Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1973: Emperor Wu's battle cry


The tenth level is powerful, invincible, and lonely, because except for existences in the same realm, it seems meaningless to talk to other creatures.

And now he once again found the meaning of the conversation, as if to express his rare joy, he used the language that the other party was most familiar with.

"You can't understand, can you?"

Lu Chen smiled and followed common sense. Everyone had many guesses about him.

He did not fail, but he also did not succeed. He did not become the true tenth level, but it was not a state that all living beings could understand since the establishment of the space.

His path was peculiar, and in the end he failed to completely transcend common sense, but he penetrated into a zone above common sense and saw his opponent.

All the abilities of the origin space have failed for him. He will never see the menus in the origin space again, so even the origin space does not know his life and death and cannot control his situation.

But Lu Chen clearly knew that if judged by the new standards of the origin space, his current attribute would be 349 points, which could definitely be regarded as the true tenth level realm.

What’s interesting is that the other party’s state is similar to mine. In terms of attributes, they should be at the same stage, and the other party is not completely out of touch with common sense. Obviously, the sequelae left by the battle with the space creator many years ago have not completely disappeared. .

If the tenth level wants to kill the tenth level, they can only knock the opponent into common sense, and this process is always two-way. When life and death are finally divided, everyone will fall into common sense. The 'time' needed to recover will not affect life. It is very long, but it is nothing to the tenth level.

"Those weak, humble, and meaningless existences can be easily erased and revived. Your behavior is incomprehensible to me and is extremely stupid."

The ancestor of all tribulations said, he was not in a hurry to fight with Lu Chen further, the man in front of him made him curious.

Because during the battle with him, Lu Chen actually dared to gather the fragments under common sense while being distracted. Those were the true spirits of those who died on the battlefield. The true spirits preserved by Lu Chen would not manifest based on common sense. , but as long as they return to the side of common sense, they will revive again. In essence, those creatures that are considered dead by common sense have not actually died.

The Ancestor of All Tribulations couldn't understand the meaning of Lu Chen's doing this, because in his view, even if Lu Chen was a human being, a living being with complex emotions and compassion for life, old age, illness and death, he only needed to do this after the battle. Just resurrect those lives.

For the tenth level, time is meaningless, cause and effect is meaningless, and fate is meaningless. They can reverse the course of time and reverse the development of things. Everything is like a toy in their hands, which can be taken apart or put back together.

In His view, the life invented by those little taboos is nothing more than a new collection of material ideology, a small toy with many shortcomings that is not clever and can be erased at will and revived at will.

In this case, what's the point of the man in front of me doing this? Even at the risk of losing in a fight with him, he still wants to save those people


Lu Chen smiled and said, "People often say that about me..."

He looked at the true spirit in his palm and said, "Perhaps you are right. When I truly reach the tenth level, everything in the world can move according to my heart. With a thought of life and death, even what happened can be turned into nothing." It has happened, concepts such as time have no meaning to us, and life seems to have become cheap.”

As he said that, he shook his head, "But at least I don't think so now. I can resurrect dead creatures, but I can't treat them as if their deaths didn't happen. That's not the perfect ending I want, because in my heart they are already dead. pass."

"Can't understand."

The ancestor of all tribulations said in a voice without any emotion, "But you are so similar to Him that I thought it was Him who really reappeared."

"He? Does he mean the creator of the origin space?"

Lu Chen asked rhetorically.

"He was killed by me out of common sense, and it is impossible for him to return, so I can only admire that there are still some possibilities for such a humble existence in life, such as Beigui in the past, and you now."

The slender, knife-like fingers of the ancestor of all tribulations stirred the fog above common sense.

"You were afraid, so you killed him."

Lu Chen said calmly, telling Bei Gui's death.


The ancestor of all tribulations shook his head, "Those are the emotions that only life can have. They are low-level emotions. I am invincible, so what should I be afraid of?"

His voice was calm, and there was no ups and downs when he mentioned the word invincible, as if he was telling a simple truth, because it was originally true, and it may still be true in the future.

"Then why did you not hesitate to interrupt the process of your own transformation and return to normalcy, and also take action to erase him?"

Lu Chen sneered, "What is this if it's not fear?"

"You are wrong. When you saw a cockroach running in front of you while you were sleeping, would you resist swatting it to death? Is it because you swatted the cockroach to death that you are afraid of it?"

The ancestor of all tribulations said, and gave an example that everyone on earth can understand.

However, this made the light in Lu Chen's eyes grow colder. This was obviously humiliating, even though the other party seemed to be giving a simple and easy-to-understand analogy.

"And it turns out that I did not clean the house properly and did not clean the places where dirt and evil were hiding, so new cockroaches were born."

The ancestor of all tribulations said calmly, looking at Lu Chen, "You are just a big cockroach."

"Then who are you?"

Lu Chen sneered, "Are you just a cockroach on the same level as me now, talking nonsense and giving advice to the country?"

"No, you seem to call my realm the tenth level, so let's call it the tenth level. There has been only one tenth level since ancient times. You will not be the new tenth level, the fallen tenth level. It’s just a dead cockroach.”

The ancestor of all tribulations said calmly, "And the one who survives will be me, it will be me from beginning to end."

As he spoke, the aura on his body was liberated, and a breeze surged above common sense. The boundless chaos and evil were innately opposed to life, and yet he was completely unaware of its extreme indifference and extreme cruelty.

At the same time, on the other side, there was a dark evil spirit surging, carrying endless murderous intent, dispelling the fog here, and rolling forward.

When both sides unleashed their maximum abilities at the same time, the ancestor of all tribulations looked slightly sideways, "It seems that you are not Him, He is ugly, and you are beautiful."

Putting this kind of words on Lu Chen, at this moment, he felt that it was a huge insult to himself without having to carefully savor the connotation.

It is impossible for both sides to have any fear in the battle in this realm. They are indeed distinguished in the field of charm, but they still have to see the real deal.

In the next moment, the dark sharp blade slashed out, cutting through the common sense and reaching above the common sense. The ultimate soul traced its origin and reached the high sky on the other side.


The attacks from both sides collided. It was a battle that no one could understand, but it was extremely dangerous.

The extreme offensive power caused the bodies of both sides to break apart, but they did not break apart because there was no concept of injury in the tenth level realm.

The state of the ancestor of all tribulations has not been completely transformed, and all parts have not returned to the common sense. He can now be called the tenth level, but it is by no means the peak of the tenth level, completely above the common sense.

The same goes for Lu Chen. His breakthrough was not completely successful, so he became like this. The two people's realm attributes are exactly the same, but one is coming back after going down the mountain, and the other is the first. Go up the mountain.

Lu Chen's goal is very clear. He has no intention of continuing up the mountain. After finding the enemy, there is only one thing he has to do, and that is to pull him down from the highest throne and bring him under common sense. That is what he is best at The field of duel.

And only in areas under common sense can he have a chance to kill the opponent!

He doesn't need to think about how to continue going up the mountain, he only needs to think about how to pull the opponent down!

Time, time and space, cause and effect, etc. are meaningless here. The attack power of the two invincibles collided, triggering a great collision involving ancient and modern times. This shock wave swept down from the common sense and interfered with the human world.

As a result, space and time fluctuate violently, and the order of cause and effect is reversed. However, these changes are incomprehensible to the beings in the Sea of World and the Continent of Ten Thousand Calamities.

The ancestor of all tribulations is really strong. He is the most powerful person in history. No, he existed when there was no history and has always been in the supreme position.

Lu Chen's advantage over others at the same level seemed mediocre in front of the Ancestor of All Tribulations. If the Ancestor of All Tribulations also grew up step by step from weak to strong, then he must have been invincible and without any opponent when he was young.

Being able to achieve the tenth level is not an accident, but the inevitable result of various factors. They all have combat power in the same level field that is beyond the understanding of ordinary strong people.


Lu Chen's body collapsed and bleeds under the powerful offensive of the Forefather of Ten Thousand Tribulations, and his injuries disappeared while he was moving. If he hadn't upgraded all the equipment to the origin level over the years, and further refined it to unify it with his own abilities, if it hadn't been for Chu If my brother helps him create the ultimate origin suit, I'm afraid he will still suffer a loss in the battle with the ancestor of all tribulations.

For the first time, after he reached the peak of his strength, he encountered someone of the same level who was inseparable and equal to him.

The Ancestor of All Tribulations was too strong, and that kind of offensive was silent, boring, and without any passion. It was no different from His attitude when he wiped out Beigui.

He was not attacking Lu Chen or verbally humiliating him, but he really only regarded Lu Chen as a big cockroach. Even if Lu Chen was strong enough to fight him head-on, his attitude did not change at all, because The belief of invincibility has been engraved in His bones and has become numb.

Therefore, he seems careless when attacking, but he is always able to exert his strongest strength. He is the most stable killer and the most terrifying existence in history.

Lu Chen's fighting spirit was high. He was not angry because of the contempt of the ancestor of all tribulations, but only excited because of the opponent's strength.

He understood that this battle was for all living beings. It was a serious war involving the survival of all life in ancient and modern times, but he could not help but be excited because he also knew that this would be his last opponent in this life. .

If he can defeat the ancestor of all tribulations, he will become a new loner and will never find an opponent. This is probably the greatest punishment for a warlike warrior.

But he could not be merciful or hold back, because if he lost this battle, everything would be in ruins, and future generations would no longer see hope.

This was destined not to be a battle that could be decided in a moment. It was a long duel and the most intense battle in his life. It made his blood boil and his desire to kill reached its peak!


In the space above common sense, the loud and clear cry of killing resounded throughout the ages, and the murderous intention spanned the ages.

This war cry reached common sense and echoed on the battlefield that will continue in future generations.

Outside the boundary, outside the Great Wall of Origin, the strong men of the World Sea, who were in the midst of a fierce battle and were in decline, all cheered up when they heard this war cry.

Several years have passed since the last tragic battle on the Great Wall of Origin. The strong men in space organized a counterattack, and were pushed to the bottom of the Great Wall by the creatures of all calamities. They had once again reached a critical moment of life and death, and were about to lose the defense. I felt desperate. Hearing this war cry at this time, everyone's hope was ignited again.

"Emperor Wu, it's Emperor Wu!"

A strong man from space shouted excitedly, "It's Emperor Wu who is fighting, it's Emperor Wu's battle cry!"

The pioneers who were familiar with Lu Chen also felt excited. They tightened their grip on the weapons, shook off the blood on their bodies, and charged forward again, "Emperor Wu is with us. Emperor Wu has arrived at the battlefield. This time The defensive battle will definitely be our victory!”

"Here comes Godizlla, who never breaks his word."

A smile appeared on Eriki's face, and the Book of Truth ignited the light of destiny, shining on everyone on the battlefield, providing ultimate assistance.

Chu Zihang was in the middle, commanding the army, and at the same time controlling the laws of life and death, killing the powerful men one after another.

Xia Mi stood next to Chu Zihang. She was strictly ordered not to leave the central battle situation in case she went deep into the enemy's position and was surrounded and killed.

Although she did not rush to the front line, the ability of causal reincarnation can still be used on the battlefield. When used properly, it can save the lives of many strong men and cause a lot of trouble to the enemy.

Leng Yue is the only being who has inherited the concept of ancient taboos and is still fighting in the deepest part of the battlefield. Because after the concept of space taboos was blessed on her, she really took to it like a fish in water, making her an assassin a real god of death, and she was elusive on the battlefield. , no strong person can encircle and suppress her.


The little golden dragon burst out with a majestic dragon roar for the first time on the battlefield and charged with Lu Ning and others. After many years, hearing the boss's battle roar again made his blood boil.

The war was raging, and Emperor Wu's war cry seemed to ignite everyone's hope. The strong men in the world worked together to resist the impact of the army of all calamities and drive out the enemy!