Starting With Contract Pets

Chapter 84: Eat everything [2-in-1]


Seeing the food brought by Su Bai, its eyes gradually became less fierce. It looked at Su Bai, "really give it to me?"

"Relax, this is for you, no one will compete with you for food." Su Bai said with a dark face, this hatched is a hungry wolf, right

"Ho ho ho!"

The little tyrant let go of Su Bai and yelled to give it food quickly.

"Follow me. Do you know how much you will eat from now on? I am your partner, not your enemy. Don't bite me, do you understand?"

Su Bai looked at it and said.

"Roar! ( ̄へ ̄)"

It glanced at Su Bai disdainfully and quickly brought the food over.

Su Bai looked at it and put the bowl in front of it. The guy's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw the food. He poured all the energy medicine cake into his mouth, chewed up the bowl and ate it.

"I'm sorry...then it's your bowl, not food!" Su Bai felt so overwhelmed that he couldn't even chew a hole in the incubator, but you also ate the bowl in one bite

"Aww! (*⊙~⊙) choked"

The little tyrant suddenly screamed and looked at Su Bai in shock. He choked and looked around. He quickly ran over and drank the hatching liquid in the beaker on the table, chewing the beaker as well. He took a few bites and then threw it away in disgust.

It's tasteless and not as tasty as a bowl.

Su Bai tugged at the corner of his mouth, but finally gave up, it was just a beaker.

After watching it finish eating, he introduced to it: "Okay, now let me introduce you formally. My name is Su Bai. I am your pet master and your partner. You can call me A Bai.

Follow me, and I guarantee that you will have endless food to eat in the future, and it will be even more delicious than what you just ate.

And this little cutie is called Ziyu, and he will be your partner from now on. He was born before you and is also your predecessor. If you have anything you don’t understand, you can ask it and it will answer you. I hope you two can live in harmony in the future. "


Ziyu called out affectionately, raised her paws, and greeted it in a friendly manner.


The little tyrant didn't pay attention to anyone and everyone. He first took a bite of the table leg, then punched through the wall, pulled out a brick and took a bite with a look of disgust on his face.

Su Bai suddenly laughed, looked at Ziyu with a kind smile and said: "Tie it up for me, take it to the backyard and clean it up for me. When will you be good and when will you stop."

If the little pet is disobedient, just give it a good beating.

Ziyu had long been displeased with the arrogant guy. After receiving Su Bai's order, without saying a word, she immediately summoned a bunch of vine whips and tied him up. He must use them today. He knew who could call the shots in this family.

"Ho ho ho!"

As soon as he was tied up, the little tyrant erupted with terrifying power, using his mouth and claws to bite and tear the vines apart.

But this was all in vain. It discovered that these rattan braids had extraordinary toughness.

With a bang, the little tyrant was thrown directly into the backyard.

Ziyu raised her head and looked at it with disdain. Do you really think she can rebel

"You think you are powerful? Show me all your strength." Su Bai looked at it, sometimes force may be a better solution.

"Ho ho ho!"

The little tyrant let out a fierce roar, and suddenly a hot breath descended. The ground began to become hot in the area three meters away from the little tyrant, and balls of flame appeared in the air.

It directly launched its own lava inferno, and then, it opened its mouth and spit out lava fireballs the size of basketballs.

"Ziyu, let it see your domain."


A huge thorn field with a range of 10 meters suddenly emerged from the ground. Huge and thick thorns emerged from the ground like pythons and quickly occupied everything.

The little tyrant's lava purgatory was directly covered by the thorn field. Although fire defeated wood, in front of the extremely powerful thorn vine, the little tyrant's field was directly extinguished. Several fireballs hit the thick thorns, but they were just Once burned, the thorns and vines immediately grew back.

Thorns are plants with extremely strong vitality. Even in the desert, they can take root on stone walls and survive.

The fields it forms represent endless life and cycle. Even if they can be destroyed for a while, they will grow again soon, like an inexhaustible wildfire.

This is the real power of the Thorn Realm.

The little tyrant looked at this powerful domain in a daze. Isn't the guy opposite just a slave-level high-ranking person? Why is the domain so terrifying and so powerful

"Ho ho ho!"

The next moment it was directly tied up with canes. It struggled desperately, but it had no effect.

Bang bang bang!

The thorny thorns hit it, and it fully realized the power of the seemingly cute but actually terrifying elder sister opposite.

Three hours later, Su Bai appeared with a bowl of fiery red and fragrant energy medicine cake. The little tyrant who was hung in the air for a long time sniffed involuntarily, with desire in his eyes.

"Do you want to eat?"

"Ho ho ho!"

The little tyrant nodded quickly. In the end, he found that this pet master was the best. He couldn't hurt the pet and could make such delicious food. Moreover, the eldest sister he trained seemed to be very strong.

"Have you remembered what I said before? You are not allowed to chew on things, hit the wall, or use spiritual skills randomly. Do you understand

Don't worry, if you follow me, you will not only be popular and drink spicy food, but you will also become super strong. "

Su Bai touched its little head and said, this guy feels as comfortable as touching a dolphin.

"Ho ho ho!"

The little tyrant nodded quickly. It had been beaten severely and understood right and wrong.

"Ziyu, let it go. You two must live in harmony from now on."

Su Bai said that they definitely can't live in harmony in this situation. The little tyrant probably wants to get stronger every day to regain his position, and Ziyu probably also wants to suppress the little tyrant and become the big sister.

But these are all good things. Only with competition can we make progress. For other things, as long as we experience a few more battles, the relationship will naturally become closer.


Ziyu nodded, walked over and gave a small pendant to the little tyrant, patted it gently, and said that she would live in harmony with it.

That pendant is the nameplate pendant that Su Bai gave it before.

"Ho ho ho!"

The little tyrant looked at this golden thing and seemed very happy. He put it around his neck, then picked up the bowl and ate and drank.

"Hoho (*⊙~⊙)"

It looked at the bowl in its hand that it accidentally chewed off a piece of, and looked a little embarrassed at Su Bai, who had just promised not to chew it.

Su Bai patted its back, shook his head and said, "Just eat it. Just don't chew other things at home."


The little tyrant nodded quickly and ate the entire bowl without wasting it.

"Just call me Little Tyrant. This name suits you very well." Su Bai thought for a while and said,


The little tyrant patted his chest and looked as if he should take it for granted.

Su Bai breathed out and looked at the little tyrant following Ziyu. This guy was really difficult to deal with, but he finally tamed it.

There was no way, even though the contract was signed, after all, it was not a pet hatched from his spirit soul stone, and it still needed to be tamed by himself.

But what makes it painful is that he spent at least 30,000 yuan on energy medicine cakes to tame this little guy.

And this guy can eat a lot. Su Bai calculated based on the data he saw. If he only fed energy cakes and potions, it would cost at least 10,000 yuan a day to make him full.

You must know that Ziyu is almost at the war general level now, and he only spends 20,000 yuan a day.

Isn't it just three attributes? I eat too much.

Su Bai saw that he only had a balance of more than 300,000 yuan, feeling sad and happy at the same time.

Although he spent money like water, the little tyrant's situation was still in line with Su Bai's wishes.

"Is this the little tyrant? He's so handsome."

At night, Su's father looked at the little tyrant sitting on the ground chewing volcanic rocks and nodded. He was worthy of being a monarch-level pet. He was so domineering and had terrible teeth.

"Yes, this little guy is a bit fierce. Don't touch it. But it doesn't object to feeding it." Su Bai nodded.

"Brother, the little tyrant is so handsome. Can you let me have a shadow with him?" Su Yue said, look at the fierce little eyes and the teeth chewing stones, he is so handsome.

"Don't move. I'll give you something to eat later." Su Bai said.


The little tyrant nodded and flicked his tail. You can eat whatever you want.

Su Yue quickly moved over and took a few photos next to the little tyrant.

"Thank you, brother." Su Yue said happily.

"You just need to get the pharmacist certificate as soon as possible." Su Bai said. He also showed his brother the starry sky pictures he took, which aroused his desire to explore.

"Don't worry, brother, I will definitely pass the pharmacist exam in December." Su Yue promised.

"By the way, how much does this little guy cost per day?" Mother Su asked.

"Ten thousand." Su Bai spread his hands and said.

"It's so expensive... and it's so powerful. Do you want us to support it?" Mother Su raised her head and asked.

"No need, Ziyu has grown up, I can make money by myself, and I can punish myself even if I don't have money." Su Bai shook his head.

"Okay, let's make a big dinner to celebrate tonight. Dad, you go out and buy two roast ducks."

Mother Su said.

"Okay!" Dad Su nodded with a smile and walked out.

He was very happy, because since Su Bai became a pet master, the family has been getting better and better.

"Here it is for Ziyu, this roast duck belongs to you two." At the dinner table, Su's father took a roast duck and handed it to Ziyu, letting it be shared with the little tyrant.


Ziyu took the roast duck, looked at it, and seemed to be thinking about how to divide it. The little tyrant on the side couldn't help but swallowed his saliva while looking at the golden roast duck. It smelled so good!

Under the eager gaze of the little tyrant, Ziyu cut off a duck leg. The little tyrant suddenly became a little unhappy, but just one duck leg if he could get it. Anyway, he will get it by himself when he becomes stronger.


Ziyu kept one duck leg for herself, pushed the others to the little tyrant, and patted it.


The little tyrant stared blankly at the food in front of him. Is this for me

"Ouch~ヽ( ̄ω ̄( ̄ω ̄〃)ゝ"

Ziyu patted it on the shoulder and nodded. I said, hang out with me and you will have food and drink.

"Ho ho ho!"

The little tyrant nodded happily, picked up the duck and ate it wildly. Suddenly, it discovered that this purple jade didn't seem so annoying anymore.

Su Bai: "..."

He looked a little stupid. The two little guys had a tendency to reconcile so early, which was not a good thing for him.

"Wow, Ziyu is so good." Mother Su praised.

The parents didn't notice Su Bai's little thoughts at all.

After dinner, Su Bai took the two little guys back to the room. Seeing that the little tyrant had only eaten one of the volcanic stones that he prepared to make a nest for, Su Bai could only let him go to bed.

However, this guy weighs more than 100 pounds, and even a Simmons mattress would make a hole in it when placed on the bed.

"Here you go, hold it in your arms while you sleep. You can't eat it, you know? If you want to eat it, I'll take you to dig it out tomorrow." Su Bai put the washed volcanic stone in the little tyrant's arms and looked at it and warned him.

"Ho ho ho!"

It nodded, its eyes still fierce, but it already recognized Su Bai. This guy selflessly fed it.

After settling the little tyrant, Su Bai lay in the middle and played with his mobile phone. The little tyrant was on the left and Ziyu was on the right. It felt quite comfortable.


Ziyu came over with a tablet and asked the little tyrant if he wanted to play games. The little tyrant watched Ziyu play for a while, then shook his head, feeling that it was not interesting.


Ziyu looked at the little tyrant holding the volcanic stone and drooling, a little speechless, and turned around to play his own game. In fact, it has recently found the game to be meaningless.

This is a game designed for humans. With its response speed, as long as the phone is not stuck, it will be a perfect game.

Holding the volcanic stone, the little tyrant soon fell asleep, but even in his sleep he never forgot to lick the volcanic stone in his arms from time to time.

Su Bai couldn't help but take a photo of this silly look and send it to Chen Ruoxue. After a busy day, he still didn't tell her that he had hatched the pet.

Not long after, Chen Ruoxue opened the video call: "Wow, this silly sleeping posture is so cute. Take your head away and let me watch it for a while."

Su Bai: "..."

Pointing the camera at the little tyrant, Su Bai said speechlessly: "It's very fierce, and it doesn't like to take detours. If you don't look at it, it will hit its head against the wall. And you don't know how to tame it. I have been busy all afternoon." "

"It would be even cuter if he had fierce breasts. This little guy looks so handsome." Chen Ruoxue was fascinated by this silly sleeping posture.

After watching for a while, she said: "Tell me how you tamed this little fool this afternoon?"

Su Bai told Chen Ruoxue what happened.

"Wow, then this little thing is really unique. It's so fierce. I want to keep a fierce pet as my next pet. It feels quite interesting."

After hearing the story of the little tyrant, Chen Ruoxue found this fierce little guy even more interesting.

"You must bring it to school tomorrow and show it to me. I want to see it with my own eyes." Chen Ruoxue said.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I won't go to school tomorrow." Su Bai said.

"Huh? Then where are you going?" Chen Ruoxue was anxious.

"I'm going to make some medicine and cake for the little guy, and take him to dig some volcanic rocks by the way." Su Bai said.

"Okay, Su Xiaobai, you have to bring me something delicious, otherwise I will report you for falsely asking for leave." Chen Ruoxue said a little depressed. Of course she was joking, but she hadn't been there for almost two weeks. Having met Su Bai, doesn't this guy have any desire to see him

"I'll give you a surprise then." Su Bai smiled mysteriously. In fact, he didn't want to go to school as soon as possible. His girlfriend was so sweet, so he had already thought about it.

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(End of chapter)