Starting From Receiving 7 Billion Red Envelopes

Chapter 96: Help, good leadership!


Lin Fan is not a good person who saves people whenever he sees them.


First of all, he had a pleasant conversation with the old man, and he also felt like a grandfather from the old man.

Secondly, Qiu Ziqian felt very sorry for the little boy.

That's why Lin Fan chose to take action.

Sun Luguo, who was standing nearby and had not spoken a word from beginning to end, suddenly changed his expression after hearing this.

He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to remind Lin Fan of something, but no sound came out.

Sun Luguo knew the old man's identity, and the boy in front of him was his grandson.

It’s a good thing that the treatment is cured!

But, what if it is not cured, or even, the boy has an accident in the end...

The consequences would be too terrible!

Lin Fan is just a student at Jiangbei University.

But now, the little boy's condition is so bad that even the old man's personal doctor can't do anything.

Lin Fan, where can I get treatment

In Sun Luguo's opinion, Lin Fan was really too reckless!

The old man glanced at the endless sky, and then at his grandson, whose face was getting more and more ugly.

Finally, he set his sights on Lin Fan.

Ordinary people, if they were stared at by an old man like this, they would definitely feel trembling and panic.

However, Lin Fan always looked calm and calm.

The old man took a deep breath and said, "Just go ahead and treat it. Even if something goes wrong, I won't blame you!"

It was only the first time that Lin Fan and the old man met, and Lin Fan was still so young.

As an old man, he allows treatment...

I have to say that the old man’s magnanimity is indeed far superior to that of ordinary people!

Lin Fan also showed a look of surprise.

At this time, the doctor who was treating the little boy couldn't help but glance at Lin Fan and frowned slightly.

In fact, Lin Fan looked too young.

Doctoring is a very profound knowledge.

It requires years of study and practice to achieve certain results.

Obviously, Lin Fan did not meet this condition at all.

However, thinking that this was the old man's request, the doctor still said: "Let me tell you about the patient's condition first..."

Lin Fan waved his hand and said, "No need to say anything."

Then, he directly spent 10 million yuan to buy a portion of medical water from the system and poured it into the little boy's mouth.

The doctor hurriedly stopped and asked, "What kind of medicine is this?"

You know, the little boy's current situation is very dangerous.

Any mistake could lead to his death.

Lin Fan, on the one hand, was young, and on the other hand, he didn't even ask about the cause or condition of the little boy's illness.

Just give him medicine directly.

How does this not worry doctors

Lin Fan did not answer, but looked back at the old man.

The old man frowned and said, "Doctor Huang, do you have any other options? Let him treat me!"

Don't use it if you doubt it, don't doubt it if you employ it!

The old man had agreed to let Lin Fan treat him.

Then, let him boldly treat it!

The doctor's heart trembled and he no longer dared to stop him.

Lin Fan didn't stop and poured the medical water directly into the little boy's mouth.

Suddenly, everyone present focused their attention on the little boy.

The old man, Qiu Ziqian and others were concerned and worried.

They hope the little boy gets better!

But Sun Luguo was afraid.

He was afraid that the little boy's condition would worsen again!


Not long after, the little boy kept rolling his eyes upwards, but at this time, he finally recovered.

Then, the foaming at the mouth gradually stopped.

Then, the little boy's breathing and heartbeat began to become steady, and he lay on the ground as if he was asleep.

See this…

Everyone's faces showed a hint of joy.

The little boy... seems to be fine!

The old man asked: "How is Hao'er's condition?"

The doctor hurriedly checked and said: "It's... the danger has been overcome."

After finishing speaking, the doctor looked at Lin Fan with eyes full of disbelief.

As the old man's personal doctor, he knew very well how bad the little boy's physical condition was.

Especially before, even if the little boy stopped breathing the next second, the doctor would not be surprised.

However, if you drink a bottle of potion, you will be fine in a blink of an eye

This is simply a miracle medicine!

The doctor opened his mouth. He wanted to ask Lin Fan again what kind of medicine it was, but he didn't prescribe it.

The old man also understood that this was all due to Lin Fan.

"Thank you for saving Hao'er!" the old man said solemnly.

The doctor, the four burly men standing around, and Sun Luguo next to him were all shocked!

The old man... actually thanked people in person!

What an honor!

Lin Fan waved his hand casually and said, "I just did a small thing, you're welcome."

At this time, the little boy slowly opened his eyes.

He first covered his eyes with his hands, and then struggled to sit up.

The doctor next to him hurriedly helped me.

The little boy looked around. His eyes were not as dull and dull as before, but full of curiosity.

Finally, the little boy's eyes fell on the old man in front of him and asked: "Grandpa, where are we?"


He actually called himself grandpa!

Since he fell ill a year ago, he has never called him grandpa!

He's... okay!

A flush of color appeared on the old man's old face.

Happy and excited!

When his grandson suddenly fell ill, the old man consulted numerous famous doctors.

But, it has no effect at all.

Perhaps the old man was too worried about his grandson's illness. A few days ago, he suddenly dreamed that the Buddha appeared in the temple in his hometown and cured his grandson's illness.

The old man has always been an atheist.

However, after staying in the capital for so many years, I felt a little bored.

I thought it would be nice to take my grandson back to my hometown to relax.

So, today's scene happened.

However, the old man never expected that his grandson would actually be cured!

"Okay, okay!" the old man shouted excitedly, "Yuhao, just be okay!"

After finishing speaking, he focused his attention on Lin Fan again and said, "I have never introduced myself. My name is Qin Weiming! Little brother, what is your name?"

Everyone around was shocked again!

Qin Weiming actually took the initiative to introduce himself to a young man? !



Sun Luguo looked at Lin Fan with eyes filled with envy!

At the same time, he secretly decided in his heart that he must work hard to establish a good relationship with Lin Fan in the future.

Qin Weiming

Lin Fan had a strange look on his face.

He vaguely remembered that there was a hero monument on the way to Pumiao.

The name on the hero monument seems to be Qin Weiming.

"My name is Lin Fan."


At this time, a military green helicopter suddenly appeared in the far sky.

The people watching could not help but slowly disperse when they saw that the little boy had been rescued.

Now, I suddenly saw a helicopter appearing in the sky and started to stop and look up again.

When they saw the helicopter getting closer and closer to them, they stepped aside.

Soon, two tall middle-aged men with wheat badges on their shoulders emerged from the helicopter.

They quickly came to Qin Weiming, stood at attention, saluted, and shouted: "Good leader!"

PS: Please give me a five-star review. Welcome to read my final book "Super Red Envelope Fairies".

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(End of chapter)