Starting With Contract Pets

Chapter 334: A Conversation with Humanity's Strongest Man


"Dean, I'm back."

Su Bai entered the dean's office, looked at Qin Miao and said.

"Just come back. Don't think too much about your master and your parents. Although we are pet masters with extraordinary abilities, there are many things that we cannot control."

Qin Miao looked at Su Bai with a smile.

"I understand, Dean, you don't have to worry about me, I'm fine."

Su Bai shook his head.

"Okay." Qin Miao nodded and looked at Su Bai: "You went to the secret realm inside the Vatican whirlpool this time, right? How was the situation?"

"The harvest was pretty good. I successfully advanced to the King level. I also brought out a few time-based pets. I brought one especially for you, Dean."

As Su Bai said this, he took out two time pets for Qin Miao to choose from. Although these two were not as good as Chen Ruoxue and Su Yue's, they were still absolute treasures.

Su Bai was willing to give it to Qin Miao. Qin Miao treated him well and the Taoist Academy's resources were not lacking for him.

"Oh my god, you have reached the king level and you have brought out a time-based pet."

Qin Miao seemed a little incredible.

Especially the two time-based pets in front of her. As far as she knows, there is currently no time-based pet in the entire alliance.

Originally she wanted to refuse, but seeing this time-related pet, she couldn't say no anyway.

"I think this Shimao suits you very well, Dean."

Su Bai pointed at one of the sleeping civet-colored long-haired cats and said.

"Then I won't be polite."

Qin Miao showed a smile and released his epic three-star contract book to directly contract the time cat.

After checking Shimao's data through the contract book, Qin Miao couldn't help but pick it up and touch it again and again.

"In the blink of an eye, you are no longer weaker than me. You are worthy of being the owner of the ancestral blood dragon."

After putting the Shimao away, Qin Miao looked at Su Bai and sighed.

"That time world has the effect of time acceleration. It takes me about ten years to get there, which is equivalent to about ten years in the outside world. It's not particularly fast."

Su Bai shook his head and said.

"Anyway, you have been promoted to the Heavenly King level, and your position as the curator is completely stable. Those old guys at the Dragon Taoist Academy have nothing to say. Come on, follow me to meet the master and the others.

Now the first gym leader, Master Du Qiankun, happens to be in the gym. He is very interested in you, so just treat him as normal. If you have any questions, you can ask him. He is the strongest human being, and most of your questions will be answered. He can answer them all. "

Qin Miao patted Su Bai on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Ok, I see."

Su Bai nodded, looking forward to talking with the founder of Yulong Gym and one of the strongest men in mankind.

Under the leadership of Qin Miao, Su Bai entered an adjacent war fortress. The development of this war fortress was no less than that of a moon.

It looks like a floating island formed by a divine dragon. It is huge and majestic, especially the lifelike dark golden dragon statue, which is intimidating.

The size is still terrifying, with a diameter of more than three thousand kilometers, and its size is comparable to the entrance to Tianyuan.

"This was originally a war fortress used for defense in the Void Realm. The combination of spiritual energy and technology can kill even undead monsters."

Qin Miao introduced.

Su Bai looked at the dark purple metal at his feet and nodded silently.

Following Qin Miao, Su Bai traveled all the way and finally came to a huge green garden.

This green garden is a bit strange. It is covered by an opaque shield with a small glowing sun on the top. There are flowing water in the garden, which looks quite artistic.

A middle-aged man, plainly dressed and with an ordinary face, was dealing with weeds and digging a ditch.

"Master, this is Su Bai."

Qin Miao came over and introduced.

"I understand. Xiao Qin, please go out first. I will have a chat with him alone."

Du Qiankun nodded and said.


Qin Miao nodded and walked out. The shield was closed again, leaving only Su Bai and Du Qiankun here.

Su Bai looked at Du Qiankun and felt no oppression from him, as if he was an ordinary person.

"Don't look at me. My existence has returned to its original nature. I won't reveal any aura at all. You can only see the oppression at the moment of launching the attack."

Du Qiankun turned his head, smiled at Su Bai and said, "Come over and help me."

Su Bai: "...Okay."

"Do you see the uniqueness of my place?"

Du Qiankun asked.

"Is this place an independent circulating biosphere? Similar to Biosphere 2?"

Su Bai looked around and came to a conclusion.

Because of their extraordinary abilities, human beings have greatly improved their ability to create a livable environment. Stars such as Sirius, Hope Star, and Sacred Star were all transformed by humans.

They could only barely adapt to the existence of life. After human transformation, the environment is no longer inferior to that of Blue Star.

"That's right, but this is a biosphere that I created alone without the help of any extraordinary abilities. Unfortunately, it's not perfect yet, and there will always be some minor problems."

Du Qiankun said with a smile.

Su Bai nodded and looked around. He couldn't see anything special in it. He thought that maybe the boss' level was too high.

"I haven't thanked Master for rescuing my parents yet. I'm really grateful. If there's anything I can do, Master, just ask."

Su Bai cupped his hands and thanked him, then changed the topic.

"Those are all small things. You are a disciple of my Void Gym. Naturally, I will not see you threatened."

Du Qiankun waved his hand and said: "You have a token of the mermaid, the recorder of all things, can you let me see it? And your pet, if you like, I can also show you how it is being cultivated."

"Okay." Su Bai nodded. He had no reservations about this and released all the pets, including the Xinghai Extremely Devouring Kun.

For a strong man like Du Qiankun, it would be easier to win trust if he didn't hide it. Moreover, if they really wanted to covet his things, he would have no power to resist.

Du Qiankun's eyes first focused on Su Bai's contract book.

"The law of life plus the mermaid token of the recorder of all things, this contract book is high-level and very good.

The mermaid token is almost completely integrated. Young man, you have a great future.

The Book of Contract has been promoted to the epic level, so it should have awakened some good skills, right? "

Du Qiankun looked at Su Bai's contract book and nodded, admiring and praising it very much.

"Yes, two very powerful pet master skills have been awakened."

Su Bai introduced the life seeds and water card skills.

"It seems that your qualifications exceed my expectations."

Hearing Su Bai's introduction, Du Qiankun had a slightly surprised expression on his face.

Su Bai's qualifications were much better than he imagined. He felt that as long as nothing happened, he would probably be the first truly mythical pet master in human history.

Then he looked at Su Bai's pets, and the shock in his heart became even greater. Except for the ten-headed Kun, the qualifications of the other pets made him feel a little incredible.

These actually have strong potential to reach high levels of immortality, or even immortality.

Sure enough, genius, in Mingming, has opportunities that others cannot match.

These pets are not as good as even the geniuses carefully cultivated by the gym.

No, it's completely incomparable. Except for the Purgatory Tyrant, which is a little more common among his six pets, the others are completely unavailable. They are not something you can get if you have the strength.

The Ancestral Blood Dragon, the Original Time Ghost, the Eye of the Planet, the dual-form Yingying Fox, the Xinghai Extreme Devouring Kun that contains the aura of destruction, and the humanoid elf Ziyu who has some aura of the law of life...

It’s hard to imagine that this is a pet owned by one person.

After thinking about it, Du Qiankun decided to give Su Bai a try.

"Your pets are well cultivated. It's really surprising that they can grow to this point in such a short period of time. There is no suspense about the position of curator."

As Du Qiankun said this, he took out a dark green tree root that exuded the breath of life.

"This is given to you as a greeting gift. If you let your humanoid elf eat it, it will understand the laws of life and complete its evolution and advancement.

This is a treasure I obtained from hunting an immortal monster once. It is the root of the legendary Tree of Life, which contains the most fundamental laws of life. "

Du Qiankun handed the things to Su Bai and explained.

"This... this is so precious!"

Su Bai looked at this tree root and was a little afraid to pick it up.

The Tree of Life only exists in legends, and no one knows whether it is true or not. Its roots are ten thousand times more precious than its branches, and the laws it contains are incomparable.

It was such a big gift when they first met, Su Bai didn't dare to accept it directly.

"You can't tell yet, but I'm ready to invest in you."

Du Qiankun smiled and said, "I think you have the potential to become an eighth-level mythical pet master. I will invest in you in advance. When you really achieve it in the future, remember me and help me. Maybe I can also advance to the mythical level." level.”

"Are there any special bottlenecks in advancing to the mythical level?"

Su Bai asked curiously.

Du Qiankun glanced at him and said: "Let me tell you, it is very difficult.

There are two completely different worlds before and after the Heavenly King level.

If a pet master wants to advance to the legendary level, what he has to do is to jump out of the space. From now on, he will not be comfortable in any space or world, and he will be an independent individual.

If you want to become a mythical pet master, you must leave the shackles of time, jump out of the long river of time, and form your own world from now on. It is not affected by space and time, and no one can see through your destiny.

It is said that there is an even more terrifying ninth-level creation level above the myth level. That kind of existence is equivalent to a creation god, who can master all the avenues and laws of the world and can create a world at will.

Most monsters can only cultivate on their own. We pet masters can use pets to help us. With their help, it is relatively easy, but it is still difficult.

If you want to become a seventh-level legendary pet master, you usually need at least three pets to reach the immortal level first, and then use the pets to feed you back to improve your physical fitness to a certain level, and understand the rules understood by the pets through the book of contract, and finally use the book of contract. With the power of pets, you must first get rid of the constraints of the world of birth and complete yourself, and then further escape the constraints of all space, and then you can become a legendary pet master.

As for the mythical level, its difficulty is even more terrifying. We have tried various methods but failed. We have gone from being high-spirited before to being dejected now.

I give you this because I want to invest in you. Even if you can't break through to the mythical level, there is definitely no problem with half-stepping to the mythical level. When the time comes, having one more Taoist friend will not be a loss for me at all. "

Du Qiankun said with a wry smile.

"It's so difficult. Master, do you know Fang Ziyu, the founder of the alliance?"

Su Bai asked curiously, having a clearer understanding of the legendary pet master.

"Senior Fang Ziyu should be a myth-level or even close-to-creation-level being, but he is not from our world, and may not even be inferior to our universe. In short, his appearance is very strange.

He probably just casually saved our world and then left. If he were here, Blue Star's situation would not be what it is now. "

Du Qiankun said.

"Mythical level."

Su Bai repeated it several times, finally knowing the approximate strength of this legendary figure, but he gave people a more mysterious feeling.

"I have another question, Master, don't you think it's too easy for us pet masters to advance? It seems like we don't have many bottlenecks. I always feel a little strange. It seems that other monsters in the void are unable to advance. It can easily last hundreds to thousands of years.”

Su Bai looked at Du Qiankun and asked, "Is this also related to the invasion of Blue Star by void monsters?"

"You guessed it quite accurately. It does have a lot to do with this."

Du Qiankun glanced at Su Bai and continued: "You should have heard that the four creation pets stuffed the origin of the universe into the Blue Star, and only by collecting the four tokens and opening a door can you get what they buried. The origin and ultimate secret.

It is said that there is something wrong with our universe. In the end, the four creation pets decided to hide their origins and chose Blue Star, which attracted countless void monsters who coveted the origin of the universe. The reason why we have improved so quickly may be It is also related to the origin of the universe.

However, there should be more than just the origin of the universe, there should be other secrets, but what they are is unknown. "

"Why do you think we have been unwilling to give up Blue Star? Those stupid guys don't know the importance of Blue Star at all. Without Blue Star, we will eventually become a mediocre race.

The Four Creation Pets hid the origin of the universe here and allowed us to appear and improve our strength so quickly. This is a gift, but at the same time, I have a responsibility, which is to protect Blue Star and prevent monsters from invading.

So no matter what, we can't leave the Blue Star. The guys on Sirius and the Holy Spirit are all short-sighted and short-sighted. "

The more Du Qiankun talked, the angrier he became. They were guarding the Void Realm, and being stabbed in the back by their own people was something no one could bear.

"Don't think I'm being alarmist. As far as I know, in the countless worlds of the endless void, there is no profession like our Blue Star Pet Master. There is a big cause and effect in this."

Su Bai nodded, deeply shocked: "I understand, thank you Master for your answer."

Sure enough, the information obtained from talking to the strongest human being is extraordinary.

(End of chapter)