Starting From Receiving 7 Billion Red Envelopes

Chapter 220: Monitor, spring outing!


Before the Spring Festival holiday, Pan Chen, as the squad leader, took his classmates to a party at the Xinglong Resort Hotel, and became a smug influence on the rich second generation Gao Zhenbo.

All the classmates no longer have any good impressions of him, in fact, it can be said that they are very disgusted.

In the classroom, the classmates directly isolated him in a corner.

No one was willing to talk to him in the dormitory.

And when the rich second generation whom Pan Chen tried so hard to please went bankrupt, the students cheered enthusiastically for a while.

Shouted: God has eyes!

Now, all the students learned from the counselor that Pan Chen was suspended from school. This was definitely good news for them, and they all applauded loudly.

Sun Yaodong thought it was because he finally ended the boring roll call that his classmates cheered.

So, I didn't pay too much attention to it.

He cleared his throat and said again: "A country cannot be without a king for a day; a class cannot be without a leader for a day!"

"Pan Chen used to be the monitor of our class. Now that he has suspended school, our class must choose a new monitor."

What Sun Yaodong said was serious and serious.

If you don’t know, you might think that you are going to select an important leader.

Sun Yaodong glanced around the class and said, "Do you have anyone to recommend?"

"Lin Fan!"

"I choose Lin Fan!"

"Brother Fan!"

Almost as soon as Sun Yaodong finished speaking, the loud voices of the students immediately rang out in the class.

Sun Yaodong is also extremely satisfied with this candidate.

He nodded and said, "Okay, then the new monitor of our class will be Lin Fan."

Lin Fan was slightly startled.

what's the situation

I sleep in class every day and often skip classes... Become the monitor

Are you sure there's no problem

Song Yi, Ma Zhong and Zheng Jinbao, who were standing next to him, seemed to have noticed Lin Fan's doubts and held their hands in congratulations.

"Brother Fan, congratulations on becoming the monitor!" Ma Zhong said.

"Originally, I wanted to hug your thigh tightly after graduation, but now it seems that I have to hug you tightly from now on." Song Yi looked like he was about to bend down and hug his legs as he spoke.

Zheng Jinbao shouted: "Brother Fan, please give me a thigh." He also bent down and hugged his legs.

Lin Fan looked at their funny looks and couldn't help but want to laugh.

At this time, Sun Yaodong said again: "I have a month off during the Spring Festival. I know some of you haven't had enough fun, and some of you have a lot to talk about..."

"So, how about we organize a spring outing for you to have fun and chat for two days?"

All the students immediately shouted loudly: "Okay!"


"Very good!"

Sun Yaodong nodded with a smile and said, "Then let our new squad leader Lin Fan organize this matter."

In the first class of school, there is no need to explain any knowledge. The main thing is to lead the students out of the Spring Festival.

After class, many classmates came to Lin Fan.

"Brother Fan, congratulations on becoming the monitor."

"Where should we go for a spring outing?"

"How is Mohu?"

"Toriyama is not bad either!"

… …

Many people expressed their suggestions.

Due to the short time between classes, the class bell rang before anything could be discussed in detail.

This section is the old professor's class.

He was not as funny and humorous as the counselor. He just casually chatted about life during the Spring Festival, then picked up the textbook and started talking about the new course.

Yesterday, Lin Fan didn't sleep all night, and he was already a little sleepy. Listening to the old professor's hypnotic lectures, his head was shaking, and he finally fell asleep on the table.

After the old professor saw it, he couldn't help but secretly admire: Lin Fan is indeed Lin Fan. Even though school has just started, he studied all night long last night! Genius is indeed made of 99% of sweat!

Lin Fan naturally didn't know what the old professor was saying. When he opened his eyes again, the school bell had already rang.

Then, he, Song Yi and others walked towards the cafeteria.

Lin Fan looked at the long queue and did not feel impatient at all. On the contrary, he felt a special sense of enjoyment.


At this time, the mobile phone in his pocket vibrated slightly.


Red envelope appears!

"Ding! Congratulations, you got 5 yuan."

"Ding! Congratulations, you won 1,999 yuan."

… …

"Ding! Congratulations, you got 166 yuan."

"Ding! Congratulations, you won 28,888 yuan."

"Ding! Congratulations, you got 66 yuan."

… …

Today, he received a total of 41,211 yuan.

Lin Fan couldn't help but sigh secretly, and murmured in his heart: "Today's luck is still not that good."

After grabbing the red envelope, he discovered that there were unread messages on WeChat.

Su Jingran: The coffee beans you planted last time have bloomed, so beautiful!

Su Jingping: flower.jpg, flower.jpg, flower.jpg…

Lin Fan couldn't help but be amazed when he looked at the large field of snow-white flowers.

"Jingle Bell!"

At this time, his cell phone rang a brisk ringtone.

Lin Fan glanced at the call notification, but it was an unfamiliar number.

"Is this Mr. Lin?" A respectful voice came from the phone.

Lin Fan said: "It's me, you?"

"Hello Mr. Lin, I am Zhao Yiping, the chairman of Xia Guo Airlines..." The voice on the phone became more respectful.

Lin Fan was not too surprised by Zhao Yiping's call.

So, he just responded calmly: "Oh, it turns out to be Director Zhao, hello, are you calling for anything?"

"Mr. Lin, it's like this... We, Xia Guo Airlines, plan to hold an all-staff meeting. Do you have time to host it? And point out the direction for the future of Xia Guo Airlines..." Zhao Yiping asked cautiously.

Lin Fan said: "I won't host it. I don't understand this either... I'll just take the dividends."

Today, Zhao Yiping suddenly discovered that 51% of his company's shares had been acquired by one person, and he was worried and restless.

This is a company he founded.

He didn't know what kind of person the other party was, and whether he would give random orders to Xia Guo Airlines, causing Xia Guo Airlines to gradually decline.

At this time, Zhao Yiping was overjoyed after hearing Lin Fan's answer.

However, he still suppressed the happiness in his heart and persuaded Lin Fan a few more words before hanging up the phone.

Song Yi, who was standing next to him, saw that Lin Fan had hung up the phone and said, "Brother Fan, where do you think it would be better for us to go for a spring outing?"

"If you ask me, it would be best if we just drag everyone to the club for another day! Xiao Zhongzi, are you right?" Zheng Jinbao said.

Ma Zhong couldn't help but twist his butt, and said with some hesitation: "Isn't this... bad? Coach Sun should also go on a spring outing... "

Spring outing

Lin Fan looked at the message on WeChat on his phone again from Su Jingran.

His eyes moved slightly and he said with a smile: "I have decided where to go for spring outing."

"Where?" Song Yi asked.

"Is it a club?" Zheng Jinbao asked immediately.

Ma Zhongze twisted his butt again.

(End of chapter)