Start With Contracting Sprites

Chapter 7: training plan


The class news is 99+ in a short while.

Su Hao turned it off,

What kind of water do you want? Are elves not fun or novels are not good-looking

Suddenly the phone vibrated again, and it seemed that Liu Ren invited him to join a small group.

——One middle school's Mengxin Yuling Envoy Mutual Assistance Exchange Group.

In addition to Chen Qi and other students in the same class, several other people joined in one after another, all of them were students who contracted elves from Ancheng No. 1 Middle School.

After drying out their elves for a while, they finally entered a more serious topic.

"My vine snake is a little lazy. It hangs on the anti-theft window every day to bask in the sun, and it can't even bark. How can I solve it?"

"There is nothing wrong with wood elves basking in the sun. It should help the elves grow... right?"

"The elf can start training after it enters the growth stage, but how to train? Let the elf do a hundred push-ups? My fluffy ball has no hands and feet."

"Training elves pays attention to methods. It is best to train under the guidance of the teacher after school starts, so as not to make mistakes in training."

Su Hao silently dived into the screen.

Liu Ren was bubbling at this time, "Speaking of the start of school, I have a confidential message. It is said that there will be an entrance test for the Elf Department at the beginning of school."

"Exam?? I haven't finished my summer homework yet!"

"Could it be a battle between elves? I'm freezing!"

"Thinking too much, how can the elves fight without starting training?"

"@梦想becoming the master of Yuling, the cute new Liu Ren, boss Liu, how are you going to train the elves?"

Liu Ren: "Huh? No need for training. I will feed the charcoal-fired turtle with scorched jade powder for three meals a day, a fire spirit fruit for supper, and some nutritional supplements from time to time. When school starts, whether it's a battle or something, I believe The charcoal fire turtle can handle it."

Chen Qi: "..."

Ma Ruomei: "..."

Su Hao: "..."

He snapped his fingers and did a little calculation. The price of burnt jade powder was more than ten times that of silkworm baby's main meal. The fire spirit fruit was even more precious. It was a type of energy fruit and couldn't be bought in stores.

What Liu Ren feeds is not nutrition, but money. There is so much krypton, gold and krypton, and the charcoal fire turtle is one of the five elements of the novice, can it not be strong

The group was silent for a moment, and Liu Buren was awarded the title of King of the Cold.

in the bedroom,

Su Hao opened a hardcover notebook he just bought, which recorded the development details of the silkworm baby.

From the data point of view, it is indeed a day-to-day appearance.

"About tomorrow, Silkworm Baby will be able to enter the growth stage and start training."

Silkworm Baby, who was watching TV in the living room, suddenly felt a chill, looked left and right, finally put a blanket in his mouth, and continued to watch TV programs intently.

The translucent panel was unfolded in front of Su Hao. Without hesitation, he spent 15 intelligence points to unlock the 'basic training' in the cultivation plan.

A three-dimensional model of a silkworm baby appeared on the interface, and at the same time a lot of information flooded into his mind.

[After eating the jade powder, the elves will exhaust their physical and spiritual power within an hour, which can speed up the digestion of the jade powder (the specific plan is as follows:...)]

[Silkworm Baby's current training limits are: XXX physical fitness, XXX spiritual power, XXX resistance to blows... ]

[Nutritional supplements required for the top plan are… ]

[required for medium program…]

[Common plan… ]

After a while, Su Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

"I see… "

Basic training refers to all-round training and cultivation of elves to tap the potential of elves.

In the curriculum of the third year of high school, a large part of the knowledge is related to the cultivation of elves.

Spirits with different attributes are cultivated in different ways.

The predecessors also summed up many elves' cultivation plans.

But there are individual differences among elves.

Conventional training programs are popular and universal, and a skilled spiritual trainer can formulate a training program that is more specific to a certain elf, but it is still far from perfect.

The basic cultivation of intelligence value unlocking, according to the detailed data of a specific elf's strength, physical strength, spiritual power, etc., combined with nutritional supplements to formulate a corresponding training plan, can perfectly tap the potential of elves.

This is like the gap between physical education class exercise and the precise guidance of a master personal trainer.

If you practice without guidance, you may go wrong. Most of the new recruits do not dare to train elves indiscriminately, and they are cultivated under the guidance of teachers after school starts.

"The cost of 15 intelligence points is worth it, but there are not many intelligence points left, and there is no stable income channel for intelligence points."

An elf textbook can provide Su Hao with an information value of about 3~6 points. Books such as "History of Elves (1)" provide less, while "Recognizing Common Elves" and "Key Points for Cultivating Elves" Etc., the information value provided is more.

However, Su Hao had carefully read the elves textbooks for his first and second grades from beginning to end, contributing a total of 51 intelligence points to him.

Plus two points harvested at the elf free-range center.

"After the school starts, the new textbooks can provide some information value, and I can also find it through online channels...but the online channels can only obtain superficial knowledge..."

"It doesn't matter, the most urgent thing is to formulate a training plan according to the training plan... and find a way to make money."

The training plan for unlocking intelligence value is not the only one. Instead, it can be subdivided into countless types according to the combination of 'nutrients', training conditions and so on.

This requires Su Hao to consider according to his own situation.

But he found helplessly that he had no choice, and only the cheapest plan could be afforded by himself. For this reason, in addition to the green bamboo jade powder he already had, he also needed to buy other auxiliary items.

The cost of one month's cultivation is incalculable.

"However, there are still two problems at present, the training venue and the effort of silkworm baby."

Training must not be at home, even if the elf has just entered the growth stage, it may not be able to beat a husky.

Effort is even more important.

A plan is just a plan after all. A friend of Su Hao who wrote a novel made a plan to change the 4D daily one year ago. A year later, he was still wandering between the waste material first watch and the salted fish second watch.

Su Hao waved to Silkworm Baby, "After so many days at home, I've gained a lot of weight. Today I will take you out for a stroll."


Silkworm Baby glanced at him, is he fat? Obviously he has grown up!

Its watery eyes were fixed on the TV screen again.

"Hmm." Su Hao's expression turned serious.

Activate the skill, the gaze of the imperial spirit envoy.


"Hey~ Well—"

Silkworm Baby reluctantly crawled over, staring at a certain children's program on the TV screen three times a step at a time, until Su Hao stepped forward to turn off the TV under its pitiful gaze, then picked it up and put it on his shoulder.

It's okay, not sinking.

After leaving the community, Su Hao scanned a shared bicycle along the street. It is said that super-first-tier cities such as Longdu and Binhai City have already piloted the sharing of elves.

Riding a shared bicycle, facing the breeze, Su Hao was in a happy mood.

Silkworm Baby had stopped throwing temper tantrums a long time ago, and now he was looking around with his big curious eyes. It didn't want to stay in the basket, but lay on top of Su Hao's head, but it was quite stable. When Su Hao drifted left and braked right, Silkworm Baby lay firmly on its stomach, but it made his hair a little messy.

Su Hao didn't just wander around aimlessly, his goal was the Fairy Square.

The Fairy Plaza is a comprehensive plaza with the theme of fairies, including the Fairy Medical Center, the battle hall, the training place and other buildings. Many products related to fairies can only be bought in the Fairy Plaza.

Su Hao parked his bicycle at a parking spot near the square, looking around curiously like a silkworm baby.

In Ancheng, elves are rarely seen in the streets and alleys, but around this elf square, you can see imperial envoys with elves everywhere.

In the center of the square, there is a statue. It is a beast-shaped elf with snow-white fur, four hooves on the ground, and blue lines all over the elf. On the elf's forehead, there is a single horn that looks like lightning.

"It's Thunder Beast, an ultra-rare elf, and the power of thunder it controls can change the sky."

Su Hao remembered that not long after he was reborn, he saw the news that the main force of the XX King, the Thunder Beast, defeated a strong typhoon. The mighty power of a high-level elf is beyond what he can imagine now.

In contrast,

Silkworm Baby is just a war scum.

"(╯▽╰)" What can the baby silkworm do? It is also very helpless.

During the observation, one person and one elf came to the elf battle area.

The vast indoor space is divided into basketball court-sized arenas, with auditoriums on the left and right sides.

The front row has already been occupied by a lot of spectators. Among them are ordinary people, and there are also many newcomers like him. There shouldn't be any official spirit guardians—don't ask him how he knows, it's just weak.

(end of this chapter)