Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1966: Emperor Wu wakes up


"How long exactly?"

Space Taboo looked at the situation on the battlefield. Theoretically, they had seen this scene eight times, but he would not remember it clearly. Only Time Taboo knew all the processes.

Now the army of the source of all calamities has invaded and pushed across the last line of defense of the Sea of Worlds against the outside world. If they continue to advance, the Sea of Worlds will be in danger, and there are no masters in the Sea of Worlds except Emperor Wu. .

Looking at this posture, let alone the tenth level one who is about to wake up, if all the creatures in this world are attacking, they will be unable to defend themselves.

According to the time taboo, there have been many restarts before. It was because of defeats on the battlefield, overwhelming defeats, and irreversible decline that the restarts were made and the plan was changed.

In other words, before defeating the legendary tenth level outside the realm, they must first ensure that the Sea of World side is undefeated in the war in the realm of common sense.

The World Sea army in this restart can be said to be the strongest in history. Because of the existence of Lu Chen, a series of masters have been spawned, especially his son Lu Ping'an, whose strength is even more powerful and can be regarded as the leader on the battlefield. Top combat power.

"I have no idea."

Time Taboo said helplessly, looking at Space Taboo, "I only control the time of common sense, how can I really predict the tenth level of the extraordinary reason? He is completely detached and unpredictable. I predict that he will soon Wake up, that was when I restarted for the first time.”

"What's the meaning?"

Space Taboo feels like it's a struggle to talk to the other person, because you never know how many details there are in previous reboots, and Time Taboo doesn't report everything one by one.

"In the oldest era, before the first restart, the tenth-level war had just ended. When He fell into the common sense, I could roughly predict it. Now I can't predict it at all, but I think it should be different from the original prediction. Not big, our plans are executed to that standard.”

Time Taboo explained, "According to our initial judgment, if there are no surprises, the tenth level outside the world should have awakened in these epochs."

He looked at the battlefield where the shouts of killing were shaking. Just by observing the movements of those creatures who were the source of all calamities, he could see the hidden fanaticism in their hearts.

The opponent's offensive frenzy was not just because they received inaccurate information a few epochs ago and wanted to break through the Sea of World to kill potential threats, but they may have sensed the imminent return of their ancestors.

This battle itself is a tribute offered by the race of the source of all calamities to welcome the return of their ancestors. They are not afraid, they regard death as home on the battlefield, and die together with those firm taboos, because they have no real sense of life and death.

Life and death, the continuation of existence are concepts for the living beings in the sea of the world. These concepts now limit them, but they do not believe this. Life is meaningless to them, and death is not worth fearing for them. , because their existence is all for the great supreme.

The birth process of creatures in the Source of All Tribulations is not reproduction. They did have a behavior pattern similar to reproduction in the past, and they could give birth to new creatures through sex. However, after the birth of certain concepts, this road was blocked. , because it is classified into that concept by definition and is restricted by Hillyol.

Therefore, today's creatures that are the source of all tribulations are completely asexually derived. One falls and two stand up. As the ancestors gradually disappear into common sense and rise above all living beings, this phenomenon will become more and more obvious.

In the forbidden land of origin, the ancestor enlightened them, so they have an endless supply and will never be eliminated. They live forever and are always on the way to becoming stronger.

"Is everything going to end... We lost after all. We wasted too much time. We should have chosen Lu Chen from the beginning."

Space Taboo sighed, feeling that they were completely defeated, and this was not a game with the tenth level outside the boundary.

Generally speaking, except for the time when they returned to the north, they ignored them at all during the many restarts. They were like a lazy owner lying on the bed watching a few small bugs crawling around on the windowsill, but He didn't want to get up and shoot those bugs to death because it was too troublesome.

Their defeat was not due to the tenth level outside the world, but simply because they could not defeat the race of creatures that was the source of all calamities, and they could not cope with the opponent's army of common sense.

"Fate has fallen. If He were here, he would tell you that everything is fate. If we choose Lu Chen at the beginning, we will also lose, just like Beigui."

Time Taboo sighed, Lu Chen was able to achieve today's achievements, reach this strength smoothly, and continue to improve under the snow of space. It can be said that all these trajectories are due to the previous eight trials and errors before he can achieve such perfection. of.

Of course, they must also be sure that Lu Chen is not ordinary strong. Lu Chen's talent is unique. However, if Lu Chen is placed in the eighth restart, the result will not be much better. He will still be affected by Hongmeng Space's recklessness. And fell outside the boundary.

"What should we do now? Can we just wait for the result?"

Space Taboo asked, looking at the decaying situation on the battlefield, it seemed that defeat was already decided.

Although Space has been continuously investing in new powerful people over the years, the speed at which space powerful people are born is obviously not as fast as the reserve of powerful people outside the boundary. Moreover, in terms of the base of mid-level powerful people, Space is far behind.

The strong men at the peak of the ninth level are also valuable combat resources in the space, but for the creatures that are the source of all calamities, there are so many existences at this level that almost all of them can be used as cannon fodder.

Moreover, this kind of creature is not afraid of life and death. They carry out orders and prohibitions. You can often see dozens of creatures from the source of all calamities with a comprehensive attribute of 340 points launching a suicidal charge to attack a forbidden strongman in the sea of the world.

This kind of operation cannot be accomplished by their side. Regardless of whether the strong men in the sea of the world have the ability to cooperate, or whether they have the courage, just talking about whether they are willing or not, Most powerful people must be shaking their heads.

Without him, they are the real life. Life has many advantages and many shortcomings. They can be cowardly or brave, they can be inferior or proud. They can charge fearlessly, but they cannot clearly know where they are going. Die.

In fact, there are very few strong people who truly have a fearless spirit and are willing to risk their lives for the sea of the world, throw their lives and blood to protect all sentient beings, and join the Abandoned Team regardless of life and death, so such people are respectable.

More often than not, everyone is forced to go to the battlefield because they want to protect themselves, so they have to kill the enemy. Their primary goal in fighting is to survive in the future and build a better future for themselves.

"Old friend, it seems that we have been controlling the field for too long and have forgotten some things."

Time Taboo looked into the distance and said, "We are still very strong. At the last moment, we can play in person."

"It seems that you have completely given up on restarting. Do you want to use your remaining strength in direct fighting? After you die, we will have no way out."

Space Taboo said with emotion.

"No… "

Time Taboo shook his head, "We had no retreat from the beginning."

In the sea of the world, where there is no sky or earth, there is a figure in black sitting quietly.

The man's gaze looked out to the south, and his calm eyes were filled with waves. He sighed in a rare way, "It turns out that everything is determined, but in the end, variables are weighing on me."

He stood up slowly, and entered the sea of the world for the first time after many years. The space rippled, but then gradually disappeared as the ripples spread into the distance.

He walks around in the sea of the world, and his eyes can penetrate all realms and easily see the internal conditions.

Too much time has passed, making the world a strange place.

He went to the once supreme world, and now the original world of gods after the unity, causing a big sensation.

For the residents of the Supreme World, more than ten epochs are not too long. Among the students who were on Jiuxiao Continent back then, the oldest ones were ten epochs old.

Some of the young people who once studied with Lu Chen on the Jiuxiao Continent have returned home to continue working hard, and some have already occupied a place in the divine land. The same is true for the geniuses of the Zhiyang World. The power of the upper levels has been re-divided. .

But no matter what changes have taken place in this world after the unification, the legend of Emperor Wu has always been a topic that strong men of all generations talk about.

The two Taboos of the original God Realm came from the Yin and Yang worlds of that year. They came out to greet Lu Chen in person. They even felt a little scared when facing Lu Chen.

Because Lu Chen is too mysterious now. He neither gives people a sense of menace nor peace. He seems to be nothing but existential, weak and invincible.

When facing Lu Chen, the two taboos only felt a sense of unreality, as if the other party had transcended concepts and common sense, and was no longer in the same world as them.

"Emperor Wu is here to visit Destiny?"

A taboo asked, with cautious movements and worry on his face, "Or is there something going on on the front line and you really want to go on an expedition?"

Everyone knows the old taboos in the Sea of World. The origin space has not yet been unified, which means that the legendary tenth level has not yet appeared. Emperor Wu should wait until the origin space is unified before looking for opportunities for breakthrough.

If Emperor Wu can't hold back and wants to leave the Sea of World now, it can only mean that the situation in front of him is unbearable and he may not be able to wait until the space is unified.

Lu Chen saw the other person's thoughts and patted the taboo on the shoulder, "No need to worry, I have everything under control."

He didn't say what he was here for, he just reassured the other person.

Looking at the remaining silhouette of Emperor Wu disappearing from the world, the two taboos glanced at each other and saw the emotion in each other's eyes.

Lu Chen no longer calls them seniors, but his expression and posture cannot be said to be condescending, but rather calm and extremely steady.

They thought that Emperor Wu might be truly amazing and talented to a point that no one could imagine. Perhaps even before the space was unified, Emperor Wu had already reached the critical point!

In the ruins left by the saintly patriarch, Lu Chen saw the red-haired girl after waking up.

The girl is sitting cross-legged on the grass. Her red and white clothes are somewhat like the witch uniform she wore when she was young. An origin-level crystal book is floating beside her. Now this book is entwined with the breath of fate, like A code that records the fate of all things.

From top to bottom, the crystal earrings, the deep-colored necklace, and the elegant ring are all of the Origin level. Obviously, in these years in the Supreme World, she has not only simply retreated to absorb all the concepts of destiny, but also has a deep understanding of herself. Other aspects have been enhanced.

Almost all of these equipment materials were provided by the original gods, and then forged by Chu Zihang. After taking shape, they were sent to Eliyi, and she was asked to spend a long time to warm them up and upgrade the equipment.

Obviously, it is very difficult for ordinary ninth-level experts to upgrade their equipment to the origin level. In history, except for Lu Chen, there are very few people who can achieve the super master strength of growth equipment to reach the origin level first. , but if it is already taboo-level strength, then it will not be so difficult to upgrade the equipment.

Of course, the equipment on Eriyi's body was not upgraded by killing and devouring it. They were all gold-swallowing beasts. However, the original God Realm was not short of money and would give them whatever they wanted.

This was not only to give face to Lu Chen, the strongest Emperor Wu in the Sea of Worlds, but also because Eri Yi was now the de facto strongest person in the original God Realm.

Eriyi, who has inherited the concept of destiny, has grown so fast over the years that the two taboos in the original god world cannot understand, but Lu Chen knows why the other person can improve so quickly.

It cannot be said that it has nothing to do with Eriki's original talent, but it is indeed not the result of her own efforts, but more because she inherited a large inheritance, a gift from the previous destiny.

The Taboo of Destiny had obviously anticipated his own fall, and had made arrangements before his death so that someone would inherit most of his authority, and Eri Yi was the chosen one.

Is Eri really the best successor to the concept of destiny in all worlds? Not necessarily, even Lu Chen was certain that it wasn't like this.

But in the end, it was Eri who came to this inheritance place and inherited the taboo concept of fate that fell outside the world. This can only be said to be the result of arrangements made by other strong men, because Eri is his wife and can best cooperate with her. own people.

Lu Chen's eyes have seen through part of time, knowing the changes of years and the truth of restarting.

Along the way, there have been too many pushers behind him. These forces cannot be said to be well-intentioned, but they do have high expectations for him.

Lu Chen no longer wants to judge the game between those powerful players in history, but he knows that there is no way to retreat in the current sea of the world, and he also has no way to retreat.

He will not complain about why those strong people did not choose him in the first place, and will not think that those strong people's operations are too "bad", because in essence, without the efforts of those strong people and multiple restarts, the Sea of World would have been destroyed long ago. Now, there is no situation like he is today.