Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1970: Break circuit


"Fall back and wait for recovery. We win!"

Some of the leading creatures of all calamities gave orders, their voices cold but very high-pitched.

In his opinion, Taboo of Life and Death made the stupidest decision. He dealt a devastating blow to his own side by fully blooming his own concept. This was a self-destructive style of play.

But after the taboo of life and death dies, their eternal beings can naturally get rid of the shackles of life and death, and the dead creatures can be resurrected. The blow before the death of the taboo of life and death is just a flash in the pan. When the concept of life and death is blurred, the battle really becomes fierce. .

And a strong person in his realm naturally understands that the taboo on life and death is not 'dead', but the disappearance of the concept. Use that method to embody your concept. What greets the taboo on life and death is not death, but the erasure of the true source. It is the loss of existence. He cannot come back, and it is impossible for him to jump sideways repeatedly.

"Break through the Great Wall of Origin, enter the sea of the world, eliminate all potential dangers, and welcome the return of the ancestors!"

After a strong man of all calamities retreated to stabilize the army, he raised the spear in his hand and shouted. However, this was just an action in the eyes of the creatures in the sea of the world, because the creatures of all calamities did not need to speak to communicate.

"Why didn't you wake up? The taboo on life and death has obviously fallen."

After reorganizing the situation and going to continue the counterattack, the powerful Myriad Tribulations discovered something that puzzled him, that is, the dead Myriad Tribulations creatures had not revived, which was inconsistent with their previous predictions and theories.

The taboo on life and death has indeed fallen, but why does the concept of life and death still remain strong and not weaken

Beside the Great Wall of Origin, there are a large number of sources of all calamities piled up, which are the creatures of all calamities that turned into material form after death. Time Taboo looked at the place where the taboo on life and death disappeared, and sighed, "Life and death... my old friend."

What they were worried about and what the creatures of all calamities expected did not happen, because the taboo of life and death had prepared a back-up plan long before the expedition, and he did not rush to the front battlefield without any plan.

Being besieged was to be expected, and the taboo of life and death would certainly not risk the future of the Sea of Worlds. Even if he was going to go into battle personally, he had already arranged his funeral arrangements.

"Someone has taken over the concept of life and death!"

Finally, someone came to their senses and understood what had happened. That is, before the Taboo of Life and Death took action, the arrangement had been made and the recipient of the 'legacy' had been decided.

So even if He falls, the concept of life and death will still exist, and it will still be a strong concept, but the recipient will definitely no longer be able to do the moves he used before, because the concept of life and death is not as sophisticated as his creator. , even if it can be used, it is impossible to pass this concept on to others.

Now there is only one thing the new recipient has to do, and that is to hold on well and not to die and disappear.

As the controller of the taboo of life and death, he himself can die, because he can be resurrected after death. The concept of life and death is originally defined by him, but it cannot be broken, let alone be erased, otherwise it will be a real fall. It has nothing to do with life or death.

At this time, there was a figure standing on the wall of the Great Wall of Origin, holding a black-covered notebook in his hand. He was wearing a scarlet mecha, like a strong man in a science fiction movie. Under the mask, the man also slowly Sighing slowly, "Senior, go on your way."

Chu Zihang inherited the concept of taboos about life and death. Just like Hui Li, he successfully entered the taboo realm and became the heir to the ancient and powerful concept. All life and death are judged by him. This is an extremely powerful power. .

But this kind of inheritance is too hasty. Even if he is a smart person, it will take at least ten epochs to integrate it and become a key combat force on the battlefield. On the current battlefield, they simply do not have this time.

Looking at several ancient taboos such as time and space, Chu Zihang guessed that it was not long before the end of this world, otherwise these ancient strong men would not have come out to fight.

It’s not that they don’t have the courage to fight head-on, but that their existence is the order itself. If the generals who are supposed to be the center of control all go to the battlefield to fight, it can only mean that they are at the end of their rope.

In fact, many strong men had foreseen the outcome of the war, and were hoping that these legendary taboos could do something to save them. But at first, when they saw them appearing, people felt excited, seeing that they were just going into battle. After the fight, there was only disappointment.

Because this shows that powerful people such as Time Taboo are helpless, and the other party may not be able to do things like reversing time and restarting the world in people's imagination.

So there is only one choice left, which is to raise the sword in your hand, kill your enemy, and drink the enemy's blood until your own blood is gone.

Chu Zihang wrote in his notes that he is now the real 'god of death' because the supreme authority is already in his hands.

"Hey, shouldn't this inheritance be left to me!?"

The woman who had retreated to heal her wounds and panted fell beside Chu Zihang, with confusion in her voice, "You are not good at this at all, okay? I have understood the law of reincarnation for so many years, and I also studied the route of the God of Death when I was young. My predecessor, He Why didn’t the old man choose me?”

Xia Mi was just complaining, not dissatisfied, but she felt that she was the most qualified person on the battlefield.

"Maybe senior thinks you are not as strong as me."

Chu Zihang wore a visor and stated in a calm voice, which made Xia Mi very angry, because she knew that there must be no expression under the visor.

"Ah, I'm so angry. I'm going to kill a few of the sources of all calamities."

Xia Mi was a little crazy, and without saying a word, he entered the battlefield again. This was the time when the creatures from the source of all calamities were weak, because they had been killed by the Taboo of Life and Death's big move, leaving most of them in the world. Hai Fang briefly gained the upper hand.

However, this advantage is also short-lived. The reinforcements from the Ten Thousand Tribulations Creatures seem to be endless, and the Sea of World has been squeezed to its limit.

As far as the experts know, the taboos in the Sea of World have been almost emptied, and only two or three people are left to guard them. This is to prevent the source of all calamities from being around and trying to sneak into the Sea of World.

And basically all the powerful people at the peak of the ninth level have been brought over. In the original divine world, during its most prosperous period after the unity, there were more than 130 people at the peak of the True Self Realm. Now there are only five or six left, in Jiuxiao. Mainland China is responsible for teaching and cultivating new combat capabilities.

The situation in other big worlds is similar. Basically, high-level combat forces are mobilized to fight. Not only that, as long as they reach the late stage of the ninth level realm, they will also be pulled over. Some will be given time to train, and some will be directly recruited. Came to the battlefield.

If the current situation were compared to a mortal war, it would mean that there were no longer enough soldiers, so strong men were recruited first, then young people, teenagers, and then children and women.

The Sea of World has developed peacefully for many years, but now under the all-out war, in just a few epochs, the high-level combat power has been almost emptied, and it has begun to squeeze the next generation of strong people.

The origin space, the largest petri dish, is now showing signs of decline. It is said that the number of ninth-level explorers in the space has dropped sharply, and recently there are no ninth-level peaks.

The cruel reality is that even if the taboo of life and death inflicts a huge blow on the enemy at the cost of self-sacrifice, it still cannot reverse the overall decline of the war.

Because the base of the creatures of all tribulations is too large, their essence is not life, but the aggregation of matter. There are creatures that are the source of all tribulations in front of them. As long as the matter of all tribulations is still there, they can continue to create, and since their birth , you can have extremely strong power based on the purity of the source of all calamities.

In comparison, the birth efficiency of creatures is low, and the process of becoming stronger is also much slower. This is an extreme disadvantage for the World Sea side.

This gap in combat power is caused by the difficulty in erasing the source of all calamities by the strong men of the World Sea. Because of the existence of the concept of life and death, they can kill the self-aware beings who are the source of all calamities, but in essence they are killing them. The consciousness of the creatures of all calamities does not destroy the source of all calamities.

This substance probably originated from the tenth level. Even if it is a substance within common sense, it cannot be easily erased.

Even the source of all tribulations with the lowest purity requires a taboo-level master to spend a very long time refining it to erase it. However, the source of all tribulations with extremely high purity basically cannot be divided and erased.

Xue Zhiyu can't do it, King Wu can't do it, and existences such as Time Taboo can't do it. So if we fight like a meat grinder, it will always be the side of the sea of the world that suffers.

The battlefield has fallen into eternal night. This is because the ability of a creature of all calamities is colliding with the taboo of light and darkness. This is the scene during the wrestling stage. No one knows where they are fighting, but This battle doesn't look like it will be over in a while.

"Brother Shi, leave this to me. Keep charging and kill that guy!"

A big cauldron flew across the battlefield and hit a powerful man of all calamities. Ye Fan and the others were on the battlefield and had killed many powerful enemies with their cooperation. At this time, they wanted to take advantage of the taboo of life and death. Expand the results of the battle, otherwise they will be under greater pressure when the creatures of all calamities come back.

Shi Hao held the fairy sword and led the way. Ye Fan was in the middle to support him. The Mother Qi Cauldron Gaia Heaven and Earth swept away all the creatures of the world. The ruthless emperor followed closely behind, and the Wushi emperor and Chu Feng advanced on the flanks of the battlefield.

They have been on the battlefield for many years, not for anything else but to open up a better tomorrow. They once fought bloody darkness, and now they are resisting all calamities.

At the other end of the battlefield, with sword intent, Wang Quan Wumu cut a powerful man of all calamities into two pieces, and then white mist surged past, and extreme ice blocked an area, killing the running creatures of all calamities. Frozen, it turns into an ice sculpture with a crystal clear exterior and a dark interior.

The woman wearing fox fur walked barefoot on the earth. In the realm of the ninth level, she was a rare and powerful person in the sea of the world. It was a pity that she could not break through to a higher realm.


In the distance, the roar of wild beasts sounded, and a golden dragon crossed the battlefield, dividing a battle.

On the fat golden dragon, there was a creature that roared similar to it. It was a giant wolf with ice-blue hair. It jumped down from the golden dragon, rushed into the battle, and changed its shape in the dust and mist. Transformed into a tall woman with long ice blue hair.

Countless forbidden spells are released from her hands, which can be called the most powerful spell turret under the taboo. And she is dexterous, running on the battlefield, dodging attacks from everywhere, and switching between human form and wolf form at will. , sometimes rushing like the wind, sometimes invading like fire.

Smoke was everywhere on the battlefield, and the fall of the taboo of life and death brought life to everyone. Some were sad for the passing of their predecessors, while others laughed heartily while killing the enemy.

The flow of time will not stop due to the death of anyone. Things are always moving forward. Even if you look back, it is only the past.

This war will not end with the final blow of the taboo of life and death, but will only give the Great Wall of Origin, the last line of defense, some breathing space.

After realizing that the army of Ten Thousand Tribulations is at a short-term disadvantage, it will naturally choose to retreat temporarily. During the retreat, it will fight with the Sea of World. But without the Source of Ten Thousand Tribulations, the creatures will panic, and there will be no Ten Thousand Tribulations. The robbed creature feels that it would be a shame to retreat.

This is a group of people who are so indifferent that they are almost mechanical. They enforce orders and prohibitions, and everything is just for the ultimate victory.

On the way to retreat, a commotion broke out behind the Ten Thousand Tribulations Creatures. A strong man sneaked into their hinterland and dared to cut off their retreat at this time.

I saw a woman who looked like a crazy woman, riding a shadow beast and charging. Her dark green dress was stained with mud. With a wave of her hand, an army of billions of shadow beasts appeared, blocking all catastrophes. All directions in which the army retreated.

The woman charged and yelled, "In the end, I will kill your mother!"

Obviously, Mo Yu, who was sent to the rear undercover to fight guerrillas these years, had a very bad life.

But she miraculously survived, and lived in exile for nearly two epochs in the rear position of the creatures at the source of all calamities, without being caught and killed.

She cursed the final space in her mouth and denounced the origin space as unhuman as the previous final space, but she still resolutely launched the charge.

If you scold, you will scold, and if you die, you will die.

But as the strongest pioneer in the final space, she never lacked one thing on the battlefield, and that was backbone.


The armies collided together, Mo Yu delayed the retreat of the army of all calamities, and she herself was overwhelmed by the creatures of all calamities.