Start With Contracting Sprites

Chapter 99: Research Team? Arm your team!


the next day,

Su Hao walked for more than ten kilometers along the mountain road, and finally arrived at the destination - Luxue Town.

This is one of the entrances to the primitive area of Changbai Mountain.

Compared with the Qinglan Forest Primitive Area, the area of the Changbai Mountain Primitive Area is much larger, covering almost half of the Changbai Mountain Range.

Su Hao checked the information.

This primitive area was established more than fifty years ago.

It is one of the earliest primitive areas in Longguo.

The types of elves inside are also very rich.

Some elves introduced from the new world have completed "localization", and they are no longer so repulsive to humans from Seablue Star.

Therefore, the primitive area of Changbai Mountain is also the most popular elf contract area in the Dragon Kingdom.

There are many lucky and powerful imperial envoys who have contracted a rare and high-end elf here. It is a bit exaggerated to soar from then on, but it is a fact that the road ahead will be much smoother.


The primitive area of Changbai Mountain is also an area frequented by elf hunters.

But Su Hao is not false at all.

Now he is not alone. There are many master spirit masters in the research team, and there are even "forest guards" patrolling the primitive area at all times. Although the primitive area of Changbai Mountain is very vast, under the inspection of powerful elves, some unusual movements will appear. was captured.


Su Hao let out a breath of white air.

The cold wind was blowing, and it was a little cold—it was because he had prepared too few clothes.


Su Hao was holding the Tinder Crow Hand Warmer in his hand.

There was a burst of warmth.

Not a big problem.

He hugged a little tighter.


There are very few residents in Luxue Town, and many of them are forest guards in the primitive area.

When he arrived, he was arranged to stay in a hotel by the management of the primitive area.

in the afternoon,

He met the leader of the research team—the senior spiritual cultivator invited from the primitive area.

Meng Hejing, professor at Molong University.

She is a middle-aged woman with short hair and well-dressed clothes.

With five graduate students, all are intermediate-level educators.

He listened to the spiritual masters who came here earlier.

Su Hao counted, and there were only fifteen spiritual educators present, not counting Professor Meng.

There are even more imperial envoys.

Beside him were ferocious elves.

"Ah! Su Hao!"

He heard a slightly familiar voice.

Turning around to look, isn't it the girl I met on the train

He was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, he didn't think it was a surprise.

Judging by her performance in the car, she is probably also a spiritual cultivator.

in the hall,

Professor Meng came and looked around. She asked:

"Is everyone here?"

"There is still a spirit educator named An He missing." A student replied.

"Call and ask. If you can't arrive within half an hour, tell him not to come."

"Good teacher."

Professor Meng looked at them again and said, "Let me briefly introduce the tasks.

"Our task is to study the impact between the elves and the ecological environment. Your task is very simple. In the assigned area, collect detailed data on the elves and the surrounding environment, and pay special attention to special treasures such as the essence of the elixir and spirit fruit."

These words were spoken to the Spirit Educator.

Su Hao understood the reason.

The effects of sprites and environments are mutual.

The simplest thing is that wood elves are more likely to be born in areas with more lush vegetation and more spiritual energy.

In contrast,

In areas where wood elves live, the growth of vegetation is generally better than in other areas.

Once a large number of elf communities live in a certain area, under the influence, more spiritual fruits, attribute essences, and other treasures may be born.

These resources can often only be found in the New World.

The original area of Changbai Mountain is the pilot area of Dragon Kingdom, hoping to cultivate more precious resources and naturally breed more rare elves.

The task of these external spiritual trainers is to collect data, research and analyze, so there is no need for them.

Professor Meng looked towards the Imperial Envoy.

"Your task is to protect the spiritual masters and collect data. I know that many of you are here to contract elves, but remember that after completing the task, there is plenty of time for you to find elf contracts. Leaving the team without authorization... "

She looked at Su Hao and other externally hired spiritualists again, "It's the same with you, don't think that there are only entry-level wild elves in the primitive area."

Half an hour later, after packing up the equipment, forty or fifty members of the research team left Luxue Town and walked towards the snow-capped snow mountain.

Gradually, the small town behind him could no longer be seen, and sparse, bare trees appeared in front of him. Occasionally, the figure of an elf could be seen, fleeting in the snowy forest.

"It's a snow treading deer!"

The deer stepped on the snow, leaving no footprints, and disappeared without a trace.

Su Hao stared at the panel, and clicked on the icon of the snow-treading deer that was gradually going away.

[Elf: Snow Walking Deer (Ice System)]

[Information: Growth period, spiritual power 63... ]

[Introduction: I step on the snow without a trace~]

"As expected of the primitive area of Changbai Mountain, I saw ice elves as soon as I came here."

In the north, ice-type elves are not particularly rare, but they are definitely rarer than wood-type and earth-type elves.

One will start at four or five million.

It's all money.

No wonder the original area is often thieves.

People like them are only allowed to contract one elf, and the contract must be completed in the primitive area. If they can't do it, then they can only...

Where do you go back and forth

In order to ensure that he can abduct... cough, contract elves, Su Hao prepared a lot of materials and jade powder in his backpack.

Abducting elves, we are professionals.

After walking for more than ten minutes, Professor Meng stopped. She looked at the surrounding spirit envoys, "Summon the elves."

Some elves that were too large to be carried around were summoned one after another.

The team suddenly became much larger, and the elves who were summoned and followed at the beginning scattered in all directions, guarding all around.

There are Tyrant Bear, Mountain-Moving Ape, Earthquake Wolf, Wanteng Turtle, Killer Mantis, Fairy Conch, Tide-calling Spring Spirit, etc. Su Hao took a glance and found that they were all elite-level elves.

The management of the original area is very generous.

But it is true that a contract quota in the primitive area is very attractive to the elite Yulingshi.

Contracting elves here is much easier than in the new world, and there is basically no danger.

At this time,


The ground trembled, and snowflakes exploded.

A white elf the size of a van and somewhat similar to a seal appeared in front of him.

The most eye-catching thing about it is a pair of fangs that reflect the brilliance in the sunlight, and its mouth is slightly opened, exhaling a large amount of cold air.

—Ice Emperor Ya!

The final evolution of the white seal!

And... an extraordinary elf!

As soon as Bingdiya appeared, the other elite elves around all retreated vigilantly, and did not breathe a sigh of relief until they confirmed that they were teammates.

Before Su Hao had time to observe the Ice Emperor Fang, he heard...


With a howl, an extra elf appeared beside Professor Meng.

A body more than ten meters long hangs in the air. The black ink forms a python-like body, with two horns on its head and four legs. It is very powerful!

It is the signature elf of Molong University.

The final form evolved from Mo Ling - Mo Long!

The same is extraordinary!

Su Hao wanted to take a deep breath, but halfway through the breath he felt it was too cold, and his teeth ached from the cold, so he vomited it out again.

He was not as shocked as Tang Xin and other spiritual educators.

It's not the first time I've seen a super-level elf, we've all seen monarch-level ones.

The issue is…

We are the research team, right? Want two Transcendents and a bunch of elite guards...

More than enough to fight a local war.

Is the primitive area of Changbai Mountain so dangerous!

Thank you for the rewarding children's shoes ^_^

(end of this chapter)