Starting With Contract Pets

Chapter 270: The secret of the four creation pets, the most loyal fans


Su Bai brought Chen Ruoxue and Fang Yuan to a living room. Su Bai and Fang Yuan sat opposite each other, while Chen Ruoxue sat next to Su Bai, holding one of Su Bai's hands.

Fang Yuan chatted with Su Bai while making tea.

"What do you think of the current situation in Blue Star?"

Fang Yuan placed the pot filled with spring water on the small spiritual stove and burned it, then looked up at Su Bai.

Su Bai: "...Why don't we talk about such a big topic right away?"

Fang Yuan smiled slightly: "I know you must have your own opinions, and I want to hear your opinions."

Su Bai turned to look at Chen Ruoxue, then spread his hands and said:

"What do I have to say? I just want to quickly improve my strength and protect the people and things I care about from the monster wave.

I don’t understand the situation at Blue Star at all, so I can’t comment on it. "

"Okay, let me tell you the general situation.

The current situation in Blue Star can be divided into three parts, one is the realm of the void, one is the aliens, and the other is the native Blue Star.

The Void Realm is the most dangerous. The lowest level monsters living in it are the Emperor level. Dominator level monsters can be found everywhere. There are quite a few immortal level monsters. Immortal level monsters are the real leaders, but monsters beyond the immortal level are not either. No.

Most of the pet masters who have reached the king level on Blue Star will go there to guard, and almost all the legendary and mythical pet masters are there.

Various countries have built real war fortresses there, and the most advanced technological forces are also there.

The Void World is Blue Star's real defense line. As long as there is no collapse there, Blue Star's situation can be restored.

If you want to participate in things over there, the threshold is to be a king-level pet master.

The second most dangerous thing are people from other worlds. They are not actually in the same universe as ours. Their universe is at the end of expansion. The only way they can get out is to invade Blue Star. This is an irreconcilable contradiction.

However, although their strength is good, they are still inferior to the monsters in the Void Realm.

Finally, there is the mainland of Blue Star. Most of the monsters in the mainland of Blue Star actually came from the Void Realm. Including the ten major space cracks on Blue Star, they were all opened by monsters in the Void Realm.

Most of the ten space cracks are the world of death. Those worlds were destroyed by void monsters. They hide in the void and devour everything.

Then you can use these dead realms as jump entrances to other worlds.

The current situation of Blue Star is due to some problems that occurred in the Void Realm before. Fortunately, they have been made up for in time, but it will take a long time to completely restore the previous appearance.

This is the current situation of Blue Star. Of course, the situation within us humans is also more complicated, but in general, we are still jointly resisting the invasion of void monsters. "

The tea was boiling, Fang Yuan said while making tea.

Su Bai nodded slowly. He understood some of this, but what Fang Yuan said was more specific.

Then he asked a question that had troubled him for a long time: "Then why did the void monster attack the Blue Star? The void is infinitely vast, what is a Blue Star worth attacking?"

"I knew you would ask this question." Fang Yuan smiled slightly, made a cup of tea and handed it to Su Bai, "The reason is actually very simple. Have you heard of the Four Creation Pets?"

"You mean the Dragon of Endless Travel, the Mermaid who records all things, the Lord of Infinite Matter, and the Eternal Miracle Enchantress?"

Su Bai said, these represent the four creation pets of Feng Shui, Earth and Fire respectively.

"Yes, the reason why Blue Star was invaded is because the four of them stuffed the origin of the universe into the core of Blue Star, which triggered the revival of spiritual energy and the invasion of monsters."

Fang Yuan slowly revealed a huge mystery that had troubled Su Bai for many years.

"Why do they do this? Aren't they afraid that we will take it away if they put it in? Can't those monsters steal it?"

Su Bai showed a hint of surprise, the origin of the universe, good guy, the culprit has been found.

"Don't think about it, the methods of the four of them are beyond our imagination, even if they blow up Blue Star to pieces, they won't be able to find it.

And they were not placed more than a hundred years ago at all. They were probably placed here when Blue Star was first formed.

It was only discovered by the monsters in the Void Realm more than a hundred years ago, which triggered their efforts to stay and revive the world's aura.

As for why they do this, I don't know. This is the ultimate answer.

If you want to know this, you have to go to the original birthplace of the universe to find the answer. "

Fang Yuan took a sip of tea and said slowly.

“Well, the birthplace of the universe, who knows where that place is.

By the way, do you know where the four creation pets are? "

Su Bai sighed.

Judging from the information obtained, the problem seems to be unsolvable.

"You think so highly of me, how could I know where they are? The information I know is just passed down from more than a hundred years ago.

However, according to the information passed down from that year, there is a high probability that the four creation pets are also ancient beings born in the infinite void, and they are extremely powerful ones. "

Fang Yuan explained with a smile, "Also, there are ways to reach the origin of the universe. It is said that as long as you find the tokens left by the four creation pets, you can open a special door to space. Go there directly and check them out. The ultimate secret to staying there.”

"Token? What does it look like?" Chen Ruoxue asked curiously. She didn't expect Su Bai to be so popular, and Fang Yuan would actually tell him such a secret the second time they met.

"No one knows about this, because no one has seen it, but it must be related to the four of them. The best way is to look for altars about them."

Fang Yuan said with a smile.

"Thank you for telling me so much, but even if I knew this, I couldn't do anything."

Su Bai thanked him sincerely, but in his heart he was thinking about the statue of the mermaid, the recorder of all things, embedded in his contract book.

Is it possible that it is a token

"Actually, this is not a secret. I have told most of the outstanding geniuses. I hope you can pay attention to relevant matters. This is related to the safety of the entire Blue Star."

Fang Yuan said with a smile.

"I understand, don't worry, I will definitely pay attention to this matter."

Su Bai nodded. It turned out to be something that many geniuses knew, so he felt more relieved. He thought Fang Yuan was the only one.

"I heard that Fuyao Gym was founded by Fang Ziyu, the first chairman of the alliance. Are you his descendant? There are others. If he were here, the situation of Blue Star would change greatly, right?"

Su Bai asked curiously again.

"No, it's just because my family's surname is Fang. My grandfather was valued by Senior Fang, trained him, and was accepted as a registered disciple.

Then he helped my grandfather build the Fuyao Gym, left behind the information I just mentioned, and then mysteriously disappeared.

We actually don’t know anything about whether he is a Blue Star person, where he comes from, and where he goes. "

Fang Yuan explained with a wry smile.

"Is that so? I thought you were the descendants of Senior Fang."

Su Bai nodded, picked up the tea cup and drank it all in one gulp, his mind was rapidly thinking about the information he had just obtained.

Just as Su Bai was thinking, his cell phone rang, interrupting his thoughts.

When I picked it up, I saw it was a call from Ouyang Du. Without thinking about it, I just asked him where he was and asked him to handle things.

"That's all I have to say. If you want to deal with something, go ahead. If you have any questions, you can always come to me."

Fang Yuan said with a smile.

"Thank you. I'll take my leave now. If you need help, you can call me."

Su Bai stood up and nodded.

"I won't be polite if necessary." Fang Yuan nodded.

Fang Yuan sat in his original position without moving, and Su Bai took Chen Ruoxue out.

"Today was really an eye-opener and it refreshed my world view."

Chen Ruoxue said with emotion.

"Me too, but the more I know, the more I realize how insignificant I am."

Su Bai stretched out and said, "Call over there. I have some things that I have to go back to deal with."

"See you in the afternoon. I have to deal with my own affairs, so I'll leave first."

Chen Ruoxue kissed Su Bai on the cheek, waved her hand, and turned to leave.

Su Bai released the Eye of the Planet and flew towards the Yulong Gym.

Although he has learned a lot today, he is still far away from him. At present, he has to deal with the affairs of Yulong Gym first.

Back at Yulong Gym, Su Bai went straight to his residence.

Han Wei and Ouyang Du had been waiting for him here for a long time. When they saw him coming, they quickly stood up and said hello: "Elder brother, you are back."

"All those things? Isn't there two days left for the new disciple recruitment meeting?"

Su Bai looked at the two people and asked.

"Well, Senior Brother, even if there are still two days left, you still have to prepare. There are many things waiting for you to deal with.

The disciples you asked me to gather have all been gathered. There are more than 30,000 people in total, and they are all in that manor, waiting for your next plan. It has been many days, and some disciples can't sit still.

There are also many disciples who have collected enough of the Void Koi that you asked them to collect, and are waiting for you to help them improve their pet strength.

In addition, because of what happened last time, Senior Sister He Yu has led people to recapture several resource points belonging to our Taoist temple. She said she wants to see you and has something to say. "

Han Wei said a little helplessly.

My senior brother is really not in a hurry at all.

"Yes, senior brother, this time I am envious of the disciples. If you recruit more people, you will get a chance to enter the dragon's lair in the gym and bring out many dragon pets. Moreover, this is related to our Taoist academy and you, senior brother. A future disciple recruitment."

Ouyang Du also explained.

There is really nothing they can do about Su Bai's leisurely life. They all saw Su Bai coming here just now. Who knew that he turned around and went to Fuyao Gym and stayed there for an hour.

"How many void koi were caught in total?"

Su Bai asked.

"Nearly 10,000 of them have been caught in total, and six to seven hundred disciples have reached the standard."

Han Wei said.

"Well, let them wait for now, it's not even a month yet.

Don't worry, I will definitely do what I say. "

Su Bai nodded.

"I understand that this matter has been agreed for one month, but the disciples are not in a hurry.

But the disciples in Baixue Manor were a little impatient to wait. "

Han Wei said.

"Okay, let's get up and go over there, and let's settle the matter over there first."

Su Bai nodded and said.

Saying that wind is like rain, he directly released the Eye of the Planet and led the two of them to the Snow White Manor.

"You don't need to prepare anything, do you?"

After entering the Eye of the Planet, Su Bai asked again.

"I have the list and everything with me, just go there." Han Wei said.

On the way there, Ouyang Du approached Su Bai and asked with a smile: "Senior Brother, are you ready to help these disciples improve the bloodline of their dragon pets?"

"Since you have guessed it, why bother asking me." Su Bai said indifferently.

Ouyang Du's bald head reflected colorful light in the sun, and he chuckled:

"I'm not sure. Senior brother is really generous. You used the Ancestral Blood Dragon to help them, and you were labeled. They can only be in the same camp as us."

Han Wei's bright eyes were full of approval: "Senior brother is really amazing. This has reversed the disadvantage of our Taoist academy.

I don’t know what Zi Wuji’s expressions were when they saw what was going on. "

"Hahaha, I've already imagined it." Ouyang Du laughed.

The two of them were even more glad that they had chosen Su Bai, which broadened their path. Otherwise, how would they have become the confidants they are now

The Eye of the Planet, which had reached the middle level of the monarch level, was very fast and arrived at Snow White Villa in a few dozen minutes.

The villa was obscured by a spiritual shield and could not clearly see what was going on inside. When we entered, we saw more than 30,000 young disciples who were looking forward to it.

Seeing Su Bai and the others coming in, they all focused their eyes and couldn't help but feel a little excited.

Fortunately, there are gym disciples here to maintain order, so the scene is not chaotic.

Su Bai came to the open space at the front and landed.

"Hello, senior brother!"

The disciple who had been waiting here for a long time greeted Su Bai and seemed very excited.

"Hello." Su Bai greeted with a smile.

Then he turned to look at Han Wei and said: "You can get ready to start. 100 people form a group and come to me as a group. The speed must be fast.

Tell them that there are hidden dangers in the Ancestral Blood Dragon helping their dragon pets improve their bloodlines. It will cause their dragon pets to bond with the Ancestral Blood Dragon. There will be no problems when they are alive and they will get stronger and stronger, but after death All power will return to the ancestral blood dragon.

I won't force you if you don't want to, but if you choose me, don't betray me. "

"I understand, senior brother, just be prepared and leave the rest to us." Ouyang Du and Han Wei nodded and went to the front to start arranging relevant matters.

"Little blood dragon, the energy becomes stronger, and the breath becomes deeper and more terrifying."

Su Bai released the little blood dragon and said, a little blood dragon with a body length of five kilometers will definitely not be able to show its full form here. This place is too small.

"Angwu! Abai, I understand!"

The little blood dragon let out a deep ancient dragon roar, and in the flash of blood, it transformed into a huge dragon with a body length of more than one kilometer. Its body occupied half of the manor, and its head could almost reach the protective shield above the manor. .

Where it is entrenched, a pair of blood-red vertical pupils looks at the branch disciples in the square in front,

The mysterious, ancient, deep and huge, majestic and vast aura slowly spread out from it, giving these disciples a shock that penetrated into their souls.

They had never felt the breath of the ancestral blood dragon up close. After feeling it now, they could not help but tremble physically and mentally. This ancestral blood dragon made them feel as if they were being stared at by a monster that had lived for countless years.

Similarly, the disciples still have admiration and envy in their hearts. Most of them are disciples who were born poorly and cannot be pets. They also longed to become stronger, to have such a powerful pet, and to be as powerful as Su Bai.

Soon, the first batch of disciples came to Su Bai. As they got closer, they felt more and more the terrifying aura of the ancestral blood dragon, which was like the bright sun. They were like willow leaves in the wind, without any resistance at all. Power.

"Hello, senior brother!"

They saluted Su Bai respectfully.

"You're welcome. If you have made your choice, release the dragon pets. Han Wei and the others have already talked about the specifics."

Su Bai said with a smile. His temperament was elegant and gentle. Under the pressure of the ancestor's blood dragon's momentum, these disciples felt the slightest warmth.

As he finished speaking, the aura of the ancestral blood dragon also slowly subsided, causing these branch disciples to take a deep breath.

None of these disciples hesitated. They each summoned their own contract books and released the dragon pets they wanted to evolve.

Soon, a hundred different dragon pets were released, and then they were all frightened by the aura of the ancestor blood dragon and fell to the ground.

Even pure blood dragon pets can't bear the breath of the ancestor blood dragon, let alone these dragon pets with thin blood.

If you test the dragon bloodline, most of them can probably only light up one dragon test pillar.

"get ready."

Su Bai jumped up on the head of the Ancestral Blood Dragon, and then the little blood dragon slowly lowered its head, opening its mouth and flooding these dragon pets with the blood of the Ancestral Dragon.

In the blood light, these dragon pets continued to absorb the power of the First Dragon Bloodline. Gradually, their bodies became taller and taller, their auras became more and more terrifying, and they evolved.

The blood descendants of the First Dragon disappeared, and a hundred huge dragon pets appeared on the spot. Not only did they evolve, their blood aura generally surpassed that of the sub-dragons, and some even reached the level of pure-blood dragon pets.

I took the Dragon Pillar test and found that my bloodline was at least six sections of sub-dragon level.

"Thank you, senior brother!!"

Seeing the domineering dragon pet in front of them, these disciples opened their eyes wide. They could really do it. Is this the terrifying thing about the ancestral blood dragon

"Thank you, senior brother!!"

A group of people thanked Su Bai respectfully. They sincerely thanked Su Bai. Without him, they would never have had such a domineering and powerful dragon pet.

They were full of gratitude to Su Bai. Most of them had a bleak future and could not see hope for the future, but Su Bai gave them a new life and allowed them to step onto a new stage.

I can hold my head high and tell those who looked down on them in the past not to bully young people into being poor. After thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, I have stood up.

They can prove that they are right to their friends and relatives who do not support them.

Although they were labeled as Su Bai, they were not unhappy at all, but were overjoyed.

"Go on, remember to come to Yulong Gym on August 15th and register with Shenlong Academy. You won't suffer any loss if you follow me."

Su Bai smiled and said, these people will be his most loyal fans in the future.

"We understand!!"

A group of people walked out with their dragon pets holding their heads high.

The ordinary branch disciples who saw this scene were very excited. It was true, it was possible, Su Bai really had this magical power.

If they hadn't been able to yell, they would have been cheering by now.

Seeing this, all worries in their hearts disappeared, and they couldn't wait to come to Su Bai.

Soon, batch after batch of dragon pets completed their evolution and changes under the blood descendants of the ancestor blood dragon.

Not all of them will turn blood-colored, but they all have blood-line marks on their bodies, either blood-colored pupils, or blood-colored dragon horns or claws. Of course, there are also blood-red bodies all over.

Thanks to Su Bai's help, batches of disciples rewrote their fate that was about to fall into mediocrity.

They arrived with full expectations and left with gratitude and awe for Su Bai. In their hearts, they all regarded Su Bai as the god of their destiny.

In the blink of an eye, the transformation and evolution of nearly 20,000 disciples' dragon pets had been completed, and the ancestral blood dragon had returned to the aura of the emperor's lower-level peak before falling down again.

But this time the situation is much better than the last time at the bottom of the Blood Sea. After all, there are not too many pets.

"Here, eat this."

Su Bai took out thousands of blood-colored light balls and ten bottles of blood-colored potions from a storage ring.

This blood-colored ball of light is naturally a blood curse. This is the characteristic of blood-based pets. It has not changed even after the Blood Moon world was integrated into Blue Star.

After any blood-based pet is killed, it will turn into a blood curse and merge into the opponent's body, turning it into a blood-based monster.

At this point, it is no longer as unsolvable as it used to be. Most people will choose to cultivate a blood-based pet. If they encounter a blood curse, just let the blood-based pet absorb it, and it can also enhance the strength of the blood-based pet.

Therefore, after the bloodline pets are now in compliance, many people are willing to keep one, because it is easy to advance to the monarch level before, and the early combat power is good.

Although you will encounter bloody disasters at the monarch level, its price/performance ratio is still very high, especially for civilian disciples.

"Angwu, I'm fine."

The little blood dragon swallowed them all. These blood curses were at least from monarch-level monsters, which was of great help to the little blood dragon.

It didn't take long for its aura to return to the peak of the lower emperor level, and the source of its losses was made up for.

After several repeated temperings, its aura has become more powerful, its origin has become more stable, and many hidden dangers have disappeared.

The little blood dragon recovered, and then continued to evolve and upgrade the pets of the remaining more than 10,000 disciples.

After the promotion, these disciples will be gathered here first, and then they will be released one after another in the next few days. When the time comes, just go to Yulong Gym to sign up.

All of this was carried out in an orderly manner under the arrangements of Han Wei and Ouyang Du.

After everything was taken care of, it was already past seven in the afternoon.

Ouyang Du and Han Wei came to Su Bai, their eyes full of shock and admiration: "Senior Brother, your ancestral blood dragon is so powerful, I feel that other ancestral dragons are completely incomparable."

"Hahaha, everyone has their own strengths." Su Bai laughed. As the ancestral blood dragon is a dragon type, it also restrains the dragon type. It is indeed special.

Normal Archosaurs can't defeat it, after all, it can do four times the damage against Dragon type.

"Things have been taken care of. Senior brother, I think your future curator is already stable."

Ouyang Du said excitedly, with the ancestral blood dragon as a natural weapon, it won't be long before Su Bai rules the entire Yulong Gym.

"Don't talk nonsense, those branch disciples have made arrangements, right?"

Su Bai said.

"Yes, it's arranged."

Ouyang Du stood up straight and answered seriously.

"Bring over all the disciples who are helping here. Their contribution is not small. I will help them."

Su Bai said again, he noticed the envious expressions of the main hall disciples who were helping here.

"Thank you, senior brother. They will definitely follow you wholeheartedly. I will call them over right away."

Ouyang Du said quickly.

"Hurry up, I have to go home after the things here are taken care of."

Su Bai waved his hand.

"Understood." Ouyang Du ran out in large strides.

After a while, the disciples ran over excitedly, and Su Bai was happy to help them evolve and improve the bloodline of their dragon pets.

For Su Bai, this is a business that will never lose money. It is equivalent to borrowing a sum of capital while they are alive, and then getting everything back when they die.

And if Su Bai wants, he can take it back at any time.

Although the ancestral blood dragon cannot control the blood descendants, it can take back its power, and taking back its power will naturally cost its life.

Who would refuse this kind of deal

Of course, Su Bai would not touch such dragon pets while they were alive, as that would be uneconomical.

"Let's go back."

Su Bai was in a good mood.

(End of chapter)