Starting With Contract Pets

Chapter 100: You can’t imagine how rich the boss is [2-in-1 with extra updates


“Ouch 0^)”

Ziyu shouted to Su Bai, "Abai, I still need spiritual power."

"Come and drink this."

Su Bai quickly poured the last bottle of medicine into Ziyu's bowl. Ziyu drank it in two gulps. The spiritual pressure on her body increased again, and the little bloodworms in the glass jar were trembling with fear.


As Ziyu roared, the spiritual power on its body suddenly shrank, and its aura became more powerful.

It broke through to the warrior level.

"Ouch~( ̄^ ̄)"

Ziyu held her head high and walked up to Su Bai with dignity: "Look, Ah Bai, am I much better than that little bug?" And I also awakened new skills.

"Okay, okay, you're the best, right?"

Su Bai picked it up and rubbed it. The warrior-level fur felt smoother and softer, and the body was also soft, so comfortable to touch.

"Ouch! (づ︶ど)"

Su Bai's messy meal made Ziyu feel weak all over, and she fell into his arms, licking his hand with her pink tongue.

Ziyu has awakened a new skill called Wood Spirit Replacement. By activating this skill, it can instantly swap places with other plants in its field, but only within its field.

"Okay, okay, Ziyu and the little tyrant are both very good and very strong. They are my favorite little cuties. We won't be training tomorrow, so we can take you to the amusement park, okay?"

Su Bai held a little guy in one hand and said. The two little guys had been training with him for so long and had never gone out to play. Su Bai decided to take them to see the world.


amusement park? Is it that amusement park with a lot of fun

Ziyu opened her eyes and looked at Su Bai. She had seen the video on her phone and thought it was really fun. Does Abai really want to take them to play

"Yes, it's the amusement park you saw in the video." Su Bai touched its head and explained to the two little guys.

The little tyrant didn't really care, but it was nice to go out and play.

Ziyu, on the other hand, looked extremely excited. She hugged Su Bai's neck with her front paws, and kept licking Su Bai's chin with her small tongue. She kept rubbing her head.

Su Bai also took advantage of Ziyu's happiness to rub it once, especially its soft little belly. The little guy would make squeaking noises, which was so adorable.

Su Bai even made a video to share with Chen Ruoxue to make her envious.

Chen Ruoxue: "Awei is dead, so cute, let me do the same thing tomorrow~"

Not to mention how envious Chen Ruoxue is, her big devil Xiao Bai is not cute at all, and most importantly, it feels cold to the touch.

Su Bai responded: "It depends on my mood."

Chen Ruoxue: "Wow, Su Xiaobai, you are so confused. I originally said I would take you to go bungee jumping as a couple tomorrow. I am so sad. (╥﹏╥)"

Upon hearing this, Su Bai immediately changed his attitude: "I'm kidding you, remember to praise Ziyu more, and it will make you Rua."

While stroking Ziyu, he chatted with Chen Ruoxue for a while. After half an hour, Su Bai put down the phone and said to Ziyu:

"Come on, let's go downstairs to eat."

In the blink of an eye, early the next morning, Su Bai brought Ziyu and Little Tyrant to the pet center. Ziyu and Little Tyrant were both a little excited because they were going to the amusement park today.

Soon Chen Ruoxue came over with the big devil Xiaobai.

"Wow, is this the warrior-level Ziyu? It's so cute, can you let me hug you?" Chen Ruoxue took aim at Ziyu as soon as she came over.


Ziyu looked at her and then at Su Bai, "I sacrificed myself for Abai, so let her hug me."

"Wow, Ziyu's hair is really silky and smooth, easier to touch than silk." Chen Ruoxue said in shock while holding Ziyu.

"Jie Jie! ⊙︿⊙"

The big devil Xiaobai shed tears of sadness, love will indeed disappear.

"Let's go, let's go to the Blue Moon Cultivation House first." Su Bai said.

"Okay, have you seen the shortlist of reserve members of the Cannes Youth Team that Chen Bo sent yesterday?"

Chen Ruoxue asked as she walked.

"Look, you and I, the two kings, are the only ones from our town who have been shortlisted." Su Bai nodded.

Each of the ten counties in Kangcheng has such a Spring Festival competition, and in the end only three members of each team can be shortlisted.

The ten counties and districts are thirty, plus the twenty selected from the city, for a total of fifty reserve members.

The final selection is to select five regular players and five substitute players from these fifty players, and a total of ten people will form the Cannes Youth Team.

"Although the next selection method has not been announced yet, the competition for the shortlisted spots is bound to be fierce. Now these fifty people are at least ordinary-level pet masters with warrior-level pets."

Chen Ruoxue said.

"I guess they are already cultivating a second pet. It is too easy for a pet to be defeated by attributes, but don't be afraid. Our consumption and recovery flow routine is still very unsolvable."

Su Bai nodded, don't be timid about this kind of thing.

After calling Didi Feiyao, the two quickly arrived at the Blue Moon Breeding House.

"Hello, Teacher Hou." The two of them greeted Hou Jie quickly.

"Good morning, Su Bai, you wouldn't have come here without Ruoxue, right?" Hou Jie glanced at Su Bai angrily. This guy hasn't come over in a month.

"No, it's just that I've been busy studying and training recently and haven't had time. I came here with the intention of quitting my job as a trainer. I'm often away from the store and I'm really embarrassed to still be getting paid."

Su Bai said as he followed Hou Jie to the backyard.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's only 50,000 yuan a month to obtain a trainer certificate. I won't allow you to resign."

Hou Jie patted Su Bai and handed him some information, "You came here this time to choose skills for the little tyrant, right? These are the three skills of fire, earth, and undead that I have here. You can see for yourself. , tell me when you’ve chosen it. The gift I mentioned last time also gave you a skill for free, so just choose it.”

"Wow, thank you, Teacher Hou." Su Bai thanked him quickly.

"I've prepared the things you want to buy for you. After you finish filling in the skills, call me and I'll take you to see them."

Hou Jie waved his hand and looked at Chen Ruoxue: "Ruoxue, do you want to buy skills?"

Chen Ruoxue shook her head: "I came here with Su Bai. He will help me prepare some potion and cake in a while."

She originally wanted to buy skills, but she just happened to get a shadow curse yesterday, and coupled with the big demon's awakening skill deception when he advanced to the warrior level, there was no need for skills for the time being.

"Okay, you choose first, and I'll go out to do some errands."

Hou Jie nodded, turned and left.

Su Bai also picked up the materials and looked at them. Ziyu didn't need any skills now. It was mainly a little tyrant. Pick two good skills for it.

After picking around, Su Bai finally made a decision. This time he chose two skills, one with dual fire and undead skills, and the other with undead skills.

This dual fire undead skill is called Blighted Fireball. It is a fireball condensation technique, an intermediate skill that can condense immeasurable power together to form a fireball.

The blighted fireball technique integrates the blighted death power of the undead system and the hot explosive power of the fire system. It looks like an ordinary fireball when it is emitted, but when it explodes it will cause huge damage to a large area.

The heat of the flames and the withering power of the undead system will also cause secondary damage to the enemy, especially the withered power of the undead system, which is extremely terrifying to life.

Another undead skill is called Burial, which is a stealth skill. When activated, one's own breath will disappear, just like death, making it difficult to be discovered.

"Ruoxue, what do you think of these two skills?" Su Bai showed them to Chen Ruoxue.

Chen Ruoxue looked at it, raised her head and said: "It's good, but it's expensive, especially this Blighted Fireball. Even the internal price of the intermediate skill is 300,000, and the other buried one is 150,000. If you are really rich, then I don’t feel bad anymore.”

"Of course, money is of no use. I'm actually not interested in it. I think it's very profitable to be able to buy these two skills."

Su Bai raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

"Then let's take these two. I see how much money you have wasted. I won't support you when you can't even afford food." Chen Ruoxue spread her hands.

"You've made your choice, just give me 150,000, and the other skill will be my gift to you."

Hou Jie walked over, looked at it and said.

"Teacher, this is a bit bad..."

Before Su Bai finished speaking, Hou Jie waved his hand and said: "Don't think that three hundred thousand is a lot, it's just drizzle to me, even one of my special lipsticks is more expensive than this.

Moreover, the breeding house earns millions on average every day. I am really not short of money, so Su Bai, don’t think about paying back the one million first and let him owe it. I enjoy the feeling of being a creditor. . "

Su Bai: "..."

It's so inhumane. As expected, being a teacher is just about experiencing life.

Chen Ruoxue: "..."

No wonder the color of the teacher's lipstick is so beautiful. It turns out that it costs 300,000 yuan a pop.

"But don't publicize it in school." Hou Jie winked at the two of them and said, "Come with me. I've brought you the things you want to buy, Su Bai. Can you see if they suit you?"


Su Bai followed Chen Ruoxue and walked behind Hou Jie. Hou Jie's outfit seemed ordinary, but it was definitely some unknown but ridiculously expensive customized model.

Su Bai sighed, why are the people around him so rich

"How about this backpack? It's made of Qiankun rat fur. The total capacity is about three cubic meters, and no matter how many things you put in it, the weight is the same." Hou Jie said.

The Qiankun Rat is a special kind of space monster. The backpack made of its fur is similar to a small space bag, but it is not as magical as the space bag in fantasy novels.

Loading and unloading things are done by hand, and there is no way to put anything larger than the opening of the backpack.

Su Bai bought it because his usual small backpack was not enough to go into the Monster Wilderness, so he asked Hou Jie to help him buy it.

Su Bai picked it up, looked at it, stretched out his hand and tried it. It was not a complete large space, but was divided into different small spaces. The largest main bag could hold about five or six hot water bottles at one time.

The internal structure is very good. As for the appearance, Hou Jie's vision is certainly not bad. It is a very good small backpack.

Chen Ruoxue looked at it and nodded, indicating that it was good.

"How much does this cost?" Su Bai asked.

"Five hundred thousand." Hou Jie spread his hands and said.

Su Bai: Σ()

"You originally said it would be less than 500,000 yuan, but I bought this for you through my connections. Otherwise, it would have cost at least 700,000 to 800,000 yuan. Space-related stuff is not a big deal."

Hou Jie spread his hands.

"Okay then, thank you teacher."

Su Bai nodded, handed the backpack to Chen Ruoxue, and then said: "Teacher, my family recently opened a large manor, and I plan to plant some short-lived spiritual fruits. Do we need any in the store?"

He had asked somewhere in the Cultivator Association before, but to no avail. Those seniors were willing to help him, but every family had a spiritual field costing tens of millions, and they all wanted some very special spiritual plants.

"Well, I think we can cooperate. I'm planning to open a branch in Liyu Town. You can supply me with supplies. Some consumable spiritual fruits are a bit expensive to get from dealers.

If you have insurance, I can actually get the materials in this store from you, but I'm afraid it won't be insured. "

Hou Jie touched his chin and said slowly.

"That's it..." Su Bai gave an overview of the situation in his manor.

"If there is a stable space crack, it is indeed relatively stable. How about you give me your father's or mother's phone number, and I will send someone to check it out. If it's OK, how about we sign a contract?"

Hou Jie said that although she doesn't care about money, she is still cautious about business matters.

"This is how it should be, this is how it should be."

Su Bai nodded and gave Hou Jie his father's phone number.

After saying this, Su Bai took Chen Ruoxue in to find Hou Jie's younger brother Hou Lan.

"This is the little tyrant. It's really good. Is it mutated?" Hou Lan stopped what he was doing and said.

"Yes, I hatched it according to the hatching plan given by my master." Su Bai nodded.

"No wonder, the plan given by Mr. Gao is definitely fine." Hou Lan nodded.

After chatting with him for a while, Su Bai wanted to pay back the money, but Hou Lan also showed him his nine-digit savings, fully telling Su Bai how rich he was, and that one million was just a drop in the bucket.

"Hahaha, were you hit?"

In the laboratory, Chen Ruoxue touched Su Bai's face and said with a smile.

"More than just being hit, I deeply feel the malice of the world. At this time, only the embrace of my girlfriend can warm my heart."

Su Bai sighed and wanted to hug Chen Ruoxue.

"What a beautiful idea." Chen Ruoxue hid and said with a smile: "Hurry up and prepare the potion, and then we will go bungee jumping for two, which will warm your heart."


Ziyu also urged Su Bai, Ah Bai, to hurry up. They promised to go to an amusement park, but now they have wasted a long time.

"Okay, okay, don't worry." Su Bai had already seen through his identity as a tool.

After writing a list of materials and going to Hou Jie to get them, Su Bai went back to the laboratory to make potion cakes.

(End of chapter)