Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1965: Nine restarts


In a certain restart, they were very optimistic about a secret-blood warrior named Lu Zhongzhou. That secret-blood warrior killed the forbidden-level strongman with the strength of the peak of the True Self Realm. He was really not ordinary powerful.

Of course, Lu Zhongzhou was not the protagonist in that reboot. They were just paying attention to the growth of the protagonist and observed Lu Zhongzhou in order to study the potential of the secret blood warriors and find some possibility in this ethnic group.

However, after research, it was found that it is extremely difficult for secret blood warriors to break through taboo areas. This is a fatal flaw, which means that secret blood warriors are very strong in the early stage, but are not as good as many strong men in the later stage, because other strong men can enter the taboo area. And continue to grow.

There are many reasons why it is difficult for secret blood warriors to break through taboos. One is to trace the origin. This is a bloodline that is a fusion of the past concepts of the heavens. The blood itself is a collection of concepts. On this basis, it is difficult for secret blood warriors to create new ones. The concept may be to inherit the old concept, because they already have the old concept, and inheriting it alone will break the bloodline balance and cause self-collapse.

New concepts must also consider how to harmonize with their own bloodline, otherwise it will cause conflicts and collapse. Only by finding the point of extreme coincidence and creating a concept that best suits them can the secret blood warrior succeed.

But this method of ascending to the taboo requires too much talent and talent from the secret blood warriors themselves.

The powerful have deduced time taboos, space taboos, life and death taboos, and causal taboos many times, but they have not found a way to guide the secret blood warriors, so they canceled the upgrade plan for the secret blood warriors.

After all, there is only one True Ancestor of Secret Blood in history. The True Ancestor of Secret Blood can ascend the Taboo because he is the first generation and happens to have extremely high talents. In addition, the fused existence of the source of all calamities offsets the restrictive effect of past sins. It was through many coincidences that the miracle of extremely fast forbidden ascension was achieved.

And what they want is not a mystical blood warrior contaminated by the source of all calamities. They must be pure mystic blood warriors to be effective in the battle. Otherwise, pulling out a rampaging monster will make things worse.

What really made them pay attention to the secret blood warriors again was that after the seventh restart, they followed the existing strong men and began to think about the possibility of inheriting the blood gene talent. As a result, they really found a man with an outrageous talent. A potential secret blood warrior.

That is, the strong woman who has been active on the outside battlefield in many restarts, Xue Zhiyu’s parent and son, Lu Chen.

Xue Zhiyu herself is a woman who has thoroughly understood the secrets of the secret blood and is extremely powerful in martial arts. She is almost perfect in terms of talent, potential, talent and other aspects. She can be said to be the most perfect embryo below the tenth level.

And such a strange woman also married a pure returnee of secret blood and gave birth to a child!

That child was born to inherit all the talents of his mother, even more so. He also had all the excellent qualities of a secret blood warrior and was an outstanding returnee.

So in the seventh restart, Time Taboo and others, in addition to carrying out their original "protagonist plan", also expressed great concern for Lu Chen. However, during that period of history, Lu Chen's performance failed to reach his level. Their expectations were high, so in the eighth restart they focused on cultivating Beigui.

But Bei Gui, a man with a righteous heart and leadership temperament who was most likely to enter the tenth level in history, still died outside the boundary. This made it difficult for Time Taboo and others to accept it for a while.

At that time, many powerful people believed that they should find a way to overthrow and start over again. This time, they should train Beigui properly and not let him leave the sea of the world again. In this way, when Beigui becomes a complete body, he can successfully defeat the enemy.

This is a normal way of thinking. After many trials and errors, we finally found a target that was close to success, and it was a strong person who could be 'formed' in the very early stages of space. At that time, they had a lot of time to develop. It is fault-tolerant and can fully afford the rise of Beigui.

But the reason why mistakes are called mistakes is that they are often irreversible.

Time Taboo and others are still regretting it. They and Space were too ignorant and thoughtless back then. If they had not taken that wrong step, Beigui would not have died, and the Sea of World might have won the war.

There is no regret medicine in the world, and time taboos cannot take the regret medicine. When they wanted to restart, they found that it was no problem to restart, but Bei Gui's death was inevitable because he was erased by the tenth level!

In the concept of time, in all historical possibilities, there is no such person as Bei Gui. The history of space can record this existence. The explorers who were contemporaneous with Bei Gui may remember it, but in fact Bei Gui has already If he dies, he may live in the past, but if he dies in the future, everything is just a shadow of nothingness, an illusion recorded by the power of the tenth level of the origin space.

Bei Gui's death has become an established fact. Even if time is overturned and restarted, this unparalleled genius cannot be saved. So the time taboos have no choice but to make a tentative, gamble-like restart for the last time. And this This time, they targeted Xue Zhiyu's parent and son, Lu Chen.

In the many previous restarts, Lu Chen did not enter the space three times at all. Instead, he was taken away by his mother and placed in a small world, causing his son to waste his talents and end his life after a peaceful life.

In addition, there were two times when Lu Chen was in the Hongmeng Space, two times when Lu Chen was in the End Space, and one time when he was pulled into the Ancient Space. This was not intentionally guided by Time Taboo and others, it was completely The butterfly effect caused by their other arrangements produced chain changes.

In the last restart, everything was in place, and the origin space happily opened its door to welcome its spring, bringing in this genius who had never been to its home during several restarts.

The origin space was obviously very concerned about Big Daddy's training. When time and space changed and history changed, they even spent sky-high resources and used tenth-level power to help Lu Chen tamper with the world without affecting Lu Chen himself.

But this restart was not perfect. There were mistakes in the process. Time Taboo and others had already observed the poor ending, so they either did it themselves or guided other taboo operations, and corrected the restart more than once. history.

In the initial history, Time Taboo believed that men like Lu Chen were born warriors and an unparalleled reckless man, a bit like the space master they knew back then.

Such a man should not be bound by anything, and the origin space refers to the methods of cultivating the strongest men in other spaces in the past, making Lu Chen's experience extremely fast. Almost all worlds passed by in a snowball style. Lu Chen grew up and became the lone wolf among the lone wolves in the origin space, the Martial Emperor respected by thousands of people.

But Lu Chen, who was on this growth path, did not meet their expectations, but was so weak that they could not understand it.

This weakness is relative, because Lu Chen not only failed to break through the taboo realm, but was also much weaker than his mother at the same level.

Time Taboo and other powerful people realized that something was wrong, so they tampered with history and gave hints in the upper reaches of the big time and space. Then the origin space changed its strategy, and now there is the basic version of Lu Chen. He was not in the starting world. A ruthless fighting machine, but first found the meaning of life.

He knows why he lives, why he fights, and why he dies, so he becomes the strongest warrior.

In the subsequent history, many details were corrected by them in order to achieve a perfect ending, and Xunguang's time travel was just one of them.

Now that they have achieved all their goals, they themselves don't know how strong Lu Chen is now, but the problem is that they are sure that Lu Chen has not reached the tenth level yet, and it is impossible to match the tenth level outside the world.

But now the fierce attack from outsiders has reached their doorstep. It looks like they won't be able to hold on for many years, and there isn't much time left for Lu Chen.

As for whether Lu Chen can achieve a breakthrough in the remaining time, it is simply a fantasy. In their original estimation, Lu Chen should slowly realize the completeness of space within hundreds of epochs of space unity. Strength, open up new paths, and then make breakthroughs.

It is true that the unity of space cannot directly create a tenth-level powerhouse. This is something that Time Taboo has known for a long time, but it is definitely a foundation that is beneficial to cultivating a tenth-level powerhouse. With the unification, there will be many levels of space. The tenth level of power recovery can be used as a reference for those who come after you.

Moreover, the unified space will be a more qualified war machine, which can train soldiers more efficiently and send them to the battlefield ahead. This will enter a virtuous cycle and can delay the war for a long time.

So if conditions permit, it seems to be a good choice to unify the space in advance.

"So what do you and Dongxu mean?"

Space Taboo asked, examining the Time Taboo.

"You mean the final core?"

Time Taboo smiled, "It's nothing, it's just another possibility."

Space Taboo looked directly into the other person's eyes, and then became silent after finally retracting his gaze. He seemed to understand what was going on.

If the time taboo tamperes with time and history, unless it is something directly related to itself, even he will not have an obvious perception. It is very likely that the time taboo has changed history once in some matters, but he does not know that the other party has changed it. several times.

Dongxu found the core a hundred years ago, but he did not give it to the space, nor did he let out the news to wait for the space experts to pick it up. If the arrangement had been started at that time, the space would have been integrated by now.

The attitude of the time taboo is inexplicable. It can only mean that space has been unified once, but the ending was not what they wanted.

"What made you make such a judgment? You know the cause and effect of this matter. You can't hide it from Him."

Space Taboo asked.

"We can't catch up. Our original plan can't catch up with the arrival of the end. Many new powerful people were born after the space fusion, but it seems to have led Lu Chen's path astray. From the beginning, it was completely different from what we see now. Do you think it was ahead of schedule? Unification would be better, but I can tell you that this is the best result after many changes.”

Time Taboo sighed, "In the end, I realized the fact that the existence that can lead to the supreme realm cannot be cultivated."

"He can only rely on himself, and the early unification of space will give him too much help and more shackles, right?"

Space Taboo was thoughtful and understood why time and cause and effect did what they did.

Time Taboo nodded, "Yes, the existence of that realm cannot be taught, so why should we guide him? Isn't this a kind of conceit? We ourselves don't understand the tenth level at all, and space is indeed the first level. It was created at the tenth level, but does space really understand the tenth level?”

He continued: "Ten thousand steps back, space can teach a strong person of the tenth level, who is also a loser of the tenth level. Although there is some disrespect to that person, in fact it was him who lost, and what we want is Win, otherwise it will be a new wave of painful reincarnation, and I don’t want to see those things again.”

"So you put all the pressure on Lu Chen and forced him to death."

Space Taboo sighed, "But he is too young. He will be impulsive when he is young, and he will not be able to calm down."

Having said this, he seemed to have thought of something and looked at the time taboo, "Can you send him back to the past and give him a longer time to practice?"

Time Taboo looked at each other as if they were idiots, but after thinking about it, it was understandable that the other party would think so. After all, everyone was really desperate now.

"That is impossible. I have said it more than once. My concept is to measure the development of things and the scale of history. Everything is moving forward. The future has extended very far. Our conversation is in the present. But that's because of the confusion that comes with restarting, we were supposed to be in the future."

Time Taboo explained, "The tenth level is beyond common sense. Our enemy is not actually the tenth level outside the world now. He is anywhere in time. He is above time. If his state changes, If it can also be defined in terms of a development process, then the time left to the result of this process that can be measured by my concept is fixed.”

"We've wasted too much time ahead."

Space Taboo sighed and said that he understood what the other party meant. Assuming that the tenth-level state change process could be measured by a time they could understand, then it would be a fixed time.

For example, that time is ten million epochs, and the process of restarting them once is two million epochs. Then restarting the other party five times will complete the state transition.

It can also be understood that time moves forward in parallel at any node. The awakening of the tenth level is not in the present, but in the distant future. When it awakens, it is everywhere and will manifest at any time. .

So even if Lu Chen is sent back to the past, Lu Chen can only practice for a few eras in the past, which is the same as practicing now, because essentially they are all in the 'past'

The time taboo means that it can reverse time, but its essence is to reverse the development state of things. However, the tenth level is not affected, so their time cannot be repeated infinitely, and Lu Chen cannot go back to the past. way to gain a lot of time.

This is also an important reason why the time taboo theory cannot be restarted. On the one hand, the operation of the origin space makes time confusing. Fundamentally speaking, it is because they have no 'time'.

The tenth level outside the boundary is about to wake up.