Stealing The Love of The Underworld Princess

Chapter 10: Nani! you are?


Luo Canyi embraced Wen Yanxi in his arms, and Wen Yanxi did not resist, crying low against Luo Canyi's chest. Annie on the side looked attentively, "Annie, give me the information of the 523 customer." The male store manager Lin Qing looked at her fingernails and walked in front of Annie, and said with a hand.

A few seconds later, Annie didn't respond: "Oh, Annie, you are dead!" He looked up and looked at the abnormal Annie.

"Look!" Annie raised her hand and pointed in the direction of Wen Yanxi and Luo Canyi. Lin Qing looked in the direction of Annie's fingers and was stunned: "Hey, what's going on? Why is our lovely little Wen crying? What else, Daluo is holding her? Isn't Daluo interested only in men?"

"Keep your voice down!" Annie reminded, but it was a little late, Luo Canyi's eyes were already looking over.

Wen Yanxi opened his eyes in his arms. They were very clear. She asked, "So, you are Gay. What a pity!"

"Wen Yanxi, can I understand that you will avenge revenge?" Luo Canyi said, biting his lower lip. Wen Yanxi sneered, then left his embrace and said, "Thank you, Chief Operating Officer!" Then she brushed against him, and whispered in his ear, "Don't worry, Chief Operating Officer, I don't discriminate against this kind of people. You can understand. !" Luo Canyi twitched the corner of his mouth GAY! She dare to say that he is GAY! ! ! ! ! ! !

At noon, when the sun was shining, Wen Yanxi was drinking coffee in lovegrill's coffee shop. When she was bored, she flipped through the magazine next to her. The front page of the magazine was very big and dazzling, "lovegrill is the current chief operating officer, so it was GAY!" Picture of Luo Canyi with a man. Wen Yanxi tweeted twice. Take a sip of coffee.

"Xiao Wen!" The voice came first before the person arrived. A few seconds later, Luo Fanyi appeared in front of Wen Yanxi. Wen Yanxi raised her head and rolled her eyes and asked: "Hey, Mr. Luo, interview you. As Daluo's brother, do you know he is gay?"

"GAY! My brother? Oh, Miss, how could my brother be a normal man?" Luo Fanyi looked at Wen Yanxi and didn't know what to say.

"Hey, look at this mask!" As he said, Luo Fanyi took out a white mask from his arms and placed it on the table. Wen Yanxi glanced at him, and suddenly... his head started to ache severely, and the man with this mask kept on Centimeter Ani appeared in her head, his gentleness towards her, and a smile at every bit of her.

Wen Yanxi stood up with her head in her hands and ran out of the cafe embarrassedly. Luo Fanyi realized that the situation was not good and immediately chased it out. I saw Wen Yanxi squatting under a big tree, burying his face in his knees, he walked over, squatted down, stroked her back and said, "It's okay, it's really okay, Xi'er, stop crying!"

Wen Yanxi raised her head, her bright red eyes were distressing. She looked like a little girl who lost her doll. Luo Fanyi held her in her arms and tried her best to comfort her. Perhaps at a certain moment, her A smile and a smile made him fall in love with her, and he couldn't help but like "Okay, it's okay with me."

Even Wen Yanxi doesn't know why she is doing this. This is not her strategy. Is this the truest aspect of her? I can cry, laugh...