Starting With Contract Pets

Chapter 320: Shidie was stunned


After landing on the ground, Su Bai looked at the surrounding environment, which was dark and mysterious, with a faint flicker of scorching light.

Looking towards the central area, there seemed to be a tall mountain peak under the dim sky.

In the dimness, a very vicissitudes of ancient atmosphere spread across the world, as if this world had existed for countless years.

"Dick, where's the shortcut you mentioned?"

Su Bai turned around and asked.

The world seemed much larger than expected, and no other people were seen.

"follow me."

Dick released a purple scorpion-tailed bat and flew in a certain direction.

After walking for some distance, a translucent light black flying snake suddenly sprang out in front of him.


As soon as the flying snake appeared, Dick Contract appeared instantly, and a black monster emerged instantly, killing it before it could react.

"Remember, there are many time-type monsters here. They must be killed as soon as they are discovered, otherwise we will be in trouble waiting for them to launch time-type attacks."

Dick reminded, this was obviously meant for Su Bai.

Su Bai nodded to show that he understood, and followed Dick's footsteps vigilantly.

With Dick leading the way, there were indeed fewer monsters encountered along the way.

"Ziyu, can't you contact your friend now?" Su Bai asked quietly through a message.

"Ouch, I can't contact you. I sent a message to it, but it didn't reply to me."

Ziyu's voice sounded in Su Bai's mind.

"Okay, please pay attention to your surroundings."

Su Bai responded and stopped communicating.

"Be careful that there is a period of deceleration area ahead. There are many time butterflies there that are not affected. They like to suck life. If you are injured by them, the flow speed of time on you will increase hundreds or even thousands of times, which can make you instantly Whitehead."

After walking a certain distance, Dick pointed to the dark and narrow valley ahead and said.

Su Bai raised his eyes and could vaguely see some flickering light spots. He estimated that they were Shi Die.

"Can't we take a detour?"

he couldn't help but ask.

"No, other routes are more dangerous. This is a road that has been explored by many people for decades. Through this valley, there is only half the distance to the central area.

And although the Shidai are dangerous, they are relatively docile in character and habits. As long as you don't provoke them and try not to touch them, it will be easy to pass. "

Dick explained.

"Don't let Shidie feel that there are time-based monster crystal nuclei on your body, otherwise they will riot in an instant."

Nora looked at Su Bai and reminded again.


Su Bai nodded.

"Get ready, let's go."

After giving everyone a few minutes to rest, Dick stood up and walked towards the valley.

Entering the valley, several people walked, but the speed was not slow. After all, they were all physically capable of being comparable to monarch-level monsters. They could easily jump dozens of meters.

As we got closer, we heard the sound of gurgling water, and a stream appeared at the entrance of the valley. Going further in, we saw various special black flowers and plants growing on both sides of the stream.

The most numerous of them are small fluorescent flowers that grow sparsely. A faint time fluctuation spreads around them, and the scent of the flowers gives people a feeling of time flowing backwards.

"Those are the flowers of time. Don't touch them. Their petals are actually disguised by some special time butterflies."

Sena, a tall and thin man walking behind Su Bai, reminded.

Su Bai nodded silently and followed the steps of the three people in front of him. In the canyon, you could see many transparent time butterflies emitting fluorescence and the aura of time. Most of them flew very high, especially on the cliffs on both sides of the canyon.

Soon after walking the same distance, Dick whispered: "Everyone, hold on, be careful, we can go out soon."

Not long after Dick finished speaking, a light suddenly shone behind him, and the intense light was like a sun rising suddenly.

Sensing something was wrong, Dick and the others looked back, and their expressions changed. It was thousands of time butterflies rioting.

"Fake Oil, there's someone behind us trying to trick us!! Run quickly, if we encounter him we'll be finished."

Dick's expression changed and he said quickly.

"Just ride on the pets and run away. We don't have to worry about so much anymore. Let's meet under the bronze tree outside the valley."

Nora also yelled, and started riding wildly on her pet!


John's expression also changed, and he found a direction to leave.

Su Bai glanced at Sena behind him who had already run away in advance, and also jumped onto the Eye of the Planet, and then the Eye of the Planet turned on the invisible state of spiritual breath.

"No, Abai, the invisible spirit cannot stop the power of time!"

Not long after, the Eye of the Planet was hit by the rioting Time Butterfly and its figure was revealed. The time impact of the riot began to spread, and the spiritual shield of the Eye of the Planet quickly faded away as if it had experienced countless millions of years in an instant. .

Sometimes it seems like time has gone backwards, back to the way it was before the shield was activated.

Su Bai's expression changed. The power of time was really terrifying and couldn't be intercepted by conventional means.

Looking at Shi Die who was in complete riot in front, Su Bai's expression changed. Because of the large-scale riot in the rear, the front was also directly affected.

After thinking about it, he quickly released the Xinghai Extreme Devouring Kun and let it block the front.

"Pipikun, stand in the front and start the secret dive. Let's hide."

Su Bai looked at it and said.


Xinghai Jishi Kun's eyes lit up, he rushed forward, opened his mouth and swallowed a lot of Shidie.

The originally violent time flow ahead suddenly disappeared.


Although it is not a complete body, the Xinghai Extreme Devouring Kun is still powerful, especially the Law of Nothingness and World Destruction wrapped around my body. It seems that under the transformation of this law, it is more powerful than before.

After swallowing some Shidie, its eyes lit up and it immediately became active.

"Don't expose us." Su Bai glanced at it and said, "Pay attention to the Eye of the Planet for detection."

1314: "Understood."

With the Xinghai Extremely Devouring Kun protecting them, these time butterflies were not something to be afraid of. On the contrary, after the Xinghai Extremely Devouring Kun swallowed them, their aura seemed to have undergone some deep changes again.

"Ah... no no no..."

Suddenly, an extremely miserable scream came from not far away. Su Bai looked up and saw that the tall and thin man Senna who had just flown away early was now surrounded by a group of time butterflies. His roar gradually gradually Powerless, because his body completely aged in just a few seconds, and eventually died directly!

In the end, only some dense white bones fell down. On the side, you can also see some other white bones, which should be his pets.

"too horrible."

Ziyu couldn't help showing a look of fear, "The power of time is too terrifying."

"Let's go."

Su Bai was also a little scared. This place was probably one of the most dangerous places for him.

Time is invisible and difficult to resist.

Even the little blood dragon has a little difficulty resisting now, and most of them can only use their bodies to consume.

But fortunately, there is Xinghai Extreme Devouring Kun, and its specialness makes everything better.

After devouring a large amount of Shidie, Su Bai took a chance and walked out of the valley.

"Aww, Abai, do we still have to wait for them? I feel like they must not have good intentions."

Ziyu looked at the dark area ahead and said.

"Follow, why not follow? At least they know the way."

Su Bai said calmly, "As for what tricks they want to play, I'm not afraid."

"Hoho, it's just that they don't know Abai's true strength at all, so there's no need to be scared."

The little tyrant also said.

"But I have to disguise myself. Little tyrant Yingyinghu, you all go back to the book of contract, and I will sacrifice myself pretending to be you two."

Su Bai thought for a while and said.

"Ho ho okay."

"Abai, remember to check your surroundings," Yingyinghu said.

After disguising himself, Su Bai transformed into a miserable look and headed to the bronze tree on the top of the mountain ahead.

Because he allowed the Xinghai Extreme Devourer Kun to devour it in the valley, the speed was very slow. When he came over, Dick, Nora and John were already there.

"Oh, God bless you, Belle, you came out alive, thank God."

Dick came over and patted Su Bai on the shoulder, looked at him and said, "You're not hurt, are you?"

"Two of my pets died in the battle, Fake, didn't you say there is no danger?"

Su Bai looked at Dick angrily.

"I'm sorry, my friend. I also lost three pets, and I myself lost several years of life. I really didn't expect that someone would trigger the Shidie riot behind me."

Dick was apologetic.

"Stop complaining. Look at me and John. We have suffered a big loss this time. I will go crazy if we don't gain anything."

Nora screamed, she was directly eroded by the power of time and turned into an old woman in her sixties.

John was even worse. He was already skin and bones, as if he was an octogenarian and was about to die.

"Not only did I end up like this, but I also lost three pets. Damn it, it must have been done by Baker and his gang. They are the only ones who know this road. Don't let me meet them, or I will definitely kill them!"

John cursed angrily, becoming breathless and out of breath even as he spoke.

"Don't worry, if we encounter you, I will never let you go."

Dick also had murderous intent on his face. He looked at Su Bai and the others and said, "Don't worry. There is a time inheritance in the center of the secret realm. Time can definitely be changed. Your wasted life span will be made up for."

With a common goal, all the hatred was transferred to the outside. The four people quickly reached a consensus again and decided to move forward.

"By the way, where's Senna? Why haven't they come yet?"

After the conversation, John asked aloud.

"Senna, Senna is most likely dead. The void oath he swore has dissipated."

Dick's face showed a look of silence.

After a moment of silence, Dick led the three of them forward again.

After passing the dangerous Valley of Butterflies, the road ahead becomes much easier. If there is danger, you can find ways to avoid it.

Gradually, the mountains in front of them disappeared, and the shadow of a huge city appeared in the darkness.

"That's the city of Rome. The Vatican is in it, and the inheritance of time is also in it. If you don't go far, you'll be in the mist of time. If you pass there, you can reach the city of Rome."

Dick said happily.

The other two people also showed a hint of hope. They wanted to get the inheritance and restore their bodies.

"What is the fog of time?" Su Bai asked again.

"It's a gray fog zone shrouded outside the city of Rome, where a kind of time demon lives, but it's not like the time butterfly just now.

They can communicate and can exchange treasures or time monster crystal nuclei for the possibility of passing. "

Dick explained.

"That's it."

Su Bai nodded.

Continuing to move forward, Su Bai suddenly received a spiritual message from Dick: "Bell, in fact, if you want to pass through the fog, you must sacrifice your human soul to the time demon, especially the human soul full of desire.

Nora and John are already useless. They are still full of endless greed and desire, which meets the requirements. I will call the time demon in a moment, and you can take the opportunity to subdue them.

Don't be impatient, they have already decided to sacrifice you. Even if they can pass this level, they will not be able to pass the river of time later. Their lifespan is too short.

I'll give you a chance to make your own decision. "

Hearing this, Su Bai glanced at Dick who was walking at the front calmly. He had no expression, as if he was not the one transmitting the message mentally.

Then he looked at Nora and John, but couldn't see anything on their faces.

One day later, the time fog arrived. It was a gray fog with no visible edges. There were black shadows floating in the fog, which looked very scary.

"Let me call the devil, and you will take out the crystal core and sacrifice it."

Dick said, looking at Su Bai with a deep look, walked forward and recited some strange syllables, and waves of mental fluctuations penetrated into the fog.

Su Bai glanced at Nora John calmly, took out the time crystal core he collected and placed it in front of him, with no intention of taking action.

Soon a strange sound came, and then a huge demon appeared at the edge of the fog.

"Has Haas!!"

A strange voice came from the mouth of the world demon.

Su Bai raised his eyes and saw that the Time Demon that exuded a terrifying aura actually looked a little cute. Its appearance was almost the same as that of Gengar in Pokémon.

But Su Bai knew that this was not Geng Gui, but a time demon that exuded powerful power of time.

Moreover, this voice is highly similar to the voice that came from the mobile phone in the final invincible. Could it be that the ultimate invincible is actually a certain time demon

Su Bai looked at Ziyu, and Ziyu nodded, indicating that the voices were indeed very similar.

"Do it!"

At this moment, Nora and John took action at the same time, and the pets at hand suddenly burst out with powerful attacks.

The willow monster next to Nola suddenly sent out countless vines to tie up Su Bai and Dick at the same time.

The spiritual monster Ghost-faced Doll next to John issued a immobilizing skill, which instantly affected Su Bai and Dick.

"Hahaha, Dick, don't think we haven't noticed that you want to sacrifice us, and now we have to let you two die."

John looked at Su Bai and Dick with bursts of sneers on their faces.

"Don't blame us, just think of it as your sacrifice for us." Nora looked at the two of them and let the willow leaf monster push them into the fog of time.

"That's it? You are too weak."

Suddenly a sneer came.

Then there were two popping sounds that pierced the flesh and blood.

I saw that Dick had moved behind them at some point and thrust two daggers into their bodies.

The two people turned around in shock and looked at Dick and Su Bai in disbelief: "No, you have obviously been pushed into the fog..."

They couldn't understand why the two people were still motionless in their positions, even though they had been controlled just now.

With another pop, Dick penetrated their bodies again, and then pulled out again, blood gushing out.

"Don't blame me, my friends, I am more optimistic about Bell than you are."

Dick grabbed their bodies and threw them into the mist, "Also, compared to Bell, the desires in your souls at this moment are more terrifying, so much so that the time demon chose you by name."

"Has Haas!!"

The bodies of the two were thrown in, and the time demon let out a weird laugh. The bodies of the two bodies flew around a few times, and two colorful souls were sucked into its mouth. Then, the remaining life of the corpses was even removed. All the power was swallowed up.

Dick looked at Su Bai and said, "My dear Bell, you are too soft-hearted. If they are so seriously injured and don't realize it yet, they should show their final value."

"I don't like to attack other people first when they don't mean anything to me."

Su Bai looked at Dick and shook his head.

He didn't expect Dick to be so unabashed and kill both of them directly.

"Haha, you are really a principled person, but this pet of yours is really good. The illusion you create is so powerful that even I can't see through it."

Dick looked at the Yingyinghu who had appeared next to Su Bai at some point and was amazed.

"Come on, we should be able to go in now."

Su Bai asked instead without explaining.

"Of course, let's go."

Dick smiled, he was very happy to cooperate with such a principled and strong man.

But next it will be the turn of this principled strong man. After all, the inheritance here can only be obtained by one person.

Su Bai glanced at Dick who was walking in front, and followed him expressionlessly.

(End of chapter)