Starting With Contract Pets

Chapter 358: The contract was finally completed


"How is this going?"

Chen Ruoxue looked at everything around her with some horror.

Looking upstream of the Time River, the originally black and white water of the Time River has now turned into pitch black. Huge monster corpses are floating on the river. They exude a broken, dead, chaotic, and weird aura of terror. .

Su Bai looked at all this and was a little confused. These monster corpses floating on the long river were all terrifying monsters at least at the Dominator level. Each of their bodies was as big as a planet, and they were all beings that had evolved to the limits of their respective fields.

This kind of existence is almost immortal. Even if the galaxy is broken, they can still exist forever.

But now, they have all turned into corpses. The changes in this are shocking.

At the same time, some powerful monsters hidden in the long river of time exude a terrifying aura like the bright sun, with panic in their aura. Obviously, they did not expect this change.

The big orange cat looked around, and then showed a horrified and disbelieving expression: "Are these demons from the chaotic camp crazy? Are they preparing to refine the entire river of time and turn it into a chaotic monster? This is too Crazy!”

"What are the evil spirits doing?" Su Bai asked quickly, "Doesn't it mean that they have not received the complete fate of the time family and cannot control the long river of time?"

Refining the entire river of time into a chaotic monster is too earth-shattering. This river of time has existed since the birth of the world and is the foundation of all things in the world. If it is refined into a monster, it is really unimaginable what will happen. Horrible things.

"If the long river of time is refined, except for the existence that escapes the control of time, everything else will be controlled and contribute to this monster. Its power will be able to compete with chaos."

The big orange cat shook his head, pointed to the sky and said, "As for what you said, that's not absolute.

The luck you get from the Time Clan is less than one ten thousandth of the total luck. As long as you are willing to pay the price, there is always a way.

For example, black meteors appear in the chaotic clouds in the sky. This is some kind of great sacrifice technique launched by the evil spirits. They sacrifice countless powerful evil spirits to gain all the luck and occupy the long river of time. "

Su Bai looked at the sky and saw countless black meteors falling continuously in the chaotic clouds. An inexplicable powerful aura erupted, and the entire time seemed to be shaken.

"Then what should we do? Should we capture Ruoxue and the time fish of her pets first? If the time river is controlled, then they will also be controlled."

Su Bai frowned. These demons were really crazy. He even admired them. Such a powerful method was really powerful.

"The fish of time can only be caught by yourself. Taking it out rashly is not good for them. And you don't have to worry. Even if these evil spirits can refine the river of time, the time required cannot be completed overnight. We still have a lot of time, we just need to escape from the control of time before the river of time is refined.

Now I can give you some special time talismans, which were refined by the top powerhouses of a certain era in the past. They can hide the fish of time in you. "

As the big orange cat spoke, he took out more than a hundred talismans with complex patterns and ancient auras from a space-time vortex, and then threw them in Su Bai's face as if they were free of money.

"One talisman will sell you ten thousand void koi."

The big orange cat said proudly.

Then it turned to the already completely dark Time River, shook its head and said: "We should go, there may be a great war here in a while, and some ancient and powerful existences such as the Chaos Camp and the Creation Camp will probably come.

I think these beings were very angry and were manipulated by the evil spirits. They thought that the evil spirits would wait until all the luck was seized before launching anything. However, they did not expect that the evil spirits were so vicious and directly chose to sacrifice. "

Su Bai took another look at the river of time. From the chaotic gray mist, he could faintly feel some very terrifying auras coming. They should be some of the most powerful beings in the endless void.

Just feeling this breath gave him a suffocating feeling, far beyond what he could touch now.

"Tokyo, let's go."

Su Bai nodded and said.

"Has Haas!!"

Shi Gui exuded a wave of time and took Su Bai and his party away from the river of time.

When they returned to Tianyun Waterfall, Su Bai gave each of the talismans given by the big orange cat to the pets. Chen Ruoxue and her pets naturally also had a share.

"Hurry up and improve your strength. You have the luck of the Time Clan and the Soul of Time. As recognized by Time Changhe, if you can participate in this war, you can gain unimaginable benefits, but you are still too weak now. "

The big orange cat glanced at Su Bai disdainfully and threw the Fish of Time to him, "Don't fuse this Fish of Time now. There must be some evil hands and feet in it. It can't be removed so easily. This barrier of mine can isolate everything.”


Su Bai took the fish of time, looked at it, and put it into the book of contract.

Having this thing means that he has escaped from the control of time. As long as he escapes from the control of space, he can instantly become the legendary mythical pet master.

Become the first creature on Blue Star to transcend time and space.

Then, Su Bai looked at the big orange cat again, and used his mind to mobilize the contract book to release a brand new contract page, which landed in front of the big orange cat.

Also released by him were five million void koi fish swaying in the sky.

"It's time to talk more. If you are willing to sign a contract with me, we will be partners. These void koi will naturally be yours. I can catch more for you later. I have a gym with hundreds of Disciple Wan, I can ask them all to catch void koi for you to eat.

If you don't want to, forget it. These void koi are also given to you. You just need to let us leave Tianyun Falls. "

Su Bai took a deep breath, looked at the big orange cat and said.

There is no way to use force in the face of this kind of existence, you can only see whether it is willing or not.

The big orange cat glanced at Su Bai, then at the pet beside him, then at Chen Ruoxue, then opened his mouth and swallowed the contracted light ball.

Following this, a large golden orange cat pattern appeared on Su Bai's contract book, along with a string of ancient characters [Collector of Wandering Treasures]. Although I didn't recognize this character, I could understand it at a glance. the meaning of.

"Hahaha, we will be partners from now on!"

Seeing that the big orange cat chose to sign the contract, Su Bai couldn't help laughing, and walked over and reached out to hug the proud big orange cat.

(End of chapter)