Starting With Contract Pets

Chapter 48: Really make money


"Teacher Hou Jie, is there any work for me to do in the training house today?" Su Bai asked, after all, I can't get my salary in vain.

Moreover, he also wanted to take some cultivation orders to earn some money and accumulate some experience.

"Aren't you going to train your pet today? The test will be coming at the end of the month." Hou Jie asked.

"There will be no training today. As for the basic test, teacher, do you think I can't pass it?" Su Bai said.

Hou Jie laughed: "Of course not, I'm just saying. If you want to come over and try out the job, you can go to the front and be the resident trainer today. Originally, this was my job today."

"Okay, thank you teacher."

Under the leadership of Hou Jie, Su Bai came to the front hall of the breeding house. The decoration of the hall was very exquisite. Under Hou Jie's introduction, Su Bai got acquainted with other staff.

As a breeder, he had his own exclusive workshop. There were not many people there in the early morning, so Su Bai picked up some breeding books to read.

Ziyu was eating the orange fruit-flavored energy medicine cake made by Su Baigang and playing games.

It has to defend its first place of not stepping on white patches every day, and the other strange pet always surpasses its record on the second day.

There were not many customers in the breeding house in the morning. Occasionally, there were some who came to buy potions, cakes, or pet materials. At about eleven o'clock, a pair of parents and a girl of sixteen or seventeen were brought to Su Bai's office by the front desk.

"Su Bai, I'm here to consult on the pet breeding plan. Her daydream wants to evolve into a black daydream."

said the lady at the front desk.

"Okay, I understand." Su Bai nodded. Daydream is a kind of ghost monster. It is white and has no fixed form. It can change into any shape at will.

"Come with me and do some specific tests first."

Su Bai stood up and walked to a large testing machine at the back.

"Um, is this boy really a breeder? He looks as old as my daughter. Isn't he too young?"

The girl's father looked at the receptionist next to him and asked.

"Please don't question my ability as a trainer. This is our trainer qualification certificate."

Su Bai handed over the certificate and then continued: "According to my observation, your daughter, Daydream, was just two weeks old and is still in her infancy. She drank a bottle of very fragrant Mengtan potion just before she came here. Very happy now.

The warrior-level pet Golden-Horned Dagger that follows you is in the mature stage and has lived for about fifteen years. The tentacles on the left side should be newly grown. It should have been involved in a very fierce battle recently, and because of this battle It should have another chance to evolve into a golden-winged flying beetle monster.

Judging from its overall growth status, it should have failed to evolve once before. It should be that the wrong catalyst used caused its evolution to fail. "

After Su Bai said this, he looked at the girl's mother's flying pike, ready to tell its specific condition.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Su, I was wrong. I shouldn't question your level as a breeder."

The girl's father quickly admitted his mistake, and Su Bai's analysis immediately dispelled his suspicion. This is a powerful breeder genius.

"Sorry, we were too reckless." The girl and her mother also apologized quickly.

The receptionist at the front desk was also surprised by Su Bai's analysis. She had seen many breeders, and such an awesome breeder was also a senior intermediate breeder before.

"It doesn't matter, it's normal." Su Bai shook his head.

Not long after, Daydream's physical data was detected. Su Bai looked at the data and began to formulate a training plan for it.

In fact, he had already seen the specific data, but he just tested it to make it normal.

Daydreaming has two evolutionary directions. The final form that evolves in the direction of Black Daydream is Night Dream. The so-called cultivation plan is to allow it to naturally evolve into Black Day Dream, which mainly includes feeding energy. Potions, medicinal cakes and other foods, plus some external things, as well as some precautions for daily training and training.

With the royal pet interface, Su Bai quickly filled out the plan and handed it to the girl.

"Hey, why were you given several sets of materials? Don't they usually have one set?"

The girl's father was confused.

"That's it. I'm a newbie and don't know, but it doesn't matter. The prices of several plans are different, so you can choose as you like."

Su Bai said, of course he knew that he only had to give one set of plans. He did this on purpose, for the purpose of fishing.

"thanks, thanks."

The girl's father quickly thanked him, thinking that the boy was really a sincere person.

"Sir, please go to the front desk to pay. The total is 30,000. If you need to purchase other materials, it will be charged separately."

The front desk receptionist said politely.

"Ah, don't worry, I also want to give my Golden-Horned Porcupine a chance to evolve. Didn't Breeder Su just say that this one of mine also has the opportunity to evolve?"

The girl's father waved his hand and then looked at Su Bai expectantly.

"Of course you can. Your golden-horned armor failed to evolve once, so the second evolution will be more difficult and the price will be higher.

However, because of its current state, I am confident that I can evolve it into a golden-winged flying beetle monster, and give it a chance to break through to the leader level. "

Su Bai nodded and said, this is the fish he caught. You can't make much money by formulating a breeding plan for a junior pet, but you can make a lot of money by evolving a warrior-level pet and helping it suddenly reach the commander-level.

Everything before was just foreshadowing.

Those extra training programs just make the girl's father think that he is an honest person, and then develop a good impression of him, and everything will fall into place in the end.

"Really? Can you make it break through the leadership level?" the girl's father asked in a voice.

"Of course, as long as you follow the cultivation plan I gave you, if you still can't break through by then, come to me and I can help you develop a cultivation plan for free."

Su Bai nodded.

"Okay, please excuse me, Breeder Su." The girl's father nodded gratefully.

After testing the physical data of the Golden Horned Jackal, Su Bai formulated a cultivation plan for him, as well as a special evolution catalyst.

"You first cultivate the Golden Horned Armor according to this breeding method for a period of time, allowing it to reach the mid-level peak of the warrior level, and then give it a catalyst when it is about to advance, and then you can let it evolve while advancing. .

After that, continue to cultivate according to this cultivation plan, and it can break through to the leadership level in up to one year. "

"Okay, okay, thank you, Trainer Su." The girl's father, Troublemaker, replied gratefully.

"It's okay. If you take someone else's money, you should do it for them." Su Bai nodded.

"Thank you." After saying thank you again, the three of them went to the front desk to pay under the guidance of the receptionist.

Su Bai was very happy. The total of these two orders was at least 300,000 yuan. He divided it into 70%, which was 210,000 yuan. It was really cool. He made back the money he spent on buying materials in one fell swoop.

If he didn't have time, he would really want to stay here every day and make money.

"Su Bai, you are very good at making money. You made a lot of money on your first order."

Hou Jie came over, patted Su Bai on the shoulder and praised, "The more I look at Su Bai, the more I like this student. He is such a cute little guy."

"Haha, mainly because of good luck." Su Bai smiled happily. Not only did he make money, but he was also praised by the English teacher and boss with a sweet voice and good temperament. He was naturally very happy.

But for the next half day, no one came to see Su Bai, and plans were made for the cultivation of two slave-level pets.

After all, trainers also rely on qualifications and reputation. Many people come directly to the trainers they have booked, or those trainers with good qualifications and reputations.

Even with the recommendation from the front desk, a newbie like Su Bai has very few opportunities to receive orders. Having just a few in one day is already pretty good.

Even if Su Bai is very strong, it's useless if he doesn't see anyone and can't use it.

He happened to be in the city and said goodbye to Hou Jie in the afternoon. Su Bai went to see his master Gao An again.

(End of chapter)