Starting With Contract Pets

Chapter 344: Enter Kunlun Ruins


[Name|Race]: Xinghai Extremely Devouring Kun-Destruction|Monster

[Gender]: Male

[Level]: Dominant level high position

[Attributes]: Water, darkness, space, swallowing, destruction and doomsday camp

[Characteristics | Passive]: Devour,

Xinghai Curtain,


The body of the water god,

Sea of Destruction (active characteristic, launching the skill Water Splash Leap can summon the endless sea of destruction to come, and has all the abilities of the sea of destruction.

The Sea of Destruction has an attribute: the Law of Fear Causality. If you have fear in your heart, you will be destroyed.

Destruction: Everything in the world that is not chaotic and has negative entropy will be destroyed by the sea of destruction. )

[Skills]: Water splash jump (super enhanced version), water wave, dark wave, extreme bite, water cage, sea of destruction


[Weakness]: There is no obvious weakness in attributes, and the current attributes are slightly weak.

[Evolutionary direction]: There is no fixed evolutionary direction for kelpies, and the current evolutionary direction is unknown.

[Introduction]: The Xinghai Extremely Devouring Kun swallowed up the Sea of Destruction and turned it into a part of itself, which made it fall into the camp of doomsday destruction and possess the real power of doomsday destruction.

The doomsday destruction camp is a special monster bred by the most powerful will of chaos in the endless void. It is specially designed to destroy all life and the world and return everything to chaos.

Great Chaos has no consciousness, but has infinite will. It represents the collection of all disordered positive entropic chaos.


"As expected."

Su Bai looked at Xinghai Jishi Kun's data and nodded gently.

He didn't expect that after swallowing the Sea of Destruction, he would actually be transformed into the Doomsday Destroyer camp.

This cannot be said to be a bad thing, after all, Chaos can be said to be the most powerful force in the endless void.

The disorder and chaos it represents is the eternity of the world.

Because everything in order in the world will eventually transform into disorder, whether it is life or the world, the sun will go out, the stars will decompose, and even black holes will evaporate, but chaos, disorder and positive entropy will exist forever.

Life is just a small second in billions of years of chaos and disorder, and is insignificant compared to chaos and disorder.

But it cannot be said that it is because the will of great chaos has no wisdom. Its existence only transforms all orderly and negative entropic existences in the world into chaos, so the monsters in the doomsday camp it creates are also without wisdom.

Just like the sea of destruction, they will only destroy all negative entropic orderly existence according to specific laws.

"Abai, is Xinghai okay?"

Ziyu flew to Su Bai and asked.

"It may not be possible to release it for the time being. It may not be released until it has completely digested this harvest."

Su Bai spread his hands and said.

In fact, he was helpless. He originally thought that this adventure would improve Pipikun's strength so that he could use it when he entered Kunlun Ruins.

Now it seems that there is a high probability that it will not be able to come out in a short time.

Fortunately, he has the water card skill, and he can use Pipikun's skill through the Book of Contract. At the critical moment, he may be able to summon the Sea of Destruction with a splash of water.

"Hoho, what a pity, that guy from Xinghai has already reached the Dominator level, right?"

The little tyrant raised his head enviously.

"Yes, I have reached the master level."

Su Bai glanced at the little tyrant. This guy hadn't even broken through to the Dominator level, and was still stuck in the middle of the Emperor level.

This guy worked hard as a child, but became lazy when he grew up.

"Roar! It's so amazing. Ah Bai can give me some of that special power."

The little tyrant hugged Su Bai's thigh with envy.

"Let's wait until you reach the master level, otherwise it's impossible."

Su Bai glanced at it and pulled his leg away ruthlessly.

After pulling away his leg, Su Bai walked into the room and looked at Chen Ruoxue. She was not awake yet.

"Shi Gui, is she okay? Could it be that her body cannot withstand the baptism of the power of time?"

Su Bai looked at Shi Gui next to him!

"Has Haas!!"

Shi Gui circled around Chen Ruoxue's body, shook her head, and said there was no big problem. The power of time in her body had begun to fade, and she would wake up in less than a day.

"Oh well."

Su Bai nodded and asked the Eye of the Planet to initiate teleportation and head towards Kunlun Ruins.

It's time to go to Kunlun Ruins. If he doesn't go, if the legendary pet is taken away, he will regret it to death.

When they arrived at the outskirts of Kunlun Ruins, Chen Ruoxue had already woken up.

"Is this here? Aren't we already dead?"

When Chen Ruoxue woke up, she was half confused and half confused, looking at the familiar people and things in front of her in a daze.

"Don't worry, we are not dead. I used the old crystal to reverse time and we were not wiped out by the sea of destruction."

Su Bai explained.

"Old Crystal?"

"yes… "

Su Bai explained the matter to her roughly.

"Are you sure we're not dreaming?"

After listening to Su Bai's words, Chen Ruoxue suddenly felt even more confused. Not only did Su Bai use the treasure to reverse time, but he also let the Xinghai Extreme Devourer Kun swallow up the extremely terrifying sea of destruction

This was a bit beyond her imagination.

It took several hours for Chen Ruoxue to recover from this state.

Only then was it confirmed that they were really alive.

“It’s really nice to be alive.”

Chen Ruoxue suddenly hugged Su Bai.

When you die and come back to life, even a hug is a luxury.

Then the two of them did some unspeakable things.

Chen Ruoxue, who has the ability to change a lot, can transform into various forms. After this resurrection, Su Bai finally unlocked a new character.

"Kunlun Ruins has arrived."

Chen Ruoxue looked at the Kunlun Ruins in front of her.

"Then let's go directly."

Su Bai nodded.

The Eye of the Planet floated forward, approaching Kunlun Ruins. Because the barrier of Kunlun Ruins became weaker, there were more monsters trying to get in, and it became more dangerous.

But for pet masters like Su Bai, it's not that difficult.

After some effort, they arrived in front of the barrier, where there were more space cracks nearby.

"It is said that we can enter using the Book of Contract. Let me try."

Su Bai tried it, and found that he easily entered the barrier.

"As expected."

Chen Ruoxue also came in without any hindrance.

"It seems this place really has some connection with Blue Star."

Su Bai looked at the mountains and rivers below with a hint of understanding.

"The environment here is very similar to that of Blue Star, but the plants are a bit weird. I just don't know how dangerous it is."

Chen Ruoxue also commented that although the Kunlun Ruins looks like a decision-making mountain range, its size is no smaller than a planet, and overall it is still very vast.

"Let's go, let's go inside first and see what's going on."

Su Bai nodded.

The Eye of the Planet flew deeper, and when their figures disappeared, a strange mist quietly appeared at the place where they came in, and then turned into wisps of breath and disappeared.

(End of chapter)