Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1962: Origin set


In the depths of the wilderness, the dark end, where there is no concept of time and space.

There were several unparalleled powerful men kneeling on the ground, their bodies and styles were roughly the same as those who had fought with Lu Pingan before. They seemed to be conducting a grand religious ceremony, chanting words that the creatures in the sea of the world could not understand.

They kowtowed, they knelt down, and they danced. It was the most primitive act of worship, just to get the supreme response.

This festival has lasted for an unknown number of years and is still going on. In order to awaken their ancestors, it is the origin of everything and the end of everything.

But they get no response. The Tenth Level never looks down at the world. Time has no meaning to him, space has no meaning to him, and changes and processes still have no meaning to him.

He is only in His own world, with His own evolution, and the rules and concepts used to record changes in common sense do not apply to Him.

There have been rumors in this world that the supreme being was injured and was healing, but this statement is wrong.

For the true tenth-level supreme, he may win or lose in a battle with a strong person of the same level, and decide who of the two sides is the real reality, but the tenth-level will never be injured, because they themselves They are existences that are above concepts and trample on common sense. The concept of injury does not exist for them. In the same way, there is no concept of life and death.

They will not be injured or die. There is only one way to determine the outcome, and that is to normalize the other party and make its existence disappear. Before they fall out of their original position, they are absolutely Immortal.

No one knows how the oldest war started, and no one knows the truth of that war. The creatures in this world only know the result, that is, they won, and their supreme existence won. The only winner.

The supreme power on the other side of the World Sea was defeated, and even its existence and records were erased. Only the last strength left behind was the petri dish called space.

Can the tenth level be born through the fusion of ten major spaces? If the creatures in this world heard this statement, they would probably burst into laughter. That is absolutely impossible.

Because the tenth level of the Sea of Worlds has fallen, that is an absolutely irreversible fact, and it is a manifestation of its fall from the 'altar'. The demise of a tenth level must mean that it is no longer the tenth level, because the tenth level is no longer the tenth level. Level 10 will never die.

And how can a new tenth level be born from the legacy left behind by an existence that has been erased? That can only cultivate a false tenth level, a life that will perish and still be within the common sense.

The ancestor they worshiped, the origin and end of everything, the real Supreme Tenth Level, was not injured, nor did it fall. He just paid some insignificant 'price' after that battle.

Their ancestors were not spending time healing, nor were they trying to break through the seal left by the tenth level of the Sea of Worlds, but were changing their own state. This was a process, but it could not be done in a normal time. Judging from the scale, just from the perspective of observing the world that they can understand, this matter did take time.

But in the eyes of their ancestors, time in common sense has no meaning to him, because except for the foggy area left by the tenth level of the Sea of World before his death, which he cannot see clearly now and is difficult to set foot in, in all other timelines , in the world line, He is everywhere, and is also in the process of changing states.

He also paid a price in that battle, but he won the final showdown. He won, so he 'survived', and he would no longer fight with the strong men of the tenth level, so he had to Returning to common sense, what He wants to change is the state of communication with common sense.

Once successful, He will once again become an absolutely immortal existence, and this time, He will not give any living being the chance to become the true tenth level.

Because the impact of their battle at this level is too great, the battle is outside of common sense, and only the results will be reflected in common sense. There will be many uncontrollable factors in the battle.

These things are all learned by the powerful outsiders who have been worshiping here all year round through a few words of the ancestors in history and combined with some of their conjectures.

The reality is that the ancestors almost never respond to them, and they may not even make a sound for tens of millions of epochs. It seems that whether they will pay attention to them depends on the mood of the legendary ancestors.

What is the true apex strong man like? Even the powerful people outside the world are not immune to vulgarity and will have many fantasies, but they are more awe-inspiring.

They are different from the powerful people in the sea of the world. They have no taboo words and cannot create concepts. It is better to say that the concept of taboos was originally invented for them, and naturally it will not be their path. .

In the early days, they were an absolutely invincible 'race' because they were not bound by any concepts. Instead, the invasion of concepts from the World Sea caused some changes in their world, and they were once passive in the battle. .

As for why they invaded the heavens and where they originated from, no outsider creature can explain clearly. They don't think about it either. They just follow the will of their ancestors.

"I sensed the fluctuation of the seeds in the Sea of World. They must have been captured by a strong person."

After the ceremony, a tall and narrow creature stood up and said.

"The True Ancestor of Secret Blood should have died. The seeds will not be exposed easily. There should be new mutations."

Another strong man said that their language is very complex, different from any known in the world sea, and they do not open their mouths during the conversation, nor are they transmitting sounds. It seems that they are born as one, and everything is different. The source of calamity is connected with the source of all calamities, allowing for seamless communication and exchange of thoughts.

"It can only be that the new secret blood warriors have appeared, and the arrangement on that side has finally succeeded, creating an aggregation of the concepts of the heavens, and getting rid of our control."

A strong person analyzed that their conversations were emotionless, like indifferent machines, but precise and efficient.

"And it also has extremely strong potential. Although the seed is imbecile, its judgment may be a threat to us, and it will expose itself."

It's just a weird phenomenon. When several powerful people are talking, it seems like one person is narrating his own words and analyzing to himself.

"To further accelerate the erosion plan of the World Sea, no risks are allowed. We don't know when the supreme will will awaken. We should make our own judgment."

"I will take action and push the frontal battlefield. Under pressure, I can see the trump card of Origin Space."

"That's how it's arranged."

If Lu Chen were here and could hear the conversations of these powerful men, he would probably be surprised, because they could almost deduce all the information from only the smallest details.

It is true that the explorers on the front line have never exposed the existence of Lu Chen, but it is difficult to conceal the news that the Mystic Blood True Ancestor is dead. Just the disappearance of the part of the source of all calamities that polluted the Mystic Blood True Ancestor can be judged by outsiders. Accident.

Now the behavior of the seeds of the source of all calamities in the world has allowed the outside world to analyze the possibility of the existence of Lu Chen, a new powerhouse, thus strengthening their determination to speed up the attack on the sea of the world.

Chu Zihang had considered these things, but he didn't discuss them with Lu Chen in depth, because the things had already happened, and they had no remedial plan. Saying that they were just adding to Lu Chen's troubles, it was better to let Lu Chen concentrate on breakthrough.

This is the fact. This is the particularity of the system of beings that is the source of all calamities outside the world. They can only take advantage of the conspiracy derived from it, and in this war, it seems that they have no way out from the beginning.

The war outside the world is intensifying, but inside the world sea, the years are quiet.

Lu Chen and Eriki sent messages on the group frequency, saying that they had taken good care of their granddaughter, so that the other party could rest assured.

He was able to leave the customs on time, which was naturally the result of Hui Liyi's reminder. Hui Liyi had always been concerned about the fate of his immediate family members. When Lu Ning's crisis happened, he used special means to wake up Lu Chen, so that Lu Chen could catch up in time. .

Otherwise, no matter how powerful Lu Chen is, he would not be able to control the details of any place in the vast sea of the world through deep enlightenment. Even Dongxu is unlikely to be able to do this in a closed state. What happened can only be understood with hindsight.

Similarly, Lu Chen was in seclusion in the Sea of World and had not actually gone out for these years. With his luck, it was impossible to find any origin-level materials for Chu Zihang. He could find materials for his equipment. This was also the reason for Eri Yi. of credit.

Through calculations, Hui Liyi helped Lu Chen find the exact location of the required materials. He just took them out with his soul and gave them to Chu Zihang.

However, origin-level materials are not always available. Even Eri cannot be summoned at will through the concept of destiny, and she is still in the critical stage of transformation, so finding materials is generally just a matter of chance.

Time passed rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, another five eras had passed. The boundary sea was peaceful and void, and Chu Zihang in the origin space received two more pieces of main materials sent by Lu Chen.

At this point, Lu Chen's last three pieces of equipment and the core armor set materials have been collected, and the current number one forging master in the origin space has finally started working.

Many years have passed, Chu Zihang and Xia Mi are still in the space, and they are the last explorers Lu Chen knows. Even Kaka, the deputy leader of the Origin Adventure Group's 'Wannian', has been transferred to the Origin Space. gone.

It is said that the war on the front line is not as fierce as usual, it can be called the twilight of the gods, and countless taboos have died.

Among them were also acquaintances that Lu Chen had an impression of, such as the giant of the Violator Alliance, the tyrant, who was said to have died in the super showdown five epochs ago.

In addition, the deceased who were named include Shenmu, Pilgrim, Gulansha, Kunling from the Origin Adventure Group...

These were once all-powerful men in space and the ocean of the world. They were the leaders of an era in space. They were once pioneers or adjudicators. Some of them were also violators. They were gods-like supreme figures in the eyes of ordinary explorers. , but eventually died on the battlefield.

The battlefield is so cruel. No matter how glorious you are in the first half of your life, it will be nothing more than heroic and tragic when you are lonely.

Chu Zihang knows this, and he believes Brother Lu also knows that the only thing that can make their nerves relax a little is that their close relatives and friends are still alive, although they are always in danger.

Lu Ning ascended the taboo 40 million years ago, and was the slowest member of the Lu Chen family to ascend the taboo. This girl finally reached the realm she had hoped for, becoming a taboo-level supreme master, and could go to her father. With my mother, I can also meet my great-grandparents.

But when she arrived at the battlefield, she realized how cruel it was. There was no time to enjoy the joy of reunion with her relatives. There was only endless fighting and the war would never end.

When the heroic girl stepped on the golden dragon and rushed into the battlefield for the first time, she knew that she might have to spend the rest of her life here. Whenever this happened, she would think of her godmother's treatment of her when she was a child. teach.

Why didn't you go have a relationship

Perhaps this is a luxury for a soldier in this era. At least she no longer has to worry about her children going to the battlefield.

Light and darkness penetrated the sky, and a new strong man came from the world and stepped into the battlefield. It was Xunguang. He had already entered the taboo in the era when Lu Ping'an was invincible, but he had been dormant in cultivation and achieved some achievements. Then he came out of bounds.

There are celestial swords flying across the sky and big cauldrons holding down the sky. They are Emperor Huang Tian and Emperor Ye Tian. They are also unwilling to sit still in the boundary all the time, especially knowing that the situation on the battlefield outside the boundary is serious and their descendants who have grown up watching are all fighting hard. , couldn't sit still, and headed to the battlefield outside the boundary.

In the perfect world, there are still three taboos sitting there, so there is no need to worry about chaos, and those strong men are also preparing to come one after another after their strength has improved.

In the sea of the world, more and more taboos are stepping onto the battlefield outside the boundary. The original world of gods has almost come out in full force. Following the footsteps of their ancestors, the taboos of yin and yang, the once supreme world has been directly emptied out, and in the end there are only two Taboo is in place.

The Holy World was not to be outdone. The four taboos traveled with boundless momentum and rushed out of the world two epochs ago.

During the five eras during which Lu Chen had been in seclusion, almost two-thirds of the taboos within the Sea of Worlds had been removed, but it was still difficult to withstand the offensive from outside, which showed that the battlefield situation was dangerous.

In the origin space, one day a divine light shot into the sky at the bottom of the World Tree. The World Tree trembled and many leaves fell off.

This phenomenon shocked all the explorers, thinking that there was an invasion from a foreign enemy. However, it was later discovered that everything was peaceful, so some people speculated that some forging master had created equipment that could shake the space

After this statement was put forward, many explorers burst into laughter, thinking how could there be equipment that could shake the origin space? Even the equipment of the legendary taboos is unlikely to be able to do so. After all, today's origin space But with more than half of the super space integrated, the power of the tenth level is becoming increasingly apparent.

But in fact, such a set of equipment was indeed born. It was a set of translucent gray-black armor with a texture of crystal, with scarlet light threads swimming inside, giving it a strange and sinister beauty.

Chu Zihang put down the hammer, wiped the sweat from his head, and said with emotion: "Maybe it's almost time for us to leave."