Start With Contracting Sprites

Chapter 73: promotion


I have been busy for most of the day.

The good news is that Silkworm Baby and Little Fire Crow can apply for elf ID cards.

The bad news is, it's almost seven o'clock!

He is very hungry!

I didn't eat much at noon, but it's delayed until now.

He climbed to the sixth floor and rang the doorbell.

In a moment, the door opened.

Mother Su breathed a sigh of relief when she saw him, "You're not hurt?"

She looked around.

Mother Su received a call from the school teacher in the afternoon, saying that the vehicle was attacked when it was returning to school.

At that moment, her heart ached.

Even though the teacher said on the phone, he is fine.

Su Hao also called later to report that he was safe.

But Mother Su had to wait until she saw it with her own eyes before she could feel relieved.

Father Su who heard the voice came out, did not speak, but also showed a relieved smile.

"If you're not injured, wash your hands and eat quickly," said Mother Su.

Su Hao saw the untouched food on the table at a glance, and couldn't help saying, "Mom, didn't I tell you to eat first, don't wait for me."

Su's mother glanced at her, and beckoned Silkworm Baby and Little Fire Crow to come in quickly.

Finally, he said, "We didn't wait for you, we were waiting for the two great heroes Silkworm Baby and Little Fire Crow.

"Come on, come on, hurry up, we have prepared your favorite food tonight."

She looked at Su Hao again, "What are you still doing in a daze, heat up the dishes!"

Su Hao has no family status, exchanged glances with Papa Su, and walked towards the dining room.

At the dinner table, Su's father and Su's mother kept asking about the situation in the afternoon.

Su Hao just said briefly.

He didn't mention that he confronted the attacker head-on and escaped from the mouth of the elite elf.

These things, since the school did not say.

There is no need to say it yourself.

It's just worrying in vain.

But Su's father and Su's mother were obviously not so relieved.

At this moment,

A news program was broadcasting on TV, and suddenly a message was broadcast.

"Look, don't worry, this is a small probability event, and those attackers can't afford to make too many waves."

Su's father and Su's mother finally felt relieved.

It seems that the attacker is really not worth mentioning in front of the Yulingshi Guild.

No one was injured either.

Su Hao knows a little bit more.

But seeing the news, he was also relieved.

A part of the screen was covered with thick mosaics, but Su Hao could still recognize that it was the summoned stone giant.

Die terribly.

Perhaps, it was this stone giant that exposed the position of the team leader.

At night, Su Hao was using the computer to look up some materials needed for the evolution of the silkworm baby.

He knows exactly what is needed.

He checked the price.

There are not many malls that sell items related to elves, but you have to shop around.

Su Hao tapped on the computer keyboard.

The primary material for the evolution of silkworm babies is the essence of wood.

It doesn't come cheap.

But for some auxiliary materials, Su Hao can still save tens of thousands of yuan.

Being a house man is just not easy.

At this time, Su Hao moved his ears, and heard Su's father and Su's mother seem to say "fraud", "house" and so on in the living room, he walked out curiously.

"What house?"

"I just got a call, saying that you won the first place in the entrance examination, and according to the incentive policy formulated by the Municipal Administration and Clearwater Real Estate, you will be rewarded with a house!"

Su's mother pouted her lips, "Do you really think my official account is useless, these tricks have long been outdated!

"You still said you came first in the joint entrance examination? Is it possible! Don't even find a reasonable reason, treat me as a fool."

Mama Su is proficient in the "Thirty-six Anti-Cheat Techniques". She often reads various legal columns and has seen eight hundred if not one thousand deceptions.

The public account and the legal column are not in vain.

Su Hao was silent.

Didn't you say you won the first place

Thinking about it carefully, it seems, maybe, maybe, probably, it seems... I really didn't say it.

He tentatively said, "Mom, maybe it's not a liar..."

Su Hao spent countless words, and then produced the entrance examination certificate, the certificate issued by the king of heaven and so on.

It was only then that Su's father and Su's mother finally realized that his own son was indeed capable of winning the first place in the entrance examination.

Not fake.

In the last semester of the third year of high school, he obtained the qualification certificate of the official spirit envoy.

Because silkworm baby has broken through the entry level.

How old is the entry level? After Su Hao chose the spirit department, Su's father and Su's mother also knew a little bit about it.

After a while, Su's father and Su's mother sighed, "Canbao really worked hard, and of course it's not bad to hit you."

Su Hao: "???"

I always feel that I was sent by phone bill!

During the talk,

Su Hao's cell phone rang.

It's Uncle Pan's phone number.

He swipe the screen to pick it up.

"Oh... um... okay... Thank you, Uncle Pan."

The phone is about the house.

The location is in the Yulingshi community that Instructor Xiong mentioned. It is a high-end community specially provided by Clearwater Real Estate for Yulingshi to live in. There are many supporting facilities related to elves in the community.

Many high-level elves are huge in size and need a special place to raise them.

It's just that in Ancheng, there are very few such huge elves.

"It's really a house?" Mama Su still didn't quite believe it.

"It's absolutely true, you don't need to pay, you can go to the guild or the municipal office to ask about it tomorrow."

Su Hao said, "In addition to the house, Dad's seat should also be able to move up."

Su's father is a civil servant in a public institution, and it's not a high level to move up, but it's a promotion anyway.

Mother Su works in a private company.

City Hall can't handle it.

But Uncle Pan said that as long as he wants, he can arrange a part-time job to eat at the public house.

The place of work is in the urban area, close to the Yulingshi Guild, and close to the reward house...

It can be summed up in two words: safety.

While Su Hao was surprised, he also felt the weight of the Imperial Spirit Envoy.

If it is before time travel, even if it is the top scorer in the college entrance examination, it is not bad to reward a suite.

But in the elf department, just one first place in the entrance examination was taken seriously by the municipal administration.

"Maybe, it's also related to Zhou Tianwang's fancy, and I have obtained the intermediate imperial spirit envoy certificate."

Su Hao didn't dare to expand.

With such a high status, it is impossible for the Imperial Spirit Envoy to only possess extraordinary power.

He guessed a little.

But after all, I'm just a high school student.

The most urgent task is to cultivate elves and improve their strength.

at the same time,

With the entrance exam coming to an end, the winter vacation is here.

Thanks for the reward of 1,000 coins from "Passing Through", 500 coins from "Kongqingmozhu", and 400 coins from "An Bansheng", "Book Friends 20180715103203627", "Book Friends 20200101205049743", "The Sky of Glass" , "Book Friends 20170620124918542", "Squib Cannon", "Dream Fallen Man" rewards. . . .

(end of this chapter)