be able to "convince people with your mouth".

It adjusted the angle, accumulated spiritual power, and a stream of green light spewed out. Countless grains of rice hit the big rock, causing stone chips to fly.

But Dashi survived tenaciously.

Just some potholes on the surface.

Su Hao was very satisfied.

This target will last a long time.

He continued to hold up the tutoring book, and kept telling him, "Keep practicing, only practice this move in the afternoon, and do physical training when your spiritual power is exhausted. Your master, I have studied so hard. As my elf, you have to do it too." Just be as serious as possible.”

Silkworm Baby: "???"

We are different Goo~!

Wake up at sunrise and never stop at sunset.

After crossing, Su Hao worked a lot harder than before.

Not only do you have to study cultural lessons, but you also have to prepare for the spiritual teacher exam, and you have to supervise the training of silkworm babies.

"I'm really amazing.

"Favorite novels, anime, games... I haven't touched it for a week!"

Tuesday, October 22.

Su Hao: Apprentice Imperial Spirit Envoy.

Intelligence value: 73

Soul Power: 7.69 (from 6.55)

Contract Elf: Silkworm Baby (uninitiated, spiritual power 80)

Unlocked training: silkworm baby basic training, silkworm baby spiritual power strengthening training

Unique moves unlocked: Charge, Roar, Rice Machine Gun, Energy Ball (Silkworm Baby learning progress 80%), Silk Spinning (Silkworm Baby learning progress <50%)

The rice grain machine gun is the easiest. Silkworm Baby has already had similar training and learned it in half a day.

But the energy ball and silk spinning, the little guy spent half a month and still couldn't display it.

Purely normal.

Both tricks are relatively advanced.

The rice grain machine gun just filled in some of its combat methods, and its power was not as powerful as the charge.

But after learning the energy ball, Silkworm Baby's lethality can increase by two levels.

After learning how to spin silk, the silkworm baby's combat system will also take shape.

"Silkworm, stay at home by yourself today, don't forget to train with the spirit ball."

"Gu Nuo Gu Nuo."

Silkworm Baby ran over with his schoolbag in his mouth.

"Everyone will bring me a schoolbag, not bad."

Su Hao was very pleased.

After rubbing Silkworm Baby's soft head, he picked up his schoolbag and left home.

Until the door was locked, silkworm baby ran to the bedroom jumping and jumping—the imperial spirit envoy finally left.

Su Hao didn't go to school.

He asked for leave on the grounds that the silkworm baby was overtrained and needed to take it to the doctor. (Silkworm Baby: ???)

The real reason is that the written test for the spiritual teacher assessment is today.

There are two rounds of assessment. The first round of written examination is mainly to eliminate candidates who fish in troubled waters or try their luck.

The second round was really difficult.

It needs to be combined with the actual situation of the elves, and the test center is not in Ancheng, so you have to go to Yunhua City next door.

"What are you thinking, I may not even pass the written test."

Su Hao is very imaginary.

I am just an ordinary high school student, and the review time is short, and I haven't even had time to do the test questions over the years.

He heard that many people failed to pass the exam for the qualification certificate of spiritual cultivator after taking the exam for several years or more.

With such a difficult assessment, I probably... belonged to the lucky candidates who were brushed off.

Su Hao went out and went straight to Ancheng No. 2 Middle School.

That's right, the twice-yearly exams are held in No. 2 Middle School, not some lofty and noble Spiritualist Association.

The association requisitioned No. 2 Middle School for an entire morning.

Su Hao thought that there was no one right, but found that there were many unexpected cars coming.

Cars or motorcycles were parked on the campus of No. 2 Middle School, and young or not young candidates walked towards the examination room.

"Why are there so many people?"

Su Hao also saw a grandfather with white hair.

But uncle, can't you take care of your grandson at home

Grandson growing up? Didn't the second child be allowed the year before last

"Young man, may I ask how to get to classroom 203?"

"Huh? Sir, are you asking me?" Su Hao pointed to himself.

"Young man, besides you, who else is a student of No. 2 Middle School?"

Su Hao saw a second middle school student wearing a volunteer vest in front of him, but the distance was a bit far, and the uncle might not be able to see because of his poor eyesight.

"Grandpa, I'm not a No. 2 middle school student."

"The classroom is in the middle? Which middle?"

"Master, I said I am a student in No. 1 Middle School."

"First floor? No, it's obviously twenty-three."

Su Hao held his forehead.

I can only bring the uncle to classroom 203, anyway, I can find it casually.

His examination room is not far away, just next door to 202.

Soon, it was time to start the exam.

The invigilator opened the classroom door, and the candidates lined up to check and enter.

"Student, there is no need for volunteers here, you can... Are you an examinee?"

The invigilator finally saw that he wasn't wearing a red vest, and didn't ask why he took it off.

Su Hao was speechless.

Silently took out a printed admission ticket.

After checking, I sat in the classroom, the penultimate row, by the window.

A gust of wind blows, and the sweet-scented osmanthus trees outside the window are fragrant.

Su Hao took out a black ballpoint pen from the pen bag, held his breath, and looked at the test questions.

Just startled.


Thanks to "Book Friends 20190502053708957", "Like the Wind", "Luo Yanmo" for their rewards, and the students who voted for recommendation, crab and crab~~~

(end of this chapter)