Start With Contracting Sprites

Chapter 9: basic training


Su Hao was not so devilish in the end.

The main reason is that the silkworm baby at this time cannot keep up with his speed on the bicycle.


When he came to the back mountain of Donghu Mountain, Su Hao was almost out of breath, and this was still half running and half walking.

The silkworm baby turned over, with its eight short legs facing the sky.

It was running all the way, and its full speed was only comparable to Su Hao's trot, without even a gap to breathe.

"Hey~ well (>﹏<)"

Su Hao glanced at Silkworm Baby's data, and the status showed 'very tired', "Phew~ very good, we can start the next training."

"Goo, goo??"

Silkworm Baby kicked and kicked his short legs and turned around, with his back to him.

Su Hao stretched out his hand and turned the silkworm baby back. The silkworm baby in a 'very tired' state had no strength to resist.

"You have to believe that the training plan I made is absolutely reasonable..."

The so-called absolute rationality means that if you don't practice to death, you must practice to death.

Su Hao thought for a while, and said earnestly, "Think about it from another angle. If you can't complete the training task, the time will have to be extended. If you work hard, complete the training task, and meet the requirements, can you do other things in advance?"

Well, advance to the next training phase.

Su Hao added in his heart.


Silkworm Baby reluctantly agreed with his statement, stood up and began to exercise spiritual power.

Its mouth puffed up, puffing out some green light particles forward.

Each light particle is about the size of a rice grain, and it is also very scattered after being sprayed out, dissipating in the air in less than half a meter.

Agglomeration failed.

Insufficient strength.

The output power is not enough.

"Strong, hard, the spiritual power condenses in the mouth and sprays out in a straight line, just like me..."

Su Hao imitated the method of condensing spiritual power in the plan, collected a little saliva in his mouth, shrunk his mouth slightly, and spit it out forcefully.



The saliva drew an unsightly arc and fell less than one meter away from him.

Silkworm Baby's eyes were full of disgust, and he moved aside.

But it feels that it's better to give it a little face, after all, it is its own imperial envoy... although it is a bit silly.

It puffed up its mouth, and after accumulating power for two or three seconds, it spewed out the spiritual power in its body. It was still fan-shaped, but the angle had been reduced a lot, and the farthest distance had increased from about 40cm before to 60cm now.

Some fallen leaves were swept by the light particles of spiritual power, and they flew up one after another.

"Probably at the level of a gust of wind..."

Su Hao stretched out his hand to stop the spray of green light particles. He slowly moved forward from the farthest point, feeling like raindrops hitting his skin.

The lethality is about equal to nothing.

Click on Silkworm Baby's data to see that the spiritual power of 6 is only 2.3, and the spiritual power of 6 has been consumed by 3.7 spiritual power twice.

The column of spiritual power has changed to "high consumption".

"In addition, each spit of spiritual power lasts about three seconds, but I lack an accurate timer."

"There is one item in the training plan, which needs to exhaust the spiritual power of the silkworm baby while the body is exhausted. It must be reduced to at least 0.2 in order to achieve the best training effect."

He comforted the silkworm baby, and with a flicker, he finally let the silkworm baby continue to spit out spiritual power—this is the simplest way to use spiritual power, and it is like instinct for elves.

But it must be uncomfortable to exhaust both physical and spiritual energy.

It's like he ran here from home in the morning, tired enough.

Fortunately, silkworm baby is training very hard, just like him.

The third spit of spiritual power, the farthest distance was only more than 50cm - Su Hao didn't bring a tape measure - and the duration was also shorter.

Spirit power remaining 1.1 units.

The silkworm baby is pitiful: (ó﹏ò).

For the fourth time, the baby silkworm lingered so that its spiritual power increased by 0.2 before spitting it out. It only consumed 0.8, leaving 0.5.

Silkworm baby wants to cry but has no tears: (_).

the fifth time…

When the silkworm baby's spiritual power was reduced to the last 0.1, the whole elf lay on the ground paji, looking hopeless.