Starting With Contract Pets

Chapter 378: Extra The planet Gaia


Extra: Planet Gaia

"The report shows that the galaxy in front is one trillion kilometers away. This galaxy is a rare single-core solar system-like galaxy. The core star is an old yellow dwarf with a life span of eight billion years.

According to observations, the galaxy contains advanced intelligent life, and a Dyson ring has been built around the star. The energy level exceeds the immortal level, and it is initially speculated that it is the Gaia civilization. "

On the Eye of the Planet, a series of mechanical sounds sounded, and a series of data about the galaxy ahead appeared on the holographic screen.

"It's actually the rare Gaian civilization, which is strange."

Su Bai looked at the data on the screen with a hint of surprise.

Gaia life is extremely difficult to form, and the probability of encountering Gaia life may be more difficult than growing a mythical pet master.

What is Gaia Life

Simply put, it is a kind of collective wisdom.

This is Su Bai's understanding. Human wisdom and consciousness are formed by neurons transmitting and processing various feedback information.

In theory, if some other individual individuals can form various feedbacks similar to those of the human brain, they can also form an alternative life.

On Blue Star, his master Gaoan's pseudoalgae monster was formed by countless algae connected together.

Each individual algae does not possess intelligence, but countless connected ones form intelligence.

Moreover, algae can expand infinitely, constantly increasing the total number of "neurons", making its overall intelligence reach a level that is difficult for the human brain to match.

Gaia's life is uniquely endowed with special characteristics. Individuals are civilizations, and each one is extremely powerful.

"You can come closer. Let's go over and have a look. We can exchange supplies with it."

Su Bai thought for a while and said.

He just passed by here by chance, and his destination this time was an ice abyss further away, which was formed by the collision of two supreme laws of the endless void. His ice phoenix that had run away from home was hidden there.

He has been adventuring in this endless void for more than two thousand years, and his strength is no longer the same as when he first entered the endless void.

Along the way, he traveled in the form of a void caravan, meeting various magical creatures and exchanging various supplies with them.

Now he has gained a great reputation in the Northern Territory of the Endless Void, and is known as the World-Destroying Taoist.

Mainly because in several battles, the Extreme Universe Destroying Kun, which had completed its ultimate evolution, was too terrifying.

It is the ultimate evolutionary form of the previous Xinghai Extremely Devouring Kun.

Tens of thousands of arrogant and domineering bandit civilizations were wiped out by him, and even the star systems where those civilizations were located were stripped off by the Extreme Universe Destroyer Kun.

His legend has spread far and wide, but as for his identity, no one has yet been able to guess his identity.

However, despite his far-reaching reputation, almost all intelligent beings still hope to meet his caravan, because Su Bai is extremely generous with his dealings, never bargains on price, and when he encounters the things he wants, he will directly use his wealth to defeat you.

"Abai, do you think that going to the Ice Abyss this time will allow you to completely break through to the Creation Level?"

Ziyu looked up and asked while playing a certain emerging game.

"It should be possible. After communicating with Bingfeng, I guessed that there should be a primitive ice core somewhere, which contains the law of creation."

Su Bai nodded.

When he breaks through to the Creation level, he feels that he can almost participate in the game set by the four creation pets, and get what he wants under the collision of two endless voids.

After so many years, he has possessed all the abilities of Mermaid, the recorder of all things, one of the four favorites in creation. It can be said that except for the memory of the fish, which has no successor, he has become the second recorder of all things.

In addition, he is one of the few pet masters in these two endless voids, and even in this chaos, who has reached this point.

Outsiders have no idea that he also has a series of terrifying existences in his hands, such as the big purple jade cat, the fox, and the little blood dragon, let alone what his profession is.

After Ziyu reaches the immortal level and completely evolves into the goddess of fate, there will no longer be anyone who can pry into the fate of Su Bai and his pets.

"Report, Gaia life discovered us and sent a message. It seems to know our identity."

Gaia Life: "Is this the legendary Taoist who destroys the world? I am not a robber civilization and can communicate peacefully."

"That's me. Don't worry, I'm just passing by here to conduct some trade and material exchange."

Su Bai responded.

After some simple exchanges to prove his identity, this Gaian being was still happy to communicate with Su Bai.

Although Gaia's life is powerful, it is also lonely. Generally speaking, its ideology is relatively normal.

Of course, after knowing Su Bai's identity, it has to be normal even if it is not normal.

The Eye of the Planet quickly entered the star system and stopped at a distance of fifty astronomical units from the central star.

After zero-distance observation, Su Bai found that this star system had been emptied out by this Gaia life, and there were no planets inside.

The only silver-grey planet that looks like a planet is the body of Gaia's life.

"Interestingly, this Gaia life is actually not formed by algae, but a metal bacteria."

With the ability of the mermaid, the recorder of all things, Su Bai quickly figured out the origins of this Gaia life.

This is actually a Gaian life formed by metal bacteria.

Generally speaking, according to scientific theory, it is easier for algae to form this type of life because the sea is mobile and the exchange of materials is easier.

"These are the technological products I own, and they can all be sold. I want to exchange them for metals of any size, no matter what kind."

In the starry sky, Gaia Life sent some branches and delivered a list.

Su Bai looked at the list sent over. There were various basic materials needed for technological civilization, as well as high-end technological weapons such as spaceships and anti-matter cannons.

However, such things are not in Su Bai's eyes. It is very scary for technological civilization to reach the top level, especially a technological civilization that has mastered the rules of the universe.

Even he is difficult to deal with, but this Gaia's life level is not enough.

It can only be regarded as a relatively good strong second-level civilization, which can fully utilize all the energy of its own star system.

If it were not for insufficient resources, it should be able to complete the construction of the Dyson Sphere.

"Abai, through the inspection of the Eye of Destiny, this Gaia life seems to be in contact with a law of creation. We can ask for a part of its body to study it."

Ziyu said from the side, it has been using the Eye of Destiny to check for relevant clues since it approached here.

"Meow, it seems like this is the little surprise we encountered on the road."

The big orange cat took out a purple crystal magic ball and nodded.

"I'm actually very interested in it too."

Su Bai nodded and sent a message, saying that he wanted to buy a branch of it with complete wisdom.

This growing Gaia life has at least tens of thousands of branches, just like a computer with several processors, and each branch can exist independently.

It can work with multiple threads at the same time and is much more powerful than humans.

"This is absolutely impossible, I will not betray myself!"

Hearing Su Bai's words, Gaia Life was very angry and sternly refused.

Su Bai glanced at it: "I have metal from a star system here. Do you want to change it?"

"Where are the ten star systems?"

"If you don't want to change, what about the metal resources of ten thousand star systems? If you don't want to change, forget it!"

When he heard Su Bai mentioned the number to ten thousand star systems, the bottom line of Gaia's life was exceeded.

A core the size of the moon was cut off and sent over: "Honorable Taoist Master of the World, I am willing to exchange!"

“Happy to work with!”

Su Bai smiled, and then asked the Eye of the Planet to throw out a hundred metal planets.

His current level of wealth is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Most of the time, he can rely on wealth to run rampant in the endless void.

"Let's go, continue our journey to the Ice Abyss. I haven't seen the Ice Phoenix in many years. If it hadn't asked for help, I would have almost forgotten about it!"

Su Bai looked at the branch of Gaia in his hand and said with emotion that when he reaches the creation level, he will almost be able to participate in the war in the long river of time.

Although it is no longer enough to see where the creation level is, he can already protect himself because of the special nature of the pet master profession.

When the time comes to fight with the legendary boss Fang Ziyu, you can learn some deeper secrets.

For this goal, he has been running in this endless void for many years, and now this goal is finally getting closer.

ps. I just wrote a random extra, you can just read it.

(End of chapter)

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