Start With Contracting Sprites

Chapter 55: Meet the seed players


There were no roads in the original forest area, but more and more candidates passed by, and traces of roads gradually appeared.

Su Hao walked forward, and the dense branches and leaves hung down to block him.

He didn't push it away with his hands, but let the branches and leaves sweep across his face, and when he was about to touch, there was a soft force that swung the branches and leaves away.

Mask protection for the bracelet!

Originally, besides elves, there were many insects, birds and beasts in this luxuriant forest.

There may be poisonous insects and snakes among them.

The threat to candidates is no less than that of wild elves.

Long thorny vines and branches with sharp sections may cut the examinee's clothes and cause injury.

Only those with rich experience in wild survival can survive in this environment.

Su Hao and the others are just a group of cute new high school seniors.

What you learn is elf cultivation and fighting, not survival skills in the wild.

The mask protection of the bracelet gives candidates a strong sense of security.

As long as you don't deliberately bump into a dangerous place, some branches or bushes blocking the road will consume very little energy on the bracelet.

After Su Hao got used to it, he no longer used his hands to poke the grass, which could save some time.

Complicated areas that are difficult to pass through should either be bypassed, or let Silkworm Baby or Little Fire Crow open a gap.

It didn't take much time to come to the supply point tower.

A white tower appeared in front of Su Hao. The stone outer wall was covered with ivy, and some mottled scratches could be vaguely seen—maybe traces left by wild elves—as well as traces of repairs. This tall tower is full of a sense of time.

Facing his direction, is an iron gate.

at this time,

The iron gate is wide open.

According to the rules, there are various supply boxes inside each tower. The supply boxes are good or bad, but each candidate can only take one supply box from one tower.

It is impossible to take more, because there are surveillance probes in the tower.

There are also many places in the forest.

"Although I must have come late, if I were an examiner, the number of supply boxes for the first tower must be more than that of the examinees, right?"

Thinking about it, Su Hao walked towards the tower.

He bumped into three hurried figures walking head-on.

A three-person team, carrying a supply box the size of a briefcase, just came out of the tower.

The eight eyes met, and the atmosphere suddenly froze.

"It's him!"

The expressions of the three-person team changed slightly.

None of them are fools. Judging from the order in which they entered the forest, the last one must be the most threatening.

"The strongest student in Ancheng No. 1 Middle School has two elves, Silkworm Baby and Little Fire Crow!"

Information about Su Hao emerged in their minds.

Although they are far from being able to compare with those strong people in their school, they are just ordinary students in No. 1 Middle School.

Not a boss!

But behind them was a white tower, and in front of them was blocked by Su Hao.

The three of them made eye contact and decided to do it!

At least, they still have an advantage in numbers!

A prairie wolf, a needle and thread spider, and a spotted mushroom that looks like an anthropomorphic mushroom, three wood elves under the command of the imperial envoy...


The silkworm baby took the lead, jumped up high, and exhaled green brilliance from its mouth.

Rice grain machine gun!

Countless green light particles converged into a stream of light, sweeping across the three elves.

Around the three elves, dust was flying.

In the smoke and dust, there were three elves whimpering in pain.

a moment later,

The prairie wolf fell down, the needle thread spider lay on its stomach, and the spotted mushroom passed out.

Elves are creatures bred by heaven and earth, and they will not bleed because of injuries, and there will be no scenes such as staining the ground red, spitting out internal organs, etc.

But it can also be seen that the three elves are covered in injuries.

It's still the result of the silkworm baby retaining its energy... or saving its spiritual energy.

The three trainee spirit envoys from No. 1 Middle School couldn't believe it. The man in the middle clenched his fists as he watched the fallen prairie wolf struggling to stand up.

"Stand up, stand up, steppe wolf!"

On his fist, there appeared a faint light like a pointer.

[Ying Ling: Perseverance]: Let the elves burst out their final fighting power when they are on the verge of their limit.


The prairie wolf stood on the ground, trying to stand up with great difficulty.

call out!

A peanut flew in.

With a snap, the last persistence of the prairie wolf was pressed down.

The coyote played GG.

A gust of wind blew away the dust.

Su Hao smiled, and the smile was like a devil in the eyes of the three-person team.

"Are you surrendering yourself? Or are you surrendering yourself?"

A candidate picked up the Elven Needle Thread Spider and ran to one side, but just two steps away, he was swept back by a flame claw.

Although the examinee was protected by a photomask, he still fell into a daze.

Only the elf needle thread spider was held in his arms, curled up into a ball, and was not injured again.

He got up and saw that the energy of the shield had been reduced by 10%, so he no longer took chances, "I surrender!"

He presses the button.

The other two team members also pressed the button.

Su Hao's bracelet immediately sent a vibration reminder.

A look, points +1.

"That is to say, the three of you only defeated two elves?"

Feeling bored, Su Hao took a supply box from the tower, took the compressed biscuits and two bottles of water from the three people's supply box, and took Silkworm Baby and Little Fire Crow into the grass.

Only three hard-working candidates were left.

In the original forest area, the deeper you go, the denser the branches and leaves, giving people a gloomy feeling.

Silkworm Baby walked in front to open the way, Su Hao walked in the middle, and Little Fire Crow hovered above his head to be vigilant.


Where he walked, the green vines wrapped around the trunk seemed to come to life, and a few vines swished like ropes.


Su Hao heard the voice and didn't turn his head.

He believed that his spirit could judge the direction.

In an instant, a huge fireball flew out, ignited the flying vines, landed on the trunk and exploded, exposing several vine snakes coiled around the trunk as camouflage.

They scatter from the tree trunks and weave through the bushes, invisible, only the rustling of the surrounding grass.

"Wing attack."

he ordered.

The black feathers on the little fire crow continued to spread, and it turned into a pair of huge wings in the blink of an eye. The wings swept around, and the bushes were rolled up by their roots. A few vine snakes that were swimming were swept away by the black wings , The sharp feathers left many marks on them.

As if feeling that the little fire crow was difficult to deal with, a few vine snakes came and went quickly.

Also know how to disperse and escape.

But how could Su Hao's silkworm baby have the heart to watch the points escape.

It spit out miniature energy balls, flying out one after another, and all the vine snakes under the rumble were covered in ashes and passed out.

Silkworm Baby didn't kill it. These elves looked seriously injured, but in fact, with the elves' self-healing ability, they could recover their mobility in half a day.

If you don't meet other enemies.

He didn't expect what happened after he left, but for the time being, neither he nor Silkworm Baby Fire Crow had any way to kill these elves.

It is not necessary in the entrance exam.

The referee team also suggested that it is good to beat, for the sustainable development of the forest primitive area.

But in the future, Su Hao felt that he had to take that step.

He turned his head and looked at the big tree that had been hit by a fireball in front of it. The bark was scorched black, but the flame did not spread and was already extinguished.

Su Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

Ordering the fireball was completely an instinctive reaction, also because the little fire crow was right above his head.

"However, since the school puts the examination room here, this forest should... not be so easily ignited?"

This forest is indeed strange. In addition to the tall trees, Su Hao also saw some irregular crystals on the trunks of some trees.

At first he thought it was dizziness, but the further he walked in, the more trees appeared crystals.

He couldn't help thinking.

Tear open a package of compressed biscuits.

He ate it by himself, but it was tasteless, so he fed silkworm baby and little fire crow again.

They also dislike it, but they still eat it seriously.

At this time,

The silkworm baby stared at the tall grass not far away.

Little Fire Crow also became vigilant.

The grass was separated, and a slightly familiar figure stepped out.

"It's you."

(end of this chapter)