Starting With Contract Pets

Chapter 104: The horror of the bloody monster wilderness [2-in-1, plus more


One morning in June, a man and a woman walked into the Bloody Bar carrying backpacks.

Then they appeared on a bloody wasteland. It was still early in the morning in the wasteland, the sun had not risen, and a blood moon hung in the sky, spreading bloody light to the earth.

Groups of bats flew across the sky from time to time, a lone wolf howled in the distant wilderness, and the cruel laws of the dark forest were enacted in the bloody forest on the mountain.

"Is this the Bloody Monster Wilderness?" Chen Ruoxue looked at everything around her, feeling a sense of novelty brewing in her heart.

"Yes, this is it, but this is the first time I have seen this scenery.

But let’s wait until the sun comes out for the time being. This situation is too dangerous. "

Su Bai nodded and looked around, summoned the book of contract and released Ziyu and the little tyrant.


Ziyu unfolded the rhythm of the forest to check the surrounding situation, nodded, and guarded Su Bai with the little tyrant.

"There's nothing wrong around here."

Su Bai found a stone and sat down.

"Jie Jie!!"

The big demon Xiaobai looked at the blood moon in the sky, flying around.

"Don't fly too far, just don't run around." Chen Ruoxue warned.

"Is our goal today to climb that bloody mountain peak in the distance?" Chen Ruoxue asked, leaning on Su Bai.

"Yes, it's that mountain peak. Of course the big devil can fly. When it's dawn, you can also let it fly higher to see the situation and then make a decision."

Su Bai nodded.

They took out two thick coats from their backpacks and put them on, waiting for daylight to arrive.

"Ho ho!!"

When it was almost dawn, the little tyrant suddenly roared and fired a fireball in the distance. A fireball with a diameter of three meters exploded, and a blood-threaded snake was directly blown to death.

"Little bloodworm, kill it." Su Bai took out the little bloodworm from his backpack and said to it.


The little bloodworm listened to Su Bai's words, and spun silk to kill the blood-threaded snake. The blood-threaded snake died and turned into a ball of blood, flying towards the little bloodworm, and merged into its body together with the dragon energy that appeared out of thin air. .

Su Bai originally thought that it would evolve and advance, but with just a flash of red light, the blood light disappeared. The little blood worm didn't change at all, and seemed to have grown slightly.

"Wow, what kind of pet is yours? Is it so magical? Is it not affected by the power of blood?" Chen Ruoxue asked in surprise.

"This is a secret. I'll tell you later." Su Bai smiled and put away the little bloodworm.

"It's daybreak now. Give your phone to the big devil Xiaobai and let it fly into the sky to take a look at the surrounding situation."

Su Bai said again.


Chen Ruoxue nodded, handed the phone to the little devil, and told it to do as Su Bai said.

"Jie Jie~"

The big demon Xiaobai flew up into the sky with his cell phone with a smile on his face. About five minutes later, he landed and handed the phone to Chen Ruoxue: "Jie Jie Jie!"

Chen Ruoxue got her phone and opened the photo album to check the surroundings with Su Bai.

Judging from the mobile phone, there is a huge and continuous forest in front of them on the left, and the farther away, the bigger the trees become.

There is still boundless wasteland to the right and rear, but there seem to be some ruins of buildings on the ground. There is a huge river passing through far behind, and the source of the river comes from the huge forest in front of the left.

In front of them, over the bloody mountain, there was a grassland on the other side. The most important thing was that there were human buildings on the grassland, and there was smoke rising from cooking stoves. There seemed to be a small market over there.

"How about we go to the grassland to take a look first? It's much better to find someone to ask about the situation than to fumble around on our own." Su Bai looked at Chen Ruoxue and said.

"It's okay. I'm just afraid that a small market in a place like this won't be that safe. We have to be more careful and ask someone first before going inside."

Chen Ruoxue nodded. Those who can enter this bloody wilderness are either them or those who rely on blood soul stones to enter. Most of them are criminals and desperadoes. There is a high probability that the market here will not be as good as the normal market outside. Same as the city.

"Okay, let's go." Su Bai nodded and looked at the little tyrant: "Use the burying skill to hide our breath."


The little tyrant exudes an undead aura, and a special power acts on everyone.

The burying skill can hide all their auras, making it difficult for other monsters to find them, allowing them to move through the wasteland relatively safely.

Su Bai first went to take a look at some of the bloodthirsty spear bushes that he had visited before.

"Hey, this bloodthirsty spear is quite fast? It actually cultivated two more Flowing Cloud Fruits."

Su Bai said with some surprise.

Although he knew that the Bloodthirsty Spear would quickly deliver nutrients and pure energy after sensing the disappearance of the Spirit Fruit to help it bear fruit again, it was really surprising that two Flowing Cloud Fruits appeared in less than half a month.

And it is not ruled out that other people came to pick fruits during this period.

"Xiao Bai, go pick those two fruits."

Chen Ruoxue said.

"Jie Jie."

The big demon Xiaobai's whole body became insubstantial, and he sneaked past, then grabbed two fruits while the Bloodthirsty Spear wasn't paying attention, picked them and ran away.

Whoosh! !

The bloodthirsty spear was angry and released countless thatch flying swords, but because it could not sense the aura of Su Bai and others, it was just incompetent and furious.

"It's really good, a fine product." Chen Ruoxue looked at the Liuyung Fruit in her hand and put it in Su Bai's backpack.

"You ask the big devil to use hypnosis to hypnotize the single bloodthirsty spear in front of me. I want to capture it and take it back."

Su Bai said.

"What do you want to do?" Chen Ruoxue asked while letting Xiaobai do it.

"I'm going to try to see if I can use this guy to grow the spiritual plant fruit."

Su Bai said, although I haven't seen anything like this on the market, it may not be possible. It's probably just because of the alliance's laws that it's not on the market.

After all, the characteristics of this bloodthirsty spear are very suitable for cultivating some precious spiritual plants and spiritual fruits.

"Then be careful, I won't care if you get caught." Chen Ruoxue said with a smile.

"Don't worry, who knows when I buy a protective cover?"

Su Bai took the bloodthirsty spear dug by Ziyu, put it in a special box and put it in his backpack.

After doing this, the two of them continued to move forward. Su Bai, who had hidden skills, did not choose to take the original path, but instead explored a new path to the bloody mountain.

On the way, I didn't encounter any more harassment from monsters, and I also harvested some ores and a few spiritual plants.

At about 8 o'clock, they arrived at the foot of this bloody mountain.

"Come on, let's go up, make less noise." Su Bai said and led Chen Ruoxue up quietly.

After walking about five or six hundred meters, the two of them suddenly stopped and did not dare to move.

Ahead, a huge black one-horned snake about ten meters long slowly slipped past. It finally stopped a hundred meters to the left of Su Bai and the others. It looked at a bright red fruit on the small tree in front of it. Lu hesitated.

Finally, it took a step forward and used its spiritual power to steal the fruit from the air. Just when it had just released its spiritual power, the ground suddenly shook violently, and a huge abyss mouth emerged from the ground and directly swallowed up the coiled black man. The horned snake swallowed it in one gulp.


Blood spattered out along with the dust. The black one-horned snake was swallowed without any chance to react. It never resisted from the beginning to the end.

Su and Bai looked at each other and stepped back without hesitation. This place was inaccessible, it was too scary.

"Oh my God, that black one-horned snake just now is the leader level, right?" Chen Ruoxue took a deep breath and asked at the foot of the mountain.

"Yes, that is a one-horned python at the beginning of the leadership level, a one-horned python with a trace of earth dragon blood."

Su Bai said in a deep voice, and the existence that swallowed the one-horned python looked like a giant piranha, and was a very powerful monster.

He looked back at the mountain behind him. What a fucking scary place it was. The two of them had hardly seen monsters below the warrior level since they went up the mountain.

"Come on, let's run away."

Su Bai took a breath and said, they are not worthy of going up this mountain yet.

Chen Ruoxue also nodded. If the black one-horned snake hadn't been far away from them, they might have been discovered.

After thinking about it, the two decided to go around from the right. There was a giant forest on the left and a wasteland on the right. After thinking about it, the wasteland was safer. At least it had a wide field of vision and fewer monsters.

“Finally we’re almost around the mountain.”

After walking about ten kilometers, Su Bai sighed.

"It's too difficult. It would be great if there were flying pets. They can kill people by walking around." Chen Ruoxue also complained.

Although there are probably a lot of gains along the way and can earn hundreds of thousands, the efficiency of this action is indeed too low.


Abai looked over there.

Ziyu pulled Su Bai and pointed into the distance.

"Oh my God, there are so many armored rhinos."

Su Bai took a look and said in shock.

There were probably thousands of rhinos gathered together in the wilderness about three or four kilometers away. Their skins were like smooth armor, reflecting silver light in the sunlight.

There are three huge horns on the top of its head, which look very aggressive.

"There are so many. It seems that they are all slave-level monsters at least." Chen Ruoxue was also amazed. With so many gathered together, even slave-level monsters are very scary.

This can be seen from the fact that they are still surviving well in this cruel wild world.

"Let's not mess with him, just pass by quietly."

Su Bai glanced at the group of armored rhinos in the distance and said, although these monsters are quite valuable if they are alive.

After bypassing the mountains, the ground gradually became greener. Su Bai and others gradually came to the grassland, and there were gradually more traces of human activities on the ground.


Ah Bai, Ah Bai, there are spiritual fluctuations over there.

After walking for a while, Ziyu suddenly pulled Su Bai and pointed in a direction.

At the same time, the little tyrant and the big devil also sensed it. Su Bai and Chen Ruoxue looked at each other and walked past quietly.

After walking a few hundred meters, the two of them saw the source of the spiritual energy fluctuations, which was two pet masters fighting.

The two people fighting both had warrior-level pets, but one of them looked more powerful in his thirties.

His two pets, the Iron-Blooded Rhino and the Dark Moon Crow, defeated the opposing young pet master's Flame Lizard and Blood-tailed Sand Scorpion.

"That middle-aged uncle is so strong. His armored rhinoceros is only at the general level and he already owns the Book of Golden Contract." Chen Ruoxue whispered.

"Maybe it's not that he is strong, but that he kills many people. Killing his opponent can swallow his contract book." Su Bai said in a deep voice.

If you observe carefully, you will find that this middle-aged man has definitely experienced countless battles. He has very strong control over the entire battle and completely suppresses his opponent.

As soon as Su Bai finished speaking, the situation in the field suddenly changed. A gray slave-level monster sand viper suddenly ejected from the sand on one side and bit the middle-aged man's neck.

"Sneak attack? You're still a little immature!" The middle-aged man showed a hint of disdain.

At the critical moment, a blood-red tongue shot out from behind him, bit the sand viper's neck and dragged it back to swallow, and then a two-meter-long warrior-level intermediate triceratops emerged. The shape disappeared again.

"Triceratops, damn it." There was a trace of irritation on the young man's face.

At this moment, the sand under the young man's feet suddenly moved, swallowing half of it in an instant.

"Fuck you, you're despicable."

At the critical moment, the young man's contract book lit up, and he appeared in another place ten meters away as if teleporting. Just when he thought he was safe, one large and nine small people appeared on the ground one after another. The pit of quicksand swallowed up the young man in an instant.

Then the nine small quicksand pits merged into the large quicksand pit. A two-meter-tall humanoid faceless monster made of quicksand stood up, and several dim energy balls moved towards the flame lizard and blood-tailed sand scorpion. Hit it.


The flame lizard and the blood-tailed sand scorpion sensed the death of their pet master's aura and roared in despair, becoming more violent. However, their two fists were no match for the four hands. In the end, the flame lizard pet self-destructed in the tragic fight, and the blood-tailed sand scorpion Then he will be directly killed by his opponent.

"Huh, I've been interested in your teleportation skills for a long time, and I finally got the chance today."

The middle-aged man snorted coldly, and turned the golden contract book on the young man's body. A gray silver contract book was pulled out directly and merged into the golden contract book.

Then the aura of the golden contract book became stronger again.

The middle-aged man took back the contract book, destroyed the corpses on the battlefield, and left with four warrior-level pets.

Su Bai and Su Bai were shocked when they saw this, but they were already prepared for this situation. This is almost something that pet masters will inevitably encounter.

But seeing this kind of thing so early made the two of them clearly realize how dangerous this wilderness was.

"What kind of monster is that? Why can it be split into nine?" Chen Ruoxue asked, holding Su Bai's hand.

"It should be a multi-layered quicksand monster with the hidden characteristics of the sand."

Su Bai said in a deep voice, and held her hand tightly: "It's okay, don't be afraid."

Su Bai could feel that her hands were a little cold.

The purple jade little tyrant and the big devil were also stunned without saying a word. This scene had a great impact on them. This was the first time they had seen such a thing since they were born.

Let me tell you something, the author has a soft heart. If you want to leave, just leave. Don’t discourage me from writing. I really can’t bear it. How I want to write is my business. If someone doesn’t want to read it, just leave. There is no need to disgust me even if you don’t want to read it. I'll delete it next time I see it, it's very annoying.

(End of chapter)