Starting With Contract Pets

Chapter 73: Very good, you will be my lifelong enemy


The week passed quickly, and May came slowly. This week was spent in basic testing, so it took almost three days for the class to complete the test.

The most heated discussion among the students was who can take first place? It gives people the feeling that whoever takes first place is more important than their own ranking.

Su Bai lived a life as usual, attending school as usual, and training with Ziyu and his friends after school, sometimes alone, sometimes with Chen Ruoxue.

The Ziyu No. 1 potion prepared for Ziyu last time was completely used up. On Saturday, I went to the breeding house to prepare 20 bottles of energy potion and 100 energy medicine cakes for Ziyu.

Making so many energy potions not only cost him his salary as a breeder this month, but also cost him back two hundred thousand.

After this, he only had more than 200,000 left, thanks to Su's father giving him a lot of monster crystal cores before, so that he didn't have to worry about buying undead cores and other materials for the Purgatory Tyrant Egg.

Although it cost a lot of money, Ziyu grew rapidly under Su Bai's training, with smooth fur and an elegant and slender body, like a cute little fox.

Moreover, it has a tendency to evolve into a wood spirit, and its strength is not the same as before.

In addition, the Purgatory Tyrant's egg's need for attribute light groups has become saturated, and it has gradually stopped absorbing it.

General Su Bai has almost bought the basic hatching materials. He only needs three rare warrior-level materials: glazed fire crystals, volcanic dew, and psychic bones. They are available in the market, but they are very expensive. They cost a total of Su Bai couldn't afford nearly 900,000 yuan.

He needs money.

He needs to make money.

A new Monday has arrived as promised. This is the first week of May, and it is also the time when the pet department is divided into classes.

At 7:30 in the morning, the class was noisy, and the rankings of the basic test came out.

The result was beyond everyone's expectations. The first place was not Su Bai or Guo Dong, but Wang Er, a little-known student from Class 7. He took the first place in this basic test, and Su Bai came in second. , Guo Dong was third and Chen Ruoxue was fourth.

"I heard that Wang Er's original pet was an electric snake, but it suddenly mutated into an electric python with dragon bloodline, and that's why he got a very high score."

"I won't say it anymore. I thought it was Brother Guo who ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor. Who knew that Cheng Yaojin would show up in the middle of the road? It might be his fate."

Guo Dong had a straight face. He had never smiled since he learned the specific ranking yesterday.

He looked at the table and fell into boundless anger. Even if Wang Er from Class 7 suddenly came out, why did Su Bai have a higher score than him

It's obviously such an ordinary pet egg, why does it have a rating of over 90? It's even a little higher than Wang Er's electric python.

Can you fucking believe this

He felt that this was even more incredible than killing a tiger with a sliding shovel.

He has worked so hard, why does God always have trouble with him

Not long after, the head teacher Wang Wenyi came in, glanced at all the students, and said slowly: "Students, don't be sad or sad. We are all still on the same campus, and I will continue to give you algebra teachers... From now on, everyone If anything happens, you can come to me at any time.”

After a long heart-to-heart talk, we picked up the form in our hands and said: "I will call people according to their classes, and those who are called will report to the corresponding class.

Go to Class 1, Grade 2. The people reporting are Guo Dong, Su Bai, Chen Ruoxue, Chen Tingting, Jiang Yang, Yang Zhou, Liu Xing... Please carry your books and things with these 12 students and report to Class 1, Grade 2. "

Wang Wenyi looked at Su Bai, Chen Ruoxue and others.

Su Bai and others started to walk out with their books in hand. Although there were many books, having pets around was not a problem.

"Goodbye, classmates, goodbye, teacher." Su Bai waved to everyone and walked out of the classroom door.

He looked carefully at the classmates in the class. Although his relationship with these classmates could not be said to be very good, they had been in the same class for two years and had a lot of memories with each other.

He knew that after this separation, there was a high probability that they would never meet again for the rest of their lives.

Some people are destined to be passers-by in your life.

Everyone who goes out will reluctantly look at the other people in the class. No matter what their previous relationships were, they will realize that those conflicts are not worth mentioning when they are about to break up.

After leaving the classroom, there were already some people at the door. They were students from other classes who were preparing to report to Class 3.

"Su Bai, I will definitely surpass you." Guo Dong stopped Su Bai, looked at him and said seriously.

Su Bai looked at him and smiled: "Then you have to work harder, I'm afraid you won't be able to catch up with me."

In fact, he and Guo Dong didn't have any big conflicts, they just didn't like each other. He looked down on Guo Dong, and Guo Dong looked down on him.

Besides that, Chen Ruoxue is also possible.

However, Guo Dong's current performance impressed him and he was considered a good opponent.

"Oh, I will make you lie on the ground during the final selection of the town's Spring Festival Competition on Wednesday." Guo Dong sneered.

Su Bai shrugged and ignored him.

"Monitor, when we enter the new class, can the two of us be seatmates? I want to supervise my progress."

Guo Dong walked up to Chen Ruoxue and mustered up the courage to speak.

"I'm really sorry, I've already made an agreement with Su Bai." Chen Ruoxue shook her head.

"Oh well."

Guo Dong looked at Chen Ruoxue, took a deep breath at the end, and returned to the back with the flaming dog. When leaving, he stared at Su Bai.

Very good, you will be my lifelong enemy, Guo Dong.

After Guo Dong left, Jiang Yang and Yangzhou pushed Su Bai's arms and winked, "When did it happen?"

"It's just a matter of chance. If it doesn't happen, don't think about it." Su Bai glanced at the two of them, "You should think about how to face instructor Teng Yan."

This sentence instantly made the two people look sad.

When I arrived at Class 1, Grade 2, there were no more original people in the class. One group sitting inside was the original Class 3, Grade 2, the top class in liberal arts.

"Shall we sit in group 2?" Su Bai glanced at Chen Ruoxue and asked.

"I think the fourth group is better, against the wall." Chen Ruoxue pointed at the fourth group and said.

"That's ok, can you sit inside or outside?"

"I'll sit inside. I occasionally play with my phone during class." Chen Ruoxue blinked, walked over and sat in the third row.

Yang Zhou and Jiang Yang took the lead in occupying the fourth row, while Chen Tingting and another girl sat in the second row.

Guo Dong sat in the last row, while the fifth and first rows were reserved for four slower students.

Everyone sat down, and soon other people came in to report. These people were all outstanding performers from other classes.

Soon the class was full, with 35 people in total.

But among them, there was no Wang Er who Su Bai and the others wanted to see their true appearance.

It seems that this second best person should be in Class 2. Similarly, there are other top-ranked people in Class 2 as well.

Su Bai guessed that the school probably deliberately wanted the two classes to compete with each other.

When everyone arrived, no one spoke, and they packed their things quietly.

The big demon on Su Bai's table kept making faces around Ziyu.

Not long after, a woman in her twenties came in, holding a form in her hand, looking at the crowd and saying:

"Hello everyone, I will be your new class teacher from now on, and I will also be responsible for leading your pet training classes. My name is Wang Wenyi, an elite pet master. This is my contact information. I hope we can get along happily in the future."

As she spoke, she wrote her contact information on the blackboard.

Behind her was a leader-level sapphire eye. This was a monster that looked like a cat's eye, with a sapphire-like body. It was only the size of a basketball. The round blue eye made people feel... Feeling of oppression.

This is a monster of the psychic branch of the super power system.

"Hello teacher!"

Su Bai and the others were all shocked. The math teacher suddenly became their class teacher again.

"Have you seen the teacher's sapphire eye?" Su Bai looked at his deskmate Chen Ruoxue.

"No, I have never seen it before." Chen Ruoxue was also shocked. They only knew that Teacher Wang had a Flower Fairy, and had no idea that she also had a commander-level sapphire eye.

"Okay, let me take a roll call now. The students who have arrived will answer." Wang Wenyi glanced at the students in the audience and nodded.

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(End of chapter)