Starting With Contract Pets

Chapter 283: My little tyrant is awesome (broken sound)! !


"Ziyu, do you know what the little tyrant is doing now?"

Su Bai asked, holding the cat-sized Ziyu in his arms.

It seems that because she hasn't seen him for more than a month, Ziyu is now very clingy, turning into a little kitten and unable to get out of his arms.

"Ouch~ I know!"

Ziyu tilted her head and said cutely.

"I'm probably being punished!"

Ziyu blinked.

"The floating island hasn't been repaired yet?"

Su Bai asked curiously.

"No, no, no, the floating island is not a problem at all. It would be terrifying if it did another thing!"

Ziyu's head shook like a rattle, and her claws hugged Su Bai's neck.

If it weren't for the fact that it wasn't hot in the void world, Su Bai would probably be damaged by the heat.

"Huh? What other horrible things has it committed?"

Su Bai's voice suddenly rose and he looked down at Ziyu, his eyes almost reaching Ziyu's face.

Ziyu licked Su Bai's cheek, and her voice became soft and cute: "Ouch~ Actually, it's not a big deal... It's just... It was chasing the senior who took it away while hooking up with other monsters, and it was discovered... "

Su Bai: "???"

"Damn it, who gave it such courage?"

Su Bai almost jumped up. Damn it, it's outrageous for you, little tyrant, to pursue your own temporary teacher.

You actually dare to pursue other monsters at the same time. Oh my god, who gave you the courage

Su Bai was shocked!

He is scared! !

I didn’t know this until I came here, but I found out that one of them was more powerful than the other.

Little tyrant, I really belong to you.

Ziyu ㄟ(▔, ▔)ㄏ: "I don't know either. I haven't seen it for more than ten days. There's really nothing I can do about it, Ah Bai."

Su Bai: "..."

He remembered that the induction that took away the little tyrant was an undead rock fire lord. Although he was also a fire undead type, he looked like a snake.

Damn it, little tyrant, you think you are Xu Xian!

However, through the Book of Contract, Su Bai knew that it was still alive and not dead yet.

But he felt that even if the little tyrant couldn't die, he would be close to death if he continued to seek death like this. He didn't know if he could take the little tyrant away this time.

If this kind of behavior were placed in human society, it would have been beaten to death with random sticks.

I hope it won't be too tragic, Su Bai prayed silently.

As the Eye of the Planet continued to move forward, an invisible floating island appeared in the gray mist. This island was no longer made of ordinary gray-white boulders.

Instead, it is made of a black boulder that exudes scorching heat.

Through the gray fog, the island is covered with lava, and some fire monsters live in it. You come and go in an orderly manner.

With the coins in hand, Su Bai came in unimpeded. Through his inner telepathy, he soon discovered the little tyrant.

It is located in a huge lair in the center of the island. It is obviously the lair where the Lord of Rock Fire rests. It is surrounded by magma and has a black island in the center.

The little tyrant was lying on this black island. There were five or six fire-type monsters around him who were constantly pressing down on his body. There was also a person who specially fed it with ore. He dipped the ore in a little magma and put it in his mouth. , looking like a king.

Moreover, Su Bai discovered through the royal pet system that the monsters fed to it were all female, and several of them had already had relationships with the little tyrants.

Who could have imagined this scene? Not only did the little tyrant have no trouble, he was treated as comfortably as a king, and he even kissed other monsters in the lair of the Lord of Rock and Fire.

Su Bai was shocked when he saw this scene, and turned to look at Ziyu: "Ziyu, is this what you call suffering?"

Ziyu also had a depressed look on her face and spread her claws: "I don't know. When it came to me a few days ago, its body was already reduced to skin and bones."

"...Forget it, let's just devote ourselves to asking it."

Su Bai shook his head.

The Eye of the Planet was revealed, and Su Bai shouted: "Little tyrant, I'm here to see you."

Hearing Su Bai's voice, the little tyrant was stunned for a moment, rubbed his eyes, and then stood up excitedly.

"Ho ho! A Bai, are you here to take me back? Then let's go quickly, I miss you so much, A Bai!!"

The little tyrant waved his claws on the black island, looking very excited.

"I just came to see you. You are living a good life here. If you want to stay for a while, I don't mind..."

Before Su Bai finished speaking, a pair of lava fire feathers suddenly sprouted from the little tyrant's back. They flew up in the blink of an eye and landed in front of Su Bai.

"Hoho, Abai, let's go, I want to follow you and fight together, it's so boring here!"

The little tyrant was 1.5 meters tall and said as he patted his chest.

The little tyrant couldn't help but tremble when he thought of the nightmare life here.

It's so terrible. It wants to go home and won't leave Su Bai even to death.

"What exactly are you doing here?"

Su Bai felt something was wrong, and he must have some inside information, otherwise the little tyrant wouldn't have left so neatly.

At the very least, the ores on the island must be taken away, but now it doesn't even look at the ores.

At this moment, Su Bai suddenly felt a terrifying aura coming from a distance, and before he could speak, he was pushed away by a supreme force.

When he came to his senses, he was already outside the floating island. Ziyu was still there, but the little tyrant was no longer there, and seemed to be left on the island.

"Abai, that should be the Lord of Rock Fire. The little tyrant is indeed left inside. What should we do?"

Ziyu took a deep breath and asked, saying that things were not that simple.

"The little tyrant's telepathic message told us to wait for it. It will communicate with the Lord of Rock and Fire and then it will come out."

Su Bai looked at the floating island covered by gray fog and said.

He always felt that the little tyrant's mental message just now was extremely tragic.

"All right."

Ziyu nodded, it also felt that the little tyrant was a bit weird.

About half an hour later, the little tyrant came out, but its appearance changed dramatically.

The originally strong and powerful muscles were gone, and it looked like a dead body wrapped in skin and skeleton.

Su Bai looked at its information directly.

[Name|Race]: Lava Death Monster|Monster

[Gender]: Male

[Level]: High monarch level

[Attributes]: Fire, Earth, Undead

[Characteristics | Passive]: Lava Purgatory,

Immortality (the body of the undead),

Body of Fire (The body is constructed by the Law of Fire, and is immune to fire skills. The fire affinity reaches 100%. All fire attacks can affect the blessing of the Fire Law.)

[Skills]: Fireball, Flying Stone, Bite, Death Crash, Multiple Tail Blow, Rending Claw, Blighted Fireball, Jet Flame, Earth Hammer, Death Cocoon, Stealing Fire (Special Skill), Death (Special Skill), Lava wings,

[Restraint]: Wood type, metal type, water type, blood type, curse type,

[Weakness]: Water element,

[Evolutionary Direction]: Little Tyrant - Tyrant - Infernal Fire Stealer - Lava Death Monster - Infernal Tyrant - Starry Sun Eater

[Introduction]: Due to the mating between the monarch-level body and the undead monster Lord of Rock Fire, the life force was drained, but in the deepest level of communication, the undead power of the Lord of Rock Fire transformed its body.

And in the in-depth communication, the Lord of Rock Fire opened up his understanding of the laws of fire, which led to the little tyrant's understanding of the laws of fire now reaching a level that is about to be completed.

Today, it still has a bunch of undead-level original power left by the Lord of Rock Fire in its body. After the little tyrant is completely integrated and absorbed, it can directly evolve into the purgatory tyrant and advance to the emperor level.


"Damn, you little tyrant, you are awesome!! You really got a soft meal!!"

After Su Bai read its data, his eyes widened. He was suddenly confused and couldn't understand the world.

The little tyrant actually managed to get hold of the undead monster Lord of Rock Fire, and even let the Lord of Rock Fire give it so many benefits.

I wonder, this soft rice is invincible.

"Hoho!! I told you that you can't beat me when it comes to picking up girls, Abai!"

Although he was reduced to skin and bones, the little tyrant still raised his head excitedly.


As long as the little tyrant likes it, there is nothing it cannot take.

The little tyrant looked at Su Bai proudly.

"I would like to call you a god, little tyrant. Do you want to stay here? I think you have a great future!"

Su Bai nodded with shock in his eyes and said again.

Hearing this, the little tyrant quickly turned his head and looked behind him, then knelt down and hugged Su Bai's thigh: "No, no, no, A Bai, take me away. Take me away quickly. If you don't leave, I might not be able to leave." ”

The little tyrant's head shook like an electric fan. He was afraid when he recalled the scene with the Lord of Rock and Fire. Every time he was drained of his life force, there was no trace left. It was so scary, so scary!

Su Bai: "..."

Weren't you very arrogant just now

However, he was not prepared to stay here anymore and let the Eye of the Planet fly to the direction of Yingying Fox.

Seeing that the Lord of Rock Fire was not chasing after him, the little tyrant sat down, took out various strength-replenishing ores and ate them vigorously. It needed a lot of replenishment.

Fortunately, Ziyu was there, and with Ziyu's help, it quickly returned to its original state.

It stood on the Eye of the Planet, raised its head and chest, and looked at the direction of the Lord of Rock and Fire with great dignity: "Huh, when I become stronger, I will definitely get my dignity back, damn it!"

Being drained by a female animal is a shame that the little tyrant will never be able to wash away in his lifetime! !

Su Bai held Ziyu in his arms, already used to the little tyrant's back-and-forth behavior.

But he was already convinced by the little tyrant, and he was eating a lot of soft food.

First of all, its realm has reached the high level of monarch from the original lower level of monarch.

Then his understanding of the laws of fire reached an almost perfect state.

And he also got the origin of a group of undead monsters, which can help it directly evolve and break through.

This is so cool. Is this the gift of three thousand years for a female college student

Su Bai wondered if in the future if it got stuck in its realm, he could let it eat soft food.

"Little tyrant, how did you get to know the Lord of Rock and Fire?"

Su Bai asked, he was very curious about how the little tyrant, a monarch-level guy, got a terrifying undead monster.

Hearing this, the little tyrant raised his head and looked at Su Bai with a pair of vicious eyes behind his paws, looking like a master from this world:

"Abai, you humans have something to say.

It is better to accompany a girl to grow up than to talk to her aunt about what is on her mind.

Hello aunt, wonderful aunt, there is money in aunt’s pocket! "

Su Bai: "..."

This book has one million words.

(End of chapter)