Starting With Contract Pets

Chapter 293: Something happened, White Lotus Monster Wilderness


Not long after, Ouyang Du came over with Hou Lily.

Hou Baihe is 1.75 meters tall, with a plump figure and curvy figure. Her appearance is not bad, especially her charming red phoenix eyes that make people's hearts itch.

"Hello, Senior Brother Su Bai."

Seeing Su Bai, Hou Baihe said hello with a smile on his face.

"Hello, have you received the compensation?"

Su Bai nodded and asked directly.

"It's all in this storage box. We hope that we can wipe out our grievances with Yulong Gym and Senior Brother Su Bai."

Hou Baihe took out a square storage box and put it in front of Su Bai and said.

The Hou family couldn't afford to offend Yulong Gym now. She just hoped that Su Bai would stop causing trouble to them after taking these things.

Su Bai nodded: "Don't worry, after paying for the mental damage, I will definitely not cause trouble to you again."

As he spoke, he sent out his mental power to detect the items in the box. He quickly nodded. Everything inside was complete and there was no problem.

Su Bai raised his head: "Where is the trace of Teacher Hou Jie?"

This is the only thing missing.

Hou Baihe looked at Su Bai: "Is Hou Jie so important? We have lost her traces, and we are willing to pay more treasures to make up for it."

She didn't seem to understand. Is Hou Jie so important

Su Bai is also looking for her, and Wang Yize is also looking for her, and they all want to protect her. What is so attractive about her

"You want to break the contract?" Su Bai's face suddenly turned cold, "You have to think about the consequences."

Even if they don't bring dragons to surround the Hou family again, they just suppress them, the current Hou family is completely unable to bear it.

Hou Lily's face suddenly turned pale, and she quickly explained: "It's not that I don't want to say it, Hou Jie is really missing, and there are a lot of battle traces where she last appeared, and even the broken corpse of her pet was seen At both ends, people are really lost.”

"Isn't it your fault?"

Su Bai stood up and looked down at Lily Hou, his eyes gradually narrowed, with a strong fierce light shining in them.

Hou Baihe subconsciously took two steps back, shook his head repeatedly and said: "No, although I hate her, I never dare to touch her, because not only are you protecting her, but Wang Yize, the young patriarch of the Wang family, has also been protecting her. I don’t have the heart but the courage.”

"Where was the last sign of her? When did it happen?"

Su Bai's face became even more ugly. Either the Hou family was causing trouble, or Hou Jie was really in danger. Even several pets died. This was definitely a real danger.

But no matter what, he had to go to the scene to see the situation.

"The last place it appeared was in Bailian Town, not far from Cannes, in the White Lotus Monster Wilderness. We found out something happened this morning."

Hou Baihe quickly explained.

As she talked, she took out a special instrument: "This is a tracking device. If she is still alive, it can be detected within a kilometer."

Su Bai took the instrument, took away the box on the table, looked at Ouyang Du and said, "You look at her first, and I'll check the situation first."

After saying that, Su Bai directly called out the Eye of the Planet, flew high into the sky with his pet, and galloped towards Cannes.

By the time Ouyang Du reacted, Su Bai had already disappeared. He looked at Lily Hou and said indifferently: "Just stay here and don't leave. I don't want to be violent."

Hou Baihe nodded, with a lot of confusion in his eyes, and many things he couldn't understand.

How did Hou Jie do it, to be able to enchant these geniuses

Even if you go to bed with them every day, you can't make them miss you to this extent, right

Seeing that even though Hou Jie was down and out, there were still people who cared so much about him, she felt even more uncomfortable.

Die, must die, she prayed in her heart. She wanted to see Hou Jie die and Su Bai's desperate expression.

"The Eye of the Planet directly uses electromagnetic transmission."

In the sky, Su Bai said indifferently.

He just told Chen Ruoxue about this matter on the phone, but Chen Ruoxue had some things to deal with and couldn't get away, so he had to go alone.

"Electromagnetic transmission is being prepared."

The Eye of the Planet locked a phone number in Bailian Town, and then called it directly. The electromagnetic signal was connected, and the Eye of the Planet's body shone brightly, and the next moment it appeared above Bailian Town.

"Holy shit!!"

The person who had just received the harassing call saw a huge eye of the planet suddenly appear out of thin air in the sky and was so frightened that he sat down on the ground.

Su Bai glanced at him and threw a monarch-level monster crystal core down as compensation.

In order to reach Bailian Town quickly, this is the only way to do it.

The next moment, the Eye of the Planet flew directly towards the entrance of the Monster Wilderness in Bailian Town.

The man sitting on the ground was confused as he looked at the monster crystal core in his hand. He had no idea that Su Bai's appearance out of thin air just now was transmitted through a harassing phone call to him.

Soon, Su Bai got into the monster wilderness and found the place where Hou Jie last disappeared.

There are indeed traces of fierce fighting on the ground, and they are very fresh.

"Abai, according to the detection results, it is estimated that this battle took place yesterday afternoon. One side's combat effectiveness is very strong. The combat effectiveness of both sides has reached the emperor level. However, the aura of one side is stronger and more terrifying."

Planet Eye 1314 reported.

After a whole morning, there were no monster corpses visible on the ground. It was not known whether they were eaten by other monsters or cleaned up by others.

Su Bai looked at the tracking device in his hand, but there was no reaction at all.

This is located at the innermost end of the White Lotus Monster Wilderness. This is a monster wilderness with rich aura of water, wood, and light. The scenery here is beautiful, just like a fairyland.

"Aww, Abai, I have an idea."

Ziyu jumped to the ground, first activated the detection skill Forest Rhythm, and then activated another detection skill Plant Sensing.

The rhythm of the forest can detect the situation nearby. With Ziyu's current level of understanding of the laws of the wood system, he can detect the general situation hundreds of kilometers away.

As for vegetation sensing, this was originally a primary skill for marking vegetation and sensing enemies to track, but now it can also be used to sense changes in the spiritual power of vegetation over a period of time to determine some special information.

"Abai, the situation is very strange. Recently, there has only been a trace of spiritual power here."

Ziyu raised her head and looked at Su Bai.

"One? Let's go take a look first."

Su Bai showed a hint of doubt and said in a deep voice.

Under the leadership of Ziyu, along this trace of spiritual power, we quickly reached the end point.

The end point is a big tree with a diameter of more than five meters in the middle of the forest. Under the big tree is a treehouse made entirely of rattan. If you don't look carefully, you can't find it at all.

"Go in and have a look."

Su Bai used his mental power to detect it, and after confirming that there was no danger, he opened the door of the tree house and walked in.

(End of chapter)