Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1961: You didn't eat, did you?


"He has been doing this with the intention of dying from the beginning. After waiting for five epochs, he finally got the opportunity today."

Chu Zihang analyzed, "Because Ping An is too strong."

Lu Chen looked at the little snake that was the source of all calamities scurrying around in his palm, pinched it with his fingers, and clamped it so that the little snake couldn't move.

"Lead me to take action, what's the point?"

Lu Chen frowned. He felt that he had been deceived, but he didn't know what he had been deceived.

But as Chu Zihang said, this was a conspiracy, and he couldn't just sit back and watch his granddaughter be killed.

"He was waiting for Ning'er and did not take action as soon as the explorers entered the world. It was because he was observing the movements of all parties. He would only take action when he judged that all forces were too late to support him. It was not because the explorers were there at all. The plundering of the source of the world angered Him.”

Chu Zihang did not rush to answer Lu Chen's question, but analyzed it from the beginning, "Because of this, today, when all the masters in the sea of the world have left, the taboos are unable to provide support, and only supreme masters like Brother Lu have time to rescue them. That's your granddaughter again. You won't leave her alone. Once you take action, you'll be exposed."

"What was exposed?"

Lu Chen was puzzled. Although he had not appeared for nine epochs, there should be no taboos who really thought he was dead. And where was his own strength? Regardless of whether the taboos could guess the upper limit or not, they all knew about him. Very strong.

"There is a certain possibility that the news has spread out of bounds."

When Chu Zihang analyzed it, there was solemnity in his eyes. This was the purpose of the taboo. He was contaminated, or in other words, his consciousness had long been dominated by the source of all calamities. It was similar to the situation of the True Ancestor of Secret Blood back then, but Just a bit low-end.

And this taboo is not blessed by the past sins of the heavens, and naturally it does not even have a self. It is all the set of thoughts of the beings who are the source of all calamities. It has been well hidden in the sea of the world for these years, and it is only revealed today.

"Why didn't He just send the message directly? If he wanted to send my message, he would have to die?"

Lu Chen was a little confused and didn't know what the little snake in his hand was doing.

"Because he can't send a message, space is the product of the tenth level, and the sea of the world is also enveloped by the power of the tenth level. If he sends a message, he will be intercepted by that power and expose his own existence. By then, the space will be absolutely I will find a way to kill him.”

Chu Zihang analyzed.

"You can't deliver the message, so you're tired of life?"

Lu Chen still couldn't understand it.

Chu Zihang felt helpless, "Since it is embedded in the sea of the world as a nail, there must be a way for the outside world to control his movements. He cannot contact the outside world, but there may be a way for the outside world to contact him, or there may be a way for the source of all tribulations between living beings. There is some kind of induction. This is the power from the tenth level source. It cannot be isolated or detected by space. It is the most basic judgment. "

Lu Chen understood a little bit, "So the life and death of this thing can be sensed by the outside world, so it doesn't have to transmit information, it itself is the information."

"That's right, Brother Lu... you haven't eaten Him yet, have you?"

Chu Zihang said and asked quickly.

"I'm not stupid. This is a witness. How could I eat it in one go? Moreover, this amount of the source of all calamities is not enough for me to stuff between my teeth."

Lu Chen said with a smile.

"It's good that it wasn't eaten. Just now I analyzed that the message may have been transmitted to the outside world. It's just a possibility. According to the theory just now, if this thing is not dead, the outside world may not be able to sense it, so the message cannot be transmitted."

Chu Zihang said.

As for what message this creature wants to convey to the outside world, it is easy to guess. It is obvious that there may be creatures in this world that can defeat the taboo-level source of all calamities, and even many strong men can take the initiative to kill it, but it is impossible. Erase it.

Just like the skeleton in the Supreme World, it has been left there untouched for many years. That is because the source of all calamities cannot be eliminated.

Chu Zihang thought that it would be okay for Lu Chen to kill this creature, but he must not eat it. If Lu Chen eats this heavyweight source of all calamities, its existence will disappear. The strongest people in all worlds may feel it in an instant. , an important unit disappeared.

The message that this taboo on the source of all calamities wants to convey is that a strong man who can destroy the source of all calamities has appeared in the sea of the world, and the outside world must speed up its attack.

And a strong person who can sense the existence of a taboo-level creature that is the source of all calamities must be the strongest person from outside the world, or even the legendary tenth level.

Lu Chen was hidden in the sea of the world by space snow. This Taboo, the source of all calamities, knew about this and wanted to tell the outside world, but he didn't want to give Lu Chen any more time to develop.

But what he didn't expect was that based on his understanding of Lu Chen's legend, he should be a reckless man who did things cruelly and didn't want the consequences. But in the end, Lu Chen suppressed him and didn't eat him at all.

"It's a pity that I can't eat it."

Lu Chen said with some regret, and flicked the head of the little snake that was the source of all calamities. In fact, although he felt something was wrong this time, he planned to start the meal after talking to Chu Zihang.

After hearing what Chu Zihang said, he knew that he couldn't touch this guy. He could kill it, but he definitely couldn't eat it.

And since it can't be eaten, why should I kill it specifically? Who knows if it will be detected outside after killing it

"Brother Lu, I'm relieved to see you have such a good appetite."

Chu Zihang said, "But we still have to pay attention to the situation outside the lower boundary. This matter may not be as simple as we think."

"I understand. The creatures outside the world may have noticed something. His actions may not be autonomous, right?"

Lu Chen said thoughtfully.

"It is possible that the creatures from the outside have conveyed news to the Sea of World. The specific method is unknown. If you think about it, we may not have that much time at all, and the speed of space integration is still too slow."

Chu Zihang said that there are many possibilities for transmission. The space will definitely sense when the creatures from the source of all calamities are killed, so it is impossible for the creatures from outside the world to come in. There is a traitor among the creatures on the side of the world sea, which is the highest possibility.

But as far as they know, in these eras, the only strong person who has returned from the outside world on the front line is Lu Chen's mother. To say that Xue Zhiyu is a traitor is a big joke, so after thinking about it, they still don't understand the outside world. The means of the strong.

Lu Chen discussed with Chu Zihang for a while and then gave up thinking. He thought that the boat would naturally straighten out when it reached the bridge. Let Chu Zihang worry about such intrigues. He should just practice stabilizing strength honestly and run away when the time comes. Just go out of bounds and kill everything.

"I have to ask Brother Chu to take more care of Ning'er. I will come back as soon as possible. Time is running out, and I won't be slow."

Before cutting off the call, Lu Chen said to Chu Zihang.

"I'll do the work, don't worry."

Chu Zihang answered briefly and then cut off the call. They had arrived at the origin space.

Chu Zihang glanced at the many 'pendants' hanging on the World Tree and sighed silently. He also knew that perhaps the space plan was still a step too late.

He thinks Dongxu is responsible for this matter, because Dongxu obviously got the core very early, but he can't just say that Dongxu did something wrong, because everyone has the right to choose independently. You must know that there are many eras in space. There is no strong man who can match Dongxu. As a member of the traditional strong men of the World Sea, of course he also wants to understand the power of the tenth level and become the strongest.

The fluctuation caused by a future prophecy caused major changes in the situation in the heavens. The return of Xun Guang obviously not only changed things within the scope of the prophecy, but the changes in the future are chain-like. Perhaps in the initial history of space There is no unity at all, and they are now in a better situation.

Twenty-seven epochs

They don't have that long at all, and it may be just a dream talk when they finally appear at the tenth level after the space merges into one.

Brother Lu is obviously very wise and foolish. He has a thorough understanding of key matters. Maybe he doesn't expect space to help him break through. He has long been prepared to fight to the end on his own.

Outside, on the pitch-black continent, the pale moon hung high, the dust smelled of blood, and the ravines on the earth were filled with blood of all colors.

There were screams and roars everywhere. In the extremely high-density space, even the battles of the ninth-order peak warriors seemed a bit simple. They would not easily destroy a large area, but could only be called a small-scale destruction. Heaven destroys earth.

However, when the strongest people in forbidden areas fight, the momentum they cause will still fluctuate extremely far. When the vibration waves are transmitted to the direction of the sea of the world, they will be offset by an invisible barrier.

Therefore, the shouts of killing are loud on one side, while the other side is peaceful and peaceful.

"Mechanical pioneers and pilgrims, go support King Wu's side, and we will hold the Western Front!"

There is a majestic man giving orders, but His clothes are also stained with blood, and black gas is coming out of his wounds. This is because he is fighting against the erosion of the source of all calamities.

On the battlefield, people are dying every minute and every second. The ninth-level explorers who were once all-powerful in space are like tiny dust on the battlefield, and may die at any time in the impact of a powerful attack.

But they also have their own tasks, competing for key nodes on the bottom battlefield. They may not be as strong as those at the peak of the ninth level, and they are very different from the taboo level masters, but their bloodiness and fighting spirit are not half inferior. .

When the army moves out, the commander can see the explorers on the front line in various shapes. They are either laughing crazily or roaring fiercely during the battle.

If you survive, you will become stronger!

Charge forward and fight to the death!

On the battlefield in the distance, there is a woman in black who is overwhelming the heavens with her fists, a swordsman in white is cutting off the universe, there is thundering artillery fire plowing the ground, and there is a boundless army of shadow beasts devouring the enemy...

This kind of war never stops here. People have no time to grieve for their teammates who died in the battle, so they can only continue to move forward and resist the catastrophe of the heavens.

To commemorate the deceased, there are only those inscriptions engraved with their names. If they exist and disappear, they will live in the taboo heart.


On a huge battlefield, a demonic ape standing tall on the ground was rampaging like a chariot of the century. He tore into pieces a taboo-level creature with just a raise of his hand. It was so ferocious that it was impossible to look directly at it.

He clenched his fists with both hands, beat his chest crazily, and roared, "Those two acrobats, don't do anything yet!"

Following His battle cry, tarot cards entered the battlefield from both sides of the battlefield, and walkers penetrated the battlefield, instantly tearing open a huge hole in the darkness.

The Demonic Ape spit out bloody spit, "Come on me and fuck these bastards to death!"


The battle circle formed by the three strong men was overwhelming, but was suddenly restrained by the tremors of the heaven and earth. A violent conceptual shock wave swept across the battlefield here, as two unparalleled strong men came to kill from high in the sky.

The strong man in white flew through the air, holding a black and red killing sword. It was Lu Chen's son Lu Ping'an, a man who was praised as King Wu on the battlefield.

The strong man opposite him is a dark-skinned creature with a slender and weird figure. The interruptions in his body are without flesh and blood, and the slender spine columns are exposed. The black bone spurs on the spine extend outwards, and the legs are slender and fleshy. Mixed with the bones, it has a metallic texture. At the end of the slender spine, a slender tail extends out to maintain some kind of balance behind it.

This strong man wore a pure black coat, which was shaped somewhat like a windbreaker. It was very wide, but it was open in front and the collar stood up high, flaring outwards without covering his cheeks.

His head has a rare other color, and it is the only part of his body that seems to have the texture of skin. It is a pale face, with facial features similar to humans, a tall nose, and narrow eyes. It should be Where the eyebrows are located are dark vertical lines, which look a bit like a barcode.

This strong man from outside the world does not hold a weapon in his hands. At the end of his slender arms are fingers like military thorns. The dark bone joints connect many structures of his body. He is a natural killing machine.

His overall height exceeds four meters. Lu Ping'an looks like a dwarf in front of him, but the two of them are fighting with great momentum. The shock wave caused by each attack is enough to destroy the taboos nearby that are still in the transitional stage. .

"Fuck, King Wu, if you want to fight over there, you've crossed the line!"

The Demonic Ape cursed angrily while resisting the storm, but then they knew why Lu Pingan had left the battlefield that he should control, because there were two dark figures crossing the void, facing Lu Pingan's sword.

There were actually three strong men of the same level as Lu Ping'an surrounding him. This caused the always strong King Wu to be passive and was forced out of the battlefield where he was supposed to advance.

At the same time, such a scene was also taking place on another battlefield. A woman wearing purple-striped black clothes had an indifferent expression and casually shattered a taboo-level opponent. She looked at the five strong men approaching her and said, "Today You are quite confident, aren’t you afraid of being killed by me here?”

As soon as the words fell, an unprecedented duel began. The battle between the strong men caused the sky to sink, the earth to rise, and concepts to be distorted and annihilated.

On the other side, the same thing happened on the battlefield where Yin Yang Taboo and Dongxu were located. Many powerful people from outside the world appeared. Looking at this posture, almost all the top experts from outside the world gathered together, as if they were going to fight against the Juejihai side. people.