Starting With Contract Pets

Chapter 72: Physical fitness test


"Your physical fitness test is long-distance running. Endurance and escape skills are the most critical points for a pet master. Now everyone comes here to get a number plate, and then sixty-three people from two classes run together.

Six thousand meters in half an hour is 15 laps to reach the standard, and then each additional lap will add one point, but you cannot walk or stop, otherwise no points will be added. "

Teacher Liu, the physical education teacher, looked at everyone and said: "Come here now to get your number plate. Don't think about secretly changing your number plate and letting others run for you. My white-billed eagle is watching in the sky. If you find it, you will get zero points. You can make up your own mind. .

You can also take your pets with you, but if you don’t get any extra points, it’s better to let them wait on the sidelines. "

Soon the number plates were distributed, and sixty people stood on the starting line together, a dense crowd.

On the steps of the stand next to them, there were more than sixty pets squatting or standing, some were cute, some mighty, some were handsome, some some were terrifying. They didn't fight, they all stared at their pet masters, their eyes full of excitement. expect.

"Three two one, run!"

With a crash, a group of people ran out. Some people sprinted at a speed of 100 meters, while others just jogged. Because of the different speeds, the team was quickly divided into about ten echelons.

Su Bai, Yangzhou, Chen Ruoxue and others were neither fast nor slow, hanging in the middle. They were mid-middle but not slow either. Fifteen laps of 6,000 meters in half an hour, which meant each lap only took two minutes.

A lap of four hundred meters, that is, two hundred meters per minute, is only a little lower than the first level of amateur athletes. It is already difficult for pet masters at this time.

Because the pets are still weak, they don't receive much feedback, and their physical fitness depends entirely on their own daily exercise.

"Huhu... Wori, I thought the pet test was the most difficult, but it turns out that the pet master test is the hardest."

Yang Zhou yelled and cursed as he ran. Although he was 1.8 meters tall and had a huge back, this was not the result of exercise. He was just born with better physical fitness. This long-distance running was still difficult for him.

"Stop talking and run!" Su Bai just said that and then shut up and ran away. This was not easy for him either.

Slowly, many people could still maintain a fast speed for the first two or three laps, but after five laps, Su Bai and the others were already relatively far ahead.

The front runners were Guo Dong and others. Although they were not good at studies, they were very good at sports. They probably exercised less after having pets. From the beginning of the race, they had been surpassing the second place by more than half a circle. They looked good. There is an urge to speed up.

Su Bai could actually be a little faster. He usually trained hard, and the power Ziyu gave back as a wood pet made his endurance very good.

But he didn't speed up in order to wait for Chen Ruoxue and others.

"Su Baiyangzhou, you two should go first. We need to slow down a bit. Passing should be no problem."

In the end, Chen Ruoxue and the others shook their heads.

"It doesn't matter. I have already entered the top class this time. There is no need to run so fast." Su Bai shook his head and said. Now it is no problem to run 15 laps within the prescribed time at this speed. He is too lazy to be so tired. No reward.

"Haha, actually I think so too. There is no need to earn first place and have no money to earn it." Chen Ruoxue said with a smile.

Yang Zhou: "..."

mmp, he silently speeded up.

"Su Bai, I must be the first one this time." Guo Dong suddenly rushed over from behind. He had already surpassed Su Bai and the others.

"Congratulations, I won't compete with you." Su Bai glanced at him and didn't understand why Guo Dong couldn't get along with him. Is it because he was too handsome

"Hmph, even if I rob you, you can't rob me."

Guo Dong snorted and sped up, feeling like he was punching cotton down, which was boring.

Around the tenth lap, some people gradually couldn't hold on and their speed became slower and slower.

At the 12th lap, some people had already started to leave and could no longer run at all. However, Guo Dong had already completed the 15th lap and had reached the standard, so he began to run extra points.

"Ah, sprint!"

Seeing that there were still more than a hundred meters away from the finish line, Su Bai shouted.


With the final burst of power, several people rushed over at a speed of 100 meters.

"29 minutes, passed." the physical education teacher announced.

"Ah, I'm so tired!"

Several people walked directly over and lay down on the lawn of the football field in the center, large and motionless.


Ziyu ran over and emitted soft wood spiritual power and hit Su Bai.

"Ah, it feels so comfortable! Give them some too!"

Su Bai got up.

"Ouch! ( ̄^ ̄)"

Ziyu glanced at the others and fired a few beams of wood spiritual power.

Nourished by the wood spiritual power, several people quickly sat up, and the pain in their bodies was reduced by most.

"Thank you Ziyu, wood pets are great. If I have the chance, I would like to raise a little guy as cute as Ziyu." Chen Ruoxue thanked her.

"Purple jade is so good, I miss you so much." Jiang Yang was intoxicated as he enjoyed the treatment of wood spiritual power.

The next moment, the wood spiritual power in his body was broken, and the pain slowly came over him.

"Ah, little cute Ziyu, I was wrong, I will never mess with you again." Jiang Yang Loliyin admitted her mistake.

"Ouch! ー( ̄~ ̄)ξ"

Zi Yuli ignored him.

Jiang Yang looked at Su Bai. Su Bai spread his hands, "I can't help it."


Turning to look at his pangolin, he knew he would have chosen a pet with both wood and earth elements.


The pangolin glanced at him and jumped onto his lap.

"ah… "

Jiang Yang yelled, feeling so relieved as more than fifty kilograms of pangolin pressed against his extremely sore thigh.

"Time's up!" As the physical education teacher announced, there were more than 20 people who had no chance of passing.

Guo Dong, the most powerful, added five points. He ran a total of 20 laps in 30 minutes.

Su Bai looked over and saw a bunch of people lying on the track, about twenty of them, all of whom had failed the test.

This is actually relatively normal. Even with the feedback of pets, if the pet master does not pay attention to his own training, it will be difficult to pass this test.

Apparently, that's what these guys on the track are like.

Of course there are points for failing, but it will put a big distance between you and others.

"Okay, the scores have been tallied, you can all go back to the classroom."

The physical education teacher announced that this was the end of their basic test, and they would move on to other classes.

The students were all exhausted. When they returned to the classroom, they all lay down on the table.

"Who do you think will get the first place in the exam this time?"

After taking a breather, a heated discussion erupted in the classroom.

"Who knows? Maybe there is someone who can kill that Ice Storm Bear with just a slide shovel!"

"Slide with a hammer, let's be serious. Although I can't say for sure, I feel that Guo Dong has great hopes this time."

"What you're saying means that Su Bai doesn't have much hope?"

"The main one is Su Bai's physical fitness test. My performance is quite satisfactory. I gained a lot of points for the activities, don't you think so, Su Bai?"

Su Bai glanced at these classmates and spread his hands: "I don't care. I feel that Guo Dong should be able to take first place this time."

Guo Dong: "..."

He didn't know what to say when it came to his mouth. Otherwise, shouldn't you be attacking me? What the hell is this

I recommend a book called "My Sons Are All Demon Kings", which tells the story of the elegant and easy-going old man Tang and his three upright and kind-hearted sons.

(End of chapter)