Starting With Contract Pets

Chapter 294: The emperor-level Senluo Enchantress, traces [two-in-one]


The door opened, and inside was a very neat and clean room with very few utensils. The most conspicuous thing was the bookshelf and the bed made of woven rattan.

There is an unclosed diary on the desk in front of the bookshelf.

Su Bai took a closer look and saw that yes, it was Hou Jie's handwriting. The latest page of the diary was dated yesterday, which meant that she really disappeared yesterday afternoon.

But what happened, she didn't even have time to take away her diary.

Su Bai opened the diary and looked at it. They were all trivial things. They recorded the scenery she visited after leaving school, as well as some thoughts about Hou Lan and his, Chen Ruoxue and other students.

There is no other information at all, but it can be seen that Hou Jie lived happily alone after leaving human society.

Think about it, you don’t have to worry, you can go wherever you go and enjoy the scenery you like. This kind of life is much easier than living in a complicated human society.

"Ziyu, can you find more information?"

Su Bai closed the diary and put it into the storage ring, looked at Ziyu and asked.

Although Hou Jie's residence has been found, there are no clues here.

"Aww, I can't find it either. It would be great if my strength could be improved a little. I can trace her life breath through her hair."

Ziyu shook her head helplessly, blaming herself for not being able to help Su Bai.

"Are you sure it's enough to increase your strength?"

Su Bai looked at Ziyu and asked.

"Aww, of course, I can sense some of it now, but I can't determine the location. If my strength improves, I can directly connect with the subconscious of the plants and investigate the situation here."

Ziyu nodded and said.

"Eye of the Planet, you continue to conduct detailed detection and report immediately as soon as you have any news."

Su Bai raised his head and said. The Little Blood Dragon and the Yingying Fox have very strong detection capabilities, but there is nothing they can do about the situation where the aura has been revealed.

After letting the Eye of the Planet go out to detect the situation, Su Bai took out the Immortal Tree Heart and Flowing Moon Tree Fruit from the storage box that Hou Lily brought over. In addition, Su Bai took out two Emperor Level Wood Elements. Spirit Fruit Wood Grain Fruit is a spiritual fruit that contains rich wood laws.

"Come, eat the heart of the immortal tree and the two wood grain fruits first, and then eat the flowing moon tree fruit,"

Su Bai brought the spirit fruit to Ziyu and said.

Originally, these had to be made into potions to be more effective, but with the Moon Tree Fruit, there was no need. Its special effect would seal the power of the medicine in Ziyu's body.

"Thank you, Abai. You are so kind, Abai."

Ziyu's eyes lit up when he saw these spiritual fruits, and he immediately felt the extraordinary nature of these spiritual fruits.

"Eat quickly."

Vegetarian touched its head.

"Ouch! Ψ( ̄ ̄)Ψ"

Ziyu opened her mouth twice to chew up the heart of the immortal tree and swallowed it, then quickly ate the two wood grain fruits and the flowing moon tree fruit.

As the Fruit of the Flowing Moon Tree was consumed, a layer of light green light soon appeared on Ziyu's body, completely surrounding it.

Not long after, the effects of the Immortal Tree Heart and Wood Grain Fruit also began to explode, and the terrifying medicinal power surged through Ziyu's body, running rampant.

But soon, these powers began to operate according to a special rule under the influence of the Flowing Moon Tree Fruit.

Ziyu closed her eyes and began to comprehend the power of the law contained in it, and its aura began to gradually rise from the middle level of the monarch level.

Looking from the outside, the aura on Ziyu's body is also changing rapidly. The aura of spring, summer, autumn and winter is constantly changing on it. The nearby plants are also constantly growing and falling leaves, affected by this power.

Soon Ziyu's aura had reached the peak of the middle level of the monarch level, and then directly broke through to the high level of the monarch level, and continued to improve.

Similarly, the aura of spring, summer, autumn and winter on it changes faster and faster, and it can change more than ten reincarnations in one second.

It's as if time keeps accelerating on it.

This is the function of the Liuyue Tree Fruit, and this is why it is precious.

Time passed slowly, and three hours passed quickly.

The aura on Ziyu's body became more and more powerful, finally reaching the limit of the monarch level and breaking through to the emperor level.

The moment Ziyu broke through to the emperor level, its body suddenly changed. Ziyu, who originally looked like a white cat, suddenly transformed into the form of Senluo Enchantress, with three pairs of transparent wings on its back.

It floated in the air thirty centimeters above the ground, with its eyes closed tightly, and its wings flapping gently on its back. It exuded circles of light green energy ripples. Wherever the ripples passed, all the trees grew rapidly.

Su Bai looked at the purple jade in front of him. It was perfect. You couldn't see any flaws at a glance, whether it was in figure or temperament.

Today, it looks no different from an elf. It holds a green staff in its hand and still wears the original grass skirt. It has long, snow-white legs, a slender waist that is not enough to hold in a hand, full breasts, and delicate The collarbone and snow-white lotus-rooted arms are exposed to the air.

Coupled with that flawless and delicate face, this is definitely a beauty that does not exist in the world.

Coupled with the special temperament on it, it is as sacred and holy as the legendary goddess of life who controls the lives of all living beings.

As Ziyu broke through to the Emperor level, the aura of the Flowing Moon Tree Fruit on its body gradually disappeared, and finally its aura stabilized at the lower level of the Emperor level.

As the aura on her body converged and disappeared, Ziyu slowly opened her eyes, a pair of big and smart eyes with purple pupils.

"Thank you Abai, I actually reached the emperor level directly. Thank you so much Abai!"

Ziyu flew over, hugged Su Bai, and rubbed her head in his arms.

"Okay, okay, look how excited you are."

Su Bai patted Ziyu's shoulder and said helplessly.

"Aww, how could I not be excited to be able to directly break through to the emperor level!"

Ziyu still had an excited look on her face, and she shook her hand holding Su Bai, which seemed particularly inconsistent with the temperament exuding from her body.

"How do you feel in this form now?"

Su Bai asked, looking at Ziyu who was like an elf.

"I feel very good, but maybe because I broke through to the emperor level, my form is fixed and I can only look like this now."

Ziyu tilted her head and said.

A burst of spiritual power erupted from its body, and its body shrank to the size of a cat, but its appearance remained unchanged: "Abai, look, I can't change back."

Ziyu's voice was a little disappointed, because it felt that Su Bai didn't like it in this form.

"It's okay, this form is also very good!" Su Bai shook his head and touched Ziyu's head.


Ziyu raised her head and asked.

"Of course, I like Ziyu, and I won't dislike you because of what you become. Besides, Ziyu is so beautiful now!"

Su Bai spread his hands and said with a smile.

Although Ziyu can't turn into a cat and can't rua anymore, it's a bit regretful.

But now the purple jade is so beautiful and very eye-catching, Su Bai feels that it is not a loss at all.

While talking, he also checked Ziyu's current data.

After being promoted to the emperor level, Ziyu did not gain new characteristics, because it is still in the form of Senluo Enchantress, but its strength has been improved, and it has not evolved.

The next stage of evolution of Ziyu is the Divine Enchantress. Only when the Law of Wood is perfected and a certain degree of the Law of Life is understood can one evolve. Generally speaking, one must reach at least the Dominator level to fully understand a law.

But it is not without gain. Emperor-level Ziyu has already mastered the Law of Wood, and all abilities have been greatly improved.

At this time, it can be called the complete Senluo Enchantress, and there will be all-round improvements in all aspects.

For example, at this time, Ziyu unfolded the Thorns Enlightenment, which could control an area of 100 kilometers in radius.

It can be said that a smaller county-level city will be completely enveloped. This is the horror of Ziyu.

Moreover, what the Immortal Tree Heart brings to it is the ability to recover instantly, which is already considered a characteristic. As long as this ability is improved a little more, it is possible to turn it into a characteristic.

In addition, Ziyu has awakened two skills: life bomb and withering wave.

Life bomb refers to emitting a special energy ball with the ability to lock life. After being hit, half of the health will be absorbed. This is a unique skill.

Withering Wave is a range attack. After it is used, the vitality of the opponents within the range will continue to wither, and they will not be able to absorb external power to restore themselves within a day.

Although Blight Wave is not a unique skill, it is no worse than Life Bomb, especially its ability to make the opponent unable to recover is very powerful.

"Stop talking about this, Ziyu, please check Teacher Hou Jie's aura quickly. No matter what, we have to find him."

Su Bai soon suppressed the joy in his heart, looked at Ziyu and asked.

Ziyu also suppressed her joy and sent out spiritual energy fluctuations that blended into the surrounding trees.

Not long after, she opened her eyes, flew to Su Bai and said, "Abai, we have found it, I will share it with you."

After receiving Ziyu's sharing, Su Bai had a picture in his mind. It was a picture of Hou Jie being lifted into the void at the end of the wilderness by a group of weirdos.

"Aliens!! Why are they here?!"

Su Bai immediately understood the strange man in the picture.

Those guys have flat heads, mouths full of sharp teeth, no ears, their bodies are covered with totem tattoos, their bodies are strong and their bodies are naked. Who else could they be if they weren't from another world

The appearance of the aliens was completely beyond Su Bai's expectation, which made his heart sink to the bottom. He was captured by the aliens, and now he was in trouble.

"Come on, let's go over and take a look."

Su Bai took Ziyu and flew up to the Eye of the Planet, flying towards the void where the aliens left.

"Abai, discovered the situation and detected a crack in space."

After advancing hundreds of kilometers in the void, the Eye of the Planet made a sound.

"Go over and have a look."

Su Bai said quickly.

Soon, a circular space crack more than ten meters high and five or six meters wide appeared in front of Su Bai.

"1314 sent a few invisible clones to check on the situation."

Su Bai looked at the crack in space and said.

The crack looked man-made and not naturally formed. He thought it might have been forcibly opened by someone from another world.

1314 sent several electromagnetic satellite clones in the invisible spiritual state.

Not long after, Su Bai saw the situation over there through the screen. It was actually the home of the aliens.

On a continent, many aliens lived. Hou Jie and many other humans, as well as some short aliens, were all tied to the backs of monsters and transported into a huge canyon.

From the picture, it can be seen that Hou Jie and some other humans are still alive and can move, but they are tied up, and they seem to be performing some kind of grand ceremony.

Seeing that Hou Jie was fine and alive, Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief. It was good that he was still alive.

Su Bai has been very worried since he learned that Hou Jie was captured by people from another world.

It's not that I'm worried about Hou Jie being insulted. That doesn't exist at all. People from other worlds are hermaphrodites and self-reproduce. Human beings are extremely ugly in their eyes!

Su Bai was worried that Hou Jie would be killed. The aliens were very cruel and would even eat their own kind. Naturally, they would also eat humans.

Especially the human beings who are treated as trophies will be very miserable, and their arms will be torn open and eaten alive.

These are all things Su Bai learned from his master Gao An, and they really happened.

Fortunately, I arrived in time, and the ritual of the aliens had not yet begun.

"Abai, through preliminary detection, the aliens here are not very powerful, but we do not rule out the possibility of hidden powerful existences."

The Eye of the Planet passed back the information detected by the clone.

"It's okay. Let's go over and take a look. The worst thing is that we can save people and come back immediately."

Su Bai thought for a while and said.

Hou Jie must be rescued. Even if there are some powerful beings that he cannot defeat, there is still no problem in escaping home.

Moreover, the upgraded invisible aura state of the Eye of the Planet is now more effective, and the probability of being discovered is extremely low.

After hearing Su Bai's words, the Eye of the Planet directly turned on the spiritual breath state and penetrated into the space crack.

Soon we came to the world where aliens live.

There were two ordinary outsiders guarding the exit of the space rift, and there was no way to detect Su Bai.

From the looks of it, there should have been a lot of people guarding it, but it seemed that because of that special ceremony, these people all left and went to participate in that special ceremony.

Su Bai raised his eyes and saw that there were actually two suns, one big and one small, in the sky here. The temperature on the ground was very high, averaging fifty or sixty degrees. It was impossible for ordinary people to live here.

The ground is full of weird purple and blue plants, and the air is filled with the smell of sulfur. The mountains in the distance are slowly flowing out with fiery red magma, and they are huge volcanoes.

In addition, Su Bai also felt an aura of silence. The whole world seemed to be violent, but in fact it seemed to be at the end of a collapse.

This extremely harsh environment shocked Su Bai. Logically speaking, it shouldn't be the case. There are many planets in the nebula where people from other worlds live. Isn't there any better environment than this

Su Bai couldn't figure it out, so he stopped thinking about it. However, looking at the situation here, they were gathering manpower. They should have discovered that this place was connected to Blue Star and were preparing to launch an attack.

"Angwu, Abai, something is wrong in that canyon. There are many altars in it, and there is one that belongs to us. Someone has already started to offer sacrifices. Do you feel it?"

At this time, the little blood dragon's voice suddenly sounded in Su Bai's mind.

When the little blood dragon said this, Su Bai quickly sensed with his heart and really found the aura of the Evil God Altar appearing deep in the canyon.

The foundation of the Evil God Altar is the little blood dragon. Although Su Bai accounts for half of the benefits, his ability to perceive it is far inferior to that of the little blood dragon.

"1314 Be careful, let's go in and take a look."

Su Bai had a look of surprise on his face and whispered.

Hou Jie had already been taken in, and he had to go in no matter what, but after knowing that there was an altar to the evil god inside, Su Bai was a little more curious.


Two in one.

[Name|Race]: Senluo Enchantress|Elf


[Level]: Lower Emperor level

[Attribute]: Wood type, poison type

[Characteristics | Passive]: Thorn Field,

Poison hidden,

Senluo Wanxiang (active characteristic, awakens after understanding the law of wood to a certain extent,

With an affinity to wood of 100%, it can control all non-intelligent wood-attributed beings within the range of perception for its own use, and can borrow the characteristics and capabilities of these beings to a certain extent. )

Plunder (This is the plunder of vitality. It can plunder everything to help itself grow. This characteristic can be passed on to plants controlled by Senluo Enchantress.)

[Skills]: Vine Whip, Hypnotic Powder, Venomous Attack, Forest Rhythm, Grass Sensing, Energy Continuous Bomb, Wither, Wood Spirit Replacement, Grass Sword Storm, Ultimate Absorption, Holy Spirit Asylum, Sun Luo, Instant Recovery, Life Bomb, wilting wave

[Restraint]: Water type,

[Weakness]: Fire element

[Evolution direction]: Little Wood Spirit - Wood Spirit - Sanctuary Wood Spirit - Senluo Enchantress - Godly Enchantress - God of Life (Law Super Evolution),...

[Introduction]: Senluo Enchantress is a very powerful existence in the wood attribute. If she understands the law of life, she has the possibility of evolving into the God of Life.

(End of chapter)