Start With Contracting Sprites

Chapter 87: You tell me this is an entry-level elf? !


Time went back to a few minutes ago.

The Dreaming Butterfly flew to the core area of the storm belt.

Killer Mantis and Explosive Bat are both elite-level, and the mere storm in the middle of the Valley of Sighs is... not a big problem for them.

One was nearly a meter long, and the other was as big as a round table. The two elves quickly caught up with the petite dream butterfly.

Like two big men, showing ferocious fangs.


The hot fireball blasted out.

Killer Mantis circled back, only waiting for Mengmengdie to evade the fireball, or throw an energy ball to intercept it, and suddenly exploded.


Mimengdie didn't dodge or dodge, and even showed sarcasm.

"Slightly slightly~"

A huge fireball rolled in, the storm blew past, the fireball deflected, brushed against the dream butterfly, and disappeared in the wind and snow in the blink of an eye.

Killer Mantis was stunned.

Look at the explosive flame bat.

It is agreed that you will attack me first, how should I fight now

Killer Mantis still rushed forward.

Just now, it was the Imperial Spirit Envoy who ordered the capture alive, so it left room for it to make a move.

Otherwise, this little butterfly would have been the same as Blade Leaf Warrior.

Now it doesn't need to keep a knife, its figure flashes.


Swipe, swipe, swipe—

The sword is bright and powerful, and its power is as fierce as a tiger.

One shot is its best killer move.


Afterimages one by one.




Killer Mantis, who jumped from left to right, was stunned.

The sense of a knife, why is something wrong!

The Explosive Bat didn't dare to shoot fireballs anymore, and braved the storm, waving its broad wings powerfully.

Its crimson fangs blazed, its mouth gaping open.

Flame teeth!

The Dreaming Butterfly fluttered its wings lightly, flying along the direction of the wind, like a light green leaf, flying quite a distance in the blink of an eye.

The elite-level blasting bats can't keep up.

The cold wind poured into his mouth and almost didn't blow the flames away.

As soon as it gritted its teeth, it imitated the fancier butterfly to let go of its resistance and flew along the wind.


It was stunned by the strong wind from left to right.

Killer Mantis is more resistant to strong winds.

It goes straight, even if it is gliding at low altitude, the knife arm can cut through the storm without much resistance.

The speed is faster than the explosive flame bat.

Like a sharp knife, stabbing... stabbing...

Before the mantis arrives, the light ball comes first.

Eat me an energy ball~!

The energy ball was not affected by the storm at all, and accurately attacked Killer Mantis.

The killer mantis who was chasing hit everything, the energy ball shattered with a bang, and a dark green figure rushed out of the smoke and dust without slowing down at all.


Eat my continuous energy ball~!

Boom boom boom! !

Killer Mantis is not good at long-distance attacks, and threw a few leaf blade throwing knives inaccurately in the storm.

Leaning and not getting close.

The only time I got close was a five-dollar MISS.

Can only be beaten passively.

Explosive bats are no more helpful than pig teammates!

Outside the storm belt, the two elf hunters were a little anxious.

"Why haven't you come back for so long?"

They couldn't enter the storm belt, and they couldn't catch up if they went there. They could only let the two elves chase them alone.

Without them commanding and judging the situation, the elves may play more straightforwardly.

But Mimengdie also did not have the command of the Imperial Spirit Envoy.

Still just an entry-level elf.

"That dream butterfly is no weaker than Blade Leaf Warrior at all. I didn't expect it to be so strong just after it evolved. No wonder there are several rewards on the dark web."

"That is, although the evolution conditions of the dream butterfly have been made public, the first elf that can only evolve by accident must have good characteristics. Some organizations like to study this kind of elf."

"It's none of our business, as long as we catch Mimengdie, if we can't survive, we will die."

"I just hope that its spirit master's soul power is not enough to recall the elf."

After all, according to their guess.

Su Hao and the two should hide in the storm zone, somewhere where the storm is not too strong.

But the attack of the wind blade is enough to consume a lot of their soul power.

Or maybe they were not calm enough, and Yuling failed repeatedly under the panic - they have seen a lot of them.

After all, he was just a high school student, so what scenes could he have seen.

The two elf hunters waited for another two minutes.

The uneasiness in my heart is getting stronger and stronger.

If the Dreaming Butterfly had been summoned away, the two elves should have returned.

If not, it would have been impossible for such a long time to deal with a mere entry-level elf.

"It's not right, it's time to withdraw."

The wind howls in the Valley of Sighs, and shouting is useless.

The two concentrated their attention, relying on the contact of the contract to call the elves.


A dizzy Explosive Bat and a somewhat embarrassed Killer Mantis rushed out of the snowstorm.

Aggrieved to tell the battle process.

The expressions of the two elf hunters became unbelievable, "How is that possible? That's just an entry-level elf!"

If Killer Mantis' imperial envoy didn't know that his elf was a ruthless killer, he would wonder if he was teasing him.

But they don't have time to think.

"It is estimated that in four or five minutes, the imperial emissary from the Valley of Sighs will arrive, and we must leave."

He looked up.

An entry-level flower vine snake appeared on the cliff, threw out the prepared vine, and with the help of the flower vine snake's ability, controlled the vine to wrap around the two of them and pull it up.

At this moment,

Two energy balls flew over.

Instead of hitting the two elf hunters, it flew towards the vines hanging down in the middle of the rock wall.

The Killer Mantis and Explosive Bat, who were staying below and protecting their master, had no time to intercept them.

The elf hunter didn't even expect that the dream butterfly was so courageous that he could only watch helplessly as the rattan... broke.

They didn't climb very high, and fell down and were caught by the elves.

Shaking with anger.

It is a disgrace in their hunter's experience to be entangled by prey if they can't hunt!

Under their command, the two elves rushed forward again.

The Explosive Bat spat out a few small fireballs, and didn't care about the aim, just to limit the movement space of the Dream Butterfly, the Killer Mantis turned into a dark green light and shadow to fly away with the idea of bloodbath and shame.


The Dreaming Butterfly danced, its figure fluttering with the wind.

It didn't fly out of the storm belt at all!

The killer mantis who rushed over missed twice.

It turned over and killed again. At this time, the Dreaming Butterfly had already hidden deeper.

When the enemy advances, we retreat, and when the enemy retreats, we harass.

Mimengdie knows this well.

It also ignored Killer Mantis and Explosive Bat at all, and just stared at the two elf hunters.

Instead, the hunter has become the party that has a dead end.

The main elf guarding the uncle is an elite Jing Yulian.

A kind of wood elf who is good at assisting.

The elf looks like a blooming white jade lotus, as big as a lotus seat, suspended in the sky half a meter above the ground.

Jing Yulian's body exudes a slight white light, which is a kind of auxiliary trick, also called guardian.

Greater range.

Cover Su Hao and the guard uncle.

Let them cross the storm belt without any scruples.

When Su Hao and the guard uncle rushed out of the storm belt and came here.

I saw Killer Mantis and Explosive Bat who were injured and looked tired.

And two embarrassing elite hunters.

Mimengdie was hiding far away, throwing an energy ball from time to time, and seeing Su Hao it flew happily.

Stretching out his little hand to ask for credit:


The uncle guard was stunned.

Not that your elves are being hunted by elf hunters, they have two vicious elite elves.

And your elf is just a weak and pitiful entry-level.

The situation is dire.

But no matter how I look at it, something is wrong.

The elite Killer Mantis is scarred—from being hit by an energy ball for the Savior.

The Explosive Flame Bat was not much better either, and actually looked a little scared when facing the Mimeng Butterfly.

Those are two elites!

Is your Dream Butterfly really just an entry level

Although the guard uncle had a lot to say, he didn't hesitate, and immediately ordered his main elf, Jing Yulian, and an entry-level high-level elf, Whirlwind Rabbit, to pounce on the two exhausted hunters.

Jing Yulian is taken from the elves provided by book friend A and book friend B... combine them into one for me←_←

(end of this chapter)