Starting From Receiving 7 Billion Red Envelopes

Chapter 250: Agree, review!


Shen Liang was stunned for a while after listening to the general manager's words.

Do you do well in self-promotion

Last month, I was criticized by my supervisor for not promoting the data well.

Can you also show your organization and coordination skills by playing basketball

Even if there really is... then it has nothing to do with me, right

In that basketball game, I only played as a substitute for a few minutes and didn't score a single point.

Just this... is it a good result

Seeing that Shen Liang had not replied, the general manager couldn't help but speak again: "Of course, if you don't like the job of game director, you can also choose other jobs."

At this time, Shen Liang finally came to his senses and said hurriedly: "I like it, I like the job of a game director!"

To know…

The game department is the most profitable department of Penguin Group, bar none!

At the same time, it is also the department that Shen Liang wants to enter the most.

Now... not only can I go to the game department, but I can also become a supervisor directly!

If he refuses all these, Shen Liang feels that he will have to take the regret medicine as food in the future.

"That's great. Tomorrow, you can report directly to the game department." The general manager said.

Shen Liang nodded happily and silently thanked Lin Fan in his heart.

He understood that all of this... was all because of Lin Fan.

… …

On the other hand, Hu Tian spent two days and finally turned the proof process of the hail conjecture written by Lin Fan into a paper.

Then, in the name of Lin Fan, it was sent to "Annals of Mathematics", one of the four top journals in mathematics.

… …

At this time, it was early morning in the United States.

Feld, the editor of "Annals of Mathematics", was lying in bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep at all. He kept complaining: "In the future, if someone invites me to drink coffee at night, I will definitely say FUCK to that person!"

Felder tried to sleep for another long time, but failed.

In desperation, he finally got up and sighed: "What should I do now? Play games for a while? Forget it, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep because of the excitement."

"Watch a movie for a while? It should be a good thing if you are with a beautiful woman."

After thinking for a moment, Feld said: "Maybe I should check the mailbox... maybe there will be some boring manuscript. That thing is a good thing for hypnosis."

As he spoke, he had already walked to the table and turned on the computer.

He also murmured: "I get up to work in the middle of the night... Is there anyone in the world who loves work more than me? Editor-in-chief Ryan should really give me more bonuses."

"Ding dong!"

As soon as Feld logged into his mailbox, an email appeared in the lower right corner of the screen.

"The process of proving the hail conjecture? Someone actually sent this kind of manuscript. I can almost imagine the boring content in it... But, this is exactly what I want!"

As Feld spoke, he opened the email.

At first, he just glanced at it casually.

But, gradually, he began to frown...

Just because Field is the editor of the Annals of Mathematics does not mean that he knows nothing about mathematics.

On the contrary, his mathematical ability and vision are better than those of ordinary mathematics professors, but not inferior.

Feld murmured: "This manuscript doesn't seem so boring... and it seems to have some truth..."

Then, he slowly focused his eyes on the author's name in the lower right corner.

"Huaxia Jiangbei University, Lin Fan?"

Seeing this... Feld seemed to have thought of something, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

"Lin Fan? The Lin Fan who solved Zhou's conjecture and the twin prime conjecture?"

Today, the average foreigner may not know Lin Fan.

However, Lin Fan's name can be said to be famous in the world of mathematics.

Feld said: "If it's him... this shouldn't be a manuscript that I can review. Just forward it to Editor-in-Chief Ryan. That way, he can see at a glance what I'm still working hard on in the middle of the night."

Having said this, Feld directly forwarded the email.

… …

The next day, early morning.

Editor-in-chief Ryan has a habit of spending an hour every morning going through all the emails.

After a while, he noticed the email forwarded by Feld.

When Ryan saw the title of the email, he frowned and said, "This guy Feld, why are you throwing all the manuscripts at me! This was sent in the middle of the night. Did he have a high fever in the middle of the night?"

In his opinion, as an editor of a top mathematics journal, you should have the most basic judgment.

It is one of the most basic judgments to throw papers that answer the Hailstorm Hypothesis, Riemann Hypothesis, Goldbach Hypothesis and the like into the trash without hesitation.

Ryan did not read the content of the paper, but glanced at the author's name out of habit.

The next moment, like Feld, his pupils suddenly shrank.

"Lin Fan?!"

Then, Ryan's expression became solemn, and he carefully read the paper with extremely focused eyes.

After a long time, he rubbed his sore eyebrows and said, "It's an incredible calculation, but whether the calculation is correct or not needs to be reviewed by a talented professor."

Ryan murmured: "Professor Jeffrey from Princeton is an expert in abstract algebra. Let him review it."

Then, he concealed the author's name of the paper and forwarded it to Professor Edwin.

Then, Ryan sent a message to Feld: I see all your efforts, this month... your bonus will be doubled.

Feld: Thank you Editor-in-Chief Ryan!

… …

Princeton, Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics.

After a young man finished the work at hand, he glanced at Professor Jeffrey, who was almost buried in a sea of books, and asked: "Professor, you seem to have a lot of work to deal with? I need to bring you a copy. Sandwich?”

Jeffrey slowly raised his head and said with a smile: "The work will never be finished, but you must eat. I will eat with you."

"Ding dong!"

At this time, an email popped up on the computer in front of Jeffrey.

He clicked the mouse casually.

The next moment, Jeffrey's whole body was motionless as if a body-holding spell had been cast on him. Only his eyes were staring straight at the series of complex calculations on the screen.

The young man could not help but whisper: "Professor? Professor?"

Only then did Jeffrey react and said: "Oh, oh... you'd better bring me a sandwich, I still have work to deal with."

The young man complained in his heart: Didn't you just say that the work will never be finished, but food must be eaten? Why has it changed so quickly now

Of course, he only dared to complain in his heart.

But Jeffrey didn't mean to answer him at all. He always stared at the screen, his face full of excitement.

PS: Welcome to read my completed book "Super Red Envelope Fairy Group".

(End of chapter)