Starting With Contract Pets

Chapter 276: Su Bai Am I a genius?


Wanlong Blood Pool, seen from a distance, is a huge blood lake located in the center of the earth, with a diameter of more than ten kilometers. It is filled with dragon blood. It seems that there is magma flowing at the bottom of the lake, causing the blood in the entire blood lake to boil. Steaming with bloody heat.

But if you observe it through mental power, you will find that what evaporates is all dross, and the blood and water left behind contains majestic energy.

There is also a big dragon-bone tree growing in the center of the blood lake. Its branches are made of dragon spines, and its leaves are made of dragon heads.

There is a small bloody fruit in the mouth of each dragon head. The energy and nutrients of the blood lake are constantly absorbed by the bloody fruit through the dragon's bones.

There are two such blood lakes, one is the lost dragon corpse, the other is the giant dragon corpse, the dragon's blood pool in front of Su Bai.

"This is the Wanlong Blood Pool. The little blood dragon opens its mouth, eats this, and goes in to see if it can break through."

Su Bai jumped onto the Eye of the Planet, took out a blood-colored light ball and threw it to the little blood dragon.

This is a blood curse left by a dominator-level monster with dual blood and dragon blood lines. Qin Miao gave it to him before, but he has never used it. At this time, it is just right to cooperate with the Wanlong Blood Pool.

The little blood dragon has stayed at the lower level of the emperor for a long time, and has exported its origin to transform into blood descendants many times. Now its origin is stable enough to be promoted again.

"Aangwu! I will definitely live up to Abai's expectations!"

The little blood dragon swallowed the blood-colored light ball in one gulp, transformed into a five-kilometer-long complete body and got into the blood lake.

As the little blood dragon entered the Ten Thousand Dragons Blood Pool, it let go of everything and began to absorb the power in the Ten Thousand Dragons Blood Pool.

Similarly, the dominator-level blood curse that it had just swallowed also exploded, and all the power crazily penetrated into various parts of its body.

In an instant, a bloody vortex formed around the little blood dragon, and all kinds of power in the Wanlong Blood Pool rushed into its body, seeming to want to burst it.

"hold head high!!!"

Suddenly, a deep dragon roar came from the blood lake, and then an evil and terrifying aura erupted from it. This aura was much more terrifying than any other outbreak from the little blood dragon.

Full of evil, filth, violence and greed, that deep evil is so ancient that it seems to be the origin of all evil in the world. Just its appearance will make all living creatures tremble and fear from the depths of their blood.

It was the first time that Su Bai saw such a terrifying aura erupting from the little blood dragon. At that moment, the sky and the earth turned dark, and all the dragon pets within a thousand miles fled away.

The blood in the Wanlong Blood Pool suddenly calmed down, as if it was being subdued by the little blood dragon and was slowly absorbed by it bit by bit.

Su Bai looked at the blood lake, and the little blood dragon's exposed eyes changed from black to blood at some point.

However, the aura on its body continued to surge, and soon reached the middle level of the emperor level, and then continued to impact the high level of the emperor level.

Su Bai felt something was wrong and quickly checked the little blood dragon's information. After looking at the system panel, his anxious heart gradually calmed down.

But a pair of eyes looking at the blood lake gradually narrowed, and a hint of solemnity gradually appeared in them.

The little blood dragon's aura continued to grow stronger, and soon he broke through the middle of the emperor level and was promoted to the high emperor level, and it continued to grow.

Time passed slowly for half a day, and the little blood dragon's aura finally stabilized at the peak of the emperor level, one step away from the master level.

In fact, the little blood dragon can continue to advance, but Su Bai's Contract Book is only at the diamond level and three star level.

That is to say, it is equivalent to the level of monarch level. The pet can only be one level higher than the owner at most. The little blood dragon was given to the owner by Su Bai.

The little blood dragon opened his eyes, and his red eyes gradually recovered.

"Aangwu, Abai, I succeeded."

The little blood dragon flew towards Su Bai.

"Wait a minute. Let's go to the bottom of the blood lake to look for some. See if there is a dragon-shaped statue. If you find it, bring it up to me."

Su Bai said suddenly.

"Aangwu, I understand."

The little blood dragon didn't even ask Su Bai why, he just tumbled into the blood lake again and swam towards the bottom.

"Wait, stop, we have something to discuss!"

Suddenly, a transparent divine dragon appeared in the blood lake and explained to Su Bai.

A sneer appeared on Su Bai's mouth: "When you did something bad to the ancestral blood dragon just now, why didn't you expect the result now, the dragon spirit of the dragon world?"

When Su Bai called out his name, the dragon spirit was stunned on the spot. It didn't expect that a human would recognize it, and it also saw that it was hindering it just now.

"Wait a minute, since you know me, we can talk about it, don't do anything, let's talk, let's talk..."

Dragon Spirit became anxious when it felt that the ancestral blood dragon was getting closer. It didn't even have time to negotiate terms with Su Bai. It went straight back to the bottom of the lake to stop the little blood dragon.

"You can't do this. I am the spirit of the Dragon World. I can give you everything. Don't take my statue..."

This dragon spirit is going crazy with anxiety. It doesn't understand why the human is so sure that the statue he lives in is at the bottom of the blood lake.

No, why did he know his identity and know that he was staying on this statue? It obviously didn't tell anyone.


The little blood dragon swept it away with one claw, shook the dragon bones at the bottom of the lake, and saw a black dragon-shaped statue buried under the white bones.

"Aangwu, found it!"

The little blood dragon's eyes lit up, he raised his claws, grabbed the statue and flew out of the blood lake.

"Abai, is this it?"

The little blood dragon placed the ten-meter-tall statue in front of Su Bai and asked.

"Yes, this is it."

Su Bai took a look and nodded.

But what made him a bit regretful was that the dragon spirit actually abandoned the statue and escaped from it.

But he still had a way. He turned to look at the Blood Lake: "Although you left in time, if you don't come out, I will leave this world with the statue."

Before Su Bai finished speaking, the dragon spirit ran out, looked at him warily and said, "We have something to discuss. As long as you are willing to return the statue to me, I can exchange the treasure for you."

This dragon spirit is now helpless. What kind of monster did it encounter today

First, the ancestral blood dragon, the leader of the evil camp that was completely wiped out a long time ago, unexpectedly reappeared in the world.

This is impossible, because that eradication was complete and would never happen again.

But what shocked him was that the ancestral blood dragon not only appeared, but was actually contracted by a human.

This was the former leader of evil, a terrifying existence that terrified countless monsters in the endless void, but now he has acted like this.

So it decided to take advantage of its promotion, and then use its own ability to awaken the ancient memories hidden deep in its bloodline, so that it could truly awaken.

Then it took refuge in it. Anyway, the world of Shenlong was destroyed, and no one cared about it even if it took refuge in the evil camp's ancestor, the blood dragon.

But after doing all this, he was shocked to find that it was all useless.

This guy is the ancestral blood dragon, but there is no memory at all deep in his bloodline, only ancient power.

In other words, this is actually a brand new ancestral blood dragon, which is simply unreasonable.

But the most terrifying thing is this human being. He is like the legendary mermaid who holds the Book of All Things and records all things. He knows everything.

He actually knows that he is the world spirit of the dragon world that has been destroyed for countless thousands of years, and he also knows exactly where he lives. This is simply terrifying.

"My lord, I have here the partial bones of a Cursed Archosaur, which are well preserved. I originally prepared them for myself, but I can give them to you now.

You should also know that your ancestral blood dragon is not even a complete body, but if you have the bones of this cursed dragon, there is a 90% chance that it can awaken its strongest natal characteristics, and maybe it will also be able to... Obtain some of the origins of the Cursed Dragon, and thus obtain some characteristics or skills belonging to the Cursed Dragon. "

Long Ling looked at Su Bai from a distance and said, it was far away and did not give Su Bai any chance.

Su Bai looked at the stone statue in front of him. It had some effect, but compared with the corpse of a Cursed Archosaur, it was far behind.

And this dragon spirit is right, the ancestral blood dragon really needs to be awakened.

"Of course, if you take out the body of the Cursed Dragon, I can return this statue to you. I always keep my word and never lie."

Su Bai nodded and assured.

The main reason is that he can't catch this dragon spirit if it sincerely wants to run away.

"This is a contract of exchange, you signed it."

The dragon spirit condensed a special rune and floated in front of Su Bai.

"I want the complete dragon corpse."

Su Bai glanced at the contract and said indifferently.

"The Cursed Dragon doesn't have a complete body at all. It was torn into pieces and died. Each part of the body was buried in different areas. I only have one spine here."

Long Ling explained.

"I don't believe it. Dragons are all cunning guys." Su Bai shook his head.

"I swear the oath of the void, and everything I say is true."

Dragon Spirit issued a special oath, and soon the oath merged into the void and disappeared.

This shows that what it says is true.

"Then this isn't enough, it's too little. You have to get me three more treasures that contain the laws of life."

Su Bai said again.

"Human, you are greedy." Long Ling's eyes turned red. This damn human is even greedier than the dragons.

"If you don't agree, forget it."

Su Bai put the dragon statue directly into the storage ring and prepared to turn around and leave.

"I only have two treasures that contain the law of life, not three." Long Ling shouted quickly. If the ancestral blood dragon wasn't too strong and it wasn't sure, it would really want to bite this damn human to death.

"Then take two treasures that contain the law of life and the cursed dragon spine, and you can draft a new exchange contract."

Su Bai turned around and said again.

Long Ling obediently made a new contract, and Su Bai dripped a drop of blood into it.

The contract was formed, and the black dragon-shaped statue in Su Bai's storage ring disappeared out of thin air.

A huge spine, about 500 meters long and 300 meters in diameter, and the heart of two growing trees appeared in front of Su Bai.

This was obviously just a small vertebrae that cursed Shilong. Su Bai checked its information and found that it was indeed the vertebrae that cursed Shilong. Moreover, the dragon spirit had already wiped away the curse attached to it. There was no need to process it anymore. It could be directly use.

Su Bai took a look at these two branches that contained strong laws of life. They were the heart of a tree called the Shengsheng Tree, and they both contained powerful laws of life.

"Thank you very much."

Su Bai said with a smile.


Long Ling snorted coldly and looked at it unkindly. It took tens of thousands of years to remove the curse that cursed Shilong on this thing. It originally wanted to create a body for itself.

Who knew that she would actually make a wedding dress for a human being, and it also had two tree hearts attached to it? Damn it.

But it has no choice. The statue is made of dragon heart stone, a precious material from the world of dragons. It has absorbed a lot of dragon energy and has been well maintained.

If it is taken away, it will continue to weaken. Although it will not die, it will never have the chance to leave this world.

"You'd better not act rashly. You hid the statue at the bottom of another blood lake again. Don't think I don't know."

Su Bai sneered.

"Impossible, how do you know."

Long Ling opened his eyes wide, full of shock and disbelief.

How could he possibly guess the location where he hid the statue again? There was gradually a deep fear in its heart.

Human beings are definitely related to the mermaid, the recorder of all things, otherwise how would it be possible to find the location where the statue is hidden again.

"Don't worry, I won't interfere with you, I swear." Long Ling completely gave up on this idea. This human being is too scary.

Little does it know that the culprit that really exposed the statue is itself.

It was precisely because Su Bai saw it that he knew the location of the statue.

After swearing the oath, Long Ling didn't want to stay by Su Bai's side for a moment. His figure flashed and disappeared without a trace.

Su Bai didn't care, just run. Anyway, you can't run away in this world.

Just because there's nothing you can do about it now, doesn't mean you won't be able to do it in the future.

Su Bai took out the heart of the tree of life and summoned the book of contract. After thinking about it, he put the heart of the tree on the book of contract.

In fact, he is not sure whether he can upgrade his current diamond-level contract book to amethyst level.

Because starting from diamond level, promotion of the Book of Contract no longer relies solely on materials.

It also requires the qualification of a pet master, that is, spiritual power. Only with enough spiritual power and materials can the Book of Contract be promoted.

In fact, spiritual power is not required until the diamond-level contract book is reached. It was also needed before, but the amount was very small, so there is no need to worry about it.

But when you reach the diamond level, if you want to advance, you need a lot of mental strength, and the difficulties become apparent.

It is difficult to improve spiritual power by relying on external forces. The most important thing is to rely on oneself.

Although spiritual pets can provide some feedback, the innate qualifications of a pet master are also very important. Otherwise, even if all your contracts are spiritual pets, they may not be enough for your subsequent advancement.

Generally speaking, an amethyst-level contract book can still be improved with the help of external forces, but it is said that to reach an epic-level contract book, you really need a certain qualification as a pet master.

This is also the reason why the number of Heavenly King-level pet masters is relatively small.

And what does it mean that you are talented

That is to see whether your spiritual sea will change when you advance to diamond level in the Book of Contract.

Undoubtedly, Su Bai's spiritual sea had changed and evolved into a galaxy model.

If someone could see his spiritual sea, they would be surprised, because it seems to be a miniature galaxy.

There is a golden ball of light like the sun in the middle, which is composed of Su Bai's mental power and soul. It is slowly growing in size as it continues to absorb spiritual power.

Outside the golden ball of light there are small balls of light that are like planets. Each one has a different aura, but they all slowly rotate around the golden ball of light.

Just like the relationship between the sun and the eight planets, Su Bai didn't know whether this mutation was good or not, because he had never asked anyone else about it.

"That's all, let's try it."

As his thoughts moved, waves of the law of life emitted from the contract book, pulling the power of the law of life contained in Shengsheng Shushu's heart into the book of contract.

As the materials merged, the Book of Contract flew back to Su Bai's spiritual sea and fell above the golden ball of light where his mental power and soul were condensed.

Then Su Bai felt a spiritual power being continuously drawn by the book of contract.

He was a little afraid that if his mental strength was not enough, he would become a fool.

Just when he was worried and frightened, his Book of Contract suddenly shone brightly and was directly promoted to the level of Amethyst One Star.


Doesn't it mean that under normal circumstances, the spiritual power of a pet master is barely enough to advance to the Book of Contract

Am I a genius? "

Su Bai looked at this scene in the sea of spirits a little confused, because the spiritual power that the Book of Contract had just absorbed was not even one thousandth of his total spiritual power.

Is this a mistake

But his Book of Contract has obviously successfully advanced to the Amethyst level, which is certain.

He took out the book of contract and looked at it repeatedly. No problem, it was really Amethyst level. The pages of the contract increased by six pages, bringing the total to 31 pages.

In addition, he discovered that he also had an additional pet master skill, which was called Life Chain.

Life Chain: Pet master skill, the pet master can use the book of contract and spiritual power to condense a special life chain to connect pets together. The life damage received by the connected pets will be evenly shared and evenly distributed to each pet. .

This pet master's skill simply made Su Bai's eyes light up. Isn't this a form of life sharing in disguise

Now he can control all of this artificially. You must know that it has existences with explosive vitality such as the Star Sea Extreme Devouring Kun and the Little Blood Dragon.

Not to mention, he still has ten unhatched Kuns in his family. Once this guy grows up, he uses life chains to connect all the pets. Coupled with the power of the Blood Moon Magic, he will probably be higher than him. The existence of two large levels can also be beaten without fail.

"Am I really a genius!!?"

Su Bai was still a little unsure. He felt that he had to go back and ask Qin Miao or Chen Ruoxue.

For the time being, Su Bai suppressed this idea in his heart. The Book of Contract reached the Amethyst level, and he became a title-level pet master who was only one step away from the Heavenly King level.

The next step is for the little blood dragon to devour the spine of the Cursed Archosaur to see what kind of harvest it will gain after devouring it.

Su Bai really wanted to thank this dragon spirit, otherwise he would not have gained such a big harvest.

(End of chapter)